Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) (41 page)

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“Then tell me. What will you do when the day comes you can no longer walk?”

She looked up to meet his heavenly gaze. There was only pity in his celestial golden eyes, pity and tears. Jenevier sighed, lightly kissed the tip of his nose, and then rested their foreheads together.

“Sweet Jophiel.” She paused. “When the day comes that I can no longer put one foot in front of the other… that is the day I will crawl.”

“No, little sister.” He wrapped his arms around her. “That is the day I will carry you.”




“Where is your mother, Milord?”

Tenshi turned to find Duhrias bowing from the waist. He rolled his eyes.

“We do not stand on such formalities around here, sell-sword.” He turned back toward the night sky. “As for my mother, I should be asking that of you, should I not?”

Duhrias did not answer.

Tenshi growled. “She is where she is.”

“Come now, little Tenshi,” Raphael said as he joined them on the balcony. “Why so cross with your dear mama’s sworn Knight? You know as well as I. No one single being can keep constant tabs on that wicked little Angel.”

Tenshi glanced over at the smiling Arch. “Oh, so you are fine with her running off with Jophiel… just the two of them?”

“What? Jophiel? You mean she still hasn’t returned?” The frantic Arch spun back toward the enormous room and began scanning the present wings. “Why in the world would she—”

“What’s wrong, Raph? Jealous?”

Everyone turned to find Jenevier and the smirking Arch sitting atop the banister at the far end of the balcony.

“Angry because she didn’t invite
out for a little stroll?”

Jenevier hopped down from the railing. “I didn’t invite
, either, Brother.”

“Perhaps not.” He yanked one of her curls. “But our alone time proved surprisingly beneficial, did it not?”

Tenshi was as a sapphire blur. Neither Jenevier, the Archs, nor the River Spirit even realized he had moved, until he came to a stop between his mother and Jophiel.

He glared at the smirking Angel. “Well I certainly hope you enjoyed yourself, for it will never happen again. Are we clear,

“Crystal.” Jophiel half chuckled as he went back inside.

Jenevier and Tenshi did not move, remaining back to back.

“Are you well, Mama?”

“Yes, my son,” she whispered. “He had questions, as did I.” She reached back and took hold of her son’s trembling hand. “Be calm, my Angel. That Arch is more than he appears to be. I know you hate his narcissistic mask, we all do. But it is only that, my son… a mask.”

“As you say, Mama.”




Jenevier inhaled the delicious aroma of those rare dark roses completely filling her room.

“There were two dozen more here, every day you were away,” Yui whispered. “A new vase greeted each dawn. I have not touched a single one, Milady. Even this first vase still sits atop your nightstand. They have long since wilted. Yet I did not touch them.”

“Gratitude, Yui.” She smiled softly. “They are exceedingly precious to me.”

She moved to stand beside the original vase, picking up the many dried petals now covering her nightstand.

“They are precious to you because they came from him?”

“No, Yui, not in whole. They are precious to me because they stand as a symbol—a tangible monument to the day I was finally strong enough to… to truly
. A day I wish never to forget.”

“Forgiveness is a much harder thing to accomplish than is vengeance.”

“You say it true, my friend. You say it true.” She scooped up the remaining scattered petals. “Now, where shall I store these lovely little treasures? Hmm…”

“Perhaps there, Mistress,” Yui said, motioning to the large golden urn at the entrance to her balcony. “That should hold them.”

She smiled. “Yes, Master Hand, that will do perfectly.”

He followed her, vase in hand, holding the roses as she gleaned all the once lovely petals.

“I do not wish to discard a single one, Yui. Toss the stems over the side.” She nodded toward her marbled banister. “And always in the same place.”

“As you wish, Mistress.”

They didn’t speak as they proceeded in her fragrant task. Jenevier hummed softly as she plucked the petals from each blue rose, letting the tiny treasures drift down to the bottom of the large urn.

When she had picked them clean, Yui would walk out onto her balcony and empty the vase of naked stems over the edge… always in the same spot.

“Save those last few vases, Yui. I will only do thus when they wilt.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

He arranged the half a dozen rose-laden vases that were still vivid and fresh, around in her room.

“I wonder what it would feel like to bathe in them.”

“Mistress Naga, I will draw you a bath when the moon rises. And fear not, I will collect each petal from the water myself. I will place them in a basket and you can add them to your urn when they dry. I will not let a single one slip down the drain.”

Yui flinched when Jenevier suddenly hugged him from behind, squeezing him and kissing his shoulder blade.

“Why do you love me so much?”

He closed his eyes and smiled. “Because… there is nothing I would rather do.”

Chapter 29






“And that is the whole of it,” Jenevier said, sitting her teacup back upon the saucer. Taka immediately started whining for more.

Gabriel slowly nodded, staring off into nothingness. “I am shocked to hear those two Guardians took matters into their own hands.” He smiled softly. “I find them both… rather amusing.”

is the part you are shocked about?” Daichi’s words were all but ground out by his growls. “Not the part where the Angel of Death surrendered her very existence to the soul-eater?”

Jophiel cut his eyes toward her enraged Blessing. “Why such wrath, little brother? Because of this most gracious gift…” He lifted her hand, letting the bracelet glisten in the light. “…that is one dark Angel you will never hear from again. Now… would that she had about a dozen more such trinkets.”

Jenevier snatched her hand away, placing it in her lap beneath the table.

“So tell me, Cherie,” she said through her smile. “Do you like it here? Do you think you could call this palace home for a while?”

“Oh yes, Empress Jen. I love it here.”

Raphael strangled on his tea. Duhrias cleared his throat and shot her a stern look.

Cherie looked from one to the other. “What? Did I say something wrong?”

“Milady’s name is Kagi Naga.” Yui refilled her tea as he spoke. “She is Empress
Jinn. Not Empress Jen.”

“But…” Cherie furrowed her brow. “That’s what Vareilious calls her, and they’ve been friends since she was but a young maid.”

Silence fell across the dining hall. Only Taka’s faint hissing could be heard. Confused glances were shared around the table before eventually coming to rest on Jenevier. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Uriel cleared his throat. “I am certain the girl is mistaken. We were just talking about him. She simply got the name wrong.”

“Is that so?” Jophiel smirked haughtily. “Then tell us, Brother. Name even one upon this realm who has ever referred to her thusly.”

“No, he doesn’t live
,” Cherie said innocently. “But he comes here often. Daily, from the way he was talking.” She giggled softly and turned toward Duhrias. “He knows a lot about
home as well.”

“He should,” Jenevier mumbled. “He spends every damn minute he can on layer eight.”

Raphael leaned over and whispered, “Apparently not

“Yeah… apparently,” Jenevier said.

“He helped me gather the lavender this morning.” Cherie motioned with a nod of her head toward the large centerpiece in the middle of the table. “We’re going to the movies tonight. He’s all excited about someone called
The Bruce

Jenevier swallowed hard and set her teacup down. “Yui?”

“Yes, Milady?”

“Did I not ask
to escort Cherie to the lavender fields?”

“Yes, Milady.”

She looked to the beautiful Shinobi, but he would not meet her stern gaze.

“Correct me if I am wrong.” Jophiel looked from her to the blushing ninja. “But is Yui not Hand to the throne, ruler in your absence? Just because he waits on you hand and foot, does not mean he is your personal servant boy.”

“I know that. I just…” Jenevier paused, trying to swallow back the lump quickly rising in her throat.

“No, Master Jophiel,” Yui said. “My mistress is right. I should not have disobeyed her in this.”

“Disobeyed?” Cherie snorted out a chuckle. “I told him I didn’t need any help picking flowers. I
a Forest Spirit after all. Remember?”

Jenevier growled, her words escaping before she realized it. “Well if you didn’t need any help, then why the hell did a Guardian have to hold your hand the whole damn time?”

Jenevier immediately clamped her hand over her mouth and lowered her head, her cheeks looking as if they were ablaze.

“Why such jealousy, little sister?” Gabriel asked.

“I am

Jophiel laughed. “You are positively green with it, Empress Jen.”

She glared at the jeering Arch.

“No, Brother.” Uriel chuckled. “I do not believe she is jealous. Disappointed? Yes. Jealous? Well, maybe just a little.”

Jenevier slowly stood. “Are Archangels such unnecessary creatures that they can loiter about in my home for days on end?”

“Oh…” Jophiel looked to Uriel. “Now you’ve gone and made her cross with

“Well, this has been a whole lot of pointless.” Uriel stood and matched her cold glare. “It is not
fault your silly little matchmaking did not go as planned.” He tossed his napkin on the table. “Come, Brother. Let us see if we can spread our
wings and find something better to do.”

“Indeed,” Jophiel said with a sad sigh. “Looks like we have once again outstayed our welcome.” He gave her a mocking bow. “Until next time… Empress Jen.”

She slowly closed her eyes. “Just… go…”

When their condescending laughter had faded away, she looked toward Cherie.

“Sincerest apologies, little one. You will not find a more loyal creature than is my brother Vareilious. He is too much fun, even on his bad days. Oh… and he was referring to his favorite actor, Bruce Willis. Not, The Bruce.” She looked around at everyone else as they shifted uncomfortably, staring at the remnants of their meal together. “If you will all forgive me, I must beg your leave. I have a splitting headache and will prove rather poor company if I stay.”

She did not turn back when she heard all the scooting chairs accompany her departure.

Naga, you would be a poor poker player.


Meaning… you showed all your cards by the look in your eyes.

“Not now, Dragon. Please? Just… not now…”




She was staring blindly out at the flowing lavender when she heard her door softly closing.

“I thought I might find you here.”

She didn’t turn, not even when his strong arms wrapped around her from behind and squeezed gently.

“Tell me, Naga.” Daichi kissed the top of her head before continuing. “Who is Duhrias meant for? Surely not you.”

She smiled and leaned her head back against his chest. “Am I that transparent, Lord Daichi?”

“Clear as polished crystal, my love.”

She blew out an exasperated breath. “I was only trying to help. I swear it. I never meant harm.
was the furthest thing from my mind.”

“I believe you, Naga. I do not understand you… but I believe you.”

“Cherie is the happiest girl I have ever seen—happy and cheerful and always smiling. I thought she would be perfect.”

perfect, Milady. Just not for Yui.”

Jenevier turned to look at him then. “Why not?”

“You tell me, Naga.” He tucked a curl back behind her ear. “When have you ever seen Master Yui giggling and cracking jokes? I can scarce even remember seeing him smile.”

“What are you talking about? He smiles all the time. Yui has the most beautiful, warmest smile I have ever seen.”

“Yes.” He tapped the tip of her nose. “And I dare say he saves it only for you.”

She looked down. “He wasn’t smiling at breakfast.”

“Well… it is hard to smile when your heart is crumbling. Tenshi cannot even get him to open the door. Lala is coloring pictures for him, sliding them over the sill. I believe he is picking them up. At least… he is not sliding them back.”

“I am such a fool.”

“Well now, I believe Cherie and Vareilious would get along quite well together. Their personalities are rather compatible. Do you not agree?”

“I suppose…”

“Stop pouting, Naga. You cannot keep every man for yourself.”

“That is the exact opposite of what I was trying to do, Daichi. And… I am

“I thought as much. And yes, you
pouting. Stop it before you get wrinkles.” He yanked one of her curls. “So… you believe yourself to be Cupid, do you? Then tell me. If you intended Cherie for Yui… who is the sell-sword intended for?”

She let her forehead fall against his chest. “Ugh… I am such a fool.”

“Yes. We have already established that truth. Now stop stalling and answer the question.”

She sighed. “…Lala.”

Daichi started out quietly, only his shoulders were shaking slightly, but soon his laughter rang throughout the palace.

“Oh, Naga. Tenshi is going to just
that. He has done nothing but glare and snap at the poor man since the moment you arrived.”

“Tenshi has? That doesn’t sound like my precious son.”

precious little Tenshi
is behaving badly. Finally, jeez. I for one was exhausted with his innocent little act.”

“It is not an act.”

“So says the mother to whom he can do no wrong.” He tapped the tip of her nose again. “Who knows? Perhaps he is afraid you are trying to replace his beloved father.”

“Are you trying to start an argument with me, Daichi?”

“No, Naga.” He smiled and sighed. “I am only trying to figure out what in the world you are plotting.”

She didn’t answer him. He knew she wouldn’t.

“Let me see…” He drummed his finger against his chin, as if deep in thought. “You have already married off Tenshi. You would die before you let any other girl bat a lash at Vittorio… and apparently the same goes for Vareilious.”

She playfully hit him on the chest. His smile only grew.

“The Archs are not your concern, and I will have killed Munenori long before you could convince him to wed.”

“Daichi, stop.” She couldn’t help a small chuckle. “Munenori is my Senpai. I forbid you from touching him.”

His tone turned serious. “No, I forbid
from touching him.”

She blushed.

“Now, where was I? Oh yes… playing about with hearts. Let me think… Jezreel and Alastyn are all stitched up. A miracle fell in your lap concerning the whole Syadar debacle. And now good old Vareilious laughs with another. But you didn’t really have a hand in
of those, did you? They all seemed to fix themselves minus your interference, Naga. Even little Tenshi’s heart was set from childhood. Tell me. What could you possibly be trying to do?”

She turned back to the flowing lavender without speaking.

“You plan to run away again. That’s it, is it not? You are trying to fill in the gaps you will leave with your departure.”

She sighed. “No, Daichi, that’s not it. Well, not wholly. I was only trying to right a wrong. Yui is who Yui is
of me, and that breaks my heart.”

“Yes, Yui is who Yui is because of you… and he wishes it no other way. The fact you cannot see that breaks

She let her weary head loll forward into her hands, yet didn’t speak.

“And what of Duhrias? Why Lala? She is but a child.”

“Because, Daichi, she will need him some day. She may be little now, yes, but
is immortal. And… he has sworn loyalty to me. My intent was not that they should marry, not necessarily. I only wished her to have a worthy guardian, if ever she needs one.”

“And her family is not capable of handling such a task? Come now, Naga. Her father strikes fear even in the heart of Archangels. God alone knows what true power lies within that docile Angel.
awesomeness goes without saying, and her grandmother is the damn Grim Reaper. Tell me. When will sweet little Lala ever need more protection than that?”

“But we are not always here, Daichi. Take this latest summons for example. We each were called to different layers simultaneously, and we knew not for how long. What if next time has us absent her side for years? No. I wish her to have a constant, someone who will never be pulled away from her to attend a summons.”

“Very well, Naga. I will concede to your reasoning in this. You fought by his side and were obviously impressed with his skill. If he takes no issue with being an eternal bodyguard, I will speak no more concerning the sell-sword.”

Her shoulders visibly relaxed. “Gratitude, Daichi.”

“But why now, Naga? Tell me what happened out there to cause such a sense of expediency. You act as if you are preparing your loved ones for your impending death.”

“In a way… I guess I am.” She sighed and turned back to face him. “I lost my humanity, Daichi. The whole of it. I am only Angel now.”

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