Pursuer (Alwahi Series) (14 page)

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Authors: Monique Morgan

BOOK: Pursuer (Alwahi Series)
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The shallow wound that the arrow had made burned when she eased herself into the hot pool. It seemed as though she had been spending the majority of her time soaking in the hard stone bowl. She had a decision to make, and did not have very much time. The circulating water swirled around Zanas and she let out a soft moan. The creak of the door opening made her eyes shoot open, as a blonde figure stepped into the room. Desstina’s eyes widened in shock for a moment, and then her malicious smile spread across her face.


I didn’t know that there was anyone in this tub,” she said, suspiciously friendly. Zanas could see her glance down at the bandage still on her chest. She heard the melodious laughter of the blonde, as she turned to leave. “Got you,” Desstina called over her shoulder and the heavy door closed behind her. Zanas fumed for a moment and then exited the stone basin.


Back in her room, she found Maleek waiting impatiently by the door. He broadcasted feelings of annoyance, as he stalked past her, and made his way down the dark tunnel. She could not help but laugh as she entered her room. The fire was almost out and her room had a dark overcast look, the dying embers of the fire flickering. Instead of feeding the fire, she walked over to the big window and heaved it open; the bright glow of Ulwahi glittered down on her. She loved the way the sparkly essence seemed to fall on everything that lived in the world that Alwahi created.


Zanas’s mind drifted to the impending fight. She had been truthful when she had told Ressna that she was unafraid. This would not be her first sparing battle before the eyes of spectators. Nor would it be the first time that she had fought and won. However, the words of Ressna echoed in her mind. She knew the girl was right and that she could not underestimate her opponent. Before, she had been in a world where
was extraordinary, and now she lived in a world where Alwahi made


As she pulled on her shirt she felt a small stab of pain, and she reached down, pulling off the bandage that covered the wound. She found the sides of the puncture already beginning to heal. A yawn escaped her mouth and weariness set in. Pulling the window closed she added logs to the fire and then crawled into bed, quickly falling asleep.


When Zanas awoke the next morning, she found that her stomach was filled with a bubbling excitement. She hurriedly braided her hair before she headed down the dark hallway to the meal hall, almost running into Dressdon and Ressna.


Hungry?” Dressdon asked with one eyebrow raised. His eyes where bright with amusement and Zanas began to laugh. It felt good to be carefree for a moment, and once again, that moment came in the presence of Dressdon. If only he could stay as good-natured. They entered the hall, gathering their meal, and then headed to their table. The twins and Desstina seemed to be in a heated debate. Whatever it was made no sense to Zanas, and she soon found herself lost in thought.


The noisy meal hall around her seemed to fade out as she concentrated on the task ahead of her. She stood up at her table and waited, going unnoticed for a moment except for the watchful, laughing eyes of Dressdon. The twins noticed her next, their boisterous vocals ceasing, followed by Desstina. The silence of the table seemed to spread like a wave, as the Pursuers around her joined in the silence, all eyes on Zanas. Finally, it spread to the furthest table, the last speakers noticing how quiet it was around them, and joining in the stillness.


I, Zanas, am choosing Desstina as my opponent for the second challenge.” The hall remained quiet, and then it erupted in unison.


Heard and accepted,” they roared.


Zanas’s heart started to beat faster as she sat back down. She didn’t know what she expected when she looked at Desstina. Perhaps some apprehension, or even a slight hint of fear; but instead, she was greeted by something quite different.


Desstina was grinning at her with ecstatic triumph.


... ... ...


Ressna chased her back to her room, bouncing like a yoyo as she had jabbered on to Zanas. The fight was scheduled for the evening; they would be the main event of the Pursuer hold. The only thing that had finally quieted Ressna was the hard knock at the bedroom door. Zanas opened it to see Dressdon standing in the shadowy hallway, the lone torch flickering brightly. She felt the presence of Ressna close behind her and then the girl had stepped past her and out into the hallway.


I’ll see you tonight!” she called over her shoulder.


Zanas was left alone with Dressdon, who was still standing in the hallway. He stepped into her room, closing the door behind him. Zanas jumped slightly as she heard the low growl of Maleek. She was annoyed at the jumpiness. It bothered her that being alone with Dressdon unnerved her. He gave one narrowed look at the animal and then turned to her.


You know it may have been more opportunistic to choose another opponent,” he said looking at her, the dreaded seriousness in his eyes. “I will let you know that your opponent has never lost a fight…and she loves to fight.” His eyes stared into hers for a moment and then he smiled, turned his head to the side, appraising Zanas with a bold look that sent her heart into a deep pounding. Once again, Maleek began to growl menacingly in the background. “Although I don’t doubt you can take care of yourself.” His eyes flashed as he stepped closer. “Be wary of her tricks,” he said, turning and pulling the door open. “Good luck, Pursuer.”


Zanas thought about what Dressdon had said. She could have picked someone who she could have been assured of an easy battle. The young boy she had met after running the course entered her mind. But she had never been one to shrink from a challenge and it was time that the tension between her and Desstina came to a culmination. She looked up to see Maleek staring at her; the creature’s fur was radiating an aggressive blue, seeming to vibrate slightly. He could sense the tensing in her body and the feelings of angry turmoil that were swarming through her. Zanas knew that he was preparing himself for the impending battle and she reached out, stroking his fur.


Sorry boy, this will be a battle that I fight alone.” He seemed to understand what she was saying and his fur slowly radiated to his calm red glow.


Before she knew it, the hours had faded away. She stood up giving Maleek a scratch on the chin before she left. The long corridors of the dark hallways were surprisingly empty. She did not see a single person, nor hear a sound, until she entered the fourth level. Opening the door, she was hit with the noise of a packed hall. Everywhere she looked, she saw Pursuers. They loitered out in the hall, lounging, leaned up against the stone walls. As Zanas passed, their eyes followed her, their pointy teeth shinning in the dark. There was an energy that buzzed in the air, the cacophony of excited voices echoing out into the hallway.


When Zanas entered the room, the crowd of Pursuers parted for her until she reached the fighting arena. Finally, she stepped out into the center. Desstina stood there, flashing her teeth and growling at Zanas. The sound of voices seemed to rise to a fevered pitch and Zanas felt the soothing vibration of a growl stirring in her chest. When the pitch of the crowd reached its zenith, Desstina leaped forward and the battle began.


All the sound in the room seemed to fade out, as her vision turned red hued. The motions of Desstina seemed exaggerated; she could tell by the shift in weight on one foot that the girl was going to kick at her, and Zanas was able to sidestep. As Desstina lunged forward, Zanas brought down her elbow onto the blonde’s sternum. Desstina let out a puff of air before bringing her hand back and striking Zanas across the face. She felt a stinging across her cheek and reached up, pulling back bloody fingers. The razor sharp nails of Desstina had sliced across her face. The blonde let out a roar in triumph.


With the roar of the crowd, also came a renewed surge of rage. Zanas whipped out her arm with a swift jab, connecting with Desstina’s cheek. The skin around Desstina’s face moved in a swell, a wave created by the deadly force of Zanas’s fist, spreading from the epicenter. A small trickle of blood escaped from the side of the blonde’s mouth, her perfect white teeth colored red. Desstina scowled at her, wiping her cheek and spitting a mouthful of blood onto the floor.


The noise of the crowd changed with the scent of blood in the air. Zanas was surrounded by glowing green eyes, the eyes of predators in frenzy. Desstina was coming at her again. This time her flying hand found only air. Zanas grabbed the girl by her neck, slamming Desstina’s head into her knee. Desstina dropped to the floor, cradling her nose. She seemed finished. Then the words of Dressdon echoed in her mind, just as Desstina catapulted herself upward, her fist outstretched. She made contact with the center of Zanas’s face. The force of the blow knocked Zanas on her back, and Desstina leaped atop her.


The crowd was screaming now. They seemed to be like exotic dancers as they moved their bodies in a swell, like waves smashing on the beach. Desstina wrapped her hands tightly around Zanas’s neck digging her sharp claws into the flesh. Time stopped for Zanas, only the taste of her blood in her mouth and the sound of her beating heart.


And then it was as if she was water. Her body flowed, twisting and turning so that she was behind Desstina. Zanas’s arms wrapped around Desstina’s neck, interlocking, as her legs wrapped around the girl’s waist. Desstina flopped around like a fish, trying to bring her hands behind her to hit Zanas, but to no avail. Zanas simply squeezed tighter. She could see a glazed look spread over the blonde’s eyes as she began to lose consciousness, and finally she saw the slow movement of Desstina’s fist pumping in the air.


Then, there was only the roaring of the crowd.

Chapter 13- Glittering City



Zanas awoke with a groan, her entire face sore, as moving her lips brought a sharp pain to her head. She pushed the big paws of Maleek out of her way as she climbed out of bed. The big beast made a slight grunt, and then quickly returned to his soft snoring. When she started to braid her hair, she realized that her hands ached as well, the knuckles of one hand bloody and cracked. From the throb in her throat, she had no doubt that there were probably bruises the shape of Desstina’s fingers.


But all of these things were nothing compared to the feeling she had radiating through her body. She had passed her second challenge; she was two-thirds of the way to becoming a Pursuer. She had started out the journey in search of her sister. The information Arrelia had been able to give her, told her the reclusive clan of Dreamers dealt with only one clan, Pursuers.


She also knew that being beneath for too long would change her, and she would be unable to return to the above. The people of the city of rock may be able to adapt over time, as they once had, to living above; but that would take years. Years of pain, as the adaptations of Alwahi yearned to be where they belonged. However, none of that meant anything to Zanas, who was not a person of the city, but a Pursuer pledge. Her body was adapting far beyond the tame city dwellers. Once you became a Pursuer of the beneath, you were one for life.


Zanas had not been sure, when she had walked down that long hall, of what clan she would declare. She could have pledged Dreamer and had an easier time of seeing her sister. But when she stood in front of the three, all she saw was her legs running free and hard, and she had declared Pursuer. Zanas had known, deep inside, that this was the clan she was meant to be in. Even for her own sister, she could not give up a lifetime of freedom.


The people above had explained to her that her sister was being groomed to be a Dreamer of beneath. Where the people above practiced principles of Alwahi, the people beneath
the principles of Alwahi. Being so close to the body of Alwahi, Ulwahi, made the spiritual connection so much stronger.


A vision of her sister working with the sisters in Panrrela’s tree came to her. She remembered how happy Asenya had been, eager to work with Ulwahi. Deep down, Zanas knew that if her sister had been harmed she would have known. She would see her sister again, there was no doubt.


A soft knocking and the slow creak of the door heralded the entrance of Ressna. Zanas looked up as the spiky haired girl entered the room carrying a tray of food. She felt her stomach begin to rumble and Maleek lazily opened one eye, sniffing the air. Ressna hopped on the bed next to Maleek, popping a small piece of meat into her mouth, and grinning evilly at Zanas.


Looks like you ran face first into a wall,” Ressna said laughing. “How do you feel?”


Zanas laughed. “I feel like I ran into a wall,” she said trying to smile, and immediately regretted it, a pain shooting through her lip. Ressna pulled a bowl from the tray and handed it to Zanas.


I thought you would be hungry and some soup will go down easy,” she said with a grin.

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