Programming Python (62 page)

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Authors: Mark Lutz

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python

BOOK: Programming Python
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Scales (Sliders)

(sometimes called “sliders”) are used to select among a
range of numeric values. Moving the scale’s position with mouse drags or
clicks moves the widget’s value among a range of integers and triggers
Python callbacks if registered.

Like check buttons and radio buttons, scales have both a
option for
registering an event-driven callback handler to be run right away when
the scale is moved, and a
option for associating a tkinter variable that allows the scale’s
position to be fetched and set at arbitrary times. You can process scale
settings when they are made, or let the user pick a setting for later

In addition, scales have a third processing option

methods that scripts may call to access
scale values directly without associating variables. Because scale
movement callbacks also get
the current scale setting value as an argument, it’s often enough just
to provide a callback for this widget, without resorting to either
linked variables or
method calls.

To illustrate the basics,
Example 8-30
makes two scales—one
horizontal and one vertical—and links them with an associated variable
to keep them in sync.

Example 8-30. PP4E\Gui\Tour\

"create two linked scales used to launch dialog demos"
from tkinter import * # get base widget set
from dialogTable import demos # button callback handlers
from quitter import Quitter # attach a quit frame to me
class Demo(Frame):
def __init__(self, parent=None, **options):
Frame.__init__(self, parent, **options)
Label(self, text="Scale demos").pack()
self.var = IntVar()
Scale(self, label='Pick demo number',
command=self.onMove, # catch moves
variable=self.var, # reflects position
from_=0, to=len(demos)-1).pack()
Scale(self, label='Pick demo number',
command=self.onMove, # catch moves
variable=self.var, # reflects position
from_=0, to=len(demos)-1,
length=200, tickinterval=1,
showvalue=YES, orient='horizontal').pack()
Button(self, text="Run demo", command=self.onRun).pack(side=LEFT)
Button(self, text="State",
def onMove(self, value):
print('in onMove', value)
def onRun(self):
pos = self.var.get()
print('You picked', pos)
demo = list(demos.values())[pos] # map from position to value (3.X view)
print(demo()) # or demos[ list(demos.keys())[pos] ]()
def report(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':

Besides value access and callback registration, scales have
options tailored to the notion of a range of selectable values, most of
which are demonstrated in this example’s code:

  • The
    provides text that appears along with the scale,
    specifies an initial size
    in pixels, and
    an axis.

  • The
    set the scale range’s minimum and maximum values (note
    is a Python reserved
    word, but
    is not).

  • The
    sets the number of units between marks drawn at
    regular intervals next to the scale (the default means no marks are

  • The
    provides the number of units that the scale’s value
    jumps on each drag or left mouse click event (defaults to 1).

  • The
    can be used to show or hide the scale’s current value
    next to its slider bar (the default
    means it is drawn).

Note that scales are also packed in their container, just like
other tkinter widgets. Let’s see how these ideas translate in practice;
Figure 8-30
shows the window you get if you
run this script live on Windows 7 (you get a similar one on Unix and Mac

Figure 8-30. demoScale in action

For illustration purposes, this window’s State button shows the
scales’ current values, and “Run demo” runs a standard dialog call as
before, using the integer value of the scales to index the demos table.
The script also registers a
handler that fires every time either of the scales is moved and prints
their new positions. Here is a set of messages sent to
after a few moves, demo runs (italic),
and state requests (bold):

['Color', 'Query', 'Input', 'Open', 'Error']
in onMove 0
in onMove 0
in onMove 1
in onMove 2
You picked 2
in onMove 3
You picked 3
Scales and variables

As you can probably tell,
scales offer a variety of ways to process their
selections: immediately in move callbacks, or later by fetching
current positions with variables or scale method calls. In fact,
tkinter variables aren’t needed to program scales at all—simply
register movement callbacks or call the scale
method to fetch scale values on demand,
as in the simpler scale example in
Example 8-31

Example 8-31. PP4E\Gui\Tour\

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
scl = Scale(root, from_=-100, to=100, tickinterval=50, resolution=10)
scl.pack(expand=YES, fill=Y)
def report():
Button(root, text='state', command=report).pack(side=RIGHT)

Figure 8-31
shows two
instances of this program running on Windows—one stretched and one not
(the scales are packed to grow vertically on resizes). Its scale
displays a range from −100 to 100, uses the
option to adjust the current
position up or down by 10 on every move, and sets the
option to show values next to
the scale in increments of 50. When you press the State button in this
script’s window, it calls the scale’s
method to display the current setting,
without variables or callbacks of any kind:


Figure 8-31. A simple scale without variables

Frankly, the only reason tkinter variables are used in the
script at all is to
synchronize scales. To make the demo interesting, this script
associates the same tkinter variable object with both scales. As we
learned in the last section, changing a widget changes its variable,
but changing a variable also changes all the widgets it is associated
with. In the world of sliders, moving the slide updates that variable,
which in turn might update other widgets associated with the same
variable. Because this script links one variable with two scales, it
keeps them automatically in sync: moving one scale moves the other,
too, because the shared variable is changed in the process and so
updates the other scale as a side effect.

Linking scales like this may or may not be typical of your
applications (and borders on deep magic), but it’s a powerful tool
once you get your mind around it. By linking multiple widgets on a
display with tkinter variables, you can keep them automatically in
sync, without making manual adjustments in callback handlers. On the
other hand, the synchronization could be implemented without a shared
variable at all by calling one scale’s
method from a move callback handler of
the other. I’ll leave such a manual mutation as a suggested exercise,
though. One person’s deep magic might be another’s
useful hack.

Running GUI Code Three Ways

Now that we’ve built a handful of similar demo launcher programs,
let’s write a few top-level scripts to combine them. Because the demos
were coded as both reusable classes and scripts, they can be deployed as
attached frame components, run in their own top-level windows, and
launched as standalone programs. All three options illustrate code reuse
in action.

Attaching Frames

To illustrate
hierarchical GUI composition on a grander scale than we’ve
seen so far,
Example 8-32
arranges to show all four of the dialog launcher bar scripts of this
chapter in a single container. It reuses Examples
, and

Example 8-32. PP4E\Gui\Tour\

4 demo class components (subframes) on one window;
there are 5 Quitter buttons on this one window too, and each kills entire gui;
GUIs can be reused as frames in container, independent windows, or processes;
from tkinter import *
from quitter import Quitter
demoModules = ['demoDlg', 'demoCheck', 'demoRadio', 'demoScale']
parts = []
def addComponents(root):
for demo in demoModules:
module = __import__(demo) # import by name string
part = module.Demo(root) # attach an instance
part.config(bd=2, relief=GROOVE) # or pass configs to Demo()
part.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) # grow, stretch with window
parts.append(part) # change list in-place
def dumpState():
for part in parts: # run demo report if any
print(part.__module__ + ':', end=' ')
if hasattr(part, 'report'):
root = Tk() # make explicit root first
Label(root, text='Multiple Frame demo', bg='white').pack()
Button(root, text='States', command=dumpState).pack(fill=X)

Because all four demo launcher bars are coded as frames which
attach themselves to parent container widgets, this is easier than you
might think: simply pass the same parent widget (here, the
window) to all four demo constructor
calls, and repack and configure the demo objects as desired.
Figure 8-32
shows this
script’s graphical result—a single window embedding instances of all
four of the dialog demo launcher demos we saw earlier. As coded, all
four embedded demos grow and stretch with the window when resized (try
taking out the
to keep
their sizes more constant).

Figure 8-32. demoAll_frm: nested subframes

Naturally, this example is artificial, but it illustrates the
power of composition when applied to building larger GUI displays. If
you pretend that each of the four attached demo objects was something
more useful, like a text editor, calculator, or clock, you’ll better
appreciate the point of this example.

Besides demo object frames, this composite window also contains no
fewer than five instances of the Quitter button we wrote earlier (all of
which verify the request and any one of which can end the GUI) and a
States button to dump the current values of all the embedded demo
objects at once (it calls each object’s
method, if it has one). Here is a
sample of the sort of output that shows up in the
stream after interacting with widgets
on this display; States output is in bold:

in onMove 0
in onMove 0
demoDlg: none
demoCheck: 0 0 0 0 0
demoRadio: Error
demoScale: 0
you pressed Input
result: 1.234
in onMove 1
demoDlg: none
demoCheck: 1 0 1 1 0
demoRadio: Input
demoScale: 1
you pressed Query
result: yes
in onMove 2
You picked 2
in onMove 3
You picked 3
1 1 1 1 0
demoDlg: none
demoCheck: 1 1 1 1 0
demoRadio: Query
demoScale: 3
Importing by name string

The only substantially
tricky part of this script is its use of Python’s
function to
import a module by a name string. Look at the following two lines from
the script’s

module = __import__(demo)             # import module by name string
part = module.Demo(root) # attach an instance of its Demo

This is equivalent to saying something like this:

import 'demoDlg'
part = 'demoDlg'.Demo(root)

However, the preceding code is not legal Python syntax—the
module name in import statements and dot expressions must be a Python
variable, not a string; moreover, in an import the name is taken
literally (not evaluated), and in dot syntax must evaluate to the
object (not its string name). To be generic,
steps through a list of name
strings and relies on
import and return the module identified by each string. In fact, the
loop containing these
statements works as though all of these statements were run:

import demoDlg, demoRadio, demoCheck, demoScale
part = demoDlg.Demo(root)
part = demoRadio.Demo(root)
part = demoCheck.Demo(root)
part = demoScale.Demo(root)

But because the script uses a list of name strings, it’s easier
to change the set of demos embedded—simply change the list, not the
lines of executable code. Further, such data-driven code tends to be
more compact, less redundant, and easier to debug and maintain.
Incidentally, modules can also be imported from name strings by
dynamically constructing and running import statements, like

for demo in demoModules:
exec('from %s import Demo' % demo) # make and run a from
part = eval('Demo')(root) # fetch known import name by string

statement compiles
and runs a Python statement string (here, a
to load a module’s
class); it works here as if the
statement string were pasted into the source code where the
statement appears. The following
achieves the same effect by running an
statement instead:

for demo in demoModules:
exec('import %s' % demo) # make and run an import
part = eval(demo).Demo(root) # fetch module variable by name too

Because it supports any sort of Python statement, these
techniques are more general than the
call, but can also be slower,
since they must parse code strings before running them.
However, that slowness may not matter in a GUI; users
tend to be significantly slower than parsers.

Configuring at construction time

One other alternative worth mentioning: notice how
Example 8-32
configures and
repacks each attached demo frame for its role in this GUI:

def addComponents(root):
for demo in demoModules:
module = __import__(demo) # import by name string
part = module.Demo(root) # attach an instance
part.config(bd=2, relief=GROOVE) # or pass configs to Demo()
part.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) # grow, stretch with window

Because the demo classes use their
arguments to support constructor
arguments, though, we could configure at creation time, too. For
example, if we change this code as follows, it produces the slightly
different composite window captured in
Figure 8-33
(stretched a bit
horizontally for illustration, too; you can run this as
in the examples package):

def addComponents(root):
for demo in demoModules:
module = __import__(demo) # import by name string
part = module.Demo(root, bd=6, relief=RIDGE) # attach, config instance
part.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) # grow, stretch with window

Because the demo classes both subclass
and support the usual construction
protocols, they become
true widgets—specialized tkinter frames that implement an attachable
package of widgets and support flexible configuration

Figure 8-33. demoAll_frm: configure when constructed

As we saw in
Chapter 7
nested frames like this is really just
one way to reuse GUI code structured as classes. It’s just as easy to
customize such interfaces by
rather than embedding.
Here, though, we’re more interested in deploying an existing widget
package than changing it, so attachment is the pattern we want. The
next two sections show two other ways to present such precoded widget
packages to users—in pop-up windows and as autonomous

Independent Windows

Once you have a
set of component classes coded as frames, any parent will
work—both other frames and brand-new, top-level windows.
Example 8-33
attaches instances of
all four demo bar objects to their own independent
windows, instead of the same container.

Example 8-33. PP4E\Gui\Tour\

4 demo classes in independent top-level windows;
not processes: when one is quit all others go away, because all windows run in
the same process here; make Tk() first here, else we get blank default window
from tkinter import *
demoModules = ['demoDlg', 'demoRadio', 'demoCheck', 'demoScale']
def makePopups(modnames):
demoObjects = []
for modname in modnames:
module = __import__(modname) # import by name string
window = Toplevel() # make a new window
demo = module.Demo(window) # parent is the new window
return demoObjects
def allstates(demoObjects):
for obj in demoObjects:
if hasattr(obj, 'report'):
print(obj.__module__, end=' ')
root = Tk() # make explicit root first
demos = makePopups(demoModules)
Label(root, text='Multiple Toplevel window demo', bg='white').pack()
Button(root, text='States', command=lambda: allstates(demos)).pack(fill=X)

We met the
earlier; every instance generates a new window on your screen. The net
result is captured in
Figure 8-34
. Each demo runs in
an independent window of its own instead of being packed together in a
single display.

Figure 8-34. demoAll_win: new Toplevel windows

The main root window of this program appears in the lower left of
this screenshot; it provides a States button that runs the
method of each demo object, producing
this sort of

in onMove 0
in onMove 0
in onMove 1
you pressed Open
result: C:/Users/mark/Stuff/Books/4E/PP4E/dev/Examples/PP4E/
demoRadio Open
demoCheck 1 1 0 0 0
demoScale 1

As we learned earlier in this chapter,
windows function independently, but
they are not really independent programs. Destroying just one of the
demo windows in
Figure 8-34
by clicking the
button in its upper right corner
closes just that window. But quitting any of the windows shown in
Figure 8-34
—by a demo window’s
Quit buttons or the main window’s
—quits them
and ends
the application, because all run in the same program process. That’s OK
in some applications, but not all. To go truly rogue we need to spawn
processes, as the next section

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