Pro Puppet (34 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey McCune James Turnbull

BOOK: Pro Puppet
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Listing 6-16.
Including exported file fragments in the load balancer configuration

  Include /etc/httpd/conf.d.members/*.conf

The operator no longer needs to manually add each line once he configures Apache to include all files in the
directory. Instead, he configures Puppet to manage the individual file fragments using exported resources.

The Puppet configuration to export each load balancer member is very similar to what we saw with the SSH host key example. The Puppet configuration is very simple. Each worker node needs to export a single
resource for itself:

class worker {
  @@balancermember { "${fqdn}":
    url => "http://${fqdn}:18140",

Notice that the operator uses the fully qualified domain name as the title of the resource. In doing so, he is guaranteed there will be no duplicate resource declarations because each worker node should have a unique value for their
fact. Declaring the defined resource in this manner exports two resources into the stored configuration database, the
resource and the contained file resource shown in
Listing 6-14
. Neither of these resources will be collected on the worker nodes themselves.

The last step in automating the configuration is for the operator to collect all of the exported resources on the load balancer node itself, as you can see in
Listing 6-17

Listing 6-17.
Collecting exported load balancer workers

class loadbalancer_members {
  Balancermember <<| |>> { notify => Service["apache"] }

The operator uses the double angle brace syntax to collect all
resources from the stored configuration database. In addition, he's using a parameter block to notify the Apache service of any changes puppet makes to the
resources. Just like with virtual resources, a parameter block may be specified to add additional parameters to collected resources. This syntax is new in Puppet 2.6.x; previous versions of Puppet could not create relationships to collected resources.

In this example, we've seen a simplified version of the file fragment pattern using Apache's
configuration statement. Web server worker nodes can easily model their configuration in Puppet using a defined resource type. Using a defined resource type, the operator exports load balancer resources to automatically reconfigure the front-end load balancer as new members come online.

In the next section, you'll see how exported resources are ideal for automatically reconfiguring a central Nagios monitoring system as new hosts are added to the network.

Automating Nagios Service Checks

So far, you've seen how exported resources enable Puppet to automatically reconfigure the systems as new machines are brought online. You've seen how to automate the management of SSH known hosts keys to improve security, and how to automatically reconfigure Apache as additional capacity is added into a load balancer pool.

In this final example of exported resources, you'll see how the operator configures Puppet to automatically monitor new systems as they're brought online. The problem of monitoring service availability is something all sites share. Puppet helps solve this problem quickly and easily, and reduces the amount of time and effort required to manage the monitoring system itself.

This example specifically focuses on Nagios. Puppet has native types and providers for Nagios built into the software. The concepts in this section, however, apply to any software requiring a central system to be reconfigured when new hosts come online and need to be monitored.

In Nagios, the system performing the service checks is called the monitor system. The Nagios service running on the monitor system looks to the configuration files in
to sort out which target systems need to be monitored. The operator wants Puppet to automatically reconfigure the monitor system when a new target system comes online.

To accomplish this goal, the operator first configures two classes in Puppet. The first class, named
, manages the Nagios service and collects the service check resources exported by the
class. Let's take a look at these two classes now (see
Listing 6-18

Listing 6-18.

# Manage the Nagios monitoring service
class nagios::monitor {
  # Manage the packages
  package { [ "nagios", "nagios-plugins" ]: ensure => installed }
  # Manage the Nagios monitoring service
  service { "nagios":
    ensure    => running,
    hasstatus => true,
    enable    => true,
    subscribe => [ Package["nagios"], Package["nagios-plugins"] ],
  # collect resources and populate /etc/nagios/nagios_*.cfg
  Nagios_host    <<||>> { notify => Service["nagios"] }
  Nagios_service <<||>> { notify => Service["nagios"] }

As you can see, the operator has configured Puppet to manage the Nagios packages and service. The class
should be included in the catalog for the monitor node. In addition to the packages and the service, two additional resource types are collected from the stored configuration database, all
resources. When collecting these host and service resources, the operator adds the notify metaparameter to ensure that the Nagios monitoring service automatically reloads its configuration if any new nodes have exported their information to the stored configuration database.

  Additional information about the
Puppet types are available online. There are a number of additional resource types related to Nagios management in addition to these two basic service checks. If you need to make Nagios aware of the interdependencies between hosts to reduce the number of notifications generated during a service outage, or manage custom Nagios service checks and commands, please see the comprehensive and up-to-date Puppet type reference at

Let's see how the operator implements the
class in the Puppet configuration. With the
class added to the monitor node's classification in site.pp, the operator runs the Puppet agent on node
, as you can see in
Listing 6-19

Listing 6-19.
The first Puppet agent run to configure Nagios

# puppet agent --test
info: Caching catalog for monitor1
info: Applying configuration version '1294374100'
notice: /Stage[main]/Nagios::Monitor/Package[nagios]/ensure: created
info: /Stage[main]/Nagios::Monitor/Package[nagios]: Scheduling refresh of Service[nagios]
notice: /Stage[main]/Nagios::Monitor/Package[nagios-plugins]/ensure: created
info: /Stage[main]/Nagios::Monitor/Package[nagios-plugins]: Scheduling refresh of Service[nagios]
notice: /Stage[main]/Nagios::Monitor/Service[nagios]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
notice: /Stage[main]/Nagios::Monitor/Service[nagios]: Triggered 'refresh' from 2 events
notice: Finished catalog run in 14.96 seconds

Notice that the first Puppet agent configuration run on monitor1 does not mention anything about managing
resources. This is because no nodes have yet been classified with the
class, and as a result there are no exported host or service resources in the stored configuration database.

The operator configures Puppet to export Nagios service and host resources using the class
. As you can see in
Listing 6-20
, the class contains only exported resources. The resources will not be managed on any nodes until they are collected like the operator is doing in
Listing 6-18

Listing 6-20.

# This class exports nagios host and service check resources
class nagios::export::target {
  @@nagios_host { "$fqdn":
    ensure  => present,
    alias   => $hostname,
    address => $ipaddress,
    use     => "generic-host",
  @@nagios_service { "check_ping_${hostname}":
    check_command       => "check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%",
    use                 => "generic-service",
    host_name           => "$fqdn",
    notification_period => "24x7",
    service_description => "${hostname}_check_ping"

Listing 6-20
, the operator has configured two exported resources, one of which provides the monitor node with information about the target host itself. This resource defines a Nagios host in
on the nodes collecting these resources. The title of the
resource is set to the value of the
fact. Using the fully qualified domain name as the resource title ensures
there will be no duplicate resources in the stored configuration database. In addition, the operator has added an alias for the target host using the short hostname in the
fact. Finally, the address of the target node is set to the
variable coming from Facter.

Once a resource describing the target host is exported, the operator also exports a basic service check for the host. As we see, this service check is performing a basic ICMP ping command to the target node. The
parameter of the resource is also provided from Facter via the
fact. The check_command looks a bit confusing, and rightly so, as this parameter is directly using the Nagios configuration file syntax. Reading the
line left to right, we interpret it to mean that Nagios will issue a warning when the ping takes longer than 100 milliseconds or experiences 20% packet loss. Nagios will also issue a critical alert if the ping command takes longer than 500 milliseconds to complete or experiences more than 60% packet loss. The notification period is also set to be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which is a default notification period provided by the default Nagios configuration. Finally, the operator has configured a descriptive label for the service using the short name of the host set by Facter.

Let's see how the
node is configured automatically when a target node is classified with this
class. First, the operator runs the Puppet agent on a new system named
Listing 6-21

Listing 6-21.
Puppet agent on target1 exporting Nagios checks

# puppet agent --test
info: Caching catalog for target1
info: Applying configuration version '1294374100'
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.02 seconds

It appears the puppet agent run on
didn't actually manage any resources. This is true; the resources exported in the
class are actually being exported to the stored configuration database rather than being managed on the node. They are not being collected on the node
, which is why the output of
Listing 6-21
does not mention them.

We expect the Puppet agent on the node
to collect the resources exported by node
. Let's see the results in
Listing 6-22

Listing 6-22.
Puppet agent collecting resources in monitor1

# puppet agent --test
info: Caching catalog for monitor1
info: Applying configuration version '1294374100'
notice: /Stage[main]/Nagios::Monitor/Nagios_service[check_ping_puppet]/ensure: created
info: /Stage[main]/Nagios::Monitor/Nagios_service[check_ping_puppet]: Scheduling refresh of Service[nagios]
notice: /Stage[main]/Nagios::Monitor/Nagios_host[]/ensure: created
info: /Stage[main]/Nagios::Monitor/Nagios_host[]: Scheduling refresh of Service[nagios]
notice: /Stage[main]/Nagios::Monitor/Service[nagios]: Triggered 'refresh' from 2 events
notice: monitor
notice: /Stage[main]//Node[monitord]/Notify[monitor]/message: defined 'message' as 'monitor'
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.87 seconds

As we expect, running the Puppet agent on
has checked in causes the resources to be collected from the stored configuration database. Looking back to the
class in
Listing 6-18
, we also see the operator has added the
parameter to ensure that the Nagios service automatically reloads the new configuration information after all of the resources are collected.

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