Protective Custody (9 page)

Read Protective Custody Online

Authors: Wynter Daniels

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense

BOOK: Protective Custody
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A blur of black lunged at her. Gasping, she flailed her arms, tried to shove it away. But he wouldn’t stop coming. Tremors racked her body, weakening her knees. The man circled his arm around her neck. Her pulse pounded in her ears so loud she couldn’t hear anything else. Struggling against the pressure, she clawed at his shirt. Then he lifted her off the floor. She tried to kick at him but kept missing. She couldn’t catch her breath. She gasped for air, desperate to hang on to consciousness. Stars floated before her eyes.


She twisted, scratched at his arms, but nothing she did made any difference.

I should have told Will I love him last night.

She fought the man until her strength ran out. Her field of vision shrank to a hazy point. Then everything went black.


Will latched the door lock at Megan’s house, then started toward his truck. His cell chimed, alerting him that he had a message waiting.

What the hell?

Stupid thing hadn’t even rung. He dialed his voice mail and smiled at the sound of Megan’s voice.

His shoulders tightened with tension as he listened to her message. He immediately phoned her, but she didn’t answer.

“Where the hell are you, Megan?” He climbed inside his truck, then called her office.

“Southern State Vacation Rentals. Betsy speaking.”

“Betsy, this is Will. I need to know the address where Megan is meeting a client.” He took a tablet and pen from the well in the dashboard.

“Hmm. Sorry, Will. No can do. I already got chewed out for giving another guy that information.”

He gritted his teeth. “Look, it’s an emergency. I think she might be in danger.” He started his truck, then headed out of the neighborhood.

Betsy stuttered and stalled. “I don’t know.”

Grasping his cell in a death grip, he held back an angry growl. “Now!”

Before I come down there and hurt you.

She huffed loudly. “Jeez. Fine. Here it is.” She read him the address in a snippy tone and hung up.

He’d deal with her later. Important thing was he knew where to find Megan. He merged onto the highway and gunned his motor. He made it to the house in less than ten minutes. Megan’s car sat in the driveway.


The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He tucked his gun into his belt, then jumped out of the pickup and ran to the door. Lucky for him it wasn’t locked. The moment he entered Megan’s voice electrified him with terror.


Only he didn’t see her. “Megan! Where are you?”

She stumbled into the room through a swinging door. Her hair was mussed, and her blouse was half-untucked. “Thank God you’re here.” Her chest heaved, and she looked as though she’d fall over if she took another step.

Panic tore through him. He raced to her in an instant and pulled her into his arms. She crumpled against him, then gestured toward the door she’d come through. “He tried to strangle me. You saved my life.”

His temples throbbed. “Who?”

I let her down.

Guilt swirled his gut. God, he’d almost lost her.

“A man. The murderer. I’m sure of it. I think he ran out the back when he heard your truck.” She paused and sucked in a loud breath. “He tried to strangle me, and I blacked out. When I came to, he was hovering over me.” She buried her face in his shirt.

He grasped her shoulders. “Are you all right? Did you see his face?”

“I’m fine.”

But already a red bruise was forming on her neck. Her blood was almost on his hands. Like the man he’d shot. But if he’d lost
a big part of him would have died too. He hugged her against his chest and clenched his jaw. “I’ll never let anything happen to you. Never again.”

“I didn’t see what he looked like. He had a black ski mask over his face. He was covered from head to toe.” She pushed away and looked up at him. “This wasn’t your fault, Will. Please don’t blame yourself.”

Her words did little to assuage his guilt. “As long as you’re okay, I’m going after him.”

She nodded and stepped back. “Please be careful, Will. I…I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

He managed a smile. “I feel exactly the same way.” Giving her a wink, he charged through the swinging door into a small kitchen. He spotted the back door, still hanging open. And a chair on its side.

Clenching his fists, he raced into an expansive yard edged by thick woods. He drew his weapon and started into a stand of pine trees. The thick canopy obliterated the daylight. He hesitated a moment to allow his eyes to adjust.

A branch snapped nearby. He held perfectly still. Listened. Only silence. Pine needles rustled behind him. He spun around. A tan rabbit retreated into the cover of a low palm. Muttering a curse, he lowered his gun to his side.

Bastard had probably fled minutes earlier. He glanced toward the house. Returning his forty-five to his belt, he crossed the yard, then entered through the back door.

Megan was straightening the kitchen chairs.

“Stop!” He instantly regretted his tone when she shrank away. “I’m sorry. But you shouldn’t touch anything. Your attacker might have left fingerprints.”

“I doubt it. He wore gloves.”

“Of course he did. Damn it.” He slammed his fist on the counter.

“Thank God you got here when you did or…” Her voice trailed off. “I figure he took off and didn’t look back when he heard your truck. How did you know where to find me?”

“Your dumb-ass assistant didn’t want to share that information with me, but she finally did.” He leaned against the counter. “Please inform her that I’m not some weirdo stalker or something. What’s her problem, anyway?”

She sat and exhaled loudly. “I came down hard on her a few weeks ago for telling someone—Jerome, actually—where I’d gone. I strictly forbade her from giving out that sort of information. I guess I should have told her there were exceptions.”

“Explains a lot.”

“I feel like I ought to report this attack, but…” She furrowed her brow and glanced away.

“But what?”

“They already think I’m crazy.”

He shook his head. “You have to report it. You need a record of what’s going on, what this creep is doing to you.”

She shifted in the chair and pursed her lips. “I don’t know.”

“Look, I told you I passed that severed head prop on to my friend at the sheriff’s office, so he’s familiar with what’s going on. Unfortunately there were no decent fingerprints.”

He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket, then rifled through his collection of business cards in search of Detective Kenny Horvath’s. “Bingo. Here it is. Call him directly. Or I will if you don’t want to.” He handed her the card and his cell phone.

She hesitated before accepting the items. “I’ll call. But if he blows me off, I’m done with the sheriff’s office.”

He smoothed his hand over her hair as she hit the buttons. “Fair enough.”

Chapter Seven

John Jarity sped along the entrance ramp to the highway. Digging his fingers into the steering wheel, he growled. So close. He’d been seconds from silencing that bitch forever when that pickup had arrived. He couldn’t chance getting caught.

This was all Nisha’s fault. He hoped she burned in hell.

Without a woman to screw, he had no way to relieve the constant pressure inside him. And it was killing him.

He shoved aside the ski mask on his seat and grabbed his cell phone. Passing a slower minivan, he hit the speed-dial button to call his brother.

“Harvey Jarity.”

“Where are you?” He checked his rearview mirror to be sure no one was following him.

“Hello to you too. I just deplaned in Colombo.”


“Sri Lanka. I have to get my luggage. What do you want?”

He didn’t have to be rude. “I was hoping you’d located a couple of girls by now.”

His brother laughed. “You know how long it takes to get here, John? Cool your jets. But I do have a line on a girl in one of the rural provinces. I’m headed there in the morning to look at some jewelry for the airport stores.”

John gritted his teeth. Why did this have to take so long? And only one girl? “Tell me about the girl you’re thinking about.”

Harvey lowered his voice. “Do we have to do this now?”

“Yes, damn it.”

“Her mother works at one of the factories in a remote province. She’s widowed with seven kids.”


“My contact in Delhi says she’s already offered him one of her older daughters, cheap. The paperwork should be waiting for me at my hotel.”

“Excellent work, brother. But see if you can locate a couple more.” His cock hardened as he pictured what she’d look like. Silky black hair, big doe eyes, nubile body and a willing smile.

Harvey lowered his voice. “I don’t know if I can do that. Remember, John, this is the last time. It’s a big risk. Being jailed in a country like this would be…it’d be a freaking nightmare.”

Harvey knew that greasing a few palms over there would get him out of any jam. Why did he have to be such a pussy? “It’ll be fine. See you in a few days.” He disconnected, then threw the phone on the seat beside him.

The tension in his neck finally eased.

Until his phone rang. He checked the display, then rolled his eyes. “Hello, Ruth Ann. What’s up, dear?”

“How am I supposed to plan a Thanksgiving for fifteen people without Nisha?” Her shrill voice instantly ignited a headache.

“I have no one to do the baking, no one to clean the house. I’m behind on the laundry. When will the new maid get here, John?”

“I told you, I’m working on it. She’ll be here soon. I promise. Thanksgiving is weeks away.”

She heaved a sigh. “I suppose you’re right.”

He veered onto the exit ramp and imagined the unrecognizable animal corpse on the roadway was his wife’s. Tweaking his wheels to the right, he flattened the roadkill. “I just saw something that reminded me of you.”

Someday you’ll get all you deserve, Ruth Ann.

“Oh? What?”

“I think it was an adorable bunny rabbit.” He allowed himself a satisfied chuckle.

“Oh, John. That’s sweet.”

“I’ll see you this evening.” He disconnected.

That Megan Jackson wouldn’t get the best of him. Luck had always been on his side. If she knew his identity, the cops would have already come sniffing around. But they hadn’t.

She was just like that ingrate Nisha. His blood boiled at the thought of the girl’s sheer gall. He’d brought her to this country, put a better roof over her head than she’d ever had. Ruth Ann had even taken her under her wing and let her do those silly crafts she wasted her time with. Stupid kid thought she had a talent for making jewelry just because a few of Ruth Ann’s snooty friends told her so. Wanted him to set her up in her own shop. Or else she’d tell Ruth Ann what
he did to her.

As if she hadn’t flaunted her body in front of him night and day. Like she’d been completely innocent and hadn’t come on to

Now that he’d taken care of Nisha, this Megan woman had become a damned thorn in his side. She deserved whatever he dished out. He’d be sure not to let anything stop him next time. But taunting her was so easy. He was enjoying watching her fear.

Truth was, he could have fun with a hot piece of ass like that. Fuck her good and hard before he killed her, make her blow him too. His cock hardened at the image of her on her knees, begging for her life.

Instead of taking the turn onto State Road 35, he made a U-turn and headed back to the interstate. That truck-stop titty bar twenty miles west toward Pensacola employed a few girls who’d do just about anything for a fifty. After all he’d been through today, he deserved a treat.

Just knowing he’d get his rocks off soon eased the tight knot between his shoulders. He needed a blow so bad his cock ached. Harvey had better find him a girl and get her here soon. He couldn’t go much longer without a steady fuck.

Maybe Ruth Ann would… Nah. The thought of screwing her turned his stomach. Bad enough he had to do it on her birthday and their anniversary. If she weren’t such a prude, he never would have had to resort to banging the help. What was the big deal about letting him put his cock in her mouth?

His cell phone rang, and he hoped it wasn’t her again. He grinned at his client’s name on the display. “How are you, Rick?”

“Good, good. Listen, John, when do you plan to get that…cargo in?”

“My brother is overseas right now. I think he’s located what you’re looking for.”

“I sure as hell hope so. And you…uh…guarantee the merchandise, right?”

“Guarantee it? How could I do that?” What did the guy want, blood?

“I mean that it’ll be here, be…attractive.”

“We’ll do the best we can, Rick. That’s all I can promise.” But first pick was his.

“Okay. I just hope it’s soon.”

“Working on it. I’ll call you when it arrives.” He snapped the phone shut.
Shaking his head, he pulled into the rest stop and drew a relieved breath at the flashing neon Open sign over Girls, Girls, Girls.

He popped a mint into his mouth, then headed for the door. It took a minute for his eyes to adjust to the dark, a stark contrast to the midday sun.

The place was practically empty except for a burly male bartender and a couple of nearly naked girls standing at the far end of the bar. A lone customer sat at a table by the stage with a half-drained pitcher of beer. The guy looked like a truck driver and probably belonged to the rig he’d noticed on the outskirts of the parking lot.

Blaring music pounded, and one of the girls swayed in rhythm to the beat. He fixed his gaze on her swaying hips, but she was as blonde and pale as his bitch of a wife.

The bartender ambled toward him. “What can I get you?”

John sat on a high stool midway along the bar. “Whatever you’ve got on tap.”

The blonde sashayed toward the stage. He turned his seat to watch her but glanced at the other girl. She wore a glittery silver G-string and shoes that looked like silver stilts. Maybe that was why she held on to the edge of the bar. He grinned at the thought of her taking a step only to fall flat on her ass.

She met his stare and smiled. Her hair was short but dark, and her skin was the color of the muddy pond behind his parents’ old place. If only her hair were longer, there might be enough for him to grab. Her tits were small, but that didn’t bother him.

Regardless of what they said, women liked it rough. They wanted a man to yank on their hair and bite their nipples, fuck them in the ass every once in a while. Not that he’d ever fuck a whore in the ass. Hell no. All he wanted from them was head.

Lights started flashing, and the song changed. The girl onstage swayed to the music, but her heart wasn’t in it. And why would it be? He didn’t blame her for not trying very hard, since her audience was just the drunk trucker and him.

The bartender set down a mug of beer. “Want to run a tab?”

John took out his wallet and pulled out a twenty. “Nope, just having this one.” He set the bill on the bar. “Keep it.”

The man snatched it quicker than he could blink.

He sipped his beer, then started over to the dark-haired girl. As he neared her, he realized she was Asian. Maybe a mix of that and Latin. His cock stirred. “Always this dead here during the day?”

She shrugged but took a step closer, wobbling on her ridiculous shoes. “Depends. Weekends are pretty good.”

She smelled of stale cigarettes and cheap perfume. Her gaze slid over him. “You an undertaker or something?”

He glanced down at his clothes. Probably should have changed out of the solid black getup. “Something like that. I guess you’re not making any money when it’s like this, huh?”

She moved closer. “I try to make the most of my time here.” She slid a finger over his arm and met his stare.

“How much?”

He didn’t miss the subtle wink she threw the bartender.

“Fifty for me, thirty for Joe.” She gestured toward the bartender.

He nearly choked on a sip of beer. He set his glass down and smiled. “I’m not asking for your firstborn, honey.” He knew a twenty-dollar whore when he saw one.

Her smile faded. “What do you want?”

“Just a blow.”

She huffed, then looked up at him. “Fine. Thirty for me and twenty for him. Show him your license so he knows you’re not a cop.”

He shook his head. “Sorry. Ain’t happening. You’re just going to have to trust me.”

Without another word, she held out her hand. He pulled the bills from his wallet, folded them and slipped them into her G-string.

She plucked them out and handed the money to the bartender. Then she clomped past him, crooking her finger. He followed her through a black door into a dimly lit room. An ancient couch and a desk chair were the only furniture.

She pointed to the couch that might have been green once upon a time. Then she teetered over to a dresser and took out a condom packet. “Take everything off. I want to see what I’ve bought.” He sat, and she stepped out of her shoes, then rolled her G-string down her legs and kicked it away. His cock hardened at the sight of her shaved pussy. “Come here.”

She moved closer, and he tugged on her nipples. Despite the curses she muttered, he knew she was enjoying it. “Open my pants,” he ordered her.

She knelt on the floor and unzipped his fly. His dick was good and hard. The girl tore open the condom packet and rolled it onto his erection. He hated that they always used a condom. Fucking faggots and their AIDS plague had ruined sex for everyone.

She wasted no time sucking his cock into her mouth. He shut his eyes and pictured Megan’s face. She’d beg him to spare her, promise to do anything, and he’d assure her he’d spare her if she sucked him just right.

She licked him like her life depended on it, swirling her tongue over his shaft, sucking on his balls. He pictured her head bobbing over his cock when he spurted his juice into her throat.

Yeah, he had to get her alone next time, make sure her boyfriend wasn’t in a position to jump to her rescue. He’d have his way with her, then shut her up for good.


Will followed Megan to her office and waited while she ran inside to pick up a key to an empty cottage. While he waited, he phoned Ed and told him he’d be taking a few days off to keep Megan safe.

“I told you she’d have you whipped in no time.”

He stiffened. “Like you’re one to talk.”

Ed let out a deep belly laugh. “You’ve got big balls, Will, but you’re right. I’m the voice of fucking experience. And I’m telling you, stop and get the hell out while you can. It’ll only get worse. She’ll be leading you around by your dick any day now. Take my advice, kid. If you don’t, you’ll regret it.”

He rolled his eyes. This was the last thing he wanted to discuss with Ed. “Listen, I need a favor.”

“Another one?” Ed chuckled.

“Tell you what. I’ll pay for your services, just like any other client. But I need you to watch Megan’s house for me. My buddy at the sheriff’s office is processing the crime scene at the vacant house where Megan was attacked. But the SO doesn’t have the manpower or the inclination to do a stakeout to flush this guy out. I have to be here for Megan, or else I’d do it myself.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Please, Ed. You’re the only person I trust for this. I know he’s going to make a play for her again. I can feel it in my bones.”

“You think so, huh?”

He glanced at Megan through the window and nodded. “You know that cop instinct you told me about when I first started at the SO? Like when your whole body stands on alert ’cause you know something’s about to go down?”

“That’s just your libido, kid. You’re so fucking pussy-whipped that it’s affecting your instincts. Don’t come cryin’ to me when she breaks your heart in a million pieces.”

“I’m serious. This guy isn’t going to quit until he kills her.”

“Yeah, okay. Just because I like you. Maybe if I catch this asshole, you’ll stop thinking with your dick and get your ass back to work.”

Doubtful. “Okay, buddy. I appreciate it.” He gave Ed Megan’s address and the rest of the pertinent details, then hung up as she opened the passenger door. The bruise on her neck had turned a light purplish color. His chest tightened at the visceral reminder of how close he’d come to losing her.

She sat beside him, then fastened her seat belt. “Ready?”

He nodded, afraid his voice might fail him.

“What’s wrong?”

He reined in his expression. “Just lost in thought, sorry.”

“Don’t you need to pick up a few things from your apartment?”

He started the truck, then steered onto the street. “Just a quick stop at a convenience store for a toothbrush and a razor. I always carry extra clothes in my vehicle.”

Her eyebrows snapped together.

“Work stuff. Don’t ask.”

She shrugged, then settled in. “The cottage is on the south shore of the lake, just past the country club.”

He held his breath a few seconds at the mention of the place his parents had taken them the night of their last date.

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