Psychic Siblings (The Helmsworth Project) (3 page)

BOOK: Psychic Siblings (The Helmsworth Project)
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“Seth, are you still there?”

“Yeah, Ken. Go ahead.”

“Look, whoever was here tossed the place pretty good. The safe room is open, but it doesn’t look like they broke in…”

“Brian took a few things from there with him,” Claire interjected.

Seth looked at her before asking, “What else did your brother have to say?”

“Not much, except that he took a few things he thought might come in handy and he would contact me again when he knew more. Then he blocked me.”

She heard Seth continue to speak with Ken, but her vision had gone dark and suddenly she saw the basement of her house, a brick of clay was sticking to it and a clock was counting down the time, showing 4:10 minutes left on it…, “Ken, we’re about two blocks away. Wait for us …”

Claire grabbed Seth’s arm and pulled it down, grabbing the phone from his hand and trying not to scream into the phone, “Leave! Leave the house now! Oh, God, the house is rigged. Jenna, get out of the house!”

Seth didn’t take time to question her, he just yelled into the phone, “Ken, go man. Plan B. I’ll call you in a few days. Be safe.”

“Plan B?! What is Plan B?”

Seth sighed before starting the vehicle and doing a U-turn in the middle of the street. “Plan B is where we split up and make sure that whoever is looking for you and your siblings has the hardest time possible finding you. Ken will take Jenna with him. You are coming with me.”

“But…What about Brian?”

“Look, I wish your brother hadn’t gone after whoever broke into your house, but right now, I need to get you someplace safe. Once that’s accomplished, we’ll figure the rest out. Now, we have a long drive ahead of us. As soon as we get out of town a little ways, I’ll stop and grab us some food.”

“Where are you taking me?” Claire asked, stress, and worry coloring her quivering voice.

“You’re safe, Claire. I promise. I won’t let them get to you, and I’ll do everything I can to make sure your brother and sisters are safe as well.

One block down the road, a loud explosion was heard and as Claire turned in her seat, she saw the plume of black smoke begin to rise skyward. Please, let Jenna and Ken have made it out in time….

Chapter 9

Claire leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes. She could feel Jenna trying to reach her –

Claire, what’s going on? Ken says I have to go with him. I want to come with you.

Jenna, go with Ken. Seth thinks it would be better for us to split up right now. It will make it harder for whoever is trying to find us.

What about Brian?

Brian’s blocking me. He’s following the guys that were in the house. I tried to get him to come back, but he won’t. I’ll keep trying to sense him.

I already tried, he’s blocking me out as well. Claire, Ken seems really worried.

Jenna, you need to reign in your powers. It’s not healthy for you to be taking on the emotions of everyone else.

I can’t help it. Ken’s emotions are right out there. I’ll try though. My head’s already starting to hurt.

God, Jenna. Take care of yourself. Tell Ken that you’re hurting. Maybe he can try to put a lid on his emotions and help you out.

I’ll try. I promise.

Good. Try to rest when you can. Stay in touch, but not too often. I don’t want you getting sick.

You be safe as well. Mom and dad…

Hey, we can’t think about that right now. We have to stay focused on defeating the bastards that did this to them.

You’re right. Okay, Ken’s trying to get my attention. I love you.

I love you too. See you soon.

Claire opened her eyes to see that Seth had stopped the car at a small gas station just out of town.

“You finished talking to Jenna?” he asked with a small grin on his face.

“How did you know I was talking to her?” Claire asked with a small smile.

“Your face says it all. Is she doing okay?”

Claire nodded, “She will be. Is there any way you could tell your partner to try and shield his emotions from her. She’s picking them up loud and clear and it’s wearing her down.”

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

Claire paused for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to explain her sister’s unique gift, “Jenna’s an empath. That means that she feels everyone else’s emotions around her. Right now, Ken is seriously worried and broadcasting with a loud speaker. She’s pretty fragile right now and her head is already starting to hurt. If she doesn’t get some peace pretty soon, she’ll blackout from the pain.”

Seth tried to stop the shock from registering on his face. “Can you all feel other’s emotions?”

Claire shook her head, “No, Just Jenna.”

“How about that premonition thing you did earlier with the bomb?”

“It’s called precognition. I’m the only one who has that gift. But it’s not all the time. Just now and then, and I usually don’t get much warning when it will happen.”

“Have you ever seen something that didn’t happen?” Seth asked.

“No, whatever I see always happens exactly like I see it.”

Chapter 10

Seth was quiet after they got back on the highway. He tried to imagine having the kind of power Claire or her siblings had, and quickly realized that it would be more of a burden than a blessing at times.

Claire had fallen asleep, the exhaustion of the morning having finally taken its toll. He let her sleep for the next several hours, only waking her once they reached their destination.

“Claire, time to wake up,” Seth gently shook her shoulder to gain her attention.

Claire sat up and looked around. They were definitely in the mountains as she was surrounded by towering pine trees and the air was much cooler. “What time is it?”

“You’ve been asleep for a little over three hours. Come on, let’s get inside and I’ll see about getting a fire started.”

Claire quickly exited the vehicle, climbing the porch stairs and then entering the small cabin behind Seth. “Where are we?”

“My granddad’s hunting cabin.”

Claire looked around and was immediately pleased with the simple furnishings and coziness of the one bedroom abode. “It’s nice. I thought we were heading to a safe house.”

Seth nodded as he knelt down to start a fire, “I thought about it. But Ken and I agreed that Plan B was going to be off-grid.”

“So, no one knows where we are?”

“Just Ken. Neither one of us like the fact, that within hours of your parents’ deaths, your house was ransacked, nor does it sit well with you receiving a call on your cell phone. Too many coincidences.”

Claire was silent for a moment, watching the flames catch hold of the bark and wood and feeling the warmth begin to penetrate the small room. “You think someone inside the FBI tipped them off?”

Seth was very solemn as he watched her, “I do. They found you too fast.”

“So, what now?”

“Now, we sit tight for the next few days and see what happens. Any word on your brother?”

Claire closed her eyes and tried to sense Brian, but he was still blocking her. “No. Nothing.”

“How about Jenna? Is she doing any better? I spoke with Ken and he felt really bad about making her sick.”

Claire closed her eyes and immediately sensed Jenna reaching out to her –

Claire, I’m doing better. Stop worrying about me!

It’s my job to worry about you. How’s your head?

Much better. Ken talked with Seth and then he apologized for broadcasting his worry so loudly. He shut his emotions off like a faucet. It was amazing, and such a welcome relief.

Where are you?

We’re at Ken’s hideout – that’s what he calls it. Say’s his kids are the only ones who know of its existence. He has six kids, all married, with grandbabies. Can you imagine?


Where are you?

Mountains. I don’t know where, but Seth says no one will ever find us up here.

I’m glad you’re safe. I tried Brian again, but he’s still blocking.

I know. Get some rest and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Okay. Night.

Chapter 11

“That’s going to take some getting used to,” Seth commented as she opened her eyes.

Claire blushed, “What is?”

“You closing your eyes and essentially leaving the room. I’ve been calling your name for the last several minutes, but you were so deep into your conversation with your sister, you didn’t hear me. You were talking to Jenna, right?”

Claire grinned and nodded, “Yeah. I tried Brian again, but no answer.”

“He’ll be fine. How about wetake a drive down to the camp store and pick up some food. I really don’t want to try out the rations my granddad stores up here.”

“Rations? Like military dried food?” Claire asked.

“Exactly like that. I imagine if there was nothing else to eat, I’d find it tasty, but since there’s a perfectly good store just down the hill, we don’t have to make that sacrifice. Come on.”

“Okay. Could I maybe pick up a toothbrush and a few other items as well?” Claire hadn’t had the luxury of returning home to pack, and had nothing with her but the clothes she was wearing and the few meager items found in her purse.

“Not to worry. I have a bag stashed in the bedroom that should have everything you need.”

“Really? How is that possible?”

“I believe in being prepared. Ken taught me that my first month as his partner. Always have several backup plans, and make sure you have what you need at each location.” Seth eyed her up and down for a moment then he continued, “The clothes will most likely be too big, but they’re clean, and you can always roll them up.”

Claire nodded her head, once again impressed by how thorough Seth was as an FBI agent. “Did you always want to be in the FBI?”

Seth smiled at her, “Yeah. I drove my parents crazy when I was growing up. We lived about an hour outside DC and I was always making them take me up to the capitol so I could visit the FBI office there. I tried to get them to take me to Quantico one time, but when my dad inquired about tours, he was informed there was no such thing.”

“Denver’s a long way from DC. How did you end up out here?”

“My granddad lives in the mountains outside of Colorado Springs. When an opening came about in the Denver office, I jumped at it. I used to visit every summer as a kid and fell in love with the mountains.”

“Is he still alive?” Claire asked.

“Yeah. He’s living in Colorado Springs now, in an assisted living facility. I get down to see him every couple of weeks so that he can beat me at chess.”

“That’s nice. We’ve never had anyone but our parents. Their parents all died before I was born, and neither of them had any siblings. It’s nice that you could spend time with your granddad.”

Seth couldn’t miss the wistful note in her voice; she had missed not having any extended family while growing up. He tried to imagine not having anyone but his parents, but failed. His family was large and extended all across the country. He was never in need of relatives.

Chapter 12

The store was well stocked and soon they were back in the small cabin, Claire tossing a salad, while Seth grilled the steaks over the fire.

They spend the evening exchanging stories about everything that came to mind, and when it was time to turn in, Claire took the bedroom while Seth camped out on the couch in front of the fire.

He lay awake for many minutes, thinking about the events of the day and the young woman sleeping in the next room. He had never felt this way about one of his charges before. He found himself wanting to get to know more about her, and was completely fine with sharing personal information about himself. His normal routine of staying aloof hadn’t worked and he worried about what might happen in the coming days and weeks.

He hoped there might be a quick ending to this situation, but experience had taught him better. Claire was looking forward to getting back to her normal life, what she wasn’t counting on was the fact that her life might never be normal again.

She and her siblings were wanted now. Not for having broken the law, but for their very essence. Seth didn’t delude himself into thinking that whoever was looking for them only wanted to speak to them.

No! They most likely would study them and confine them like lab rats while they were studied, poked and prodded. They would be subjected to tests and procedures that he didn’t even want to think about.

The best course of action for him right now, was to protect Claire, trust Ken to protect her sister, and hope that Brian came to his senses before it was too late.

Claire had already lost her parents; she didn’t need to lose her siblings as well.


Claire lay awake for hours, trying not to worry or broadcast her feelings. Jenna needed her rest and Claire didn’t want to add to her weakened state with her own emotions.

She thought back over the events of the day, finally taking time to mourn the loss of her parents. While the tears rolled silently down her cheeks, she let her memories flow through her mind and remembered all of the good times they’d had as a family.

Her parents had put everything they had on the line to safeguard their children; even going to the extreme of creating a false reality to protect them. Claire had no doubts that her parents’ motives had been pure and based in advancing science.

She cried for the loss of their knowledge, she cried for the loss of their support, and she cried for the emptiness that would be felt by both her and her siblings in the years to come. She and her siblings now had each other, and no one else.

Claire finally fell asleep, knowing that with tomorrow, she would need to find the strength to help her sister and brother keep safe.

Seth had promised to help and it seemed he had thought of everything. She let thoughts of his gorgeous eyes, and the way his skin crinkled at the corner of them when he smiled fill her mind. He was built like a fighter, but his gentle demeanor told of his intelligence and yearning for peace.

She was glad that she had him by her side and trusted him to keep his word. Her last thought as she drifted into a mindless slumber was that maybe, just maybe, she would make it through this ordeal after all. 

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