Projected Pleasure (12 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

BOOK: Projected Pleasure
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“Yes, I’ve bitten him three times. The first marked him as my mate and started the tie.”

“I figured as much. So let me get this straight. You’re my mate, and he’s yours because you’re truly an Alpha. Great. Just great.”

Zachary sighed. “Well, I suppose you had to pick someone, and since you couldn’t pick me, I’m glad at least it’s Cole and not some stranger.”


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“Are you angry, though?” Marley asked hesitantly.

“I’m not…angry. It’s just something I need to think on. The pack will have a hard time digesting this. I seriously don’t know what to do. Marley, this isn’t the way things are supposed to be. If we lived in old times, I’d either have to challenge you or kill you for taking another mate. But Cole was never a problem. You knew that from the beginning. Shit, I encouraged it! But the status of lover and mate are two totally different things.”

Marley finished feeding Demetri and carried him over to the window by Zachary. Cole’s thoughts about Josephine burst through her mind, making her forget what she was about to say. Every word of their conversation was as clear as if she were standing in the room with them.

“Cole, Marley’s going to spend the day with me. Isn’t that wonderful?”

The groan almost made her smile. “Yeah, I bet she’s going to love that.”

She’s going to hate every minute of it. Poor Marley. How she ever
agreed to do something like that is beyond me. I can barely stand
being around the girl, myself. She’s way too happy all the time. It just
doesn’t seem normal.

Josephine’s voice broke through Cole’s thoughts. Marley listened curiously. “What do you think we’ll do? She’s even going to let me borrow some of her clothes.”

“I have no idea what she has planned, but I’m sure you’ll have fun.
Marley is the most wonderful person I’ve ever known.”
And the
most beautiful, caring, considerate…Where is she? I wonder what
she’s doing right now.

Marley couldn’t see what they were doing, but she could hear Josie’s voice growing closer to her new mate. “I can be wonderful, too, Cole.”

No, don’t get in the bed! Dammit!
“I’m sure you can be. Right now, I need to get dressed and take care of some things. Have you
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eaten breakfast yet? There’s a really good buffet they have every morning downstairs.”

Marley held in her laughter and focused back on her husband.

“Zachary, Cole mentioned wanting to talk to you. What are you going to tell him?”

Her husband turned away from the window and looked from her to their son. Zachary reached for Demetri, and she watched him cuddle the baby.

“I’m not sure. I’m probably going to end up telling him the same thing I told you. I need to think over the situation.”

She nodded, accepting his answer. If Zachary didn’t let her keep Cole as a mate, she would ultimately obey. She loved them both, but Zachary was her husband, and she loved him dearly. He had trusted that her and Cole’s relationship would remain on a certain status, and they had exceeded it.

“Go get dressed and head down to breakfast, Marley. I’ll follow shortly with Demetri. I think we need some father-son time.”

She smiled, kissing both of them before leaving the room.

Giggling interrupted her thoughts, and she let Cole and Josephine’s conversation break through.

“We’ll be really quiet,” Josephine whispered and giggled at the same time.

Marley, dammit, come and rescue me. Shit! I don’t know how you
both expect me to do this. I can flirt all day long, but foreplay with the
possible enemy is not what I signed up for. Marley!

Hearing the distress in Cole’s voice gave Marley an uneasy feeling. She didn’t like him being uncomfortable. Protectiveness took over and she increased her pace.

“We could be quiet, but you forget people are awake and they’ll be looking for me soon. I’m supposed to…”

Marley thought of something quickly. With a light knock, she barged right into Cole’s room, watching the startled Josephine nearly fall off the bed.


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“Oh, I’m sorry, was I interrupting? Cole promised he would fix my…shower, and since I would like to take one I was hoping he’d look at it now.”

“Shower? Don’t you have a handy man around this mansion?”

Josephine asked a little irritated.

Took you long enough!
“I’ll get right on that.”

Cole jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of sweat pants over his boxers. He was out of the door before Marley could break her stare from his body.

“I’ll see you at breakfast,” Marley said, quickly walking out of the room. She was not about to be trapped into another conversation with that girl before she had caffeine in her system. It was way too damn early for that.

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Chapter 17

People poured in all morning from their pack. News about the incident traveled fast. Already, the house was beginning to become clustered. Bedrooms were being assigned, and people arrived with suitcases of clothing that surely would last them a good few weeks.

Marley tore at the bacon viciously while she watched Cole and Josephine flirt from across the table. Their plan was going to be so much harder than she originally thought. Turning her attention to Zachary and her son, she tried to give a reassuring smile. The way he looked over at her was full of concern and caution.

“So what do you ladies have planned today?” Cole asked, looking over at her.

How about swimming? It could be fun. Think about it. Me, you,
and sex in the water. It doesn’t get much better than that. Of course,
we’ll have to find a way to ditch…what did you call her, a dimwit?

Yes, we’ll have to ditch the dimwit.

Cole’s mischievous grin caused her to smile at him. “I thought she could help me pick out merchandise for my store. Then, maybe we can go for a swim.”

“That sounds like fun!” Josephine leaned over the table toward Marley. “You know, I know the perfect little water hole back in the woods. It could be exciting. We should all go. You can even bring Demetri. I’m sure he’d love to get out of the house.”

The anger tightened Marley’s muscles, but she kept it under control. “Demetri isn’t allowed in the woods. You never know what could be lurking around out there.” She leaned closer toward Josephine, staring directly into her eyes. “There’s things filling the

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forest that can maul you beyond recognizable. I don’t think it would be very safe. What do you think?”

The girl shuttered. “Well, now that you put it that way maybe it wasn’t the best plan. Did anyone ever tell you your personality is a bit gruesome?” She leaned back against her chair to provide distance between them.

“Marley just has a very overactive imagination. But I love her for it,” Zachary said, kissing her cheek.

She beamed a smile at him and turned her attention back to her food before she snapped at Josephine worse than she already had.

Take her son in the woods. Ha! That had been a little forward for someone who knew she was suspected. But maybe she doesn’t have a choice,
Marley thought.

“You know, Josie, I realized you haven’t mentioned anything about your family. Why don’t you tell us about them?”

For the first time, she watched the girl crumble. Repeatedly, Josephine began to fidget. Bingo. She was definitely hiding something about her family.

“Well, my mom and dad are dead, so I lived with an aunt. Who, by the way, is a complete bitch. My brothers…they’re gone.” The girl got quiet as her bottom lip quivered. “I can’t find them. They just disappeared,” Josephine said, starting to cry.

Marley immediately jumped to her feet. Fuck, her instincts told her the girl wasn’t lying. What in the hell was going on here?

“I can’t do this anymore! I’m a horrible liar,” Josephine sobbed.

“I’m so sorry, Marley. You were right all along. I am hiding something, but you all have to help me.”

Stepping up beside her, Marley could smell the wolf in her flowing off in waves. Jesus! “Josie, talk to me. What do you need me to do? As long as you’re truthful with me, I will help you. But if I find out you’re lying, I quit being nice. Deal?”

Red, swollen eyes greeted hers. “Deal,” she said, wiping her face on a napkin. “You said I was a wolf, and you’re right. I belong to no
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pack at the moment. My brothers were supposed to come back to get me and they didn’t. My older brother, Damon, or Demon as we like to refer to him, didn’t say where he was going, but my twin, Jordan, told me he was coming here, and I haven’t heard from him since.

“Where is he?” She sobbed. “I thought you all killed him, but I can tell no one here would do that. The way you reacted to an attack last night proved to me you take care of your pack. I know you all wouldn’t let something happen to him.”

Marley felt like she had been punched in the gut. Her whole body began to shake while she looked into Jordan’s brown eyes. How had she not made the connection before? Slowly, Marley backed away from Josephine, her whole body trembling uncontrollably.

“Jordan was your brother?” she whispered shakily.

“Yes, you know him! I can tell. Where is he? Marley, please tell me. I’ll do anything, please!”

Zachary’s arm eased around her, stopping her escape. “Marley take Demetri upstairs to Kylie. Then, if you want to come back down, you can. Josephine and I need to talk.”

Giving the desperate girl one last look, Marley grabbed her baby as quickly as she could and ran out of the dining room. Being anywhere near someone who was linked to the man who marked her and wanted to kidnap her and her son flooded her with terror.

She looked down at Demetri’s eyes and held him closer to her chest while she rushed up the stairs. Kylie was in the hall and opened her mouth to say something when she must have caught Marley’s anxiety.

“What’s happened?”

“You have to take Demetri and just…hold him, watch over him.

Jesus, I’m so freaked right now. Josephine just announced she’s Jordan twin, and she’s looking for him.”

“Oh, shit. Is Zachary with her?”

“Yes, I’m going back down. I’ll tell you everything soon. Just, please, watch over him.”


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“You know I will. Marley, be careful,” Kylie said, already walking with Demetri into his room.

The sound of a scream made her whole body go rigid. Her feet felt like lead. They refused to walk forward, but she had to go and face this girl. The whole reason Jordan died was because he wanted her and her son. She couldn’t become a coward now.

Running back down the stairs, Marley paused just outside the dining room and walked in slowly. Cole was trying to comfort Josephine whose head rested against the table, crying. Zachary held a hand out to Marley for her not to move, but it was too late, the girl already heard her.

“He’s dead because of you! You said I was responsible last night for killing your family, but you killed mine, for real. I had nothing to do with the attack. You killed my other half,” Josephine sobbed, resting her head back on the table.

Nausea threatened. She had been so sure Josephine was somehow responsible. Now she wasn’t so sure. The girl lied last night, but possibly only concerning the whereabouts of her brother.

What were they supposed to do now? They were right back to square one.

“It wasn’t my fault. He wanted me and my son. Josephine, your brother was rival pack. You, of all people, should know what happens when a pack tries to dominate the other. He came here trying to take over. What were we supposed to do, let him? Zachary’s family was here first.”

“Jordan wasn’t bad!” Josephine said, flying out of the chair.

Marley watched the wood splinter as the blonde’s tiny fist slammed into the table. All that was left was a massive hole.

“Now wait one minute,” Marley said, stepping forward. “That was Zachary’s mother’s table. If you want to destroy anything you can take your ass outside.”

Zachary grabbed her arm, pulling her closer to him. She looked up at him, and he quickly removed his hand.

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“What, are you going to make me?” Josephine snarled at her.

Her fist knocked another hole through the table, and Marley was over the wooden divider before she realized it. She easily lifted the girl by the shoulders, glaring into her eyes.

“I think I told you to keep your hands off of the furniture. Don’t make me teach you respect. If you didn’t buy it, then don’t break it, is that clear? I don’t want to have to hurt you, Josephine, but you’re making it extremely difficult. I’m sorry this happened, but it couldn’t be stopped.”

The blonde laughed in her face and was suddenly gone. The pain that exploded against Marley’s face was unexpected. She could feel herself flying through the air. The contact she made with Zachary’s mothers china cabinet wasn’t even felt compared to the rage that exploded in her body the moment she heard broken glass.

Pushing herself off of the ground, she sprung and hit Josephine full force, causing both of them to fly through the glass window and land on the grass outside.

“I can’t believe you did that!” Marley screamed at her. “Do you know how long that’s been in the family!”

They continued rolling around the grass, hitting each other.

Nothing was getting accomplished except a rising amount of blood.

Pain kept coming, and Marley kept delivering it right back.

Twigs from the hedge were stuck in her hair, and her arm was throbbing painfully. She had no doubt she cut it from the window.

Josephine proved impossibly powerful. It almost felt like the moment she gained ground, the girl made her push against a brick wall.

“Truce!” Josephine yelled, panting.

“I thought you’d never say so,” Marley said, sprawling out on the grass, breathing heavily.

“Wow, you’re strong.” The blonde rolled onto her stomach to look at Marley. “Why don’t I know you? We share the same bloodline.”

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