Promises 2 (24 page)

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Authors: A.E. Via

BOOK: Promises 2
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“All right. This guy has just upped the ante on us,” Duke said first, and all of them nodded their agreement.

Wait! What the hell are they agreeing to?

“Cayson, are you okay staying with Quick for a few days until we figure out this guy’s intentions, or at least until he calms down?” Duke asked, his voice calm and comforting like he was trying to soothingly trick Cayson into saying yes, he needed a babysitter. No freaking way. And that melodious voice may work on Vaughan, but Cayson was immune… mostly.

“I’m not going to impose on Quick.” They’d just started seeing each other. He wasn’t about to live with him, he wasn’t an adolescent. Cayson had to do what was logical. And running to hide out at Quick’s didn’t sit well with him rationally or physically. They still needed their own space, or shit would go south.

“There’s no imposition,” Quick finally spoke again. “I have a guest room, if that’s what’s bothering you. This is only about safety.”

Cayson stood up, his hands out in front of him. “I think we may be going overboard. And I may have overreacted. Joe isn’t dangerous. He’s a mediocre anesthesiologist, for Pete’s sake.” Cayson didn’t know why, but for some reason he wanted to appear as strong and fearless as the men surrounding him. Even without all the black and leather, they still looked vicious. They looked like trained killers. Cayson puffed his chest out a little more. “I’m not scared of him, if that’s what y’all think.”

“No one thinks anyone is scared. Safety has little to do with being scared. Plenty of men have met worse fates, all because they ‘weren’t scared’,” Duke said around air quotes. “You wanna know what’s on their gravestones? ‘Here he lies dead, but he wasn’t scared.’ No one gives a fuck if you’re scared or not, but you will be safe.” Duke stood to his full six-foot plus height. “You’ve been telling me what to do for almost a year, controlling my health. Now you’re in my house. I assume you came to us for advice, and this is it. You’re going to stay with one of us… I don’t care who you pick. You’ll be under our protection while this jilted ex gets some act right about himself. When I’m confident he’s not a threat to you or my guys, then everything can go back to normal. Until then. Defcon Four. Am I clear?”

“Clear,” Quick and Ford called out in unison, Brian slinging up a gesture too fast for Cayson to catch.

Duke turned on his heels, leaving them to the details. The two brothers stood up, gripped Quick in a one-armed hug, and nodded once to Cayson before leaving together. Cayson looked around, slightly confused.
That’s it? Duke says clear, and like in the OR, everyone raises their hands and scatters. What the hell? I didn’t agree to anything.

“I’m not staying with you, Rome,” Cayson said, while Quick went about straightening his desk.

“Then who are you staying with?”

“No one. I’m going home. Well, after our date.” Cayson smiled ruefully. But Quick failed to see the humor, if his dry expression was any indication.

“Fine.” Quick locked his desk drawer and pointed to Duke’s closed door. “Go in there and tell that to him. I’m warning you though; Vaughan’s been out of town for two days, so Duke’s not a happy camper.”

Cayson rolled his eyes. He had no doubt Quick was right. He didn’t want to piss Duke off while he was missing his man. “Okay. One night, since I’d planned to stay, anyway.” Cayson approached Quick slowly where he leaned against the side of his desk. Enough of the dreaded ex talk. He needed Quick’s hands on him, especially after Joe had unwantedly touched him. Quick watched him, his face still unreadable, and it almost gave Cayson pause, but he kept advancing. Quick wanted him. He had a gut feeling, and when he was close enough, he ran his hand up Quick’s hard stomach and over his pecs. Cayson smiled when the muscles flinched beneath his touch, the tight material of his t-shirt, stretched over his broad chest could barely conceal all that firm flesh.

“Touch me, Rome.” Cayson moved in until there wasn’t an inch of room between them. Quick still had his hands clenched tight at his sides. “Are you mad at me, or just sulking a bit?”

“Neither,” Quick answered, smoothing his hands up Cayson’s thighs to his waist. He closed his eyes, enjoying the touch. Relishing the way Quick held and controlled him. It made his cock come to life. “I want you to be careful is all. I’m not trying to take over your life.”

Cayson tilted his head back, looking up into Quick’s ruggedly handsome face. He hadn’t shaved this morning and his beard was full enough to cause a pleasant burn on Cayson’s face if he could get Quick to devour him with his mouth again. He’d agree to just about anything right now. “I promise. I’ll be safe.”

Quick yanked Cayson hard against him. He grunted and took the punishment, loving where this was going. “You can’t just say those words, you have to mean it.” Quick bit down hard on the spot beneath Cayson’s jaw, making him hiss and moan at the same time.

“I’m not just saying it. I’ll be careful.”

“No more calling him,” Quick added, sucking a hot passion mark beneath the collar of Cayson’s dress shirt. He was busy concentrating on giving Quick all the access he needed, so whatever he was agreeing to was irrelevant, as long as this big brooding man kept touching him. He wouldn’t admit it yet, but he felt completely safe in Quick’s arms. He felt like nothing could touch him. Quick was the first place he’d thought to go when he left work. He did feel out of control when Joe became aggressive, but he wouldn’t be caught off guard next time. Maybe Quick or Duke could show him some basic defense moves… never know. Damn, thinking about rolling around with Quick on the floor while he showed him various submissive moves had him wanting to leave immediately.

“I won’t call him, talk to him. Nothing.”

“You notify me if he corners you again.”

Cayson was quiet. Quick held Cayson’s chin and tilted his head back to look at him. “If you’re worried what I’ll do to him, then call Duke, or Ford… as long as you call someone. I think the more people who get involved, the faster he’ll tuck tail and run. He’s still in the closet, so unless he wants an early coming out party, he’d better leave you alone. My patience is wearing thin when it comes to him.” 

“Did you tell Duke about the bribe?”

“Yep.” Quick flicked the light off, leading them to the front door.

“And what did Duke say about it?”

“He said I should’ve taken the money and kept dating you.”

Cayson laughed. That sounded like Duke. “Hey. Thank you for not throwing your hands up. I realize you didn’t expect to have to deal with this.”

Quick pecked Cayson on the mouth as he walked past him into the dark parking lot. He caught him by his biceps and turned him so he could crowd in close. It was an erotic contradiction the way Quick could look so rough and raw but kiss so tenderly. He made Cayson feel cherished, just in the way he looked at him. One more sweet kiss on his cheek and Quick whispered against his warm skin. “I’m not close to done with you, Cayson.” Quick looked like he wanted to add something else to that, but chose not to.

“Hey, maybe we should invite Duke over tonight,” Cayson said on his way to his car. Quick stopped next to his truck like he was thinking about it.

“Naw. Vaughan will be home sometime tonight. Duke will work in his office until it’s time to pick him up from the airport.”

“Okay, then. It’s just us.”

“I’ll follow you to your place so you can get a few things.”

Cayson rolled his eyes, but got in his car and pulled out of the parking lot with Quick’s dark Range Rover close behind him. His own personal bodyguard.


Quick tried not to squeeze his steering wheel so hard, but it was taking every breathing exercise he knew to tamp down his rage. How dare that fucker think he could just own Cayson? And where did he get the audacity to put his hands on him? He knew there was more to Cayson’s story, though for some reason he chose not to voice it at the office. But he was going to find out what else happened after he cooled down.

He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.

A small tilt of his mouth was all he could manage when he thought of the many proverbs his sensei recited when Quick got mad. All of them had made sense. Cayson would trust him with more as soon as Quick had shown he was worthy of it. If all he did was fly off the handle, he’d loose his sweet doctor, and the thought of that hurt already. He was trying to get used to the fact that he may not have to live out his life alone, watching everyone settle down around him. If he reacted like a small-minded cave man, that behavior would push Cayson away. His man wasn’t a fighter – he was a healer. Quick couldn’t start laying men to rest because they posed a threat. As much as he wanted to retaliate, it would serve no purpose.

Quick turned onto Cayson’s street, half expecting to see Joe standing there, but released a relieved breath when he saw no one. Now wasn’t the time to see Joe. Although the man had fired the first shot, Quick would bide his time.

There are two kinds of idiots. Those who don’t act when they’re threatened and those who think they’re acting because they’ve issued a threat.

“Yes, Sensei,” Quick said under his breath before he got out of his truck and caught up to Cayson.

Before he could unlock the door, Quick noticed Cayson’s neighbor was waving to get his attention. He hurried over to her, pasting a bright smile on his face. “Good evening, Mrs. Maven, I hope I didn’t disturb you.”

Quick chuckled when the older women squeezed her paisley house robe in front of her chest when she peered over to get a good look at Cayson’s company. “No, you’re fine. I wanted to tell you a package was delivered for you today that need a signature and since you weren’t home, Davis signed for it for you.”

Quick gritted his teeth when the woman pulled out a long, slender box wrapped in black and silver wrapping.

“Oh, boy,” Cayson said under his breath, making his way over to his fence to get the gift. “Thank you Mrs. Maven, and thank your husband for me, as well. You have a good night.”

“Night, doctor.” She slowly made her way back to her porch, turning the light off after she’d closed herself inside.

“Nice lady,” Quick said when Cayson opened his door.

“She is.” As if it were nothing, Cayson dropped the box on his coffee table in the living room and kept moving, going upstairs. Quick wanted to open it so badly, but knew better. That piece of shit was still buying his man gifts. Cayson made it sound like Joe was giving up by telling them to have a nice life, but it appeared they interpreted that phrase differently. When Cayson came back down with his messenger bag and a small duffle bag that couldn’t contain more than two days’ worth of clothes at the most, he wanted to argue for him to go back up and get more, but held his tongue. Cayson could walk around naked in his house for all he cared, as long as he was with him.

“You going to open it?”


“You just gonna let it sit there?” Quick leaned against the front door, his arms crossed defensively over his chest.

“I don’t care what it is. It’s not important. A label is still on it. I’m going to drop it at the post office and write return to sender on it.”

Quick didn’t like that idea, but it was Cayson’s choice. He wasn’t one hundred percent convinced that Cayson was over this man. He could think of no reason not to take Cayson at his word. He’d trust him until he gave him a reason not to. He liked that Cayson had changed out of his dress clothes and was wearing a pair of worn jeans and a green polo shirt with the sleeves pulled up. Quick beamed when he saw the watch back on Cayson’s wrist.

Cayson smiled at him, holding up his wrist. “Better?”

“A little. Not enough.” Quick growled as he looked hotly at him. “I don’t like the thought of his hands on you. Come’re.”

Cayson dropped his bag and was in Quick’s arms faster than he thought he could move. Those strong hands rubbed up and down his back as Quick feasted on his mouth. He needed to erase everywhere Joe may have touched and replace the memory of it with his own mark. The coarse hairs on his beard brushed deliciously over his cheeks and Cayson moaned deep down to his toes when Quick sucked hard on his tongue. “Damn. I need you.”

“Say it again,” Quick demanded, unbuckling Cayson’s belt.

“Fuck. I need you, Rome. Just you. Need you inside me.”

It took a lot for him not to rip off Cayson’s clothes and pound his ass until he screamed Quick’s name, let everyone know who owned him. He’d own this man’s heart, he’d earn it the right way, and not by trying to purchase it like it was on sale at Macy’s. It was a much-needed revelation that his doctor wasn’t concerned with anything Dr. Joe could put into a box. Material possessions. So easy to buy and return them like they’re nothing. Because in actuality, that’s all those empty gifts were – things. Quick could already tell that Cayson wanted something that couldn’t be bought, that wouldn’t fit in a neatly wrapped box. Cayson wanted a love of epic proportions, he wanted a man’s heart, and Quick wanted to give him his. It was Quick that Cayson wanted, it was the man, not the stuff. Quick’s presence was worth more and valued higher than any present ole Joe could find in a catalogue.

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