Promised (7 page)

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Authors: Michelle Turner

BOOK: Promised
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“Why did you want to do
at all?” I ask, throwing my hands in the air in my own frustration.

Shay looks around the room to make sure no one is watching us. Thankfully, they’ve all focused their attention on my parents, who are loudly discussing wedding plans with anyone who will listen. Seeing that the coast is clear, he grabs my hand and guides me out of the house and into the back yard.

“Why do you think I did this?” He asks, releasing my hand to pace back and forth in front of me.

“Because you’ve started taking drugs and they’re causing you to slowly go insane.”

He stops his pacing and looks at me earnestly. “I’m being serious here.”

“So am I!”

“Jesus, don’t you know that I love you.”

All I can do is stare at him in shock, wondering when he officially lost his mind or if he’s always been like this and I’m only now seeing it.

“I have since we were kids. Why do you think I’m always around?”

“Because you’re friends with my brothers, not because you have some ill-advised crush on me!” I yell, coming out of my shocked state.

“Damn it, Wyn. This isn’t a crush. I love you and we’re getting married!”

Chapter 9 – Linc

~Try Your Best~

I stop my pacing in front of the
Challenger and look at my watch for the fifth time. She’s late. It’s New Year’s Eve and I haven’t seen her since Christmas. We’ve exchanged numerous texts, but something didn’t feel right. It was either she found a way to meet me tonight, or I was going to go barging over to her house to make sure she’s alright. Thankfully, she talked her parents into letting her have a night out with “Dani” alone. But now I’m thinking she stood me up, or they found out about us and are stopping her from meeting me.

I pull out my phone to try and call her again. But before I can press the first button, Dani’s car comes flying into the parking lot, stopping right beside me. I shove the phone back into my pocket and walk to the passenger side to open the door for Wyn. She takes my offered hand and steps out of the car, one long, tanned leg at a time.

“Sorry, my phone’s battery died or I would’ve called to let you know we were running behind.” She explains softly.

Pulling my eyes from her mesmerizing leg, I clear my throat before replying. “It’s fine.” I would’ve waited around all night if it meant seeing those legs in those heels. Damn!

She releases my hand and crosses to the driver’s side of the car where Dani is standing.

“Are you sure this is ok?” Wyn asks, giving her friend a hug.

“Of course, go and have fun.” Dani encourages as she hugs her back.

Wyn pulls back and her eyes find me over her friend’s shoulder and she smiles. “Oh, I will.”

Dani releases Wyn and turns to face me. She places both of her hands on the roof of the car and leans in with a stern look directed my way. “She needs to be back to me before dawn. Call me and I’ll pick her up; it doesn’t matter what time, and I expect you to bring her back in the same condition she is in now. Understand?”

Dani is an adorable red head with a very rounded, pregnant belly. She stands at least half a foot below me, but damn if she isn’t an intimidating, little sprite. So nodding my head I say. “Yes, ma’am.”

She taps the top of the car and her face softens as she says. “Good. Now that that is settled, you two have a good time and be careful.”

“We will.” Wyn and I both say in unison, which causes us both to laugh and Dani to shake her head.

Sliding back into the driver’s seat, she grumbles. “You two are such dorks.”

Wyn leans down, kisses Dani on the cheek, and whispers something I can’t hear. Then she shuts Dani’s door.

Once Dani’s tail lights are fading into the distance, I turn my attention back to my beautiful date.

“So…what are we doing tonight?” Wyn asks as she fidgets with the buttons of her black coat.

“It’s a surprise.” I say, closing the distance between us.

“I don’t like surprises.” She says quietly when I’m standing directly in front of her.

“You’ll like this one.” I reply back just as quietly.

The silence grows between us and I can feel that something’s off, but I don’t push for an explanation because I want this date to be about us. I have a feeling the issue that’s bothering her is about her someone else, and I’m not bringing him with us tonight.

I grab her hand and walk her to the car. “We better get on the road or we won’t make it in time.”


An hour later, I pull on to the dirt lane that leads to my family’s cabin. The ride started off quiet, but eventually, Wyn pulled out of her funk and started grilling me with questions about the surprise. Her earlier worries slipped away and I was left with the fun, caring girl that I know I’m starting to love.

I put the Challenger into park and get out and cross to Wyn’s door to help her out.

“Linc, this place is breath taking.” She says, turning in a slow circle to take the whole view in. And she’s right, this place is. I’ve been here hundreds of times with my family, but each time I stop to admire the view. A cozy log cabin sits at the end of the driveway with a deck that wraps around the entire house. To the right, you have a view of the mountains. To the left and back, you can see the dark blue waters of the lake with more mountains in the background. But tonight, I don’t take in the glory that is barely touched nature; I watch Wyn and her reaction to one of my favorite places.

She completes her circle right in front of me and the smile that’s lighting up her face makes the days I spent planning and the hour I spent driving us here, completely worth it.

I hold out my arm for her to take as I ask, “Ready to see the inside?”

“We better or I might freeze in this dress.” She laughs as she takes my arm. She had to bring my mind back to that dress. Damn! The only thing I can see of it is a hint of black lace showing from beneath her coat. But if how much leg is showing is any indication, it’s short and sexy as hell. I’m trying to be a gentleman, but that mystery dress is going to make my goal near impossible to complete.

“Well, that’s the last thing I want to happen. But if it does, I’ll gladly warm you up.” I say as I guide her into the cabin, kicking the door shut behind us, and pulling her to my chest. Placing a gentle kiss to her lips, I confess. “I’ve missed not seeing you every day.”

“Me too. Thankfully, school starts back in a few days and we’ll be able to see each other more.”

“Who would’ve known we’d be thankful for Christmas break to be over?” I chuckle. Taking a step back, I say. “Here, let me help you with your coat.”

She turns her back to me as she unbuttons the coat, slowly sliding it down her shoulders and revealing the see-through, black lace covering her right shoulder and the bare skin of her left. Her curls have been twisted into some intricate design so they’re off her shoulders, except for a few that have worked their way loose. Those loose ones are like arrows, drawing my attention to the soft exposed skin below. I pull myself together and help her take the coat the rest of the way off and hang it on the coat rack by the door. I take a deep breath in an attempt to control myself before I turn around to see the whole dress, but no amount of deep breaths would’ve prepared me for the sight that meets my eyes when I turn back to face her.

The black lace clings to every perfect inch of her delicately, curved body. The lace sleeve on her right arm starts right above her elbow and reaches the top of her shoulder before it slices at an angle across her chest. The material is completely sheer until it hits a satiny material that lies underneath the lace at her chest and stretches down to the top of her thighs. The lace continues a few inches below the satin material. Her long, bare legs take over from there, stretching on for what seems like miles before you hit the delicate material of her black lace heels. I have no clue how anyone can walk in shoes that tall, but she does. And somehow, she does it gracefully.

My eyes trail back up her body and I stop at the neckline of her dress where I notice the four leaf clover charm. “You wore it.”

Her fingers lift to touch the fragile charm and she smiles at me. “I haven’t taken it off.”

I lift the dog tags out from underneath my button up shirt. “Neither have I.”

She sucks in the corner of her lip and releases it before asking. “Are you going to show me around, or are we going to stand in the doorway all night?”

I take her hand in mine and tell her honestly. “Sorry, that dress distracted me from the surprise.”

She giggles at my honesty and follows me towards the back of the house where the great room is located. The back wall of the house is made up of nothing but windows that show off the view of the lake and mountains. To the right side of the room is a huge stone fireplace that already has a fire roaring in its hearth. Directly in front of the fireplace, like I planned, is a table set for two: white linen table cloth, a bouquet of white roses in a vase at the center flanked by lit white pillar candles, and real silverware wrapped in cloth napkins.

Wyn releases my hand and crosses to the table. She runs one manicured finger along the table cloth, and then lifts it to touch the petal of one of the roses. Turning to look at me over her shoulder, she asks. “How did you do all of this?”

“I’ll never reveal my secrets.” I say as I join her by the table and pull out her seat.

“I have ways of getting even the strongest man to reveal his secrets.” She teases, taking the offered seat.

“Try your best.” I lean in and whisper close to her ear. The light hint of her perfume hits my nose and takes over my senses. It smells of blackberry with a little bit of vanilla mixed in.

Good god!

This girl smells like berry cobbler; my favorite freaking dessert!

She’s making it hard to be a gentleman, wearing that dress and smelling like that. I want to peel the lace from her body and lick every inch of her to see if she tastes as sweet as she smells.

Dammit! I have to get my head straight.

“Umm…I’m going to get our food from the kitchen. I’ll be right back.” I step away from her seat to put some distance between her and my inappropriate thoughts.

“Let me help.” She moves to get back up.

I hold up my hand and practically shout. “No!”

She stares at me, shocked by my outburst.

“I mean, you just relax. I’m at your beck and call tonight, so let me serve you.” I try to smooth over my mistake.

She eyes me cautiously, but nods in agreement. I move to the kitchen and as soon as I’m out of sight, I grab on to the edge of the counter and take a deep breath to clear my head.

“Come on, Linc. You need to keep your cool.” Easy enough, if my teenage hormones would stop going into overdrive at the sight and smell of my dream girl. If I keep this up, I’ll end up humping her perfectly, tanned leg like a horny, little lap dog before we can make it through the salad.

Chapter 10 – Wyn

~Make You Feel My Love~

As soon as Linc is out of sight
, I get up and move over to the wall of windows that make up the back half of the house. I’m looking at the view, but I can’t stop myself from seeing an absurdly large diamond ring that’s hiding in my purse. I planned on telling him about the engagement tonight, but I can’t make myself ruin the evening he’s taken so much time to plan for us. I’ll wait till we’re back at school. Only a few more days of keeping this a secret and I’ll come clean.


What am I going to do? I don’t love Shay and I know I never will, just like I know I’m falling head over heels in love with Linc. How can I not fall for him though? He’s been nothing but sweet and understanding with me since the moment the counselor pushed us together. Most boys take one look at my over protective brothers and lose interest instantly, but not him. I think he’d fight them all if they tried to take me away.

Oh, heck!

They are going to take me away. Well, Shay’s going to take me away, in five very short months. I know it isn’t fair to put Linc through this, even if I’ve been up front with him about everything. But right now, I can’t stop myself from being selfish. I want to spend every moment I can with him until I’m forced to walk down that aisle. I know it’s not enough time to satisfy my need for Linc, but forever wouldn’t be enough either. So I have to settle for what I have.

I’m going to need these memories to get me through a lifetime of being married to a man I don’t love.

The kitchen door opening pulls me out of my tormented thoughts and I spin around in time to watch Linc cross the room carrying two plates of salad. He went all out tonight, replacing his usual faded jeans with a pair of black dress pants, his normal white t-shirt is now covered by a light blue button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and his usual pair of black boots finish the look, but I can tell they’ve been freshly scrubbed. Watching the way he moves, so sure and steady, knowing strength hides beneath those proper clothes, makes me wish I could slowly strip the clothes from his body and trace my fingers over each muscle until I have every inch of him memorized.

I look away to hide the heat that takes over my cheeks at my thoughts. When did I become such a hussy? I’m going against everything I’ve ever been taught. A good gypsy girl should never hold hands, kiss, or be alone with a boy. And she definitely shouldn’t be having the dirty thoughts I’m having about Linc right now. I’m a freaking hussy! A dirty freaking hussy!

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