[Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever (19 page)

BOOK: [Project Nemesis] Jungle Fever
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            Nikolai shifted
first, he yelled out to the four strangers, “Chill!  It´s me, they´re trying to
escape this shithole.  I assumed you´d want in?”

            At his words, the
four lions became men and finally, seeing peace within their grasp, her men
shifted too.  It was quite comical really.  They all looked at each other,
wariness etched across their faces, and held their hands up in surrender.  Maybe
it wouldn’t have been so shocking if they weren’t all standing around half
naked.  She felt almost embarrassed and shifted her eyes, concentrating on her

            She sighed in
pleasure as Armando stepped forward, her eyes on his carved, rounded butt.  She
felt her face heat as Remy caught the direction of her gaze and grinned
knowingly at her.  He gave her a wink, as if he knew the direction her thoughts
lay.  Yvonne averted her eyes and concentrated on what Armando said to the
other group of men.

            “Look it´s
simple, we want off this place, we need more cats to help us do it.  The lady
behind me is called Yvonne.  She was brought in by the Project to catch the
cats and take them back to the facility.”

            The group turned
towards her with glares.  Armando growled at them for their attention, “If you
don´t want to spend the rest of your lives here, then you need to listen to me.
 You attack her, you fight us all—okay?”

            Reluctantly, they
agreed with nods and grunts of approval, so he continued, “She´s on our side,
don´t doubt that.  She´s told us more about this damned island than we´ve
managed to learn in all the wasted fucking months here, so we need her, we know
shit without her--don´t forget that either.  The only way in or out is by ship,
the port is guarded by a fleet of small vessels and a guard tower watches over
the whole charade, if there´s enough of us, we can grab the boat Yvonne came in
on and get rid of the security men.  According to Yvonne, the ships are pretty
big, so the crews are going to be too, we need to get out of here as quickly as
possible, and hopefully without being seen.  If we´re seen, we´re fucked.  We´re
adding to the plan as we go, but simplicity is always best, if we can get to a
boat then we´re almost halfway there.  Which is better than no way there in my opinion,
do you want to join us and bring more ideas to the pot?”

            One of the men moved
forward, and said, “There´s a lot of holes in your escape route, but I´m
willing to join you.  At least we´re doing something to get off this island.  I´m

            “Are the rest of
you with us?” Armando asked the other three.  They all nodded sternly and spat
out their names, “Daniel, Kyle, Connor. ”

            “I´m Remy, he´s
Rafe, and the guy talking to you is Armando.  We’ll make camp here tonight,
since you have a setup already in place.  Night´s almost here, and we´d best
sleep as soon as we can, we can talk more and finalize plans tomorrow,” Remy
told the others, and started to move to a little area that was backed by a
small cluster of trees.

            Rafe and Armando
joined them.  Yvonne stood back and watched them move, their butts were poetry
in motion, she didn´t care that they might have an audience, even knew that
they´d have to be quiet so as not to be heard, but either way, she was fucking
those guys, tonight!

            As much as she
hated to admit it, they’d worked her into an aching frenzy of desire, and she
was tired of holding herself back.  She walked over, her movement must have had
a predatory air about them becauses Rafe´s eyebrows shot up towards his hair in

            She walked closer
and he curled an arm around her waist and brought her closer to his chest, he
whispered in her ear, “Wait until dark.”

            Nodding her
agreement, she still felt fidgety and on edge.  She couldn´t sit still and
watched the lions and tiger make a bed for the night.  Each man took a separate
space for themselves.  They weren´t bunking together, which she noted, but she
didn´t care.  They were sleeping far away enough that they wouldn´t be able to
see her and the guys going at it.  They might be able to hear, but she was
hoping for a busy jungle night with loads of squawking and hissing to cover up
her moans and groans.

            She would
normally have been uncomfortable at the thought of someone overhearing her with
a guy, but primal, hungry part of her had taken control and was bound for

            She didn´t give a
shit, wanted to be staked and claimed by her men, no matter what.  She sat
cross legged on the floor, with her eyes focused on the sky, as soon as
twilight darkened the forest to a suitable level and they’d all had a little to
eat from what the men had gathered, she stood up and started to strip for

            Yvonne untied her
boots, removed her socks and laid them over the top to dry out.  Slowly, she
pulled her ragged t-shirt over her head, pulling her sports bra with it at the
same time.  Her movements drew the attention of the three men.  Practically
feeling their eyes move over her smooth, dark skin like a caress, she could
feel her arousal and desire rising with each passing second.  So much so that
she wanted to scream.

            They were focused
on her breasts and the dark, tight peaks that pebbled in the slight breeze
wafting past her skin.  She jiggled them slightly as she moved, then proceeded
to take off her pants, she was soon naked in front of them and loving it.  Reveled
in it, in fact.

            Yvonne stood
there for a moment, waiting for one of them to approach her.  Remy was the
first to pounce, hooking a leg over his hip, she planted her mouth on his, her
tongue diving straight away into his.  Her arms snaked around his neck, and she
clung to him, pressed her breasts into his hairy chest, and rubbed her nipples
on his taut skin.

            Rocking her pussy
onto his cock, she mewled slightly when one of the guys stopped her from riding
Remy´s cock.  She didn´t know which, until he leaned forward and she felt the
brush of Rafael´s hair on her shoulder.

            Yvonne shivered
at the tickling, silky sensation and felt her skin prickle with goose flesh. 
Removing her mouth from Remy´s to plant it on his corded neck, she suckled his
skin, wanting him with a fire that burned deep in her belly to mark him as hers. 
She sucked and licked and bit, all the while her eyes squinted into the
darkness for Armando.

            Desire built low
in her belly, making her wet and ready for them.  She wasn’t sure how long she
could hold out before they took her and satisfied her longings.

            Her pussy
quivered when she finally saw him.  He sat, leaning his back against a tree
trunk, one arm behind his head supporting his neck, the other hand was fisted
around his cock as he watched her with the two men.  She locked her gaze with
his as her mouth continued to work at Remy´s skin.

            She hummed as
Remy´s hands moved to fondle her breasts and pinch her nipples, and Rafe´s
moved down to her spread pussy lips and tickle the sensitive flesh.

            She instinctively
bit down hard on Remy´s shoulder when Rafe plunged a finger inside her slick
channel.  With a grunt, Remy continued to pinch and tease her nipples, she soon
felt one of Rafe´s hands on her butt, the other was working her pussy and
Remy´s other hand was fondling and plucking at her clit.

            To be touched by
both men down there was like waving a red flag to a bull, clamping her leg
around his hips, she bit down harder as she came; the explosions behind her
eyelids working wonders to shut the hidden side of her up, who was practically
groaning her pleasure.

            When she felt
Remy lift her other leg up and plant it around his waist, she knew what was
coming, in one swift thrust, he was deep inside her.  Her inner muscles fluttered
with the orgasm, alternately clamping and releasing his cock, longing to feel
that curve in his dick rub the bundle of nerves only he´d been able to find.  He
used his strength to lift her up and down on his cock, but she soon took
control, she knew that Rafael was behind them to catch them if they fell, so
she didn´t worry, as she clutched Remy´s hips and pulled away from his dick
slowly, and then sank down heavily.

            Grinding herself
against him, she whimpered in frustration as the position didn´t allow the
curve in his cock to work her G-spot like it had before.

            “Remy,” she
sobbed, “lay down, please, please, please.”  She moved her hips in little
pulses all the while, trying to rub it, but it just worked her even higher
until she thought she´d scream if she didn´t come soon with him inside her.

            Clinging to him
like her life depended upon it, she felt him bend his legs into a crouch, he
then somehow lie back on the ground with Rafe´s help.  When he was flat on his
back, she widened her legs, then pushing her knees into the soft ground, she
leaned forward into a press up position, her head hanging over his.

            Using the
strength in her arms to keep her upright, she worked his cock in and out of her
pussy, by thrusting her hips like he would, she didn´t ride him, she pivoted
her hips to thrust on to and off his dick.  The position worked wonders for her
sopping flesh.  She could feel moisture seep out onto her inner thighs and
trickle down onto Remy.

            Her wetness
soaking them both excited her, and she started to thrust heavily onto him, with
little whimpers she pressed herself further down his dick with each movement,
until she was just rocking against him, working him deeper inside and finally
he touched that spot, her whole body quivered for five whole seconds, before
her mind let go.  Her body sang with relief, her mind floated off to revel in
the heaven she was experiencing.  She felt more tears leak down from her eyes,
as she collapsed against Remy, who grabbed her hips and thrust her still
fluttering pussy on his cock.  It didn´t take long for him to come, and as soon
as he did, Rafe lifted her off him.  With another mewl, of displeasure this
time, she reluctantly let his wilting cock go, and allowed Rafe to move her.

            He settled her on
her back this time, spread her legs as wide as possible, and then moved between
them.  Before he did anything though, Armando was there plunging his fingers
inside her, gathering Remy´s semen and her wetness, he then rubbed it over
breasts, she lay lifeless for a while as, clambering over her chest, he worked
his cock between the tunnel of her breasts.

            She was more
focused on Rafe´s ministrations.  He nibbled at her clit for a time, pinching
it between his teeth, then biting hard until she squeaked.  His fingers
remained near her slit at all times, until he started to rub her anus.  She
shivered in shock, but didn´t say anything, she was in a world of her own.  Her
ears focused on Armando´s heavy breathing, his pants of pleasure as her soft
flesh encompassed his hardness.  She felt Remy beside her, waiting, always
waiting.  Her body was focused on the fingers Rafe was working into her butt,
he kept gathering more of her juices, would work her clit until she could feel
more gush from her cunt.

            She tried to keep
as quiet as possible, but sometimes a groan or sigh would escape her mouth,
when he pushed her nearer the cliff that was a climax with these three men.  When
he pushed one whole finger inside her, she heard him hiss, and mutter, “Fuck,
she´s tight.”

            “Her pussy´s
tighter than a fist, imagine it with a cock in her butt as well.”

            If she wasn´t so
focused on what was happening, she would´ve laughed as all three men shuddered.
 She felt it, and was pleased at it.  Rafe gathered more of her juices on a
finger, and it was she who hissed this time.


Remy muttered. “You´ll enjoy it, I promise.”

            She moaned
slightly as Armando moved and pushed his cock into her face, he grabbed his
dick, and pushed it into her open mouth.  She sucked what she could, and would
sporadically lick and nip at his cock, but her mind was focused on the fingers
in her ass.  She knew that Remy and Armando were too, they were waiting,
waiting for her to be ready for the three of them.  Rafe´s fingers scissored
inside her, stretching her channel, which made her mumble around Armando´s

            Plunging the five
fingers of his other hand into her sopping cunt, he quickly pulled the other
fingers out of her butt then wiped her wetness over the rosette of her ass

            “She´s ready,
Armando, you want to take her here first?” He must have nodded, as he quickly
pulled out of her mouth, and stepped away.  She felt Rafe move from between her
legs to lie next to her on the ground, and Remy helped her roll over and lay on
top of him.

            She spread her
legs, felt Rafe grab his cock and together they worked him into her pussy, she
moaned in pleasure, but lay still atop of him, waiting to see what they would
do.  She didn´t have to wait long, Armando´s hand soon spread her legs further
apart, and she felt his thighs brush the backs of her own.  His firm fingers
opened her butt cheeks, his cock nestled into the crack and sawed between them
for a couple of seconds.  She felt the change in him as a second later, the
head of his cock nudged into her tight anal opening.  She moved her head into
the nook of Rafe´s neck, whenever she felt Armando push into her even slightly,
she bit down on him.

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