Pursuit For Lucidity (Crashing Waves) (19 page)

BOOK: Pursuit For Lucidity (Crashing Waves)
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Hi Alex.  Ugh! What a day today was.  I’m so tired and I miss you, which makes everything a lot harder.  How was your day?” I asked.

I miss you too, Claire.  I just can’t wait to come back home and see you.  Call me when you get home, okay?  I love you,” he added.

I pulled my car in
to the garage and headed inside my condo.  As I opened the door and stepped inside I noticed there were rose petals everywhere.  There was a note from Alex instructing me to follow the rose petals.  What was he doing back and what was he up to?  I did as he asked me to and followed the rose petals.  They led me up to my master bedroom and into the bathroom where I found Alex standing there, smiling at me.  He had drawn a bath for me with rose petals and candles surrounding the large, oval shaped bathtub.  He had on just a t-shirt, jeans, and an apron and looked as hot as ever.

Alex, you’re home! What a nice surprise,” I said as I jumped into his arms and kissed him as if I hadn’t seen him in years.

I decided not to tell you I was coming back early so I could surprise you,” he said, kissing me nonstop, everywhere.  “Now, I want you to take off these clothes and step into this bathtub and relax while I cook us a nice dinner for two.  I’m not due back at work until next week, so my job until then is to make you happy.  Enjoy,” he said as he stepped out of the bathroom and headed downstairs to make dinner.

The bathtub smelled like jasmine, so intoxicating and relaxing.  I removed my clothes and stepped into the warm tub.  I didn’t want to
move or ever get out of it.  Alex came back upstairs about ten minutes after I had stepped in and sat on the edge of the tub, talking to me.

You can join me if you’d like, Alex,” I offered.

frowned, “Claire, if I join you in there, I’m not going to be able to control myself.  I will definitely take a rain check, though,” he winked.  He leaned down and kissed me softly.  “Take your time, baby.  The food won’t be ready for at least another half hour,” he noted.  What had I done to deserve such a wonderful man?  Any other man would jump into the tub and seduce me, but Alex knew how to keep his goods in his pants.

After soaking in that tub for w
hat seemed like a good hour or so, I dressed and headed downstairs for dinner.  There was a mouthwatering aroma surrounding the kitchen.  Alex had made baked chicken thighs with sautéed vegetables and brown rice.  I was so hungry I could have eaten the entire meal for two.  He had lit candles on the dining table and opened a bottle of Cristal and poured it into two champagne glasses.

I could come home to this every day, Alex.  This is beautiful and the food smells so good.  The bath was heavenly and you’re just the most amazing man in the world,” I added as I hugged him tight, my head on his chest.

looked at me and smiled, “Anything for you, baby.  You deserve more than this, but this is all I could come up with for now,” he kissed me and pulled the dining chair for me to sit down.

So, tell me how you were able to return early,” I questioned.

Well, we were able to do complete two to three surgeries per day, so our job is done for now.  Maybe in six months I will return to Guatemala for more pro bono procedures,” he added.  “Oh, before I forget, my sister Melissa would like to have lunch or dinner with us this weekend if that’s okay with you,” he said.

Sure, that sounds great.  I would love to meet her.  Wherever you two would like to eat is fine with me,” I replied.

I will see if she can make it on Friday night.  I will ask her to come to Malibu and spend the night.  She lives in Santa Monica, so I wouldn’t want her to drive out that way after a few drinks.  We can go somewhere in Malibu, if you’d like,” he said.

That sounds perfect.  I can’t wait to meet her,” I smiled.

She lives with her boyfriend, Paul so he will accompany her,” added Alex.

Alex had met my close family and friends
, so I was more than comfortable about meeting his sister.  I wondered what she looked like and what kind of personality she had.  I was very curious and excited about meeting her.  Alex had told me she wasn’t a physician like him and their parents.  She was a fashion designer.  She had absolutely no interest in medicine and would not let anyone push her in that direction.  She sounded like a woman who knew exactly what she wanted and I liked that.

I think the jet lag is finally getting to me,” Alex said.  “Now I’m starting to feel extremely tired and sleepy.  I guess the champagne isn’t helping either,” he chuckled.  “I can’t wait to hold you in my arms and sleep comfortably tonight for a change.  That hotel bed was cold and lonely without you there with me,” he smiled.

You go to bed, Alex.  I will clean up here.  You’ve already done so much; cooking, rose petals, candles, champagne, bath…shall I go on?  At the least I should clean up,” I replied.

Let’s clean up together, so we can go to bed at the same time,” he negotiated.

Sounds like a plan,” I replied, kissing him softly on his warm lips.

Oh, I got chocolate covered strawberries for dessert.  We have to have that with the remainder of the champagne before we go to bed.  I don’t want the best part of the meal to go to waste,” we both laughed.  After the place was all cleaned up, we sat outside on the veranda and enjoyed our chocolate covered strawberries and champagne.

That night, Alex held me tighter and closer to him than ever.  He was out like a light in just a few minutes.  I c
ouldn’t fall asleep right away.  I was too busy with happy thoughts about his early return and all the wonderful surprises.  There had to be something wrong with this man.  He was so sweet, genuine, and handsome.  He was a surgeon with a beautiful house in Malibu and the perfect personality.  Why was he still single?  Why wasn’t he married or in a long-term serious relationship?  I thought about all the men out there who weren’t half as good as Alex, who were already married to beautiful, smart women and had a family.  Was he meant to be mine?  Was he waiting for me his whole life?  Was he like one of those anti-marriage men who would remain single forever?  The questions in my head were making it impossible to fall asleep.  I observed Alex as he slept, admiring his good looks.  At least when he was asleep, he wouldn’t notice the staring.  Even in the dark I could see the outline of his beautiful chiseled face, his perfectly toned body, and full head of dark, sexy hair.

Since I had been unable to surrender to sleep, I went downstairs and made myself a cup of chamomile tea.  I curled up on the couch and enjoyed my tea and tried to make myself drowsy by reading a magazine.  I heard footsteps upstairs and rea
lized Alex must have awakened.

Claire?” It was Alex looking for me.

I’m down here, Alex.  I couldn’t fall asleep and I didn’t want to toss and turn and awaken you.  Go back to sleep, I’m fine,” I assured him.  He came downstairs anyway.  “Why did you wake up?  You were in such a deep and peaceful sleep when I got out of bed,” I added.

I realized you weren’t next to me and you know I don’t sleep without you next to me.  Come, lie down and put your head on my lap,” he sat down and gestured for me to stretch out on the couch.  I put my head in his lap as he sat on the couch.  He ran his fingers through my hair, making me drowsy and sleepy.

Alex?” I said.

Hmmm,” he replied.

Can I ask you a question?” I asked.

Ask me anything,” he replied.

Why me?” I asked.  “Of all the women you could be with right now, why me?  What is it about me that keeps you around?  I know it’s definitely not the sex because that hasn’t happened in any form.  So, tell me.  What is it?” I asked.

Claire, if I have fallen in love with you without being intimate with you, that’s a dead giveaway about how crazy I am about you.  You’re different.  You’re very genuine.  You have goals and ambitions.  You’re smart, caring and kind.  You’re beautiful inside and out.  I really wish I had met you a long time ago.  I wouldn’t have wasted my time with other women, trying to find my Ms. Right and encountering all the Ms. Wrong’s.  If I had met you years ago, we would be married with at least three children by now,” he laughed. “Now, close your eyes and go to sleep,” he commanded.  “You have to go to work in the morning.”

I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier.  I had no further questions for Alex.  I was satisfied with his answer and
finally surrendered to sleep.




Alex must have carried me to bed after I had fallen asleep, since I woke up in my bed in the morning when the alarm went off.

Mmm, call in sick,” begged Alex, holding onto me tightly.

Maybe next time,” I promised, kissing him.  I packed my weekend bag, since I would be staying at his place and didn’t want to waste time packing after work, since his sister was going to visit him that night.  He said he would take care of the dinner reservations for us to dine with Melissa and her boyfriend, Paul.  I was going to meet Alex at my condo after work and we would drive to Malibu together in his car.

Work was busy as usual that Friday, which was nice be
cause the time went by very quickly.  I was excited to go home and see Alex and spend the weekend at his place.  Alex had cleaned up my condo, taken out the trash, and watered my plants so that they didn’t die over the weekend.  We headed out to his house to meet Melissa and Paul.

Alex had made reservations at Café Maurice
which was very close to his house so we wouldn’t have to drive anywhere far.  He left the front gates open, so Melissa wouldn’t have to buzz from the gate.  The doorbell rang and Alex opened the door slowly.

As he opened the door, I noticed a tall, dark ha
ired, blue eyed, beautiful woman.  She looked like she was just a few years older than I.  Her boyfriend Paul was also a very tall man, with a shaved head and a goatee.  He looked intimidating, but seemed very pleasant underneath it all.

Hey, brother!  Long time no see.  Look at you, you’ve cleaned up well and look very happy from the last time I saw you.  And this gorgeous girl here must be Claire.  Hi, I’m Melissa.  Nice to meet you, Claire,” she said as she extended her hand and shook mine.

Hi, Melissa.  It’s very nice to meet you also,” I replied.

Oh, this is Paul, my boyfriend,” she added.

Paul and I shook hands and Alex asked them to come inside to the living room and sit down.
  “Did you guys bring your overnight bag?” Asked Alex.

No, Alex.  We have to be back tonight because I have to go to a fashion show early in the morning on the west side, but we are definitely going to come another day for a total slumber party, I promise,” replied Melissa.  “I’m starving, where are we going?” she asked.

We took Alex’s truck
, so that we could all fit comfortably, since his other cars were made for two passengers only.  On the drive to the restaurant, Melissa kept telling Alex that she finally liked a woman that he was dating.  “I’ve never really had a great first impression with anyone else to be honest.  But I do like you, Claire.  And I can see why Alex is really taken by you,” she added.  Melissa seemed very straight to the point.  She seemed like the type of person that said it like she saw it, without holding back.  I really liked that about her.

We arrived at the restaurant and were seated by the hostess. 
They seemed to know Alex at that restaurant also.  Melissa was very bubbly, talking to Alex about their parents and how much they’ve been asking her what he’s been up to.  “You might want to give them a call and fill them in on everything you’ve been up to lately.  I know they’ve been worried about you, Alex,” the way Melissa looked at him was as if she was telling him something with her eyes that only he was able to read.  Alex looked down then looked up again at Melissa, then at me.

Yeah, sure, I will give them a call,” he replied with a look that seemed like he wanted her to change the subject immediately.

After a nice dinner and plenty of dessert, we headed back to Alex’s house.  Melissa and Paul couldn’t stay much longer
, since she had to wake up so early for the fashion show the following day.  When we said our goodbyes, Melissa promised they would spend the night next time they came over.

Goodnight, Alex.  Don’t forget what I said about mom and dad.  You really need to call them,” she said as she walked to the car.

Got it, Melissa.  Drive safe,” Alex replied as they drove away.

I really like your sister, Alex.  She’s so fun and sweet.  Paul seems like a very nice guy too,” I noted.

She liked you too, Claire.  Melissa can be very unkind to those she is not fond of, but she was very fond of you,” he clarified.

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