Programming Python (93 page)

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Authors: Mark Lutz

Tags: #COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python

BOOK: Programming Python
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does manual text.encode() to avoid creating file; text mode files
perform platform specific end-line conversion: Windows \r dropped
if present on open by text mode (auto) and binary mode (manually);
if manual content inserts, must delete \r else duplicates here;
knownEncoding=None before first Open or Save, after New, if binary Open;
encoding behavior is configurable in the local
1) if savesUseKnownEncoding > 0, try encoding from last open or save
2) if savesAskUser True, try user input next (prefill with known?)
3) if savesEncoding nonempty, try this encoding next: 'utf-8', etc
4) tries sys.getdefaultencoding() as a last resort
filename = forcefile or self.my_asksaveasfilename()
if not filename:
text = self.getAllText() # 2.1: a str string, with \n eolns,
encpick = None # even if read/inserted as bytes
# try known encoding at latest Open or Save, if any
if self.knownEncoding and ( # enc known?
(forcefile and self.savesUseKnownEncoding >= 1) or # on Save?
(not forcefile and self.savesUseKnownEncoding >= 2)): # on SaveAs?
encpick = self.knownEncoding
except UnicodeError:
# try user input, prefill with known type, else next choice
if not encpick and self.savesAskUser:
self.update() # else dialog doesn't appear in rare cases
askuser = askstring('PyEdit', 'Enter Unicode encoding for save',
initialvalue=(self.knownEncoding or
self.savesEncoding or
sys.getdefaultencoding() or ''))
if askuser:
encpick = askuser
except (UnicodeError, LookupError): # LookupError: bad name
pass # UnicodeError: can't encode
# try config file
if not encpick and self.savesEncoding:
encpick = self.savesEncoding
except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
# try platform default (utf8 on windows)
if not encpick:
encpick = sys.getdefaultencoding()
except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
# open in text mode for endlines + encoding
if not encpick:
showerror('PyEdit', 'Could not encode for file ' + filename)
file = open(filename, 'w', encoding=encpick)
showerror('PyEdit', 'Could not write file ' + filename)
self.setFileName(filename) # may be newly created
self.text.edit_modified(0) # 2.0: clear modified flag
self.knownEncoding = encpick # 2.1: keep enc for next save
# don't clear undo/redo stks!
def onNew(self):
start editing a new file from scratch in current window;
see onClone to pop-up a new independent edit window instead;
if self.text_edit_modified(): # 2.0
if not askyesno('PyEdit', 'Text has changed: discard changes?'):
self.text.edit_reset() # 2.0: clear undo/redo stks
self.text.edit_modified(0) # 2.0: clear modified flag
self.knownEncoding = None # 2.1: Unicode type unknown
def onQuit(self):
on Quit menu/toolbar select and wm border X button in toplevel windows;
2.1: don't exit app if others changed; 2.0: don't ask if self unchanged;
moved to the top-level window classes at the end since may vary per usage:
a Quit in GUI might quit() to exit, destroy() just one Toplevel, Tk, or
edit frame, or not be provided at all when run as an attached component;
check self for changes, and if might quit(), main windows should check
other windows in the process-wide list to see if they have changed too;
assert False, 'onQuit must be defined in window-specific sublass'
def text_edit_modified(self):
2.1: this now works! seems to have been a bool result type issue in tkinter;
2.0: self.text.edit_modified() broken in Python 2.4: do manually for now;
return self.text.edit_modified()
#return, 'edit') + ('modified', None))
# Edit menu commands
def onUndo(self): # 2.0
try: # tk8.4 keeps undo/redo stacks
self.text.edit_undo() # exception if stacks empty
except TclError: # menu tear-offs for quick undo
showinfo('PyEdit', 'Nothing to undo')
def onRedo(self): # 2.0: redo an undone
except TclError:
showinfo('PyEdit', 'Nothing to redo')
def onCopy(self): # get text selected by mouse, etc.
if not self.text.tag_ranges(SEL): # save in cross-app clipboard
showerror('PyEdit', 'No text selected')
text = self.text.get(SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST)
def onDelete(self): # delete selected text, no save
if not self.text.tag_ranges(SEL):
showerror('PyEdit', 'No text selected')
self.text.delete(SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST)
def onCut(self):
if not self.text.tag_ranges(SEL):
showerror('PyEdit', 'No text selected')
self.onCopy() # save and delete selected text
def onPaste(self):
text = self.selection_get(selection='CLIPBOARD')
except TclError:
showerror('PyEdit', 'Nothing to paste')
self.text.insert(INSERT, text) # add at current insert cursor
self.text.tag_remove(SEL, '1.0', END)
self.text.tag_add(SEL, INSERT+'-%dc' % len(text), INSERT)
self.text.see(INSERT) # select it, so it can be cut
def onSelectAll(self):
self.text.tag_add(SEL, '1.0', END+'-1c') # select entire text
self.text.mark_set(INSERT, '1.0') # move insert point to top
self.text.see(INSERT) # scroll to top
# Search menu commands
def onGoto(self, forceline=None):
line = forceline or askinteger('PyEdit', 'Enter line number')
if line is not None:
maxindex = self.text.index(END+'-1c')
maxline = int(maxindex.split('.')[0])
if line > 0 and line <= maxline:
self.text.mark_set(INSERT, '%d.0' % line) # goto line
self.text.tag_remove(SEL, '1.0', END) # delete selects
self.text.tag_add(SEL, INSERT, 'insert + 1l') # select line
self.text.see(INSERT) # scroll to line
showerror('PyEdit', 'Bad line number')
def onFind(self, lastkey=None):
key = lastkey or askstring('PyEdit', 'Enter search string')
self.lastfind = key
if key: # 2.0: nocase
nocase = configs.get('caseinsens', True) # 2.0: config
where =, INSERT, END, nocase=nocase)
if not where: # don't wrap
showerror('PyEdit', 'String not found')
pastkey = where + '+%dc' % len(key) # index past key
self.text.tag_remove(SEL, '1.0', END) # remove any sel
self.text.tag_add(SEL, where, pastkey) # select key
self.text.mark_set(INSERT, pastkey) # for next find
self.text.see(where) # scroll display
def onRefind(self):
def onChange(self):
non-modal find/change dialog
2.1: pass per-dialog inputs to callbacks, may be > 1 change dialog open
new = Toplevel(self)
new.title('PyEdit - change')
Label(new, text='Find text?', relief=RIDGE, width=15).grid(row=0, column=0)
Label(new, text='Change to?', relief=RIDGE, width=15).grid(row=1, column=0)
entry1 = Entry(new)
entry2 = Entry(new)
entry1.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=EW)
entry2.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=EW)
def onFind(): # use my entry in enclosing scope
self.onFind(entry1.get()) # runs normal find dialog callback
def onApply():
self.onDoChange(entry1.get(), entry2.get())
Button(new, text='Find', command=onFind ).grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=EW)
Button(new, text='Apply', command=onApply).grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=EW)
new.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # expandable entries
def onDoChange(self, findtext, changeto):
# on Apply in change dialog: change and refind
if self.text.tag_ranges(SEL): # must find first
self.text.delete(SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST)
self.text.insert(INSERT, changeto) # deletes if empty
self.onFind(findtext) # goto next appear
self.text.update() # force refresh
def onGrep(self):
new in version 2.1: threaded external file search;
search matched filenames in directory tree for string;
listbox clicks open matched file at line of occurrence;
search is threaded so the GUI remains active and is not
blocked, and to allow multiple greps to overlap in time;
could use threadtools, but avoid loop in no active grep;
grep Unicode policy: text files content in the searched tree
might be in any Unicode encoding: we don't ask about each (as
we do for opens), but allow the encoding used for the entire
tree to be input, preset it to the platform filesystem or
text default, and skip files that fail to decode; in worst
cases, users may need to run grep N times if N encodings might
exist; else opens may raise exceptions, and opening in binary
mode might fail to match encoded text against search string;
TBD: better to issue an error if any file fails to decode?
but utf-16 2-bytes/char format created in Notepad may decode
without error per utf-8, and search strings won't be found;
TBD: could allow input of multiple encoding names, split on
comma, try each one for every file, without open loadEncode?
from PP4E.Gui.ShellGui.formrows import makeFormRow
# nonmodal dialog: get dirnname, filenamepatt, grepkey
popup = Toplevel()
popup.title('PyEdit - grep')
var1 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Directory root', width=18, browse=False)
var2 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Filename pattern', width=18, browse=False)
var3 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Search string', width=18, browse=False)
var4 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Content encoding', width=18, browse=False)
var1.set('.') # current dir
var2.set('*.py') # initial values
var4.set(sys.getdefaultencoding()) # for file content, not filenames
cb = lambda: self.onDoGrep(var1.get(), var2.get(), var3.get(), var4.get())
Button(popup, text='Go',command=cb).pack()
def onDoGrep(self, dirname, filenamepatt, grepkey, encoding):
on Go in grep dialog: populate scrolled list with matches
tbd: should producer thread be daemon so it dies with app?
import threading, queue
# make non-modal un-closeable dialog
mypopup = Tk()
mypopup.title('PyEdit - grepping')
status = Label(mypopup, text='Grep thread searching for: %r...' % grepkey)
status.pack(padx=20, pady=20)
mypopup.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda: None) # ignore X close
# start producer thread, consumer loop
myqueue = queue.Queue()
threadargs = (filenamepatt, dirname, grepkey, encoding, myqueue)
threading.Thread(target=self.grepThreadProducer, args=threadargs).start()
self.grepThreadConsumer(grepkey, encoding, myqueue, mypopup)
def grepThreadProducer(self, filenamepatt, dirname, grepkey, encoding, myqueue):
in a non-GUI parallel thread: queue find.find results list;
could also queue matches as found, but need to keep window;
file content and file names may both fail to decode here;
TBD: could pass encoded bytes to find() to avoid filename
decoding excs in os.walk/listdir, but which encoding to use:
sys.getfilesystemencoding() if not None? see also Chapter6
footnote issue: 3.1 fnmatch always converts bytes per Latin-1;
from PP4E.Tools.find import find
matches = []
for filepath in find(pattern=filenamepatt, startdir=dirname):
textfile = open(filepath, encoding=encoding)
for (linenum, linestr) in enumerate(textfile):
if grepkey in linestr:
msg = '%s@%d [%s]' % (filepath, linenum + 1, linestr)
except UnicodeError as X:
print('Unicode error in:', filepath, X) # eg: decode, bom
except IOError as X:
print('IO error in:', filepath, X) # eg: permission
myqueue.put(matches) # stop consumer loop on find excs: filenames?
def grepThreadConsumer(self, grepkey, encoding, myqueue, mypopup):
in the main GUI thread: watch queue for results or [];
there may be multiple active grep threads/loops/queues;
there may be other types of threads/checkers in process,
especially when PyEdit is attached component (PyMailGUI);
import queue
matches = myqueue.get(block=False)
except queue.Empty:
myargs = (grepkey, encoding, myqueue, mypopup)
self.after(250, self.grepThreadConsumer, *myargs)
mypopup.destroy() # close status
self.update() # erase it now
if not matches:
showinfo('PyEdit', 'Grep found no matches for: %r' % grepkey)
self.grepMatchesList(matches, grepkey, encoding)
def grepMatchesList(self, matches, grepkey, encoding):
populate list after successful matches;
we already know Unicode encoding from the search: use
it here when filename clicked, so open doesn't ask user;
from PP4E.Gui.Tour.scrolledlist import ScrolledList
print('Matches for %s: %s' % (grepkey, len(matches)))
# catch list double-click
class ScrolledFilenames(ScrolledList):
def runCommand(self, selection):
file, line = selection.split(' [', 1)[0].split('@')
editor = TextEditorMainPopup(
loadFirst=file, winTitle=' grep match', loadEncode=encoding)
editor.text.focus_force() # no, really
# new non-modal widnow
popup = Tk()
popup.title('PyEdit - grep matches: %r (%s)' % (grepkey, encoding))
ScrolledFilenames(parent=popup, options=matches)
# Tools menu commands

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