Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) (45 page)

BOOK: Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5)
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“Ugh, where did you get all this unruly hair?” he teased.

When her muffled giggles caused her to look up, their gazes locked in the mirror once more.

never deserved
, my love. Alas, Yui does. Now, best if we try to get you all dolled-up to meet him.”

The mighty dark Prince of Hell finished styling her curls, gently placing the last ornament in her hair. The tinkling sound of the tiny bells made her eyes sparkle like pink diamonds.

How can I let her go?
he thought.
Where will I ever find the strength to look away… forever?

He watched as she stared at her intricately adorned hair, smiling and turning her head to make the bells tinkle all around her.

“Jenevier… what would you do if I stole you away right now?”

She casually shrugged her shoulders as she tugged her sapphire curl loose, letting it fall down freely over her left eye.

“I would have to reap you, I suppose.” She snorted out a chuckle and then turned to face him. “Tell me, Vindicus. Now that you have been loosed for a season, now that you have a bit of freedom to roam… how long would it take you to regroup and return here once reaped? Hours? Minutes?”

“Seconds,” he whispered.

“Seconds, huh? Well, I would rather not mess my lovely dress up for it then. How about you just don’t try to steal me away, not today? Hmm?”

“You know I was only teasing you, Anicee. I did not come here to steal your happiness. I came here to ensure it. And… to bring you this.”

When he stepped out of the room, Jenevier rose, making to follow him. He returned with a handheld bouquet made completely of half-opened blue rosebuds. There must have been at least fifty. The stems had been pressed together and completely wrapped about with golden ribbon to match her dress. The lovely sight made her breath catch.

“Vindicus… it is sooo beautiful.”

“They are
roses, yes. Yet… today they are meant to stand as a symbol, a symbol of my friendship, of my devotion. If you choose to carry these on your wedding day, I wish them to be as an offering, a sign that I am allowed to peacefully coexist within your family… on an extremely limited basis, of course.”

“Use plain speech with me, Vindicus. This you already know. Say what it is you truly want. Let us be open and clear with one another.”

He gently placed the stunning bouquet in her dainty hands.

“Empress Naga… Jenevier… I wish only the chance to watch my granddaughter grow. Will you freely bestow such a gift upon me?”

She smiled as she looked down at the rarest of all roses, trying to hold back the tears now burning the backs of her eyes.

“I wish it no other way, sweet Prince.” She looked up to meet his adoring gaze. “She needs you. As does our son.”

Apollyon’s already breathtaking smile beamed brightly then, completely dazzling her.

“Very well, Milady.” He bowed low before her. “And if you are ready… your carriage awaits.”

She giggled as she followed him outside where Nilakanta was kneeling, wing extended down toward her.

“Taka,” she whispered to the twittering Dragon Pixie atop her shoulder. “I need your help, little one. Can you spend the day seeing to Lala for me? She will need your company and undivided entertainment this day.”

The tiny sparkling creature flew to the laughing little girl and settled quietly atop her raven-crowned head.

Come, enchanting Guardian of Dragons. Let me wing you to your destiny. I promise to not even muss your curls upon the way.

Vittorio was waiting for her at the edge of the large lavender field just outside the hidden Iga Village.

“Aye, Lass, ye take my breath away. I’m at yer feet, my wee darlin’… simply at yer feet.”

“You love me too much.”

“Aye, that I do. Now come, Lass. Everyone ye know is waiting for ye. Let me take ye down the aisle on my arm. It’ll be good practice for the day we get tae do this… for the two of us.”

She scrunched up her nose at him. “It would be my honor, treasured Guardian.”

Jenevier was smiling, nodding gracefully at the many varied guests as she walked down the rose petal-strewn path toward the staged altar and her waiting groom.

When she glanced up, finally getting her first glimpse of Yui… time stood still. She could still hear the flutes, the harps, the armonica… but they sounded so far away. She only realized she had stopped walking when Vittorio whispered in her ear.

“Aye, Lass. Are ye getting cold feet? Or are ye drooling like that just tae make me jealous?”

She felt the burn spread across her cheeks as her lavishly kilted escort put his finger under her chin, gently closing her opened mouth. Yet, she never took her eyes from Yui’s, his radiant smile making hers grow all the wider. Only when Daichi took her hand, noisily clearing his throat, did she finally come back down to reality.

Vittorio gently kissed her cheek as he ceremoniously handed her over to her Blessing.

“Nae forget, Lass,” he whispered. “I love ye more.”

“Get a hold of yourself, Naga,” Daichi grumbled. “You are the reigning Empress of this great land. Try not to act like a giddy teenaged girl. Everyone is watching. Straighten up your shoulders. And turn that damn smile down a notch or two.” He growled as Yui approached them, hand extended. “You both look too damn happy,” he mumbled under his breath. “I was told this was to be a marriage of convenience, something to necessitate the official passing of the crown. Why the hell does it suddenly feel so real?”

“Mistress,” Yui said, gently taking her hand.

“Master Yui.” Daichi growled. “Make her shed even one single tear… and I will rip your throat out before her cheeks are dry.”

“Lord Daichi.” Yui bowed toward him as he spoke. “I wish to express my sincerest gratitude for your noble presence this day. Naga would never have been able to smile… were
not the one to give her away. I swear by all that is holy, I will die to ensure her smile remains as glorious as it is at this very moment.”

Daichi only growled again at the gracious man, but he released her hand and reluctantly stepped back.

“I thought the bride was supposed to be the most beautiful thing on her wedding day, the center of attention,” she whispered as they approached the altar where Munenori waited to perform the ceremony. “You, my most handsome young Shinobi, you have completely stolen the show. Yui… you take my breath away.”

Tears burned his eyes as they turned to face each other.

“I have waited my whole life for this day, dreaming of every little detail. But your words… oh, your words, Milady, they are more than I could have ever hoped for.”

The rest of that day seemed as a blur—the food, the wine, the dancing. Jenevier felt as if she was floating on air, couldn’t stop smiling no matter how hard she tried.

“Goemon, little brother, can I have my wife back please? Between you, the Archs, and the Guardians, I have barely had a moment with her in my arms.”

“Not a chance, Senpai,” Goemon said with a wink. “She will be in your arms from here on out. Today, she belongs to the people. As do you. Find a dance partner and quit pouting, Emperor.”

“That will do, little ninja,” Tenshi said as he stepped in between them. “Unhand my mama. This dance is mine.” He winked at Yui. “I promise to release her to you and only you, as soon as this song comes to an end.”




The lovely moons were glowing brightly long before they bid their last guest adieu. Sighing wearily, Jenevier leaned against her charming new husband, still smiling.

was my best day. I have had some amazing moments in my life, but what you did here, Master Hand… I cannot stop smiling.”

“I am no longer your Hand, Empress.” He sweetly kissed her lips, and then her forehead. “I am your husband. And this day is far from over.”

Jenevier giggled when he scooped her up in his arms and headed toward the palace.

After Mika had come and gone, helping her remove her dress and all her many jewels, Jenevier heard the haunting lullaby of a single flute. She slipped on her gown and then quickly towel-dried her hair.

Stepping through the curtains of the balcony, she saw Yui sitting cross-legged in the moonlight.

“I didn’t know you still played,” she whispered as she sat down behind him, wrapping her arms around him, resting her cheek against his shoulder blade.

“I haven’t in years. The melody will not come… not unless—”

“Not unless you are happy?”

“Yes, Milady.”

“Remember when we lived in the secret valley? Remember how the twins would dance around you as you played?”

“Those were the exact same scenes playing out in my mind, only just.”

“We were so happy then.”

“Yes, Mistress. Alas, those days now pale in comparison. Never has my heart known the joy that now fills it.”


He turned in her embrace, pulling her onto his lap. He kissed her softly, parting her lips as his kiss deepened. She moaned.


“Every breath I have taken has only been so that I could know
day… know
moment. You are finally mine.”

She smiled. “Gratitude for standing by me… even when you didn’t believe in me, didn’t believe in what I was doing.”

“Shhh now, Milady. Do not say such things. I have
believed in you, in everything you do.”

“You love me too much.”

“Yes. Such is known throughout the land.”

He kissed her again, moving down her neck, easily finding that tender spot… the one that made her melt.

“I have to keep reminding myself you are truly mine now, Empress. I keep telling myself… I no longer have to show restraint. I can kiss you without fear of rejection. Touch you, minus reservation.”

Her breath hitched when he began doing the very things he was now speaking of.

She gasped. “…Yui?”

“The day I first laid eyes upon you—
was the day I knew the truth of my heart. It was the beginning of a love, Milady, a love that wouldn’t let me breathe… not until I claimed you, the whole of you—your heart, your mind, your body.”

“But… Yui.”

“Shhh… No more words, Empress. I wish now to converse only with your sweet flesh, pull forth its delicious mysteries with the tip of my tongue.”

She gasped again before closing her eyes, willingly succumbing to his heated, loving caresses.

Although her thoughts had been to ensure the people of Jinn with a blessed future, Yui desired
above all things… and she denied him nothing. Their physical joining had not been her intent, no, but the joy that sparkled in her magical Shinobi’s lavender eyes caused her heart to melt. It was her turn to serve him, ensure
happiness. This she did, in every way he so desired.

A heavenly smile was already painted across her face when their bodies connected for the first time… there on the balcony, bathed in the soft moonlight. Yui was a gentle lover—slow, patient, extremely attentive. Jenevier lost count of how many times he sent waves of shivers dancing across her body. Her eyes kept fluttering closed, yet his never did. She wasn’t certain he even blinked. Always did he watch her—her reaction, what he was doing to her, how he was making her feel. It was beyond incredible.

He loves me too much.
She smiled again.
And I am truly blessed that he does.

“How many times are you going to smile like that, Naga?”

“Mmm… Has it not been a constant thing, sweet Yui?”

“It has.”

She felt his lips part into a smile against her neck.

“And I will ensure that it remains thus. Now, my love, are you ready?”

“For what?”

“For our honeymoon, Mistress.”

“Our honeymoon?”

“Yes, my love. It is all arranged. I have already told Mika we would be leaving during the night.”

“Where are we going?”

He smiled as he kissed her speaking lips. “To fulfill the remainder of my

“Fantasies?” She furrowed her brow. “What is my beautiful young ninja playing at? Do you have a wicked side I have yet to meet?”

“Many,” he whispered in her ear before kissing her there.


“Naga… I was sixteen years old when you were brought into my life. I was nineteen by the time war came to Jinn and tore our happy little home apart.” He looked down into her sparkling eyes. “Do you have any idea the kinds of thoughts that run through a young man’s mind during those particular years?”

She didn’t speak, only shook her head.

He smiled softly, running the backs of his fingers down her pale cheek. “Such thoughts… such fantasies.”

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