Psychic Siblings (The Helmsworth Project) (2 page)

BOOK: Psychic Siblings (The Helmsworth Project)
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“Gee, Brian,” Jenna responded, “Thanks for painting a nice homey picture for us.” Turning to Claire, Jenna continued, “I don’t sense that the younger man means us any harm. He seems to be genuinely concerned about mom and dad and us.”

“What about the older guy?” Claire asked, trusting Jenna implicitly.

“I think he is willing to do whatever the job requires, even if he has to shove his feelings aside to do it.”

Claire didn’t like the sound of that at all. Just then, her cell phone rang. Making a grab for it, she glanced at the caller I.D. and hoped that the unknown caller was her parents checking in. “Hello?”

“Claire Helmsworth?”

“Yes. Who’s this?”

“Allow me to introduce myself. My name is George Stillman and I represent a very important man who would like to meet with you. Unfortunately, my client is unable to travel at this time due to some health concerns. He has arranged for you and your siblings to travel to his private island for a week-long stay.”

Claire was shocked speechless for a moment. First, the two FBI agents, now a stranger wanted to send her and her siblings on a vacation. “Why would he do that?” They didn’t know anyone who owned his own private island.

“He has a very lucrative business proposition for you and your siblings. They are, of course, invited, no expected, to travel with you. May I tell the pilot you will be ready to leave first thing tomorrow morning?”

“Gee, that’s really nice, but why would I agree to something like this?”

“Miss Helmsworth, my client is a very important and wealthy man. He does not like to be kept waiting, nor does he tolerate disobedience or disrespect. I’m sure you would rather enjoy his hospitality than find yourself on the receiving end of his displeasure.”

Claire shook her head; surely this man wasn’t threatening her! “I don’t believe we have anything else to discuss. Please thank your client for his kind offer, but we are unable to accept itat this time. Goodbye.”

Chapter 5

Claire disconnected the phone completely while her siblings looked on in surprise.

“Why are you so upset? Who was that on the phone?” Jenna asked, picking up confusion, fear and trepidation from her sister.

“That was some weird guy who was inviting us to stay on his boss’s private island for a week.”

“What?”Brian said raising his voice.

“Yeah. Do you know the guy?”

Claire shook her head, “No. When I asked why, he basically threatened me, threatened us. I was told I had to bring you all with me.”

“This day just keeps getting weirder.”

A knock on the office door announced the return of the FBI agents. Entering, Seth and Ken took the same seats they had occupied earlier, looking first at Claire and then her siblings. “Have you had time to read the file?”


“Tell him about the weird guyon the phone,” Jenna whispered loudly

Seth sat up and looked Claire dead in the eye. He really was gorgeous with his baby blue eyes unshielded by the dark glasses; his look was full of warmth and concern. “What phone call would that be?”

Brian didn’t wait for his sister to answer, but jumped right in with an explanation, “Claire just got a really weird call from some guy she’s never met, who wantsall of us to go stay on some private island for a week because he has a business proposition for us.” He stopped and then rushed to add, “He also threatened her when she didn’t jump at his offer.”

Claire blushed as she felt Seth’s gaze settle on her. “Is that correct?”

Claire nodded her head, “Yes. I’m not even sure how he got my cell phone number.”

The two men looked at each other and then Ken excused himself, placing a call on his cell phone as he left the office.

“Look, I know this sounds pretty crazy, but we need you all to pack a bag for a few days and come with us. The fact that someone is already looking for you isn’t good.”

“What about our parents?” Claire asked.

“We sent a team to Romania to look for them last night when the distress call came in. They’ll notify us when they have some information.”

“What were mom and dad doing in Romania?” Brian asked.

Claire shook her head and looked to Seth for an answer with a raised eyebrow.

“Just where did you think your parents were?” Seth couldn’t believe they were completely oblivious to their recent activities. Weren’t they telepathic and could read minds?

“Barbados, sitting on a beach
?” Claire answered.
How had mom and dad been able to hide their thoughts from us so well? How long had this been going on?

Chapter 6

Seth looked at Claire and saw the hurt in her eyes she was trying to hide. She has no idea what her parents have been doing the last several years.

Clearing his throat, he decided that honesty was definitely called for in this situation, “What I’m about to tell you is classified, but under the circumstances, I really think you should know what we’re dealing with here. For the last eight years, your parents have been private contractors for the federal government.”

Brian and Jenna both looked at Claire for confirmation, for which she had none. Her parents had frequently gone out of the country, but she thought they just liked to travel.

“What type of work were they doing?” she asked, trying to fit all of the pieces together.

“They were consulting with some cutting edge genetic research programs. All were Black programs…”

“What does that mean?” asked Brian.

“It means that you won’t find it listed under any federal government website, and as far as congress is concerned it doesn’t know that it ever existed; and only a few select people are aware of the progress being made.”

Brian had a look of disbelief on his face, “So, if it’s so secret why does someone want to harm my parents and us?”

“Because your parents figured out years ago that artificial telepathy was possible, but only worked safely on kids. You all were the epitome of a scientific field project. Three months ago, your dad made the mistake of suggesting to one of the programs directors that they seek younger volunteers. When his idea was met with negativity, he and your mother disclosed their success with their own children. A scientist in that meeting took that information and sold it to the highest bidder. Now, that bidder wants something for his money.”

“Our parents,” Claire supplied.

“Your parents would be a good place to start, but I believe they were simply going to be used as a means to an end.”

“The three of us?” Jenna whispered, fear evident in her voice.

“I’m afraid so,” Seth answered as kindly as he could. He didn’t want them scared to death, but they needed to know how much was at stake. Maybe then, they would cooperate with him and his partner. “I should probably tell you that the scientist who sold you all out has already been killed.”

Claire watched as Jenna suddenly gasped and then closed her eyes, her face going suddenly pasty white and tears leaking from her eyes.

“Jenna? Honey, what’s wrong?” Claire asked her sister had definitely picked something up from someone that was causing her distress.

Before Jenna could answer,Ken came back into the room with a very grave expression upon his face. He spoke quietly into Seth’s ear for a moment, and whatever he said, caused the younger man to curse softly and shake his head.

“What?” Brian asked, not liking the oppressive feeling that was starting to fill the small office.

The older agent gave Seth a look and then Seth nodded before turning back to face them, “I’m afraid I have some bad news. Our team located your parents a few minutes ago.”

Jenna started to cry and Brian quickly wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her to his chest to offer comfort and support. Claire wrapped her arms around her middle as tears filled her eyes. She didn’t want to hear the words, but knew that nothing could stop them from coming. Her parents were dead! She could feel it. Jenna had sensed it.

“I’m sorry, but both of your parents are dead.”

Claire held back her tears, asking softly, “How?”

“They weren’t tortured if that’s what you’re asking. From the information I just received, they were both shot at close range. That means they would have died almost immediately.” Ken wished he could have delivered better news.

“They didn’t suffer,” Jenna whispered through her tears.

“No, they didn’t suffer. I wish I could give you time to digest this information, but this news makes the situation even more critical. I’ve arranged a safe house for you, but we need to move now.” 

Chapter 7

Claire made the decision for all of them, being the eldest; it was now up to her to safeguard her siblings as best as she could. “What do you want us to do?”

Seth looked at Jenna and Brian and said, “I want you two to go with Ken and pack a bag with several changes of clothes. I’ll wait here while Claire gets everything covered here at the library and then we’ll join you.”

Claire looked at Jenna and then spoke softly, “Jenna, get everything you can from the safe room. Brian, make sure you don’t forget the floor safe.”

Seth was impressed, “Your parents had a safe room in your house?”

Claire nodded, “It never really meant much until now. I think they probably knew this day would come and wanted to be prepared.”

Seth nodded, “Probably.” Turning to Ken, he told him, “Get going. I’ll bring Claire back in her vehicle. Make sure their cells get ditched as well.”

Jenna and Brian started to protest this statement, when Seth told them, “If they have Claire’s cell phone, what makes you think they don’t have yours?”

“I already turned mine off.”

“Good girl. Let’s get a move on. Take care of whatever you need to here, but I want to be headed out of here in the next ten minutes.”

Claire nodded and followed her siblings and Ken out of her office. She watched her brother and sister leave with the older FBI agent and then turned to her two part-time workers and explained that a family emergency had come up and she would be out of town for the next week or so. They assured her they had everything under control and were fine, and within the allotted ten minutes, she found herself sitting in the passenger seat of her vehicle, watching the strong hands of Seth drive her towards home.

Seth had silently observed Claire as she orchestrated her absence and was impressed with how organized she was. He had noticed her beauty upon first entering the library, but given the chance to observe her, he realized that her beauty wasn’t just superficial. She had a kind, gentle voice, but was able to convey authority with it as well.

Her dark brown hair had golden highlights in it and her hazel eyes were fringed by thick, dark lashes. She was a small woman, maybe 5’6” tall, compared to his 6’5” height, which had served him well during his school days on the basketball court, and had come in very handy since joining the FBI.

Now, sitting next to her in her vehicle, he tried mentally to run down the list of things he and his partner needed to do to ensure the safety of Claire and her siblings. Someone was definitely playing games, and Seth only hoped that the FBI didn’t have a mole within their midst. Money was a great motivator for leaving one’s morals and ethics behind.

Two blocks away from her house, Seth’s cell phone rang and he picked it up without glancing at the screen. “Hello?”

“Seth, don’t come back to the house. Seth?!”

“Ken, what’s going on,” Seth could hear a commotion in the background.

“Someone’s already been at the house. We surprised them by coming in the backdoor. They hit me over the head before I knew they were here.”

Seth cursed before asking, “Are you okay? Did you get a good look at them?”

“No, I didn’t see whoever hit me. But we have a bigger problem. The kid took off after them.”

“Brian did what? Hold on a minute.” Seth put the phone on speaker while pulling to the curb. “You’re on speaker. Say that again.”

“Brian took off after whoever hit me. I tried to stop him, but I was dazed for a minute and I couldn’t stop him.”

Claire grew worried upon hearing her brother’s action.

Seth turned to her, “Can you communicate with him?”

“I can try. He’s gotten pretty good at blocking both Jenna and I in the last year.”

“Try it. Tell him to get back to the house.”

Chapter 8

Claire closed her eyes, willing her mind to quiet and tried to sense Brian. She started to pick up his thoughts and only hoped that he would talk to her before shutting her down.

Brian, what’s going on?

Sis, I don’t want you in my mind. I’m tracking the guys who broke into our house. I’m going to see where they go and then I’ll contact you again. These guys are connected to whoever killed mom and dad and I’m not letting any FBI team mess things up. They need to pay!

Brian, please come back. These guys are really dangerous.

Don’t worry about me. I grabbed dad’s pistol from the safe room along with a bag I found with some surveillance bags he was always bragging about. I’ll be okay.

Brian, this is silly. Come back and let the FBI do their job.

No! If they had been doing their job, mom and dad would still be alive. Sis, don’t try to get into my head again. Take care of Jenna.

Brian? Brian?

Seth watched in fascination as Claire slowly opened her eyes. For the last several minutes, she had been having a private conversation with someone in her head. He couldn’t hear the words, and she had said nothing, but her facial expressions had told a story of their own.

“He’s trailing the ‘bad guys’ and said he’ll contact us when he knows where they’re going and who is behind my parents death.”

Seth cursed aloud this time, “He’s going to get himself killed!”

“I tried to get him to come back, but he doesn’t trust you all to do your job. He thinks it’s the FBI’s fault that mom and dad are dead.” Just saying the words aloud caused a stab of pain to tear through Claire’s heart.

“I’m sorry about your parents,” Seth said, reaching over and touching her arm in a gesture of comfort.

Claire took the comfort offered, ignoring the tingles that began with his touch and settled in her belly. Now was so not the right time to be feeling this way.

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