Princess Ces'alena (83 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes

BOOK: Princess Ces'alena
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She shook her head when she realized she’d miscounted. Her hand went to her flat belly. “Sorry little one.” She sighed as exhaustion took over again. Looking about the dark murky cellar, with the low burning of the flickering candle her only means for light, she felt tears again. Fear and anguish gathered close in around her. “I will be strong, I will be strong…please Manny…hurry…hurry-…”

A door to the cellar came open, trapping her words in her throat as fear took root. Lena’s head rose as the beat of her heart went into top speed from the surge of adrenaline, afraid of the unknown. She pushed herself up in the small bed listening closely. She was in a cut off box like room in the back of the cellar below the kitchen, with a trap door up to it, and another door to the alley. She had no idea which door was being opened at that moment, she swallowed down a feeling of terror that was gaining control of her nerves.

“Who’s there!?” She called out fearfully, hearing foot steps approaching. There was no answer as the steps drew nearer, “I asked who’s-…”

“Me! That’s who it is! I come to fetch you cause that Mr. Casey in room 3b says his friend got sick on the floor in his room. Get up there and clean it up!”

Lena breathed a sigh of relief finding the intruder Doris Campbell. Then groaned at the thought of the chore she had to face, and prayed she wouldn’t add to the mess already there.

“Well, get up, come on… times wastin.” She prodded.

Lena turned covering her sleeping daughter with her blanket and rose from the bed. She reached to the end of it to grab her dress, feeling uncomfortable with Doris Campbell staring at her with a look of disdain.

“That’s a mighty fine chemise you wearing. Silk ain’t it? I s’pose your master lover get you them sort of things. You must’ah been one mighty good whore getting’ him to dress you so fancy. Well - just the same, haul your silk clad rear up them stairs to that mess. Don’t want no smell left after either.” She turned and left the room.

Lena buttoned her gown up the front all the way to her neck, it was a brown serviceable garment that suited her well. She sat and put on her hose, then her slippers, turned with one last check on her daughter, kissing her, securing the covers on her, stood and slipped from the room.

Feeling queasy with the task in mind, she ignored everything and hurried to get it done to get back to Hope, afraid of her waking before she returned. There was a storm brewing once again. After retrieving rags, lye soap, a brush, bucket and then water she staggered under the weight of it as she made her way up the stairs and to room 3b.

She went to knock when the door swung slowly open, “Hello? I’m here to clean? Excuse me?” She asked walking into the room looking for the mess. She sat the bucket down, finding it unusual that no light was on in the room and turned to look around when the door slammed shut behind her at the same time a hand snaked out and grabbed her around the waist, the other covered her mouth. Instant terror sprang to life within her, her eyes grew wide, she began to struggle against the large hand that covered her mouth to muffle her screams.

She was snatched back tightly against a strong body, and felt someone lifting her feet. Too late she tried to kick out, they were captured and quickly tied together with rope. Tears burned in her eyes as she screamed into the hand over and over, pulling her legs up and pushing so they might drop her.

Oh God – help me help me help me!! Pleeease!!’
She screamed and fought, but to no avail, those that had her, held her firmly. She was carried to the bed where they turned her on her stomach, pulling her hands behind her. Quick work was made of binding them at the wrist. She twisted her head aside to scream against the assault, when a large hand palmed the back of her head and pushed her face into a pillow. True panic exploded as she could not breathe, knowing she would smother to death.
Her mind screamed as she sucked for air, her head was suddenly pulled back by the hair, and a foul smelling cloth covered her nose and mouth. Needing air badly, she was forced to breathe it in. Her ears felt as if they gently popped, and then a dullness washed over her, everything became fuzzy, she went limp.


Thunder rolled and rumbled at length giving warning of a coming storm. Again a flash of lightening illuminated showing a cat run through the alleyway in search of shelter from the coming rain. Jackson at that time of night was usually quiet, and was that night, except for the sound of a lone coach that rushed through, it’s driver snapping his whip to work the horses up to speed. As the distance grew, so the town returned to its silent state. Lightning, flashed, seconds passed…thunder strong and frightening rolled.

The wind was picking up its strength, and because of a faulty latch, it lifted a cellar door, and released it to bang shut, over and over again as if a hand played at it to disturb those resting, drowning out the frightened cries of the baby within, who sat in the middle of the single small bed, crying for her mother.

“Mommieee, mommieeeeeee. Wh’ at mommy? Mommy wh’at? I sca’eh mommy…I sca’eh!”

Hope whimpered and jumped every time she heard the slamming of the cellar door. She sat in the center of the bed in the dimly lit room, with only the flickering candle offering her light. Outside of the boxed room, beyond the open door she stared into pitch blackness. No matter how she stared, or how long, it was black. Offering light only when the trap door was picked up by the wind, coinciding with a flash of lightning. Eyes wide filled with tears, she began gasping as her bottom lip curled under.

“Mom-mieeeeeeee, I sc-sca-a-eh!” She began to cry and tears rolled down her face. Her imagination seeing something horribly monstrous waiting beyond the darkness …its eyes were staring at her now. Crying harder as her tiny body shivered while her little heart hammered like a trapped rabbit.

“I - I won’go - go – h-h-ho-o-o-o-ome! Mom-mieeeeeee!” Then, the banging, as expected, the rhythm of banging - stopped.

Hope sucked in listening for the next bang to happen, but it didn’t come. She whimpered and pushed herself back against the wall and corner as if what was coming, couldn’t reach her there. The hinges on the cellar door started creaking, as if someone took their time, afraid whoever was inside would hear. Staring into the blackness beyond the door, Hope began shaking.

“D-da-da-dieeeeee … I wan’ m-my dad-dieeeeeee.” She was mewled low in the back of her throat, her body now racked with tremors as she heard slow and careful footsteps…creeping ever closer. Her fright now had her gasping for her next breath as whatever entered stood quiet, and though she couldn’t see it, she knew that it could see her inside the dim lit room. It stood there in the blackness staring at her as she stared back, a panicky surge of terror rose until with the building tension, as the darkness grew, she screamed. “Eeeeeeeeeeee!!”

The dark figure leapt into the room towards the bed, grabbing her and covering her mouth as she kicked and fought the hands that held her. “Sh sh bai-bee, no cry. Alfredo no hurt’chu. Sh sh bai-bee. I’s okay. I’no hurt n’bai-bee. Where ma-mah aye? Tell Alfredo … where ma-mah…sh sh sh - is okay, is okay.” Alfredo rocked the child to ease her, but she trembled as her teeth chattered.

At that point she was too much in shock to know what was happening; Alfredo rocked her to calm her, praying that no one came. And if someone did… hopefully her mama. Alfredo had come into the cellar to steal food for his family when he saw the dim light and heard the child’s cry for its mother. He went to see why she cried and was at first shocked to see such a little girl, all alone. As soon as he stepped in to calm her, she screamed and he was forced to cover her mouth or be discovered. Now he sat holding the child, unsure of what to do.

As much as he needed to, he couldn’t just leave her alone. With no choice, he held her and rocked her, cradling her as he did his own son when he was a baby. Maybe her mother would be grateful to him and not tell on him, once she saw that he only wished to calm her child. It did not matter, she was a baby, and he could never leave such a small child frightened and alone. As he rocked her, he hummed to her, her cries now hiccups, her gasps for air, now an occasional sniff.

Alfredo’s eyes snapped open startled; he realized he’d dozed as he rocked the child. He didn’t know how long he’d sat there, but he knew he’d been there a while. It occurred to him, that perhaps the mother was not coming back. Perhaps the child had been abandoned. He looked around the room, and saw a big satchel in the corner.

“What’a am I t’do? Hm? Tell me little one? What?” He asked the sleeping toddler, getting a really good look at her. “What’a beauty…lil’golden one.” Alfredo smiled. “I can’na stay. I can’na leave you. No…ma-mah has done this. Alfredo will’no leave you.” Slowly he rose from the bed, and grabbed the blanket that had been wrapped around her, covering her up.

He stood in the center of the room looking once again toward the satchel. Making his decision, he went to it and picked it up. He then stepped from the room heading through the cellar as fast as his feet would carry him, climbing the three steps, with his head, he pushed open the trap door.

Hope began to whimper and cry for Lena gain. “I wan’m’mommy, I wan’m’mommy…” Alfredo crooned to her, trying to calm her as he fled through the alleyway. He’d been in the cellar for sometime, a new day was dawning. Crossing the empty street, and then into another alley he finally made it to his wagon and wrapped on the side panel.

His wife untied the closing clothe that hung in place of the door that was once there, which had blown off in a harsh storm like the one on the previous night. The wagon they traveled and lived in was an odd sort from the norm. It looked more like a small home on wheels, with sides that hinged out, that they propped up on sticks to serve as windows so that it could air out when they were stationary.

"Iye Alfredo, how’a you frighten me oh! I’a so’scared somebody -…what?! What is this?” Anna, stopped suddenly stunned at the sight of the small child he held. “I okay Anna, tak’a theasa bai-bee.”

“Alfredo…you hav’a bai-bee…but…how?” She gasped, taking Hope from his arms, pulling her into her lap. “Oh Alfredo, she’a cry for her ma-mah…shh bai-bee…shhh, is okay, don’ cry bai-bee.”

Anna crooned pulling the blankets from Hope, holding her close against her breast. Alfredo heaved the satchel over into the wagon, and climbed in himself. As Anna sat rocking and stroking Hope’s golden hair, falling instantly in love with her. Alfredo explained all that had taken place, ending with his thoughts that she’d been abandoned by her mother.

“Noooo, nooo…no ma-mah wou’leave dis’bai-beee, nooo.” She hugged Hope up close, rubbing her cheek against her forehead, experiencing a rush of strong maternal emotion. Alfredo sat watching her and smiling. It had been a long time since he’d seen such joy on his Anna’s face. She’d been so sad since they’d traveled to the Americas, often she sat quiet and wept as he and their only child, a son…Cornelius, tried to encourage her. Reassuring her that things would get better for them. Not only did they struggle with survival, but she’d longed for another child as well. Giving birth to Cornelius had almost killed her, and despite it…she’d tried again, but each time she’d miscarried.

Alfredo would not allow it to happen again, and restrained from pestering his wife for favors. Only after her menses would they chance the closeness of husband and wife, but as days went by, he slowly withdrew the physical demand on her, but never his love and affection. She was a woman filled with love, and gave it readily…easily, and from the way she was looking up at him now, he knew her thoughts concerning the child.

“Alfredo? Can we…please?”

He smiled and reached over caressing her cheek. “My wife, I can’deny you no’thing. Yes…we keep’ah dis’ bai-bee. She is’a our leatle treasure…our Goldie.”

“Yes! Goldie!”

Tears of joy came to Anna’s eyes as she looked down at her new daughter, closing them, she thanked the God’s for the blessing. With Hope’s forehead to her cheek, she began singing to her in Italian. Alfredo sighed knowing it would not be easy, having the extra mouth to feed. But somehow, they would survive. Just incase, he decided it was best they leave the town of Jackson, not sure where the winds would send them. As his wife concentrated on Hope, he and his son prepared the wagon for another journey. They would ignore their hunger for now, and perhaps later find a way to make money for a meal.

Little did they know, that within the satchel was more gold than either of them had ever seen in their lives. Josey being as generous as she was, could not imagine leaving Lena with just enough to get by. In the way of a woman’s thinking for all the possibilities that might arise, she left her enough to cover anything, and then some. Money had been the least of her concern. And now, Alfredo and Anna, once they discovered it, would not hunger or need for a way to feed themselves or Hope for a while. And so as the sky lightened more, another wagon pulled out of Jackson, going in the opposite direction of the first.

* * *


That same morning, four men rode into Jackson. Morris and Jacob, in the wagon, Jordan and Patrick on horse back. They’d come to take Lena back home. Morris felt overwhelming relief to know that she was tucked away safe, waiting for Manny. This he knew would win his son back to him forever. That he had gone in rescue of Lena and his daughter. Morris swore, that once he had her back at Webster Fields, never again would he allow anything or anyone to harm her again.

* * *

August 12


Manny stood feeling as if his body were on fire. His insides trembling to the core. His head buzzed with the words his father now spoke to him. “We tried Manny. We - we really tried to find them. But by the time we got there, it was too late. She was gone with no sign of where to…”

He vaguely heard some other things being said. He and Leon, once they arrived in Jackson, went immediately to get their horses to ride home when he received the note from Josey.

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