Princess Ces'alena (76 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes

BOOK: Princess Ces'alena
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He gazed into her loving eyes and trusted that she wouldn’t. Mildred had always been a gentle soul. Caring, mild and in love with him. He had always known it and always knew he would marry her one day. He had only needed to wait until he was ready…knowing himself, that he’d always had a liking for women. But when it came to marrying one, none of the ones he
with were even close to the choice he made long ago.

“Please.” She asked in a tiny voice, meant to do exactly what it successfully did.
“A couple of weeks ago, Manny came by my office. You and Katherine were together at your mother’s. He brought someone with him.”
“What? Who?” She asked anxiously.
“His…daughter. Lena’s daughter…their daughter!”
Mildred gasped and sat straight around at full attention. “How can that be? What daughter? What are you saying?”

Charles sat forward as well as he continued on. “I’m saying, Katherine hasn’t a chance in hell of saving her marriage. You see, she believes Lena betrayed him, and had a child by another. I believed this as well, because I’d seen the child. Well, at least I thought I had.”

“The fact is, Lena never betrayed him. The whole night, was set up to make him believe she had done so, because she was protecting their daughter. She was afraid of losing Hope-…”


“Yes, that is her name. Don’t you see, she was afraid of what Katherine would do if she saw her. So she lied to him, Kayleen came up with the idea to switch babies the night we returned from searching for their son. They figured if everyone thought Hope didn’t exist, she would not be in danger. Now that it is all out-…”

“Well how did he find out?”

Charles chuckled, telling her what Manny told him. “Oh my!” Mildred exclaimed, tickled by the image the story conjured in her mind.

“You should have seen her Mil’…he is so proud of her. Was I ever shocked, she was all dolled up in white and yellow lace, frills and bows galore, and a little bonnet on her head. She is a little one lovely beyond words, she really is. Bright, bold and so much like her mother in looks, but Manny’s color, just a darker hue.”

“Oh I bet she is simply adorable.” Mildred gushed dreamily.

“To see her, would take your breath away. Of course, Manny is now having a difficult time keeping her hidden. Reason for his visit, he had me file papers on her. Naming her, and giving her, along with her brother and mother, full rights from his shipping business should anything happen to him. His instructions were for me to sell it, then relocate them to an area where they would be safe.”

“What? Has he found his son?”

“No…not yet. But he has someone out searching for him now. He will never give up on finding him.” Charles sighed deep, as he prepared himself to drop the biggest bombshell of all. “There’s more Mil’.” He warned softly. She looked at him waiting. “He is also making plans to take Lena and the child away with him. He had a brand new ship built for that very purpose. Yet it sat at the docks, moored in Boston, untouched after the thought betrayal. Now that all has been brought out, he’s going to Boston to retrieve the ship, check on the investigator we hired, and bring it back with him to Charleston.”

“Are you saying he’s going to abandon Katherine? And the plantation?”

Charles sat quiet a moment, then shook his head. “No, he’ll only leave the plantation for awhile, until the heat dies down and people forget.”

“Forget what?” She asked.
“The scandal from his divorce.”
“No! He’s going to divorce Katherine?! He can’t?!”

“Mildred…I never thought I would say this, but he should, to be fair, that she be free to have a happy life. She won’t find it with him.”

“But it’s so, oh my God.”
“Under the circumstances, it is the best thing he could do. I umm, told him… well – there is one last thing.”

“I told him, that we would be willing to move into the mansion. While he’s away, to see to things there. Be a support to Morris.”

“Charles?” She couldn’t believe he’d agreed to such a thing. But he sat waiting for her to digest it. Mildred sighed. “He is my friend. I have to do this for him. As happy as we are, I cannot help but want the same for him.”

“What about our home here?”

“It is not going anywhere. Besides, we won’t be moving in right away there. It won’t happen until after he returns and they depart. That is when I will file the divorce for him.”

“This is going to kill Katherine. She will be humiliated.”

“She will be able to return to Europe, to England. There, she can say whatever she likes. That he died and she is a widow. But it really is for the best Mil’.”

“I feel so bad for her. I feel bad for them all.”

“Well, now you know. Enough about them, time to focus on us.” He said huskily nuzzling her ear, as she leaned into him - thinking of poor Katherine. She drew up from the warm breath that caressed her nape.

“Charles…” She drawled.

“What?” He returned pecking with soft kisses at her throat.

“How can you be wanting
at a time like this. Don’t you feel bad?”

“Shhh, I feel bad that Manny has gotten such a head start on me with the babies. I think it is time we started on one of our own.” He muttered in the cleavage of her dress.

Mildred smiled knowingly, becoming lost in her husband’s attention.

“But sweetheart…we…already…have…” He stiffened with his hand at her small breast, slowly lifting himself from her cleavage to look into her eyes. Taking his hand from her breast and placing it at her cheek.

“Are you certain?” He asked in awe.
“Very — certain.”
“You sneaky, little adorable, minx! Do you know how much I love you?”

“If it is only a drop of what I feel for you, I am overwhelmed with joy.” She declared tearfully. He shook his head in wonder at her. “How wrong you are my lovely wife. How very wrong indeed.”

“It is not a drop I wish to rain upon you, but a torrent…a storm meant to drown you in the love I hold for you.” He pressed her hand to his hammering heart, pulling her mouth to his, and there he laid her down and made tender love to her, that his actions might add weight to his words.


* * *


That night back at Webster Fields…


Within Lena’s cabin, the small family of three lay on the bed, with Hope between them as Manny entertained them with stories of things he’d seen at sea. He was describing to Hope, what an ocean looked like. “It’s a great body of water, stretching as far as the eye can see, and is a spectacular blue/green like hmmm-…?” He tried to think of something that color, when Lena inserted softly, “The color of - your daddy’s eyes - that color baby.”

Hope smiled rising to turn and look deep into her father’s eyes, while those same eyes were gazing with so much love into her mother’s. “Is li’yo’ eyes m’daddy?” She asked trying to get his attention away from her mother, his fingers caressing the long loose strands of Lena’s hair, wanting nothing more right then, than to kiss her deeply. Manny blushed at her question, “I guess - if mommy says so.” He conceded with a smile. “In that ocean, are big big fish that come up from the water to breathe, and they are called whales.”

“Wha’s a whay?” Hope asked, now kneeling between her parents as they lay in each other’s arms against the headboard. “A big big fish.” Lena supplied simpering. “Wh’day in’na ocean - if ‘dey can’breath - m’daddy?”

“Because they have no legs to walk on land, so they swim in the ocean to get around.” Manny explained.

“B’dey can’breath m’daddy!” She shook her head as if it made no sense to her. “They can hold their breath for a long time, but then they have to come back up, breathe real deep, then they can go back to swimming again.” Lena explained.

Hope gave her a look as though to say, ‘
I’m talking to my daddy.
’ Followed by saying it, “Mommy! I’talkin t’m’daddy.” She fussed with a frown.

Manny burst with laughter, hugging her to him as he kissed into her neck tickling her. “Lord…you know she and I won’t be getting along later, you do know that?” Lena joked.

Manny was still grinning, “She’s daddy’s lil’princess, aren’t you darling’?” Manny murmured kissing her. She made a face looking at Lena, then leaned over hugging her mother. “I m’mommy too. I luf’ you.” Lena pulled her into her arms hugging her.

He leaned towards them both, placing his arm over them to gather Lena into his side, with their daughter laying on her chest. “I know you do baby. I know…” Lena broke off unable to say anymore, choked up.

“What’s wrong?” He asked softly, nudging them both.

“Wh’wron’ mommy?” Hope asked as well, copying her father.

Lena’s heart was pounding as more tears pushed the others over the edge, she couldn’t help thinking about her son. “Where is our son Manny? What is happening to him? He should be…” Again she stopped.

Manny sighed resting his chin lightly on her head as his daughter wiped her mother’s tears away. Suddenly all of Hope’s questions stopped in the face of her mother’s sadness, leaning forward, she comforted her. “D’cry, I’luf’you.” Lena wiped at her own tears as Manny lay with them quiet and thinking.

“I think it’s time for me to do what we’ve discussed.” He began softly.

Lena knew what he was speaking of, he would leave to get the ship. Upon his return, they would leave together, as he filed for divorce through Charles. As he worked his merchant business, they would live on the
‘Princess Ceś alena’
, never to be separated again. And somewhere, they would find someone who would join them in marriage. That was now an urgency for Manny, he didn’t want to delay another moment.

“Leon and I will prepare to leave tomorrow. Then I will see what progress has been made in locating him while I’m gone.” He continued.

She nodded her head in understanding, not wanting to speak just yet. Hope was lying with her head on her chest, yawning contentedly, nestled safely in the embrace of her parents, as their voices lulled her to sleep. The deep timbre of her father’s voice, speaking in low tones and that of her mother, in reply as she stroked Hope’s back soothingly. “I’m glad you won’t be alone. That Leon will be with you.” She smiled. Manny chuckled. “Yes, my oldest son. He’s coming with us you know?” Lena nodded. “How could we leave without him?” She replied. “Are you going to be alright with me gone?” Manny asked after kissing his daughter’s head, following another yawn. “We’ll be fine. I’ll miss you terribly. So will she.”

“I don’t know. I hate the thought of leaving you. I never want us separated again.” Manny admitted, squeezing her gently to him. “It’s alright, it’s not like you haven’t left before, we were here two years and just fine. With every return, I’ve been here…waiting, as I will this time.”

“I know. I just… I don’t like it. But, I
get where I’m going a lot faster on horse back. I will take Leon to the ship and let him get things ready there, while I check about our son. He can get to know the crew, and familiarize himself with the ship.”

“I can’t wait to bring it back…oh Lena, wait till you see her! What a magnificent sight she is! Built with specific instructions giving attention to size; it won’t be the fastest vessel on water, but she’s as sturdy as they come. She’s even equipped with guns.”

“Oh Manny…guns?”

“Sweetheart, the sea is a beautiful place, nevertheless there are dangers as well. The crew that will be manning it…let’s just say, any that cross our path will be reluctant to bother us, and should they do so…they will regret ever making such a decision.”

“I don’t care. I’ll face any dangers, as long as I can be with you. That’s all that matters.” She declared with all the love she felt for him shining in her eyes. Manny leaned down and kissed her softly. “I love you. You are everything to me. You, and my children.” He vowed passionately, laying his hand on their daughter’s back as she slept.

“I don’t know, sometimes I feel such…”


“Katherine. After all that she’s done, I can’t help feeling sorry for her. To be in her shoes right now. It bothers me - what this has done to her life.”

“You have no reason to feel that, she is my doing. There is no one to blame but myself. I should have never married her. Just so you know, I’ve given her a very large settlement, financially - she’ll want for nothing. I’ve also posted a long and detailed letter to her mother, explaining all; apologizing - and letting her know that her daughter would need her.” He sighed, feeling overwhelmed by regret. “I should have fought my father tooth and nail, and none of the things we’re suffering would have happened. You just promise me this.” He asked, tilting her chin up with the bend of his fingers to look into her eyes. “First thing, I know this goes without saying, while I’m gone; stay away from her at all cost. Whatever you did to keep Hope hidden, do so again.” He cautioned.

“I know Manny, of course I will.” Lena agreed softly.

“I had to say it, I feel so uneasy with leaving you. The second thing is this, no matter what - you will never lose faith in me…in us. You will know beyond any doubts ever - that I love you as no man has ever loved another. Nothing, outside of death…will keep me from you? Promise me, you will hold that close to your heart, and never let it go.”

“I promise.” She swore.

“You - are my wife.
No matter what the world says, no matter what laws prohibit it…you are my wife. For me, there will never be another.” Again, he lowered his mouth to hers, lingering unhurriedly, tasting and savoring all that was between them.

Eyes filled with tears watched them as they lay in their lovers embrace. So picturesquely perfect. Shrouded in darkness, hidden from view, Katherine felt her heart break over and over again, shattered for the final time; devastated beyond repair.

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