Protected by the HERO (54 page)

Read Protected by the HERO Online

Authors: Kelly Cusson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Military, #Multicultural, #New Adult & College, #Single Authors, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Protected by the HERO
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“I’ll take anything. I can move later if I’m unhappy.”

He didn’t want her to move. He wanted her to stay. Forever. She had no suitcase to carry because she only had the clothes she was wearing. Kent had dropped them off for her the day before. He would have given them to her himself, but he didn’t want to crowd her.

Well, he did, but he didn’t think that was the best move.

His dick came to life when she clapped her hands. “This place is beautiful. Can anyone use the yard?”

“For what?”

“If I wanted to have a party?”

None of his tenants had ever asked him that. “Uh, sure. Just let me know.”


He cleared his throat. “I’m your landlord.”

She blinked. “You own this house?”


“I can’t accept this.”

“What are you accepting? I’m charging you rent. The security deposit has been covered by donations. The first month’s rent will be due in a few days.”

She eyed him, then looked back at the house. “I really owe you.”

“No, you don’t, Melanie. I promise.”’

He liked the feel of her name in his mouth. He could see himself saying it when he came inside of her. Yes, he’d gone there in his mind. More than once

He’d bet the real thing was better than his fantasies.


Kent gave her the key then left Melanie to her own devices. She’d wanted him to stay, but couldn’t think of a good reason. It was probably because he had saved her, but she wanted to know him better.

She felt as if she’d known him all her life, but had forgotten who he was. He was also smoking hot. That body that she’d bet could go all night sent chills through her when she looked at it.

She’d fantasized about him in the hospital and had woken up hot and bothered. Damn. Now she was living in his house. Did he live here also?

Glancing around the apartment, she realized that everything she could possibly need had been provided, even including a laptop. Insurance would have paid for a new one, but she was grateful that she didn’t have to go shopping. She didn’t have a car yet. Hadn’t needed one before, since she lived close to the grocery store.

And she worked from home.

A lawnmower started up. She looked out the window in the bedroom that had a view of the backyard. Her breath left her. There was Kent. Jeans. No shirt. Mowing the lawn. Oh. My. God.

She could watch him for hours. His muscles bunched as he pushed the mower across the grass. She thought about how those muscles would feel as he was moving inside of her. She was wet. No doubt about it and that hunky firefighter was igniting fires in her body.

She watched for a little while longer until he moved to the front yard, out of sight. Her mouth was dry.

“I have to make him dinner.”

She rifled through the kitchen then came up with a plan. She even had a bottle of wine. They had thought of everything. Whoever they were. Melanie suspected that Kent had done a lot of the work.

Which apartment was his? That part she didn’t know. She didn’t even know who else was living here. Thankfully she trusted Kent or this would be creepy.

So she waited until she heard the mower turn off. She hurried down the yard. Kent was pushing the mower into the detached garage at the back of the property.

“Hi,” she said.

He turned to her. Holy shit. He was sweaty and sexy. He glanced at her over his sunglasses. “I wouldn’t get too close. I’m pretty nasty at the moment.”

She didn’t think so. She wanted to lick him up and down.

“I wanted to invite you for dinner tonight. I have plenty of food and I can whip us up something nice.”

He wiped his hand across his forehead. Why was that gesture so sexy?

“What time? I’ll need to shower.”

Oh, crap. Now she was going to think about him naked and soapy. She wanted to lick him even more.

“Uh, six.”


He smiled and her heart did a dance. Why was she so smitten so easily with him? She was much more cautious usually.

“Okay, then.” She backed away, then stumbled on a rock. He reached out and steadied her. “Saving me again.”

He laughed as she walked away.


Kent showered then agonized over what he should wear.

Which he never did. Ever. Being a firefighter, women fell at his feet. This woman was different. He wanted her to be different. He wanted more than a one-night stand. But he slipped some condoms into his jeans pocket just in case.

Never hurts to be prepared.

He grabbed the bouquet of flowers he’d bought then headed up the steps to Melanie’s apartment. An amazing smell as wafting from her place. He knocked.

“Come in.”

“You really should lock your door. Someone dangerous might come in,” he said.

She was stirring something in the kitchen. “Are you dangerous?”


“Then I’m not worried,” she said.

He was dangerous, but not in the way she was thinking. He wanted her body. More importantly he wanted her heart. He’d found many women to give him their body. None of them had given him a heart to keep.

He handed Melanie the flowers. Her face lit up. “Thanks.”

She put them in a vase then put them on a table that was set for two people.


“Sure,” he said.

“I’m going to ask you to open it then,” she said.

He did.

She wore a sundress with flowers. It showed off her curves. He wanted to put his hands on those curves. Down boy. He wanted more from her than just a roll in her bed.

She was his and he had to convince her of that. Take it slow. “It smells good.”

“It’s Coq Au Vin.”


“Basically a chicken stew. I love to make it and it’s my fave dish.”

“Was it a lot of trouble?”

“Not at all,” she said.

She put wine glasses in front of him, on the counter. He poured the wine he’d just opened.

“I’d thought about champagne, but I don’t know where the closest liquor store is and I don’t have a car,” she said.


“To celebrate my living. And you saving me.”

He laughed. “It’s okay. Really.”

She nodded. “It’s almost done. Let’s go sit on the couch. I want to know everything about you.”

That warmed his heart. He sat. The couch was small enough that their bodies touched. That was going to drive him nuts. He wanted to put his hands on her. She didn’t seem to mind the close proximity.

“What do you want to know? I’m not sure I’m that interesting.”

Other than the dragon thing, but he wasn’t revealing that yet.

“Why a firefighter?”

“I guess I wanted to help people and I don’t like blood. Didn’t want to be a paramedic.”

“I see.”

“What do you do?”

“I’m a writer. Think about any tool that you get at the firehouse that comes with a manual. I write those manuals.”

“Wow. Never thought about it. Someone does have to write those. Any tools I might use?” he said.

Speaking of tools, his was getting hard just talking to her.


Melanie had never wanted to jump anyone’s bones like she did with Kent’s. This was not like her, but she felt as if she’d known the man for so long when she really didn’t.

What had they been talking about? Manuals. Right. “Uh, no, they are mostly car owner manuals. Nothing as exciting as firefighting tools.”

His gaze never left her. She was the only woman in the room, but she’d bet that he would have looked at her that way in a crowded restaurant. Her timer buzzed and Melanie realized that she’d been leaning into Kent. He didn’t seem to mind.

“Time to eat. Bring my wine glass, please.”

She hopped off the couch then went about serving the meal.

“Anything I can do?”

“No, I’m good. Just sit.”

He did. She put a plate in front of him. “Looks delicious.”

She sat across from him. She liked the view. Her body was humming. Just sitting here, she was turned on. How could that be? She wasn’t someone who believed in love or lust at first sight, but right now she was in the depths of it.

What the hell? Was it her near death experience? Who knew?

Kent dug into her meal. “This is really good.”


She sipped her wine, watching him. His movements were powerful, graceful. Almost animal-like. She’d bet those large hands were capable. She’d never bought into the whole cliché of thinking firemen were hot, but this one certainly was.

“Is something wrong?” Kent said, his fork midway to his mouth. “You’re not eating.”

She hadn’t touched her plate. She picked up her fork, sure that she was blushing. “No, everything is fine.”

No it wasn’t. Her body was on fire. She wanted this man to take her on the table. The dishes be damned. She put some food in her mouth and chewed it slowly. She didn’t want to choke on anything.

They ate in silence for a few minutes. Melanie put down her fork. She wanted to know everything about this delicious man across from her. “How long have you been a firefighter?”

“Five years.”

“Do you hold a rank?”

“No. I hope to get promoted this year. I eventually want to be Battalion Chief. Right now I just enjoy the day-to-day of the job.”

“Rescuing cats and damsels in distress.”

He smiled. “It’s actually much more boring than that most of the time.”

“Yeah? Do you have women throw themselves at you?”

He blushed a little. How cute! “Yes. It gets embarrassing.”

They finished the meal. Melanie cleaned up then served dessert, ice cream, on the couch. She wanted to be up close and personal with this guy. She wanted to be naked, but she’d bet that many women wanted that.

“Ice cream is my favorite,” Kent said.

Melanie resisted the urge to pour it all over herself and ask him to lick it off.


Kent had the distinct impression that Melanie was holding back. That there was something simmering under the surface that she wasn’t willing to let go. Should he make a move and see where it went?

His dick agreed.

She had some ice cream on her cheek. He reached out with a napkin to wipe it off. She didn’t flinch. Her eyes grew wider, but she didn’t flinch. So he kissed her. A sweet, soft kiss right on the lips.

She didn’t push him away. No she put her hand on the back of his head to deepen the kiss. Yes. She was his true love. She was his. He’d never been kissed quite like this.

His body was on fire. He didn’t notice anything else until he spilled the bowl of ice cream on his lap. If steam had risen, he wouldn’t have been surprised.

“Oh. I’m sorry. I spilled.”

When he looked up, she was licking her lips. What did that mean? She hopped off the couch. “Let me get some paper towels.”

She did and began wiping his lap. Then she must have realized what she was doing and stopped.  “Sorry.”

“Don’t be,” he croaked out.

She handed him the towels. “You do it.”

He laughed. He put down the now empty bowl and sopped up the ice cream on his lap. The cold hadn’t dimmed his hard on and he’d bet she felt that when she was cleaning him up.  At least she hadn’t run screaming from the apartment.

“Your pants are wet,” she said.

If this were a porno she’d insist that he should take them off.

“You should take them off,” she said.

Had he detoured into a porno? “What?”

She put a hand on her mouth. “Oh. I said that out loud didn’t I?”

He stood, the crumpled towels in his hand. “Are you trying to tell me something Melanie?”

She blushed. “I am, but I’m embarrassed. I’m a girl who takes things slowly. I don’t fall into bed with just any guy.”

Before she could do anything else, Kent scooped up Melanie and carried her to her bedroom. The action took away her breath, but she put her arms around his neck. He placed her on her feet by her bed. His eyes were dark with passion. For her.

She’d bet her eyes looked the same. He took off his shirt. Her mouth went dry. She hesitantly put her hands on him.

“Touch me, Melanie.”

She did, running her hands up and down his hard body. His eyes fell closed. Then he grabbed her hands. “My turn.”

With one hand, he held both of her wrists behind her back. Then he slid his other hand up her shirt and over her bra. He played with her nipple through the cup. Her body hummed.

“Skin to skin. I need to be skin to skin with you, Kent.”

He smiled. He used both of his hands to slip her shirt off. Then his hands were on her breasts, kneading and playing. She dug her nails into his arms. He wasn’t even doing that much but her body was on fire.

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