Protective Custody (18 page)

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Authors: Wynter Daniels

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense

BOOK: Protective Custody
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Megan smoothed a hand over Athula’s hair. “When will you go home?”

“We all leave tomorrow.”

Megan nodded. The ICE had taken over the case and discovered four other girls, including Athula.

Will wiped a tear from Megan’s cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Proud? Why?”

“You gave that girl some dignity in death.” He pointed at the other urn, which held Nisha’s ashes. “I still can’t believe you were able to contact her family halfway around the world.”

“I didn’t do it alone. Thank you for all your help, by the way.” The U.S. consulate had done all the legwork in Sri Lanka, and Will had convinced Ruth Ann Jarity to give over the girl’s possessions. “At least now her mother knows. I owed Nisha that.”

“You couldn’t have stopped her murder, Megan. Stop torturing yourself.”

Athula touched her arm. “We’re all so grateful for everything you did.”

She managed a smile.

“Just a few more minutes, folks,” the boat captain called from the upper deck.

“Do you have a special spot picked out?” Will asked Megan.

She shook her head. “By law we have to be at least three miles from shore.” With the moment looming when she’d have to part with her grandmother’s ashes, sadness gripped her heart. She wished Gram had been accepting of Will, but nothing could change that now. Deep in her heart, she knew Gram wanted her to be happy more than anything, and Will made her happy.

The boat’s engines suddenly cut off. “Okay, Miss Jackson,” the captain said.

She picked up the simple white vase etched with a single rose that held Nisha’s ashes. “I’m so sorry that your short life came to such a tragic end. I hope you’re in a better place now. Rest in peace.” She handed the urn to Athula.

The girl threw the container into the water, and it bobbed on the waves.

Megan prayed she’d hold it together as she said goodbye to Gram.

Will picked up Gram’s urn and handed it to her. She held it close to her chest, and her eyes immediately filled. “I love you so much, Gram. I remember when Mama died you told me something I’ve always kept with me. You said even though Mama wasn’t with us anymore, her spirit would stay in our hearts forever. And that’s right where I’ll keep you.” Will’s hand on her back bolstered her.

She sucked in a steadying breath. “I am who I am because of you, Gram. You’ll always be the brightest star in the sky and the loveliest flower in the garden. Someday I’ll tell my children all about you, and you’ll live on in them and in their hearts too.” She threw the urn into the gulf. It splashed, then floated a few yards away from the other one.

Will handed her a bouquet.

One by one, she tossed the brightly colored flowers overboard. “Rest in peace, Gram.”

As the boat sailed away minutes later, Megan watched Nisha’s ashes slip gently under the surface. Soon Gram’s would too, but she didn’t want to see that. She blew a kiss in the air, then sat on a bench.

Will joined her and took her hand. “How do you feel?”

Gazing into his dark green eyes eased the pain. “Better. Thanks for coming. It helps that you’re here.”

He squeezed her hand. “I always want to be where you are, baby. Forever and ever.”

She leaned her head on his shoulder. “Me too.” Wherever life took them, with Will, she would always be home.

About the Author

Wynter Daniels began making up stories as soon as she could speak. She started working on her first novel in college—a mystery. But she soon realized the collegiate life involved way more than books, so she spent the rest of her time in academia partying.

When the writing bug bit her again years later, she tried her hand at many different romance genres, from contemporary to suspense to erotic. She is now published with Ellora’s Cave, Red Sage Publishing and Loose Id.
Protective Custody
is her first release from Carina Press.

Wynter lives in sunny Florida with her real-life hero, their two grown children and two spoiled cats. She sincerely hopes her stories are as much fun for you to read as they were for her to write.

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ISBN: 978-1-4268-9159-5

Copyright © 2011 by Wynter Daniels

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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