Princess Ces'alena (81 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Keyes

BOOK: Princess Ces'alena
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Josey laid back on her pillow to think, reassuring her. “Get some sleep. I’ll think of something. You’re going to need money, a pass to travel the roads, and - oh Lena, it isn’t fair. Why can’t we be happy? Why does everything seem to go wrong for us?!”

“We love the wrong men, Josey. And for that, we will pay.” Lena murmured softly nodding off to sleep. Josey lay looking at her, then back at the ceiling. “I suppose.” Josey mused softly. “But I would do it all again, even should the same end be, I would do it all again.”


With the coming of dawn, Lena awakened to find Josey dressed for travel, with fresh clothes for her laid out “Most of your things dried, but not all.”

I will keep them, and have replaced them with clothes of mine. They’re packed for you. We’re about the same size, so you can wear them. We must be under way if I’m to get you out of here.” Lena rose quickly, then sat back…nauseated again.

“You okay?” Josey asked. Lena nodded, fighting it back - she forced herself to move and dress quickly. Now instead of the sheet sack, she carried a satchel that Josey gave her. Filling it with money, her papers from Manny, and Hope’s things. Making sure she had the papers from Josey, they snuck out right under her parent’s noses before they rose. Quintin drove the buggy as they headed for Jackson, Mississippi.

Josey’s idea was simple, “When Manny returns, he’ll be on the steamer from Charleston to Jackson. From there, he’ll probably ride back home. You’re going to be in Jackson waiting for him.”

“But how will I know when he’s there?”

“There’s only one livery stable in Jackson. My father knows the man who runs it, because he loaned him the money to start it.” She explained. “I will talk to him, and tell him that it is imperative to look for Manny. He will know him. He’s done business with him many times. I will offer him money in exchange for seeing that Manny gets this note. He will do it because he will not want to cross my father. The man grovels just at the sight of him. This note Lena - tells Manny where you are, and that you’re hiding from Katherine. That’s how he will find you.” Lena looked down at her daughter who was leaning against her sadly. “It’s going to be a long wait. Where will I stay?”

“At a hotel in Jackson. My friend’s mother owns it, you can stay in a room there and work until Manny returns. He should be back soon…I can’t see him being gone for much longer. Plus you have the money I gave you, there’s plenty there to last you for some time.”

Lena nodded listening. “How will I ever repay you? I can’t even begin to thank you for all you’ve done for me. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have you to turn to.”

“Well you do have me. That’s all that matters. You and I — you’re…like my sister. One I never had…and I love you Lena. I would do anything for you.” Josey swore feeling overwhelmed with emotion. They held hands across the seat and squeezed.

“Look at us.” Lena chuckled, “What a pair we make.”
Josey smiled, “Lena, don’t you know we make the best pair…if only the world were more like us.” Josey stated.
“I will never forget you.” Lena declared.

“What is this?! What are you saying?! This is only temporary. When Manny finds you, and brings you back… things will be different for you. You’ll see.” Josey said full of hope. Lena sighed nodding, then looked at her.

“Yes…things will be different. And I - love you too.”

“Sure you do…I’ve always known that. We’ll be just fine. You’ll see. We just have to have faith.”

Onward with sure speed, Quintin drove, knowing from Josey they had to be out of the area as soon as was possible, and true to her request, he made record time.

* * *


Manny rose again after rinsing his mouth and washing his face for the third time. He was sweating profusely, and couldn’t shake the horrible panic attack he was having. So bad was it that he’d thrown up his dinner.

He dragged himself from the wash bowl back to his bed, wearing only his black breeches that were open at the top. Sitting on the side of his bed, he resumed his position of worry, with his forehead in his palms, and elbows on his knees. “Oh God!” He groaned, his stomach ached from vomiting and retching. He leaned to the side, pulling his feet up on the spacious bunk in his state room, one knee up, the other bent with one arm lying at his side, while the other lay across his forehead. They’d made good time getting to Boston. Riding to Jackson and taking the steamer from there to Charleston had taken only a week.

From Charleston, they took a sloop up along the cost, stopping only twice before they reached Boston. He’d taken Leon along with him as he rounded up his crewmen for the Princess. After introducing him to the rowdy bunch, he left them with instructions to protect him, and show him the ropes. Eagerly they agreed…sea faring men were a different breed from the rest.

There wasn’t much room for racial divisions among them, because every hand was needed for sailing at sea. After leaving Leon, he went straight about his business concerning the ship, and getting the release for launching it. He then went looking for the investigator he’d hired through Charles. The man was nowhere to be found.

Neither was there anything left for him in the form of a message. He decided he would return later after collecting Lena and Hope, to follow up on his search for their son. Supplies were needed for the ship, as well other items - especially for the comfort of Lena and Hope. After a week in Boston, they departed earlier than scheduled.

As he lay there, he prayed Clarence Winston was on Mike’s trail, as he prayed for speed in getting home. A knock sounded at his cabin door. “Come in.” He called, unable, and unwilling to move from his bunk.

Leon stuck his head in and asked, “You okay?” Then walked in noticing Manny not moving.

“I’ll be okay when we get home.” He answered with his arm still over his forehead and eyes. “Something’s wrong Leon. Something’s wrong. I can feel it. Deep in the pit of my stomach. I should have brought them with me. Why didn’t I bring them with me?!”

“Everything gonna be alright. Lena ain’t gone let nothing happen to Hope. Jordan and everybody there, ain’t nothing’ can happen.” Leon spoke to ease him.

“I’m never doing this again, leaving her behind. Since Mike…I don’t know.”

“You tired’s all. You just need to get some sleep.”

“I tried that! I keep having nightmares! A baby keeps crying…over and over again…I’m standing in the dark… looking at the child as it cries. And no matter what I do, I can’t get to her. It’s like my feet are stuck! The minute I feel myself moving towards her, she starts falling, and I don’t make it in time, and she’s screaming all the way down into this dark well,
she screams, when I get there and look down at her, it’s Hope … Leon it’s Hope!”

“It’s just a bad dream.” Leon tried to reassure him. Manny sat up suddenly wiping his hand over his face as he swung his legs over the side.

“I shouldn’t have left them…I shouldn’t have left them. Godalmighty, why did I leave them?”












Chapter Nineteen


Katherine shot upright in her bed hearing a loud and continuous banging at the front door. It sounded as though whoever pounded, would knock it off its hinges.

Bleary eyed, Morris rose as well. He’d just gotten home a few hours earlier. “Goda’mighty — who’s doin’ that bangin’!” He shouted from his room, rising from his bed. “I’m getting too old for this; chasing goddamn poker games.” He grumbled walking into the hall meeting Katherine on the way to the stairs.

“What in hell is going on here!?” He grumbled as he got to the top of the stairs and started down them, his hair mussed and his face drawn and angry at the intrusion. Katherine trailed behind him, wondering what was happening herself. When they were more than half down the stairs, they saw Ferrus open the door. He was knocked aside as two men forced their way in. Pearson and Casey! Katherine’s eyes grew huge as she stared at them.

“We’re looking for a Mrs. Katherine Webster! Where is she!?”

“Who the hell are you!? Barging into my home!” Morris raged, he looked at Ferrus and gestured with his head to go get help. Ferrus took off to do as he indicated. Casey watched him go, he didn’t care, all he cared about right then was the woman staring at him on the stairs. Ignoring Morris, Casey glared at Katherine and demanded, “Where is she?!”

Katherine gulped.

Panic shot through her…she couldn’t think. She didn’t know what to say, obviously something had gone wrong. She stood dumbfounded.

“Where is she?!” Casey demanded, raising his voice as he walked over to the stairs…his look at Katherine meant to intimidate, and did.

“Where is who? Who are you? What do you want here-…”
“Shut up ol’man! I’m talking to the lady, not you!” Casey ordered Morris brusquely.
“Shut up?! You sonofabitch!!”

“Look ol’man…I got no gripe with you! But that lady behind you owes me an explanation! And I ain’t leaving until I get it, and the wench we come for!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about! I’ve never seen them before!” Katherine denied, panicking. Morris turned to look up at her, his eyes reflected suspicion as the intruder stated further.

“You lying’-…we waited and did what you said. She never showed up! We waited like fools in that pouring rain all night long! And nothing-…”

“Who are you talking about?!” Morris shouted.

“Princess Ceś alena! She was won in a poker game and brought here as a slave! Over fourteen years ago! We’ve been looking for her, and she…” Casey pointed up to Katherine. “…told us that she was here, and agreed to deliver her into our hands! We agreed to pay for her, and still have the money! But we’re not leaving here without her!” Casey finished looking into Morris’s eyes.

Morris felt a dread wash over him that woke him completely. He turned again looking up at Katherine. “What in hell have you done? Where is she?!” He demanded next. Katherine’s heart started pounding. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” She cried, still in denial. Then at the threatening look from Pearson, and then Casey she blurted. “I sent her to you! If she never showed up, it’s probably because she ran away! I watched her leave! Where else would she go?!” She finally admitted, forgetting her plan of action. All coolness she thought she’d have, gone with this new twist. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way.

“You sent Ceś alena away to these men?!” Morris asked coldly.

“It’s not my fault! I was doing her a favor! They told me her father was searching for her! I simply told them where to find her!”

“You had no right!!” Morris roared.

“Don’t you dare speak to me that way!” Katherine was shaking, everything was going wrong. “I had every right! God forgive me…but I hate her! I hate every fiber of her black soul! They tricked me!” She blurted out everything now to Morris.

“They had me believing she bore the child of a slave! But she hadn’t! She had another of Manny’s bastards! A daughter! A girl, Hope! And I’m glad I got rid of her! I’m glad do you hear!! And I hope she rots in hell!!” Katherine turned and fled up the stairs to her room. Morris turned back looking at the men who stood before him. Just then from the back of the house, an army of pounding feet came running to the front foyer. Kayleen bringing up the rear with her eyes wide as she searched desperately among the faces to know what was happening.

Jacob Weston, his son Zedekiah, Patrick Johnson and Markus Gentry stood looking towards the men. Next Henry and Amos came running up beside Kayleen.

“What’s going on here?” Jacob asked.

Casey and Pearson looked at all the men gathered and knew they had their work cut out for them. Although they’d lost track of her, no one there knew where she was either, unless she’d hidden away within the plantation.

Somehow Casey doubted it, with Katherine’s display of hatred for Ceś alena, he knew she was gone. “Let’s get out of here.” He ordered Pearson as they turned heading for the door. On the porch they moved quickly across it and off. “What now?” Pearson asked following Casey. Who moved faster with every step he took. “We gotta find her before they do! Let’s go!” and they sprinted to their waiting coach that sat on Okala by the driveway.

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