[Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever (12 page)

BOOK: [Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever
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            Rafe spun around
as though he´d overheard her thoughts.  She gave him a glare that said ‘leave
me alone.’  He ignored the look and settled down near the fire beside her.  He
held his hands over it as though to warm them, and then asked without looking
at her, “Why are you really here,

My name is Yvonne, I´m surprised Remy didn´t tell you
that as well as how tight my pussy is,

she spat at him, crossing her
arms over her chest.

            “I´m sorry you
heard that, but then they do say that eavesdroppers never hear any good of
themselves, don´t they Yvonne?” he answered her calmly.

            She sniffed at
him, but answered his first question, “I´m here because my bastard ex-husband
couldn´t keep his dick in his pants, that´s why.  I´m here because the fucking
moron judge ruled in his favor at the divorce courts, and they fucking near
wiped me out.  I´m here, because I can´t afford a $300,000 bill that my ex ran
up with the IRS.  That´s why I´m here, because if I don´t pay then I go to
jail.  It’s more than I could ever make on my own in a lifetime.  Desperate
times call for desperate measures.  I’m guilty.”

            She scowled at
him, but told him honestly, “I´ve absolutely no knowledge of the project, I
only took the damned job because the salary was more than I can make in ten
projects combined, and it would completely clear the debt.  I know nothing
about the inner workings of the experiments, I only know that my mission was to
track a pack of cats that had been released from the facility on the island by
a bunch of internal saboteurs, and that I had to get them back there, alive.
They gave me this special pheromone they´ve developed.  That´s what made all
the cats congregate around our camp--the pheromone.  A damned cat dragged me
away from the group, and fought with me over the vial that contained the chemical,
it burst the vial with its teeth and doused me in the stuff.  That´s probably
why you all want to fuck me.  The chemical.”

            He was quiet a
long moment.  Finally, he looked at her, studying her face in the flickering
light.  “Yvonne, you´re telling the truth, aren´t you?  I need to know, it´s
important that you tell me the truth--this pheromone is real?” he asked
worriedly, obviously disturbed at the information she´d just imparted. “If it´s
true, then we´re in the shit, that´s a massive weapon they have against us.  Fuck!”
he slammed his hand down on the cave floor. The fire spit and sizzled as a few
pieces of wood fell loose.

            She hadn’t
expected that reaction from him.  She shivered, wondering about all the others
held captive on the island.  How many were there, really.  She’d been told
eighteen had been released, but that told her nothing of what they still had in
their coffers.

            “I´m not lying to
you, I have absolutely no desire to protect those bastards.  I told you the
truth earlier when I said that I would never knowingly hurt any animals.  It´s
sick what they´re doing, they´re not just hurting animals, but humans too!” she
told him earnestly.

            “Thank you for
telling me, Yvonne.”  He hesitated a second, then looked at her almost hesitantly. 
“I wouldn´t think that it was just the pheromone that attracts us to you.  You´ve
sweated and bathed, and yeah the scent is there, but it shouldn´t still affect
us as much as it does.  Armando never loses control.  It´s highly unlikely that
Remy and I would either.  We´re strong, a lot of the weaker and younger cats
wouldn´t be able to resist the scent, they´d have raped you.  I know for a fact
that you enjoyed Remy´s ministrations, I heard them, and Armando would never
rape any woman, not after what happened in his past.  It´s not just the scent
that´s riding us hard, it´s you.  The fact that we can control ourselves around
you, should tell you that we aren´t reacting blindly to the pheromone.  I´ll
admit I´m drawn to you, your scent pulls me like a magnet, but it´s not
mindless.  If it was, I´d be on you quicker than hell.  Now you know that--why
did you fuck Armando and Remy?”

            Yvonne swallowed,
hard.  She couldn´t help but be pleased at his words, it soothed her feminine
outrage at being discussed and being fucked for something that she had no
control over.  He may have been spinning her a line and talking bullshit, but
she didn´t think he was.  There was no teasing or angry tone in his voice, he
was being earnest, his whole body language shouted out that he had nothing to
hide, and she thought that she could believe him.

            That still didn´t
stop her from heating at his question though.  She shrugged uncomfortably, and
answered as honestly as she could, “I don´t really know why.  At first I
thought I could just seduce Armando to escape, but as soon as he touched me,”
she hesitated, wondering if she should share so much with him, “I-I lost it.  The
same with Remy.  I don´t really know why.”

            She stiffened as
she felt him turn towards her, he pressed into her side, his words from earlier
wouldn´t stop reverberating inside her head, ´You should both be thankful you
got some pussy, jerk-offs....  I´d have got in her pants first.´  It didn´t
exactly endear him towards her.

            When he leaned
into her and tried to kiss her, she pulled away from him, “No, Rafe, don´t! I
don´t want to get involved with you three anymore, I shouldn´t have slept with
Armando or Remy, it was a stupid thing to do.  But it was out of my control, I
couldn´t help it.  It´s nothing personal, but I know I´m digging a hole for
myself here, and if I sleep with you too, it´s just going to get deeper.  Sorry.”

            He shrugged, but
she could see that she´d hurt him, which she hadn´t really wanted to do, but
his earlier words had upset her.  She didn´t deserve to be spoken about like
some cheap slut, it wasn´t fair.  They were all in a weird situation and for
him to talk about her as though she were just some piece of ass, offended and
hurt her.

            “It´s okay,
but as time passes, my feelings for you are just going to increase, what I feel
for you now is pretty intense, if we don´t take care of it now, I don´t know
how bad it´s going to get.  I don´t want to force you into something that will
make you hate me, but if my cat can´t fight the lust, then there´s nothing I
can do.”





Chapter Six


            Yvonne hesitated,
she couldn´t deny that she wanted him.  Hell, she desired all three of them!  She
understood what he was saying to her, and could appreciate that if the cat was
in control then he wouldn´t be able to stop.  She also recognized that if it
had been Rafael instead of Armando or Remy, she would still have slept with
them.  It had been sheer misfortune on his part that she hadn´t fucked him, but
that didn´t make his comments any less hurtful or out-of-order, but she could
understand his need.

            Having made her
decision, she leaned into him and pressed her lips to his.  She lathed his
bottom lip with her own, then nipped at it when his mouth didn´t part.  Pressing
her tongue into his mouth, she grabbed a handful of his silky shoulder-length
black hair.  She clutched it and played with it between her fingers, then
brought her hand around to cup his cheek.  He started to respond to her mouth,
but he wasn´t as dominant as Armando nor as teasing as Remy.  He let her play
with his tongue, but would duel with her every now and then.  She started to
pant against his mouth, feeling excitement rise within her.

            “Touch me, Rafe,”
she murmured.  She wanted him to brand her with his touch.

            Yvonne lifted her
T-shirt and grabbed his hand, then pressed it to her flesh.  She shivered at
the feel of his callused fingers on her soft skin.  Moving closer, she shifted herself
so that she was kneeling and leaning over him.  He reached up and cupped her
breast.  Her nipple pebbled beneath his finger.

            Scorching tingles
of delight prickled across her skin where he touched.  She moaned against his mouth. 
For a second, their tongues fought, warring as they tasted each other and
heightened their excitement.  She could feel all the fatigue she´d felt earlier
disappear as arousal started to thrum through her veins.

            Yvonne put a hand
on his waist, gently caressed his hard, flat stomach, and smiled at his hiss of
pleasure.  Her hand slipped further down to grasp for his cock.  His length was
hard and she could feel a few drops of pre-cum leaking from the tip of his

            His level of
control shocked her.  Whenever Tyrell had reached the stage where he was
dripping pre-cum, he´d already been inside her and nearing orgasm.  Rafe wasn´t
even pushing her over to thrust himself inside her.

            She disentangled
her tongue from his and pressed a kiss to his stubbly jawline.  The
abrasiveness of his skin tickled her lips.  She pressed another on his neck and
moved down, following his quickening pulse down over his collar bone to his

            Flicking a nipple
with her tongue, he tasted slightly salty, but good.  She ran her tongue
between his abs, and finally pressed a kiss to the tip of his cock.  The
muscles of his legs flexed and strained with his resistance.  She smiled to
herself, then opened her mouth to suck the glans of his cock deep into her

            The moment she
took him all in, he groaned, cupping the back of her head as she suckled him.  Satisfaction
unlike any she’d ever known assailed her at his response.  Her power over him,
his trust that she would do him no wrong made her feel incredibly aroused.

            She felt no
pressure from him though, he wasn´t pushing her head down onto him, trying to
gag her and fuck her face.  He allowed her to make her own movements, of her
own free will.  He just tangled his fingers in her curly hair.

            Lathing the
sensitive flesh under the head of his dick, she began to hum slightly as she
sucked, and then flickered little licks over and around his cock.  Digging her
tongue into the hole that leaked pre-cum, she grabbed his balls, massaged them
gently, then alternately rubbed them together and twisted them.  She could feel
the second when his control started to break.  She found herself excited at the
prospect, but he didn´t react how she thought he would, instead of pressing her
mouth further down onto his cock, he pulled her away with a pant.

            “No!  I´m sorry
Yvonne, I should never have let it get that far.  I pressured you into that.
I´m sorry,” he said on a groan, breathing heavily.

            She looked at him
in shock and felt her mouth gape wide open as he rushed out of the cave.

            What the hell had
just happened here?  She knew that he´d been near to coming--why hadn´t he let
her suck him off?  She was both shocked and surprised.  She knew of no man who
would have pulled her away from sucking his dick, just because he felt guilty
for pressuring her into doing it!  Hell, that was how most girls lost their
virginity, from being pressured into it by a randy boyfriend.  She was
impressed at his control and astonished that he had been able to stop the cat
from taking over.  She’d stopped thinking of the men as beasts and monsters a
few hours ago.

            They´d protected
her too often for her to not think kindly of them.  But now, she truly believed
that they weren´t the animals and freaks of nature she´d considered them
earlier.  She was relieved that he had stopped.  She was too tired for more
sex, but she couldn´t deny that she´d aroused herself by touching and blowing

            Yvonne was a
little disappointed, truth be told, she´d wanted to feel him explode in her
mouth.  A small piece of her had wanted him to lose control too much.

            Five minutes
later, he returned back to the cave.  He didn´t look at her, but he put the
boar on the fire to cook.  He´d sliced it somehow into thin strips that would
cook quickly.  As it cooked, she felt both disgust and hunger.

            “You didn’t find
any fruit out there?”

            Rafael looked at
her apologetically.  “No.  I would have gotten some for you if I had.  I’m
aware of your aversion to meat.”

            The smell of
cooking flesh made her stomach rumble, and that made her feel disgust at
herself.  What kind of Vegan was she?  She´d turned Vegan at David and Moira´s
farm, when they´d sent some pigs to slaughter.  She´d helped care for the
animals, and it had really upset her to see them sent off to the
slaughterhouse.  She hadn´t eaten another piece of meat since, but now, when
she was so hungry and tired, she couldn´t help but think about eating a strip
of the boar.

            She wasn’t sure
she could keep going without having something to eat.  She’d torn muscle tissue
and needed to repair her body.  Protein was something she needed to survive,
and she doubted she’ d have access to beans and rice any time soon.

            She watched
Rafael turn it over silently, then a few minutes later, he held his hand out
with a piece of the meat in it.  She shook her head at him, watched him frown,
but he turned away and called for Remy and Armando.

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