Promises After Dark (After Dark Book 3) (23 page)

BOOK: Promises After Dark (After Dark Book 3)
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‘Oh Christ, Beth,’ he says. ‘Are you going to come now? Come for me, please, I want to see you––’

His words trigger the shudder that means I’m going over the edge. I can’t fight it. It’s coming. And then I convulse, my body offering itself up to him in great, shaking waves. I can see nothing and I only know that I’m possessed by all-engulfing pleasure that judders to the end of every limb. I think I’m crying out, perhaps I’m shrieking, I have no idea, but when I return to a kind of awareness, I’m still moving under the last, luxurious waves of my orgasm. I realise that Dominic is not there yet, and I open myself to the second pleasure of being fucked hard in slippery, post-orgasmic openness. I could lie here all night, enjoying the delicious movements of his cock inside me, but I know it won’t be that long. He’s getting closer, his thrusting more rapid, my orgasm has powered an irresistible lust in him and he has to come himself. I feel his penis swelling inside me, his movements slow and grow stronger as he thrusts harder and harder to bring on the climax he needs so much. I open my eyes, willing him to taste the pleasure I’ve enjoyed, and watch as he stiffens, his back arches and his orgasm pours out in delicious jets.

‘Oh Beth,’ he groans as it comes.

I hug him tight, revelling in the sweetness of his climax and the love I can hear in his voice.

Chapter Thirteen

We wake at the same time, as wintery sunshine pours through the windows of the apartment. We’re lying in one another’s arms on the slippery satin sheets of his bed and we don’t speak for a while as we luxuriate in our closeness, my head pressed against Dominic’s solid chest, listening to the rhythmic thump of his heart. I think to myself idly that even though satin sheets are supposed to be so wonderful, I prefer crisp cotton every time. Cotton can be cool or warm, depending on what you want, and you never risk sliding off it onto the floor . . . While these thoughts spin lazily around my mind, Dominic is stroking my hair and occasionally rubbing my earlobe gently between his thumb and finger.

‘You need to tell me all about Andrei,’ he says at last. ‘I have to know how things are between the two of you.’

I start to tell him everything that’s happened since I saw him in Paris; how Andrei appeared to have accepted the situation with the painting and how he’d worked out a compromise agreement with the abbot.

‘Oh, that reminds me,’ I say, ‘I think your friend Brother Giovanni was there.’

Dominic looks at me quizzically. ‘Really?’

I nod. ‘I didn’t recognise him, of course, because it was dark when I met him, but I did recognise his voice. And he came up to me to ask after you.’

Dominic’s face darkens a little. ‘Did he now?’ He frowns. ‘Brother Giovanni had a powerful influence over me while I was at the monastery. He seemed to sense my inner turmoil and he provided a willing and compassionate ear. He was so understanding, so eager to help me.’ He hugs me a little tighter and I thrill to the touch of his warm skin against mine. ‘It was Brother Giovanni who explained to me some of the tenets of his order, how the Dominicans believe that you can purify yourself with punishment.’

I tilt my head so that I can stare into his eyes. ‘I guess that made a kind of sense for you,’ I say softly.

He nods his head. ‘It seemed so incredibly relevant to me. I was still coming to terms with what happened to us, how I took you too far across the boundary of what you could stand when I took you to the dungeon. Punishment of others had brought me and them such pleasure – until I submitted you to a punishment you didn’t want. It made sense to me that punishing myself might purge me both of the guilt I felt, and of the desire to do it again. I’ve been the master for so long – dominating myself was going to be my biggest challenge. Brother Giovanni explained it, he helped me every step of the way. He taught me to use the knotted rope to scourge myself and for a while it helped, it really did. I thought I could beat my desires out of myself. Or, at least, my desire to hurt you.’

‘And did you?’ I whisper. ‘Beat it out of yourself?’

He pauses for a while before he answers and I can see the struggle in those beautiful brown eyes. ‘No,’ he says at last. ‘Not entirely. But my attempt to taught me a lot of things. It taught me that I was going to have to lose my fear of love, and accept that love was going to dominate me. But also that it was stronger than my urges and if I had to, I could channel it into different routes.’

‘Rosa?’ I ask gently.

He smiles at me. ‘Rosa is inspired, my love. She is the gentle, submissive soul I need sometimes. Chastising her gives me a deep thrill. Watching her shudder and climax under my ministrations is extraordinarily pleasing. But she only exists in the bedroom and I’ve learned that my alter ego doesn’t always need to be present. There are other ways to live and different ways to love.’

I sigh happily and snuggle in tighter to his chest. So the dark thrills of my life with Dominic will go on – when he and I choose to enter our play world of erotic games. I’m so happy: within myself I have the capacity to surrender to pleasure, to take my body further along the road to submission and pleasure than I’d ever imagined. I know that we’re only at the start of the journey that will take us to many and varied delights, and that Dominic will be my stern, loving, protecting, disciplining guide. I shiver with the thrill of what awaits the master and his humble Rosa.

And outside that world, there is Beth and Dominic – lovers who support and nurture one another in equal measure.

If it weren’t for Andrei, everything would at last be perfect . . .

The thought enters my mind, bringing with it a bitter feeling of fear and anger. ‘Dominic,’ I say, sitting up, ‘Andrei has said he wants to destroy you. He’s given you until the new year to accept his offer to return to him or he’ll crush you and your business. He even hinted at violence if you didn’t comply.’

Dominic looks scornful. ‘He’s a thug. He won’t frighten me that way. If he thinks I’m going back to him, he must be unhinged. I’ll never work for Andrei – or anyone else, for that matter – ever again. I’m in charge now and that’s the way it’s going to stay.’

I knew that would be his response. I can’t help admiring his utter conviction and his fearless attitude to his old boss, even though I’m scared for him. I know he won’t change his mind though, even for me.

‘But there’s something else,’ I say. ‘Last night he finally came clean about what he wants from me.’

Dominic shifts and looks at me questioningly. ‘Yes?’

‘It’s . . .’ I hesitate. I hardly know how to say it and I can’t help being apprehensive about Dominic’s reaction. It’s not going to be good, I’m sure of that. ‘He told me in so many words that he wants me to be his life partner and have his children.’

Dominic goes still. ‘What?’ he says in an icy voice. ‘Does he mean marriage?’

‘I think so,’ I say, wretched. ‘That’s what he implied. That I could share his life and create his family for him.’

He laughs but it’s a cold, harsh sound without any joy in it. ‘Why the hell does he think you’re going to marry him?

‘He says it’s going to be the best thing for me, even if I don’t know it.’

I see a look a little like fear spark in his eyes. ‘You don’t want to, do you?’

‘Of course I don’t!’ I declare. ‘I love you, you know that! Even if I didn’t, I don’t love Andrei and I never will. I could never marry him.’

‘So why does he think you will?’

Sadness sweeps through me as I remember exactly what Andrei said. ‘He’s trying to blackmail me. He says he’ll destroy Mark if I don’t. He’ll argue that Mark authenticated the painting and use it to sue him, and he’ll make the sure the world knows about it.’

Dominic frowns, thinking hard. Then he says, ‘That’s exactly the kind of scurrilous behaviour I’d expect from Dubrovski. But something doesn’t make sense about all this.’ He looks down at me. ‘You say the abbot was happy to take the picture back and return the money?’

I nod. ‘He seemed perfectly fine about it.’

‘And there’s an end to it,’ mutters Dominic.

‘I thought it was odd that you and Anna were working in the same monastery as the painting was discovered,’ I say. ‘You must have been there a while, to get to know Brother Giovanni.’

Dominic nods. ‘Yes. We used it as a base while we were working on the big deal. Andrei had a comms room set up and we stayed there on and off for quite a few weeks.’

‘And then he bought the Fra Angelico.’ I remember something else. ‘Did Brother Giovanni get on well with Anna? He asked after her too.’

‘Did he?’ Dominic thinks for a second. ‘I don’t remember him ever having anything to do with her. They all kept clear of Anna. Maybe they could sense something dangerous in her.’

‘Something infernal,’ I say with a smile. I try to imagine the effect that the beautiful, highly sexed Anna might have in a monastery. ‘He wanted to know when she’d be back. He seemed disappointed when I said that she wouldn’t.’

There’s a pause while Dominic absorbs this, then he says slowly, ‘So Andrei intends to destroy Mark if you don’t do as he asks. I see. Clever of him. Most people’s weak spot is the people they love. And it’s all because of this picture.’

I nod. ‘That’s right.’

Dominic sits up abruptly. ‘Is your flight leaving tonight?’


‘I’m coming back to London with you. I want to follow something up, something that might explain what Andrei’s game is. In fact, we’ll leave as soon as we’ve collected your things from Andrei.’

‘So I’m just going to leave him?’ I say, half excited and half afraid. ‘Despite his threats?’

‘What’s the alternative?’ asks Dominic, his dark eyes searching mine. ‘Can you go back to him and tell him that you’re prepared to marry him?’

‘No, of course not!’

‘There’s your answer. Of course you’re going to leave him.’

‘But you . . . and Mark . . .’

‘I can look after myself. In fact I’m looking forward to a final showdown with Dubrovski. He’s earned what’s coming to him. As for Mark – I don’t think Andrei will play his trump card quite yet. Once he’s done that, you’ll have no reason to ever go back to him. And besides, something tells me that this is not as straightforward as it seems.’

I sit up as well, my blood tingling with excitement. ‘So we’re going to go to Andrei’s for my things?’

‘Absolutely.’ Dominic takes my hand, slides it under the sheets and presses it against the erection that’s hard and hot against my leg. ‘Just as soon as we’ve taken care of this . . .’


An hour later the grey sports car speeds us through the streets of Manhattan to the Victorian mansion that I left last night.

The guard radios up to the apartment before he allows us in, and when he does, he says to me, ‘Just you to go inside, miss. The gentleman must wait outside.’

Dominic nods. ‘Okay.’ But once we’ve driven into the courtyard he says, ‘Just let them try and stop me.’

I put my hand on his leg. ‘Wait, think about it. I don’t want to see you men squaring up to each other over my suitcase. Let me go up. If I’m not back within ten minutes, come and find me.’

He looks at me and then says reluctantly, ‘Okay. I see your point. But ten minutes only – then I’m coming up.’

‘All right.’

I ride the lift up to Andrei’s floor and knock on the door of the apartment. Renata answers it, her face stony.

‘Hello, miss.’ She stands back to let me in. ‘I have your bags packed. They’re in here.’

‘Thank you, Renata.’ I step into the hall. There is my case waiting for me.

‘Is that everything?’

‘Yes. I don’t need anything else. I’ll be on my way.’ I step forward and grab the handle.

‘Beth.’ I hear the voice as Andrei steps out of the shadows and into the light of the hall. He looks awful, his face tired and drawn and his eyes dull. ‘Where have you been? I’ve been worried about you. Who was that strange woman you left with?’

I look up at him slowly. I hate seeing the agony in his eyes. Even after everything that’s happened, I don’t want to hurt him. ‘She was just someone who helped me when I needed it. The things you said last night devastated me. I couldn’t stay with you after that.’

Renata has left us together. Andrei takes a step towards me. ‘But why? I only made you the offer of my life and my heart. Did that mean you had to run away as though I wanted to hurt you?’

‘You have hurt me!’ I burst out. ‘You’ve threatened people dear to me! You’ve tried to blackmail me into a relationship with you! Don’t you realise that I love someone else? You’ve made it impossible for me to be with you at all. I can’t work for you any more, you must see that.’

His face contorts for a moment, his blue eyes fierce. ‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean that this is goodbye, Andrei.’ I put my hand in the pocket of my coat and pull out the thick strand of pearls. Stepping forward, I hold it out. Automatically he puts out his hand and I drop the pearls into his broad palm. They sit there, a pile of glimmering grey spheres. ‘I’ll send back the clothes later,’ I say softly. Then I turn to go.

‘Beth!’ His voice is cracked with despair.

I turn back slowly. ‘I don’t think we have anything left to say. I’m sorry it’s ending like this.’

BOOK: Promises After Dark (After Dark Book 3)
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