Pursuit For Lucidity (Crashing Waves) (17 page)

BOOK: Pursuit For Lucidity (Crashing Waves)
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Hello Claire,


I stopped by administration this morning
, but you weren’t there.  Maybe we can meet for lunch today.  Let me know your availability.




Ugh! The nerve.  I hoped he wasn’t holding his breath because he would suffocate if he thought I was going to meet him for lunch.  I decided to reply right away.


Dr. Kohler,


If there is anything you’d like to discuss regarding work, please feel free to send me an email.  Otherwise, I’ve already told you that I have a boyfriend and do not feel comfortable with your emails.


Claire Morgan

Administrative Assistant to

Walter Wells (CEO)

Downtown Memorial Hospital


I prayed never to hear from him again.  Laura must have sensed my frustration because she asked me if anything was wrong.  I didn’t want to tell her anything, not yet anyway. 
I didn’t hear back from Mark the rest of the day, thankfully.  I left work an hour later, since I had overslept that morning.  Alex was going to go straight home, so he could pack for his trip to Guatemala.  I decided not to mention Mark’s email that day, since he probably had so much on his mind regarding his upcoming pro bono procedures.  I did not want to add anything to that.  He had called for a limo service to pick him up in the morning, but I insisted that I take him to the airport.

Alex arrived around nine that evening all packed and ready to go early in the morning.  The reality was setting in and I was getting a little sad that I would
n’t see him for two weeks.  We promised to Skype, but it wouldn’t be the same.

Are you going to miss me, baby?” he asked.

Of course I’m going to miss you.  Are you going to miss me?” I asked.

I miss you already,” he said, planting a kiss on my lips.  We snuggled closer to one another that night.




As I drove Alex to the airport in the morning, he talked about all the different procedures he would be performing to make the children look and feel better.  I parked my car on the departure curb at the Los Angeles International Airport as he stepped out of the car and took his suitcase out of the trunk.  We hugged and kissed as long as we could before he really had to go.

I miss you already,” I said as he smiled at me.

I love you.  See you in two weeks,” he said as he gave me one last kiss and walked into the airport, waving at me one last time.

I dragged myself to work that morning
and was not looking forward to the meeting the following morning where I would be stuck in the same room as Mark.  Walter asked if I could assist the financial services department that day, so I knew I was going to be very busy.  I managed to squeeze in lunch with Laura in the afternoon.  I wanted to tell Laura about Alex.  I really needed someone to talk to who would be able to keep it a secret and I knew Laura was just the person.

We walked down the street to our usual falafel place for lunch.
  “Laura, if I tell you something, do you promise to keep it a secret?” I asked.

Her eyes widened, “Of course, Claire.  What is it?” She asked curiously.  I told Claire about Alex, how we had met, how much time we spent together, and how we fel
t about one another.  “Claire, that’s awesome!  Your secret is safe with me.  I knew he liked you from the way he was admiring you on your first day here,” she smiled.  I also told Laura about Mark and how annoying and harassing he had been with his emails.

If he doesn’t stop, you should probably bring it to Walter’s attention or even Human Resources.  You’ve told him multiple times to stop, and you have it all documented on email, so you’re covered.  I’m glad you told me, so now I know how to brush him off next time he shows up in the department,” she noted.

Laura was so easy to talk to and I felt so much better getting it all off my chest.  Now I had someone
to talk to at work about Alex who I was very confident would keep my secret safe and not tell a soul.  She was also sad for me that Alex would be gone for two weeks.  “Oh, so he won’t be at the meeting tomorrow.  What about Mark? Did he respond yes or no to that meeting?” she asked.

He’s coming, unfortunately.  I will be stuck in there with him for God knows how many hours.  Please shoot me,” I joked.  Laura laughed.  We headed back to work and Laura assured me once again that she wouldn’t mention anything I told her to anyone.  Her lips were sealed.




On the drive home, my mother called to see how I was doing, since Alex would be gone for a few weeks.  I promised to go over for dinner a few times while Alex was away.

Katherine also called, “H
ey girl, how are you doing without lover boy?” she asked.  She always knew how to cheer me up.  I occupied my evening with yoga and television and ended up falling asleep on the couch, awakened by the phone.

It was Alex. “H
ey, baby.  I made it here safe and I’m all settled.  I wanted to hear your voice before I went to bed.  It’s only an hour later here than L.A. which isn’t too bad.  At least we won’t be on two different time zones.”  It was so good to hear his voice and to know he made it safe.

Hi, Alex.  I miss you so much.  I’m glad you made it to Guatemala comfortably,” I replied. I couldn’t stop yawning, so he decided to let me go sleep.

We will Skype tomorrow, if you want.  I love you.  Good night, baby,” he said.

Good night, Alex,” I replied and dragged myself up the stairs to my bed.  I tossed and turned as never before that night, as I had gotten used to sleeping with Alex next to me.  The empty space next to me made it difficult to get a good night of shuteye.




Thursday morning I woke up early for that meeting.  I wanted to make sure the breakfast arrived on time and everything was situated before everyone arrived.  Walter looked tired and very stressed out as usual.  I made sure the coffee and food were on the conference table.  Taryn arrived first, followed by Mark. He stood tall and very lean with light golden brown hair and beady dark blue eyes.  The only thing attractive about him was his golden tan and his bright white teeth. He grinned when he saw me, more like an evil, perverted grin.  Ugh!  He made me so uncomfortable.  Taryn didn’t seem her usual perky self without the presence of Alex.  I could feel Mark’s eyes on me, every time I moved, whether it was to get up and move around the conference room, organizing things.  His eyes were glued to me.

Walter started the meeting and I began to take notes.  Every time I looked up, Mark was staring at me.  After the meeting was over and eve
ryone else got up to leave, he seemed very comfortable where he was seated and wasn’t moving.  He waited until everyone was gone and approached me.

Hello there, Claire,” he started.  “I finally get a moment alone with you.  Your email responses have been a little harsh, don’t you think?  Your boyfriend doesn’t need to know about us having a bite to eat together, does he?  I mean, what if he’s meeting other women and doesn’t tell you?  What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?” he asked.  He made me sick.  How could he say something like that?  Did he have no respect for anyone?  I wasn’t going to tell Alex about my encounter with Mark that morning, not while he was away, anyway.  I ignored him and walked out of the conference room.  I told Laura what had just happened and her jaw dropped.

You might not want to mention that to Alex.  You were smart for walking out.  Don’t even entertain that sicko,” she said.

I decided to go to my parents’
house that night after work.  My mother was making lasagna and I loved the way she made it.  We talked about my job and what they had been up to.  My mother noticed I was a little down.

Honey, you miss Alex, don’t you?” she asked.  She could tell how I felt about Alex.  “I think he feels the same way about you, Claire,” she added.

I was
about to leave when I received a text from Alex.


Hey beautiful!  I hope you had a good day.  We were able to do two procedures today, so I guess it’s safe to say it was a great day.  Miss you, though.


Hey, Alex.  My day was ok, very busy, but managed to get everything done.  I miss you too.  I’m at my parents’ house having dinner.  I will Skype you when I get home.


Sounds good.  I love you.


I thanked my parents for dinner and hugged them goodbye before I drove home.  I turned on the Skype as soon as I got home, so I could talk to Alex before it was too late.  I knew he needed to sleep to prepare for the many surgeries to come.  Alex took his laptop around his hotel room, showing me around, not leaving out any details.

I like it when I can see you while I speak to you.  I love you, baby.  Sweet dreams,” he said as we blew kisses on Skype.  Most people would probably think it was cheesy, but Alex and I couldn’t care less.

I hopped into the shower and prepared for bed.  It was going to be another busy day at work the following day. 
My cell phone beeped very early in the morning with a new text message from Alex.


Good morning, beautiful.  Hope you have a good day.  I’m about to scrub in for the first surgery of the day. Love you.


It was always nice to receive a text from Alex to help me start my day.  The drive to work was very nice, and I even made it fifteen minutes early.  As I walked into the department, I noticed a very large floral arrangement on my desk.  Laura was beaming.

Good morning!  Read the card.  Who is it from?” she asked.  All the other ladies in the office were curious also. I thought it was so thoughtful of Alex to send flowers while he was out of town.  I opened the card on the arrangement and read the message.  The look on my face worried Laura.  I smiled because I didn’t want the other ladies in the office to sense anything. “It’s from my boyfriend,” I lied.  It was from Mark Kohler.

Dear Claire,


I hope your day is as beautif
ul as these flowers.  Please join me for dinner.






Ugh! I couldn’t believe it.  The ladies “oohed” and aahed” and went back to their desks.  Laura came closer and asked if it was really from Alex.  I let her read the message on the card and the expression on her face changed.

The nerve of him, Claire.  He doesn’t know how to take “no” for an answer, does he?”

Mark’s pursuit was really beginning to concern me
.  I was going to keep all these new happenings from Alex at least until after he returned from Guatemala.  Alex was right about Mark, and I clearly began to understand his frustration toward him.  I was so glad it was Friday and I wouldn’t have to deal with that man for a few days.  At the end of the day, I left the flowers on my desk to wilt over the weekend.  There was no way I was going to take those flowers home as a constant reminder of that creep.

I had promised to
stop by Katherine and John’s place to have dinner with them.  I needed someone to talk to about Mark, other than Laura.  I needed some good advice, especially from a man.  John kept advising me to notify my boss or go to Human Resources and report him, but I didn’t want to go that far.  I wanted to handle the situation on my own without even getting Alex involved.

It sounds like you have your work cut out for you,” said Katherine.  “Just try to stay as far away from him as you can.  For him to even continue to pursue you after you told him that you have a boyfriend is wrong.  Be careful with this one, Claire,” she added.  We chatted for hours until I realized it was past eleven and I should be getting home.  I had several missed calls and text messages from Alex.  He sounded very worried.

I called Al
ex on the drive home, “Hi Alex.  I’m sorry I missed your calls.  I was at Katherine’s for dinner,” I said.

Hey, I was so worried about you.  It’s so late, baby. I wish you had told me about your dinner plans.  I’ve been worried sick,” he replied.

I’m a grown woman, Alex.  You don’t need to freak out.  You sound like my father.  It’s like I’m suddenly not allowed to go to my friend’s house for dinner.” I said in a furious tone.

Silence filled the air for quite some time.  I heard Alex take a deep breath and then began to speak again, “Claire, why don’t you take a few minutes to calm down and then maybe we can have a normal conversation,” he sounded very irritated,
trying to cover his irritation with a calm tone.  “I am not your father, but I do worry about you all the time, considering you were attacked some years ago.  I never said you shouldn’t visit your friends for dinner. I just wished you had mentioned something, so I wouldn’t be so worried.  I apologize for caring.  Why don’t you call me later on when you are home and in a better mood because I’ve already had a shitty day and I do not need this right now, okay?” he added.

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