Pro Oracle Database 11g Administration (13 page)

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Authors: Darl Kuhn

Tags: #Oracle DBA

BOOK: Pro Oracle Database 11g Administration
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control_files=(/ora01/dbfile/O11R2/control01.ctl,/ora02/dbfile/O11R2/control02.ctl) From the previous line, ensure that you’ve created the directories /ora01/dbfile/O11R2 and

/ora02/dbfile/O11R2 (modify this according to your environment). In Linux/Unix, you can create directories and any parent directories required by using the mkdir command with the p switch: $ mkdir -p /ora01/dbfile/O11R2

$ mkdir -p /ora02/dbfile/O11R2

Also ensure that you create any directories required for datafiles and online redo logs referenced in the CREATE DATABASE statement (see the section “Step 4: Create the Database”). For this example, here are the directories required:

$ mkdir -p /ora01/dbfile/O11R2

$ mkdir -p /ora01/dbfile/O11R2

$ mkdir -p /ora01/dbfile/O11R2

$ mkdir -p /ora02/oraredo/O11R2

$ mkdir -p /ora03/oarredo/O11R2

If you create the previous directories as the root user, ensure that the oracle user and dba group are properly set to own the directories, subdirectories, and files. This example recursively changes the owner and group of the following directories:

# chown -R oracle:dba /ora01

# chown -R oracle:dba /ora02

# chown -R oracle:dba /ora03

If you’re using Oracle Database 10
or lower, make sure any background dump directories that are listed in the initialization file are created:

$ mkdir -p /ora01/app/oracle/admin/DB10G/udump

$ mkdir -p /ora01/app/oracle/admin/DB10G/bdump

$ mkdir -p /ora01/app/oracle/admin/DB10G/adump

$ mkdir -p /ora01/app/oracle/admin/DB10G/cdump

Step 4: Create the Database

After you’ve established OS variables, created an initialization file, and created any required directories, you can create a database. This step explains how to use the CREATE DATABASE statement to create a database.

Before you can run the CREATE DATABASE statement, you must start the background processes and allocate memory via the STARTUP NOMOUNT statement:

$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> startup nomount;

When you issue a STARTUP NOMOUNT statement, SQL*Plus attempts to read the initialization file in the ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory (see the earlier section “Step 2: Create the Initialization File”). The STARTUP



NOMOUNT statement instantiates the background processes and memory areas used by Oracle. At this point, you have an Oracle instance, but you have no database.

An Oracle instance is defined to be the background processes and memory areas. The Oracle database is defined to be the physical files on disk.

Listed next is a typical Oracle CREATE DATABASE statement:


maxlogfiles 16

maxlogmembers 4

maxdatafiles 1024

maxinstances 1

maxloghistory 680

character set "UTF8"

DATAFILE '/ora01/dbfile/O11R2/system01.dbf'

SIZE 500m


UNDO TABLESPACE undotbs1 DATAFILE '/ora02/dbfile/O11R2/undotbs01.dbf'

SIZE 800m

SYSAUX DATAFILE '/ora03/dbfile/O11R2/sysaux01.dbf'

SIZE 200m

DEFAULT TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp TEMPFILE '/ora03/dbfile/O11R2/temp01.dbf'

SIZE 800m

DEFAULT TABLESPACE users DATAFILE '/ora02/dbfile/O11R2/users01.dbf'

SIZE 20m



'/ora03/oraredo/O11R2/redo01b.rdo') SIZE 100m,



'/ora03/oraredo/O11R2/redo02b.rdo' ) SIZE 100m,



'/ora03/oraredo/O11R2/redo03b.rdo' ) SIZE 100m

USER sys IDENTIFIED BY secretfoo

USER system IDENTIFIED BY secretfoobar;

In this example, the script is placed in a file named credb.sql and is run from the SQL*Plus prompt as the sys user:

SQL> @credb.sql

If it’s successful, you should see the following message:

Database created.

If any errors are thrown while the CREATE DATABASE statement is running, check the alert log file.

Typical errors occur when required directories don’t exist, or the memory allocation isn’t enough, or some operating system limit has been exceeded. If you’re unsure of the location of your alert log, issue the following:



SQL> show parameter background_dump_dest

There are few key things to note about the prior CREATE DATABASE statement example. For example, notice that the SYSTEM datafile is defined as locally managed. This means any tablespace created in this database must be locally managed (as opposed to dictionary managed). Oracle throws an error if you attempt to create a dictionary-managed tablespace in this database. This is the desired behavior.

A dictionary-managed tablespace uses the Oracle data dictionary to manage extents and free space, whereas a locally managed tablespace uses a bitmap in each datafile to manage its extents and free space. Locally managed tablespaces have these advantages:

• No rollback information is generated.

• No coalescing is required.

• Contention for resources in the data dictionary is reduced.

• Recursive space management is reduced.

Also notice that the TEMP tablespace is defined to be the default temporary tablespace. This means any user created in the database automatically has the TEMP tablespace assigned to them as their default temporary tablespace. You can verify the default temporary tablespace with this query: select *

from database_properties

where property_name = 'DEFAULT_TEMP_TABLESPACE';

Finally, notice that the USERS tablespace is defined to be the default permanent tablespace for any users created that don’t have a default tablespace defined in a CREATE USER statement. You can run this query to determine the default temporary tablespace:

select *

from database_properties

where property_name = 'DEFAULT_PERMANENT_TABLESPACE';

Table 2–2 lists best practices to consider when you’re creating an Oracle database.

Table 2–2.
Best Practices for Creating an Oracle Database
Best Practice


Make the SYSTEM tablespace locally managed.

Doing this enforces that all tablespaces created in

this database are locally managed.

Use the REUSE clause with caution. Normally, you

The REUSE clause instructs Oracle to overwrite

should use it only when you’re re-creating a

existing files, regardless of whether they’re in use.


This is dangerous.

Create a default temporary tablespace with TEMP

Every user should be assigned a temporary

somewhere in the name.

tablespace of type TEMP, including the SYS user. If

you don’t specify a default temporary tablespace,

the SYSTEM tablespace is used. You
want a user

to be assigned a temporary tablespace of SYSTEM. If

your database doesn’t have a default temporary

tablespace, use the ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT

TEMPORARY TABLESPACE statement to assign one.



Best Practice


Create a default permanent tablespace named

This ensures that users are assigned a default


permanent tablespace other than SYSTEM. If your

database doesn’t have a default permanent

tablespace, use the ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT

TABLESPACE statement to assign one.

Use the USER SYS and USER SYSTEM clauses to

Doing this creates the database with nondefault

specify nondefault passwords.

passwords for database accounts that are usually

the first targets for hackers.

Create at least three redo log groups with two

At least three redo log groups provides time for the

members each.

archive process to write out archive redo logs

between switches. Two members mirror the online

redo log members, providing some fault tolerance.

Name the redo logs something like redoNA.rdo.

This deviates slightly from the OFA standard, but

I’ve had files with the extension of .log

accidentally deleted more than once (it shouldn’t

ever happen, but it has).

Make the database name somewhat intelligent,

This helps you determine what database you’re

such as PAPRD, PADEV1, or PATST1.

operating in and whether it’s a production,

development, or test environment.

Use the ? variable when you’re creating the data

SQL*Plus interprets the ? as the directory

dictionary (see the section “Step 5: Create a Data

contained in the OS ORACLE_HOME variable. This

Dictionary”). Don’t hardcode the directory path.

prevents you from accidentally running scripts

from the wrong version of ORACLE_HOME.

Note that the CREATE DATABASE statement used in this step deviates slightly from the OFA standard in terms of the directory structure. I prefer not to place the Oracle datafiles, online redo logs, and control files under ORACLE_BASE (as specified by the OFA standard). I instead directly place files under directories named ///, because the path names are much shorter. The shorter path names make command-line navigation to directories easier, and the names fit more cleanly in the output of SQL SELECT statements. Figure 2–1 displays this deviation from the OFA standard.



Before I create the data dictionary, I like to spool an output file that I can inspect in the event of unexpected errors:

SQL> spool create_dd.lis

Now, create the data dictionary:

SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catalog.sql

SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catproc.sql

After you successfully create the data dictionary, as the SYSTEM schema, create the product user profile tables:

SQL> connect system/

SQL> @?/sqlplus/admin/pupbld

These tables allow SQL*Plus to disable commands on a user-by-user basis. If the pupbld.sql script isn’t run, then all non-sys users see the following warning when logging in to SQL*Plus: Error accessing PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE

Warning: Product user profile information not loaded!

You may need to run PUPBLD.SQL as SYSTEM

These errors can be ignored. If you don’t want to see them when logging into SQL*Plus, make sure you run the pupbld.sql script.

At this point, you should have a fully functional database. You next need to configure and implement your listener to enable remote connectivity, and optionally set up a password file. Those tasks are described in the next two sections.

Configuring and Implementing the Listener

After you’ve installed binaries and created a database, you need to make the database accessible to remote client connections. You do this by configuring and starting the Oracle listener. Appropriately named, the
is the process that listens for connection requests from remote clients. If you don’t have a listener started on the database server, then you can’t connect from a remote client.

When you’re setting up a new environment, configuring the listener is a two-step process: 1. Configure the listener.ora file.

2. Start the listener.

The listener.ora file is located by default in the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory. This is the same directory that the TNS_ADMIN operating system variable should be set to. Here is a sample listener.ora file that contains network-configuration information for one database: LISTENER =




(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ora03)(PORT = 1521))










(ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1)

(SID_NAME = O11R2)



This code listing has two sections. The first defines the listener name and service; in this example, the listener name is LISTENER. The second section defines the list of SIDs for which the listener is listening for incoming connections (to the database). The format of the SID list name is SID_LIST_. The name of the listener must appear in the SID list name. The SID list name in this example is SID_LIST_LISTENER.

After you have a listener.ora file in place, you can start the listener background process with the lsnrctl utility:

$ lsnrctl start

You should see informational messages such as the following:

Listener Parameter File


Listener Log File


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