Projected Pleasure (16 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

BOOK: Projected Pleasure
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“I’ll die before I fuck you again,” she said, glaring at him.

“No, you just think you will. I have a feeling in the next few minutes you’re going to be begging me to fuck you. That’s the beauty of us wolves. When we’re in bloodlust, we’ll fuck anyone to make the aching inside of us stop. Ask Kylie. I’ve heard the story of her first kill.”

Marley moaned underneath him, twisting her head back and forth.

Jordan knew he’d be fucking her a lot sooner than he expected. That was if he got out of here. Too much time continued to go by, and he needed to make their escape now. When they reached their home, she’d be begging him for sure.


Jennifer Salaiz

Chapter 22

Zachary rushed through the trees. Cole was off to his side with everyone trailing behind them both. It seemed they ran for miles, and still Marley and Demetri were nowhere in sight. He knew they hadn’t passed them. Scent of rival pack still hung heavily in the air. It couldn’t be long now.

A scream echoed throughout the air, making every hair on his body stand up. Everyone seemed to push faster at how close it sounded. Soon they’d find his wife and his son, and he prayed they would make it in time to rescue them.

Pack, when we approach the rivals, half of you sweep to one side
with Cole, and the other half follow me. We’ll approach from the
opposite side. We’ll force our way to the middle. Is that clear to

They understood, and were already taking sides behind Zachary and Cole. Their scent grew stronger as they covered more ground. Not a few minutes later, another one of Marley’s screams tore at his heart.

What in the hell were they doing to her?

Cole, what can you pick up from Marley?

Cole looked at him, his eyes glowing so bright blue they almost made Zachary pause. What in the hell? The moment he thought it, fire rushed through his body, feeding him so much power he wasn’t sure what to do with it. All he could do was make himself run faster.

She’s consumed so much blood. Zachary, she’s killing them! We
have to hurry.

More of the forest went by while they rushed through, but still nothing except a growing scent. Just when Zachary thought they
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would appear at any moment it just kept lingering on. One last scream penetrated the air just as he saw the rival pack turning toward them.

Zachary screamed while he broke off to the left and Cole broke to the right. Everyone split down the middle, and he began to tear through the wolves that got in his way. Growling erupted everywhere around him. Viciously, he tore at them with his teeth.

Adrenaline raced through his body on top of the power his wife fed to him. No matter how many he took out, it wasn’t enough.

Pushing his way through, he caught his first glimpse of Marley.

Jordan was lying on top of her while she writhed beneath him.

Consuming rage took over at the sight of his wife under that monster.

Jordan looked up at him and smiled. Then Zachary’s world wavered.

Marley pulled Jordan’s face to hers and began kissing him.

* * * *

Cole broke through the rival pack using his sharp teeth to rip the thick flesh. The sounds of yelping surrounded him while their side of the pack massacred everything in their way. Marley kissing Jordan had Cole screaming and tearing his way to her. He could hear her thoughts, feel the unbearable aching for release.

Marley, stop. Hold on. We’re here. Don’t do this with him. You’ll
hate yourself. Think of Demetri. He needs you! Stop!

Relief poured over him as she broke her mouth from Jordan’s and screamed. She began to become violent, hitting and scratching at him.

Cole watched while Jordan ripped her up by her hair and pulled her deeper into the forest.

His alpha made just as much progress as he. They pushed through, gaining more of the area, but still, rival pack kept coming. One of them could possibly push through but not both. Cole knew what needed to happen if they were going to get to her before they disappeared.


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Zach, you need to get to Marley. Nikolas, Stephen, Mark, and I
will take over where you leave off. Hurry, before they all get away.

* * * *

The moment everyone was positioned, Zachary burst through the line right for Jordan, Marley, and…Henry, holding Demetri’s carrier.

Just at the thought of his half-brother betraying him, he saw red. He ran faster, right at the bastard.

Jordan quickly grabbed the carrier while Henry morphed to protect himself.

Traitor! It was you from the beginning, wasn’t it? You started this
rival pack, collecting people to come against me. Why!

Zachary lunged at Henry before he had a chance to say anything.

Brutally, they tore at each other. He and his brother were always a close match, but he had something Henry didn’t have. Marley’s blood.

Teeth tore as his neck, but he pulled back before his brother could gets his jaw locked in a good enough position. Zachary backed up, circling him. The blood began to wet his coat, but he felt no pain. He was too angry to feel anything.

You never deserved to be alpha. You’re too good, Zachary. An
alpha has to be ruthless, go after what he wants. You could have
taken out the New York pack and yet you don’t. Peace is too
important to you. Jordan sees the bigger picture. He’ll be an alpha
that makes a pack proud. Not one that someday will be taken over
because he’s too weak to fight for more.

You stupid fuck!
Zachary growled.
How do you think people get
killed? It’s because of greed. Real alphas don’t have to fight to prove
a point. But you want ruthless, and I’m about to show you ruthless.

Tonight you die, and where you land, you’ll stay and rot. It’s one
thing to cross me, but you involve my mate and my child, you die.

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Henry exposed the tips of his canines as he took a step forward.

Let’s go then, brother. Show me just how strong you are. You may
have Marley’s blood, but I’m not stupid. I have Jordan’s and he has
both his and Marley’s.

Zachary smiled, baring his teeth.
We’ll see who the better fighter
is. Let’s go, brother dearest. Your move first. I’ll allow you
this will be the last time you’ll ever fight in your life.

Henry sprung, but the moment he did Marley screamed. It was enough to make him lose concentration. Zachary hit the ground hard.

The sight of Jordan sinking his teeth into Marley’s shoulder made him jump back on his feet before his brother could even make it back to him.

He charged at Henry, knowing everything needed to end now.

Jordan had to be stopped before he grew anymore powerful. They both hit the earth, but he had the upper hand. His wolf form landed on top. With quick reflexes, his teeth sunk into Henry’s neck, ending his life. Zachary didn’t even look back as he jumped from his brother in human form.

Pulling off his blood-soaked shirt, he stalked toward Jordan.

Warmth was running down his mouth and chest from Henry, but he didn’t wipe it off. The taste of his kill rushed through his own blood, giving him strength and adrenaline.

“And so we meet again,” Jordan said, smiling. “It’s been a while.

The last time I saw you, I was fucking your wife. I’m so glad she’s going to be mine now. She would have been wasted staying with you.

At least here she’ll be starting a royal line.”

“Marley isn’t starting shit with you, boy. I suggest you put her and my grandson down before you really get hurt.”

Zachary turned to see a man and woman he’d never seen before.

Shocked by the interruption Zachary narrowed his eyes, confused.

“Daddy? What are you doing here?” Marley yelled.


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“Your husband sent us tickets, remember?” He smiled toward her.

“I had a feeling I needed to get here quickly. I’m glad I listened to my instincts. Seem to me you’re in a shit-load of trouble, baby girl.”

“You’re Helix?” Jordan asked, cautiously.

Zachary looked around at everyone, taking in their confused faces.

He totally forgot he sent the tickets to Marley’s parents. Dammit, he never thought they would come so soon. Maybe it hadn’t been such a bad idea after all. If he was going to learn more about Marley, he had a feeling her father was the perfect person to ask. How else had her parents found them way out here in the middle of the vast forest?

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Chapter 23

Marley looked at her parents, shocked. What were they supposed to do now? She knew they weren’t wolves. They couldn’t be. She would know if they were, right? Suddenly, reality just didn’t make sense to her.

“No, I’m not Helix. Are you serious? Do you know how old that would make me? Damn, kid, research your history before you go around accusing people of being older than time itself. Yes, we’re of his line, but do you know how thinned out that line is? It’s damn near extinct, even in us. Shit, I don’t even shift, but my father did. Doesn’t mean I don’t know what I am. You’re doing this for nothing.

Marley’s about as human as me and her mama are.”

“Oh, no, not anywhere near it, I’m afraid.” Jordan smiled. “You haven’t seen your daughter lately, have you? You see, she and Zachary’s blood may have triggered the lycanthropy to come out of hiding, but my bite brought her blood back to life. When I bit her, the DNA in my saliva was such a close match to her own, everything clicked perfectly. Slowly, but surely, the disease is taking over. Soon, Marley will be so strong she’ll be able to wipe any territory out. And I want her to do that for me.”

Their words became blurred together. So her dad knew what they carried? Why wasn’t she ever told? Was it because they thought she’d never need to know? It made sense, but she had the right to the truth.

A ripple effect flushed through her body, making her lose train of thought.

She was getting stronger. She could feel it. Marley looked up at the moon, feeling it call to her. The glowing orb made her body pulse

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while she fought the overpowering aching. Her parents being here wasn’t a good idea. They may have stalled things, but she couldn’t hold out much longer. Jordan already took more of her blood.

Defeating him would pose a problem.

“Jordan, let my mother take Demetri, and I will leave with you.

Just you and me.” Marley pressed herself against him trying to change his mind. She needed her son out of his hands if she was going to try to kill him.

Once again, her body vibrated with need, sending fire rushing through her veins. Her eyes fought from rolling back with pleasure.

She desperately held in a moan. When she opened them, she heard her mother gasp.

“Now, Jordan, leave with me.” She moved in closer, whispering to him. “You fucked me so good before. I want you to fuck me again.

Give Demetri to my mother and let’s go start making our own son.”

She felt him shift his feet while he remained quiet. Her words must have tempted him. Cole walked up next to Zachary covered in blood. His gaze bore into hers, and she felt something pass between them. Knowing they all grew stronger, she prayed her link grew stronger so not only Cole could hear her, but Zachary could as well.

Zachary, Cole, get Demetri back to the estate while I take care of
Jordan. Please! I beg you, do not interfere.

She watched while both of their eyes narrowed at her. They obviously had both heard her. She just prayed they listened.

“Let’s go, Jordan,” she said, tugging on his arm. “Just hand the carrier over to my mother so we can go. I can’t wait much longer. I’m begging you.”

Jordan took in what remained of Zachary’s pack. “Fine, we don’t need Demetri anyway. We’ll start our own line. We can worry about mixing the two in the future.”

Marley’s mother ran forward, grabbing the carrier away from him.

Before she could get away, Jordan gripped her arm and inhaled deeply. With a laugh, he let go. Marley wasn’t sure what he found so
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funny, but she didn’t care at the moment. All she knew was that they needed to leave, and fast. As soon as her mother was far enough away, Marley felt Jordan grip her hand as he began to pull them into the darkness.

“You made the right decision, Marley. You’ll see. We’re going to be so strong, no one will ever mess with us.”

Shuddering went through her body at his words. Jordan pulled her harder, making her run faster than she felt she could. Over and over, her clit responded to the movement of her legs. The friction from the jeans made tears come to her eyes. They’d been running nonstop now for minutes and surely he knew she couldn’t last any longer.

Collecting her courage, she broke the contact he had on her arm.

They both skidded to a halt.

“Jordan, I can’t wait anymore. I need you to fuck me now.”

Marley pulled her shirt over her head, showing him she was serious.

She had no intention of going a step farther.

Nervously, he looked around. “I don’t live that far away. If we hurry, we can be there in minutes. I have more pack there to take care of anyone who tries to find us. I don’t think we should chance your mates or imposter parents coming to find us.”

Taken aback by his words, she tried not to show him how they affected her.
“I can’t wait. It has to be now.” Quickly, she removed the rest of her clothing.

The way Jordan stared at her body, she knew he would submit. He was crushing her lips with his before she could take a breath.

Marley’s back hit the ground hard. All the fear subsided as she felt the hate she harbored for him fill her every limb. Tearing at his shirt, she felt it disappear beneath her hands.

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