[Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever (14 page)

BOOK: [Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever
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            “Forgive me, my
lord!  But, anyway, who died and made you leader?  I´ll have you know that the
finest forces in the US chose me to be the ultimate super soldier! Here you see
Action Man in the flesh!  You should bow down and tug your forelock in
gratitude that I´m even willing to associate with you!” Remy finished with a

            Armando shook his
head in exasperation and said caustically, “Let´s get some sleep.  Come over
here Yvonne, it´s too late for rape.”

            Remy snorted in
amusement as Yvonne ducked her head in embarrassment.

            “I didn´t know
women could still get embarrassed!” Remy picked her up from the floor and moved
her to the opposite side of the fire.  “If you sleep here, there won´t be a
draft,” he told her, then lay down beside her so that his body was flush
against hers.

            Yvonne could soon
feel her own body start to overheat with his proximity.  She tried to control
her breathing, but knew that he´d already heard her panting breaths.  He didn´t
say anything, for which she was extremely grateful, just pulled her closer to
him so that her head was pressed into his throat.  She almost shivered at his
delicious smell.

            It was
concentrated in the nook beneath his Adam´s apple.  The scent seemed to
permeate the air until she was just breathing in pure Remy.  Her nipples
started to pucker, and she longed to touch him, but managed somehow to keep her
hands to herself.  She started to relax, but then felt his cock prod her belly. 
She didn´t react to it, or say anything, but it was there.  She had to fight
the urge to hook her leg over his and press her pussy against his dick.

            She almost jumped
when she realized that Armando had settled in behind her, equally as close and
flush to her body as Remy.  He spooned her from the back, his arm came over to
rest against her stomach.  She could feel his cock nestle itself in her butt.  She
should have felt uncomfortable and under threat, but she didn´t.  She relished
in being sandwiched between them.

            Their heat seemed
to scald her.  They were warmer than any fire she´d ever lit.

            She could feel
her skin flush just from the contact with their bodies.  She tried not to think
about how much better it would be if she were naked too.  She told herself to
relax and calm down, eventually she slept, but it was a long time after the two
men had settled down and fallen asleep.





Chapter Seven


            Hours later that night,
a cry from the jungle woke her up.

            Her body responded
immediately to the position she was in, Armando had settled even closer to her
in the night.  There was not an inch of space between them.  His hand had moved
up to cup her breast, and his head had settled above hers.  His arm rested
behind their heads, and they both used it as a pillow from the hard floor--not
that it was much softer!

            Remy had hooked
his leg over both hers and Armando.  They were wrapped up in each other´s arms
tighter than a package.  She tried not to focus on how good and right it felt.  She
also tried not to think about how perfect it would be if Rafael was with them

            She drifted back
into sleep.

            She awoke with a
moan, feeling herself being touched.

            Armando had his
hand under her T-shirt and was cupping her breast, teasing the nipple between
his thumb and forefinger.  His other hand was between her legs, rubbing her
pussy through the crotch of her trousers.  That combined with the hardness of
his cock against her butt, made her groan again in pleasure.

            Apparently, he’d
forgiven her for the wound she’d inflicted.  Sometimes an apology went a long
way in creating good will.  It’d been hard to admit she was wrong, she knew she
had been and seeing him hurt had made her want to assuage her guilt with him.

            His head was
beside hers still, but his mouth nuzzled her neck, licking at the sensitive
skin behind her ear, nipping and pulling the taut flesh, making her shiver in

            Her dazed mind
wasn´t working one hundred percent, it was just concentrating on the pleasure
he was giving her.  He ignited a fire in her belly that warmed her from deep
within.  She felt...loved, surrounded by their warmth, protected and coddled,
cosseted from the outside world and the dangers that lay ahead.

            Lying there, she
let him fondle her for a while longer, it was a lovely way to wake up, since he
wasn´t pressuring her for sex.  She knew that he touched her for pleasure´s
sake, could feel him purr in satisfaction at her acceptance of his touch.

            He leaned over
and kissed her on the lips.  “Good morning,” he greeted her, his voice gravelly
from misuse.

            They looked deep
into each other´s eyes for a few minutes, the silence in the cave was
deafening.  He pressed another kiss to her lips, then grunted when he heard
Remy shout for him.  She elbowed him gently in the ribs to tell him to go, but
kissed him softly in apology.

            He disentangled
himself from her body, and left her with Rafael, who was still sleeping. She
looked up at his face, studied his features, and sighed in appreciation of his male
beauty.  His lips were lush and kissable, hard enough to be masculine, but soft
enough to be lovely to kiss.  Her thoughts turned to the day before, when she´d
kissed him.

            She sighed again
at the remembered enjoyment.  She looked at the strong jaw and chin that framed
that gorgeous mouth, followed it up to the high cheekbones and broad forehead.  His
eyelashes were long, and they were the same black color as his brows and hair.

            She wished that
yesterday he hadn´t pulled free from her.  She studied him intently for a few
seconds, then lowered her hand to his morning erection, she fisted it in her
hand and slowly moved her fingers up and down, she rubbed at the glans with the
tips, then rubbed his balls together.

            Keeping her
movements unhurried and languid, she took pleasure in watching him awaken to
the feelings of sexual excitement.  His body arched and stretched sinuously,
his muscles tensing every now and then.  When her hand fisted tighter and moved
faster, his eyes opened with a pop.  His eyes tired, he nonetheless focused
them on her, only shutting them, when his pleasure was too much to contain.  He
came with a low grunt, his come seeped through her fingers, but she managed to
contain it, and did something that shocked both him and her.

            She smeared the
majority of it on his taut belly, but a small amount, she kept on her finger.  She
sat up slightly, looked him in the eye all the while, and pulled the neck of
her T-shirt down, and rubbed the small amount of his come in the crevice
between her breasts, scenting him on her skin.

            His eyes flared
with arousal, excitement, and sexual dominance.  She compounded it by leaning
down, and lapping slightly at the semen on his tight abs.  He growled suddenly,
reached for her head and dragged her up to his mouth.  He kissed her with all
the dominance he hadn´t shown yesterday.

            Gone was the
undemanding Rafe of last night.  This time he dueled with her tongue, fought
and won.  He slowed down, and murmured against her lips, “Thank you,

He broke away from her mouth, and pressed his nose against her breasts and gave
a gravelly purr of satisfaction. “Ours,” he muttered, almost inaudibly.

            Yvonne didn´t
hear, she was too astounded at her bold actions.  Where the hell had all that
come from?  She hadn't thought about it, had just acted on an impulse.  She’d
behaved almost animalistic.  She didn’t think she could have stopped herself
had she even wanted to.

            That crazy,
wanton part of her that went all cave woman around them reveled in marking
herself as theirs.  That was what she´d done as well, the ´primate´ in her,
recognized that she´d be scented with Remy and Armando´s semen, but not
Rafael´s.  Her baser instincts craved his possession as well, so much so that
she’d marked herself with his essence.

            Shaking her head,
she wrapped her arms around Rafe.  His tightened about her too.  For a while
they just sat in silence.

            Dawn’s pale light
seeped into the cave, giving them illumination they hadn’t had before.  The
color of the sunrise painted the cave walls with orange and pink light,
cascading over their skin.  Rafael glimmered in the light, looking like a
bronzed sculpture of male perfection.  He took her breath away looking at him.

            A new day arrived
that could take them all one step closer to freedom, but it would also take her
that one step further away from Armando, Rafe and Remy.  Danger would be swift
to follow.

            They had to
escape the island, she wasn´t sure about how they would be able to manage it. 
Especially since none of them had any weapons, and they were up against dozens
of trained mercenaries and soldiers.

            There was no
choice in the matter.  Manage it, they must.

            Yvonne knew she
couldn’t allow them to be recaptured for this Project.  That same primal part
of herself that demanded she mark herself with each of their scents called her
into action to fight for them.

            Her strange,
unbidden feelings for these men both scared and intrigued her.  Here on the
island, what they did didn´t matter, she could fuck all three of them--no one
had to know after all, but back home, she would be classified as a slut of the
highest order.

            Deep inside, she
wanted it to work, to change nothing but engage in some fantasy life where they
could all live happily ever after.  That shit only happened in books and
movies, however.

            She was kidding
herself if she thought any of this was going to last.  They would probably all
go their separate ways if their plan worked out.  She couldn’t help but enjoy
herself for the brief time that she could have them.

            “Was it truly
that painful, Rafe?  That first shift?” she asked into the quiet,
wanting—needing to know more about him.

            He sighed, and
she could hear the weariness weighing heavily on him.  “Yeah...it was so
unexpected, that´s what made it worse.  We didn´t know what the fuck was going
on.  The days before we shifted, we both had high temperatures and were running
a slight fever.  We stayed at home because of that, thank God, so we shifted in
our condo.  We fucking wrecked it.  Imagine two big cats locked in a four
bedroom condo--we were lucky the neighbors didn´t call the cops.  It felt like
dying, that first shift.  You feel every bone and muscle stretch beyond the
point of pain.  Joints snap and fold.  Claws rip out of your fingertips.  Your
gums rend as razor sharp teeth push out of them.  I´m more used to it now, but
that first time was really hell.  We somehow shifted back, got a hold on the
metamorphosis and learned how to control it, but then that need to go AWOL, as
Remy phrased it, took over.  We live near the everglades, about ten minutes
away, so we had just enough time to get there and run.  That was the first of
many shit days,” he finished sadly.

            “It must have
been awful,” she whispered and hugged him tighter.  She knew now that she´d
been right to stop thinking of them as monsters.  They weren´t anything of the
sort.  They were people, infected against their will, with this awful...hideous,
incurable disease.  They weren´t monsters or even animals, it was an infection
that most likely could never be cured.  “I´m so sorry Rafe, for all of you.”

            He shrugged, but
placed a kiss on the top of her head, “Thank you,

            They lay together
for a while longer, but separated when Remy and Armando came inside the cave.

            Each man carried
a bundle of food in their arms, some bird eggs and the boar from yesterday, as
well as bamboo logs that held water.  Gratefully, she accepted the water, but
at the smell of the boar, she grimaced.  She knew their concern was that she
have something to eat, that she’d only get weaker the longer she staved off
having sustenance.

            It couldn’t
change the fact that abhorred the feel and texture of meat in her mouth.  She
didn´t want it and she was hungry.  Feeling like a little girl, she tried not
to pout.  It seemed incredibly stupid to hang on to something that was a
detriment to her health, considering her situation, but it’d been so long since
she’d adopted her lifestyle choice that it
her life and not something
she could easily abandon.

            Rafael laughed at
the look on her face, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and said, “I found
you some Vegan things last night while you slept.”

            She noticed a
small pile of berries and seeds on the floor beside the fire when he gestured
towards them.  She smiled up at him beatifically, and almost dove on them.  He
pointed at the berries, then at the seeds, “They´re Luma berries, and the seeds
are Chilean hazels, or
avellanos chilenos
.  They´re safe to eat and will
give you much needed protein.”

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