Promises 2 (23 page)

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Authors: A.E. Via

BOOK: Promises 2
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“You left the door unlocked,” Joe admonished.

“That wasn’t done intentionally.” Cayson gritted his teeth. He couldn’t yell. Although his door was closed, you never knew who was lurking. “You should leave… and you can take that with you.” Cayson pointed to the expensive gift still in the box on his desk.

“You wanted it, didn’t you? I saw you looking at it. Don’t you like it?”

“The question is: would you have bought this for me if Roman wasn’t in the picture?”

Joe shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe. Probably.” As he moved closer, Cayson took a few backwards steps. Joe looked predatory, his dark brown eyes shining bright with his intent. Cayson would’ve loved to have seen that look on Joe’s face a few months ago. Now it was too little, too late.

“I want you to know that I understand why you were traipsing around with that man.” Joe waved his hand dismissively. “I’m not going to even ask, because I don’t want to know. I’m going to make sure you never want for him again.”

Cayson shook his head. He didn’t know what was happening. He was still trying to understand why Joe was being so persistent when he’d made Cayson feel like nothing but a nagging housewife while they were involved. Anything he suggested for them to do, especially if it included going out, Joe would look at him like he’d sprouted horns.

It wasn’t until Cayson heard the rattling of Joe’s belt buckle that he snapped back to focus. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to fuck you.” Joe sneered. The look on his face was a mask of anger and revenge.

“Excuse me?”

“I know you already let him fuck you. I accept responsibility for allowing you to get so desperate that you’d pick up a thug off the corner and let—”

“Get out!” Cayson thundered, oblivious to where he was. Joe made him so furious he was having a difficult time not punching him in the mouth, so forget about keeping his voice calm. “I wouldn’t fuck you if my life depended on it.”

“Maybe it does.”

Cayson froze in place. Joe’s words were sort of frightening, but they were delivered in such a nonchalant tone that it was confusing him. Was that a threat? Cayson thought about what Joe had said to Quick before he left that morning. Told him this wasn’t over. Maybe he should push his panic button. Feeling for his watch, he realized he didn’t have it on. Fuck! He’d had such a relaxing morning after he and Quick made love that when he’d gotten paged to come in for a patient, he’d left hurriedly so he could get back to learning the big man who was smoothly working his way into his heart. He remembered taking it off last night, thinking that he didn’t need to be wearing it while he was with Quick. He’d made a mistake, and Quick was not going to be pleased.

Joe ignored Cayson’s incredulous look, steadily unzipping his pants. His cock was actually hard, his uncut meat pressing forcefully against the thin black cotton of Joe’s briefs.

“I’m not having sex with you, Joe. We’re in my office. In the hospital! Where someone could see you… hear you. Are you ready to come out?”

“There’s nothing to come out about.”

“Your head is completely screwed up, Joe. You need help.”

“I need your ass.”

“That ship has sailed.”

“Did he fuck you that good?”

“Yes,” Cayson quipped right back. He wanted to make Joe hurt. Wanted him mad enough to get the fuck out of his space.

“He’s not as good as me.” Joe looked around. “No one can see in here and I’ll make sure you stay quiet.” Joe laughed, but Cayson knew he wasn’t joking. He had to get out of there. “I’m going to make you forget him. That’s for sure.” Joe squeezed his dick, moaning Cayson’s name. “I know what to do to make you mine.”

“Nothing,” Cayson hissed. 

“Stop fighting this. It’s what’s best for both of us. You know you can’t be serious about that guy. You’re a professional, Cayson. Are you trying to end your career?”


Joe was on Cayson in a heartbeat, pushing him against the bookshelf behind his desk. Joe smelled and felt so different from Quick. He was so much smaller, his chest was frail and bony, where Quick was thick and firm with muscle. Joe reached down and grabbed between Cayson’s legs, clumsily aiming for his balls. Cayson swore and grunted, closing his thighs tight, trying to push Joe’s hands off him. It made him sick to his stomach. He didn’t want Joe’s grimy hands on him. Ever again.

“This is sexual harassment,” Cayson said, finality in his voice and his actions as he pushed hard against Joe’s chest, putting some much-needed distance between them.

Joe’s eyes were wide as he began to zip up his pants as if he was being watched by Candid Camera. “Harassment, Cayson?” Joe’s mouth was in a firm line, his neck turning redder the more he righted himself. He angrily shoved the hem of his turtleneck back into his slacks. “It was just last month you were begging me to take you, any way I wanted. Now you’re yelling sexual harassment. Fine. You and your hoodlum can live happily ever after. I’m done trying to help you.”

“Thank you for your blessing.”

Joe’s eyes narrowed to slits. “No one embarrasses me.”

“I’m not try—”

“Save it!” Joe barked startlingly; loud enough to make Cayson jump in the quiet office. Joe flung the door open hard enough that it bounced off the arm of the couch. “You’ll regret this,” Joe said in parting.

I think I already do


“Let’s be sure to stay alert. Don’t assume anything and don’t underestimate this guy. Money is power and he has a lot of it,” Brian signed, his brother translating for him.

“He’s a spoiled brat who’s used to getting his own way,” Quick huffed.

“The rich ones usually are,” Duke confirmed. “Damn, how old is he?”

“Like forties. Fuck if I know. Too damn old to be pulling bullshit, Mickey Mouse stunts like this,” Quick scoffed.

Brian was reading over some information on Dr. Joe’s family while his older brother, Ford, spoke with Quick about their next move. “Let’s wait and see, Quick. If he wants you bad enough, he’ll come get you. We don’t want to be the ones to initiate anything.”

“You just be ready,” Duke added.

Quick was always ready. He looked at his best friend, making eye contact, trying to relay his concerns without actually saying it out loud.

Brian signed something and they all waited for Ford to say it aloud. “Brian wants to know what the look was.”

Brian’s hands moved in another series of jerky motions. He was saying something for his brother, but Duke and Quick watched carefully. It crossed Quick’s mind then, and not for the first time, that they all needed to learn a little ASL, so the whole team could communicate without Ford having to interpret. The King brothers were becoming an important part of their business, and it just made sense. After a few more seconds of Brian signing, Ford ran his hand over his buzz cut before speaking.

“Brian thinks we should put a tail on him.” 

“Why?” Duke frowned. “What do you see in those papers?”

Brian shook his head. Looking down at the papers, his forehead creased in concentration, he signed while Ford rattled off all the business ventures that the Wellingtons were involved in. It wasn’t just hospital politics. They were connected with the governor and a couple federal judges last names were Wellington. “There appear to be Wellingtons serving in several branches of the federal government.”

“Anything shady or underhanded?” Quick questioned.

“Some things look sketchy, but they’re good at covering their tracks,” Brian signed enthusiastically. “Looking at it from this angle, I don’t see much that appears illegal. But, I’m sure I could find it if I dig hard enough.”

“Fine. Dig deeper.” Ford agreed with his brother. “We may need our own leverage if it comes down to it.”

“In the meantime.” Quick quirked his brow.

“In the meantime, we’re on Defcon Four.”

Duke rolled his eyes. “Civilian talk, please, Ford.”

“Meaning we’re going to increase our watch and tighten up on security.”

“Well, hell. If that’s what that means, then we’re always on Defcon Four.” Quick checked his watch; it was after five. Surely, Cayson should be ready to leave work by now.

“We’re talking about you and your guy’s safety,” Ford chided.

“I know. I’m on it.” Quick stood, ready to conclude this meeting. He wasn’t being honest with himself, or his team. How did he touch on this subject again? He hadn’t had to deal with losing control of his anger in a long time.

“Something else you want to say?” Ford asked.

“If I get my hands on this guy, I’m not sure what I’ll be capable of.”

“We’re all well aware of what you can do. Hopefully it won’t come to that.” Duke clapped Quick on his shoulder on his way by. “Let’s not worry if we don’t have to.”

“Keep this from Vaughan,” Quick said to Duke’s retreating back.

“I keep nothing from Vaughan,” Duke responded, not bothering to look at Quick as he closed himself in his office.

Whipped prick.

Quick didn’t have time to ponder the what-ifs, because as soon as he sat back at his desk, the front door opened. He was so consumed with his thoughts that he didn’t notice Cayson until he was standing over him.

“Hope I’m not interrupting,” Cayson said softly.

Quick stood up and wrapped his arms around Cayson like he hadn’t just seen him that morning. “Hey you.” Quick placed a delicate kiss on Cayson’s neck while he bent low and soaked up all the warmth Cayson could give. His meeting with the guys had gone well, but whenever Quick talked about his anger or fighting, it made him anxious. Cayson showing up right now was exactly what he needed. “This is a nice surprise. I thought I’d meet you at my place.”

Cayson looked nervous, clearing his throat before he could speak. Looking around the office, Quick saw that all eyes were on them in the open space. He didn’t want Cayson to feel uncomfortable or be afraid of them, especially since any one of them would lay down their life for the other, and that now included him.

With his hand on the small of Cayson’s back, he ushered him over to the brothers. “Cayson, this is Brian and Ford King. Fellas, this is Dr. Cayson Chauncey.”

“Cayson is fine,” he corrected, holding his hand out to shake. Both of the men had a solid, forceful grip. “It’s nice to meet you both.”

They both nodded, but Ford was the only one to speak. “It’s good to finally put a face with the name.”

Cayson looked back at him, a slight smile ghosting over his beautiful face.

“Yep. I talk about you all the time.”

“We were just taking about you, actually.” Duke came out of his office, offering his hand to Cayson. “To what do we owe the pleasure, Doc?”

“The pleasure is mine. He’s here to see me… finally.” Quick laughed, pulling Cayson close to his side.

“Well, um.” Cayson shifted. He looked so uneasy. What was going on? “I’m kind of here to speak to all of you.”

Quick looked concerned, as he bent down to look Cayson in the eye. “Did something happen at work, Cays?”


Cayson didn’t expect for all of Quick’s coworkers to be in on a Saturday afternoon, but he guessed they didn’t work normal business hours. He looked around the room, astonished at how much smaller he felt around them. They were huge, military trained, and very serious.

“Cayson! Where’s your watch?” Cayson didn’t realize that Quick was holding his hand, his face showing just how upset he was, no matter the excuse for his bare wrist.

“I left it at home by mistake this afternoon. I was kind of distracted.” Cayson hoped Quick could accept that one. However, his sharp green eyes focused back on him, his teeth clenched together, as if he was trying not to yell.

“What’s going on, Doc? It’s okay to tell all of us, because we can’t have secrets between us. If Quick needs us, he’s going to tell us anyway,” Duke interrupted Quick’s glare.

“Well. When I got to work, there was a gift on my desk.” Cayson looked at Quick expectantly, telling him yes, it was Joe. “I called his cell and fussed at him. Next thing I know, he’s in my office, pushing me around.”

“He touched you.” Quick’s voice was low, deadly. If Cayson hadn’t been looking at him, he’d have sworn a demon had spoken.

“Rome,” Duke said Quick’s name, sounding like a warning.

Cayson watched as Quick closed his eyes and took a couple deep breaths before he opened them again. It took a lot for him not to gasp at the startling green of Quick’s irises, his pupils contracted to tiny pinpoints, showing just how livid he was. No matter how he tried to calm himself, if he was angry, his body would react and no words could disguise it. He didn’t really want to know what Quick did when he was this livid. How he fought for a person he cared for. Cayson had a feeling it wouldn’t end well for the other person. Now he was regretting saying anything at all. Was he about to seal Joe’s doom?

“Cayson, why don’t you sit down here and tell us from start to finish.” Duke guided him to a chair in their makeshift lobby, all the men crowding around to hang on his every word. Quick stood behind Duke like he needed someone to hold him back.

Fuck. What am I doing?

When Cayson had finished, none of the men said anything for a while and he assumed they were digesting it. He’d conveniently left out the part about Joe grabbing his crotch. He said Joe shoved him… that’s it, but regardless, Quick’s body language was screaming at him. As if they could all hear it, Brian was the one to place a hand on Quick’s shoulder in an effort to settle him.

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