Pushing Upward (38 page)

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Authors: Andrea Adler

BOOK: Pushing Upward
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The hexagram that you come up with is considered the “present hexagram”; it represents energies that are in play in your current situation or with regard to your query. It is a response to your question. Any version of the
I Ching
you choose will include a chart in which you can look up the hexagram you have thrown. Some oracles will include a
corresponding to the hexagram as a whole, and
Plenty of food for contemplation!

Moving Lines

If you happen to throw a 6 or a 9, it is referred to as a
moving line,
changing line.
This means that the broken or solid line corresponding to the throw changes into its opposite, generating a second hexagram. For instance, the 6 in line 1 above, known as “6 in the first place,” will become a solid line, and the 9 in line 6 above, known as “9 at the top,” will become a broken line. Look up the resulting hexagram:

Line 6

= 6

Line 5

= 7

Line 4

= 7

Line 3

= 8

Line 2

= 8

Line 1

= 9

The moving lines can be very important; they provide additional perspectives, pointing to aspects of your question or the situation you may not have taken into consideration, or forces coming into play that you may not yet be aware of. When moving lines appear, they may also indicate the presence of a great deal of power or potential energy in the matter that concerns you. When you look up the description of the hexagram, you can read commentaries on the moving lines, as well as the depiction of the hexagram as a whole and of the trigrams that compose it.

To read more about the history of the
I Ching,
or learn about lectures, workshops, and other Pushing Upward offerings, please go to:


My immense gratitude and appreciation to all of the people who have supported me in birthing this story:

To Margaret Simpson, whose initial critique was the impetus for me to erase, tear up, and throw away my first draft. Without her severe critique (which took me years to digest), I would have never been able to search my soul and start the manuscript over.

To Dhruva Romanow, whose keen insight helped me to understand the significance of this story. To Heather Raymond, Joanne Ehret, Kathy Drew, Melah Skoll, Wendy Yaffee, Dina Dunaway, Roger Elkrief, Kate DeCoo, Cliff Shulman, and Ann Cafferty for their insightful critiques.

To Dale Ruff, who gave my son love and attention during the winter months skiing Vermont's mountains, allowing me the indulgence of writing.

To Ani Tuzman, who taught me to trust my heart and to write from that space.

To David Kinsley, Sheila and Sheldon Lewis, Jeff Elster, and Gene Mateson for their editorial reviews.

To Tonia Miller for reminding me to laugh when I was caught up in my drama, for disagreeing with me when I was wrong, and for hanging in there while I ranted and raved. Your spirit and honesty confirm for me why I wrote this book in the first place.

To Jim Allen and Richard Adler, who taught me about conflict. To Parvati Marcus, who was tough and critical with her edits. To Brenda Marzett, Dr. Hyla Cass, Michael Butler, and Jessica Yudelson for their feedback. To Aaron Roessler for supporting my web presence.

To Lisa Hagen, who was there when I needed her. To Jill Kramer, Shannon Littrell, and everyone at Hay House who ushered this labor of love into the world.

To Jerry DiPego, who encouraged me to be strong and tenacious, to keep going no matter what, and to stay enthusiastic during the whole, sometimes excruciating process.

To Cynthia Briggs, my editorial midwife. The one who made me go places I never would have approached without her love, compassion, and tenacity. Thank you for being my friend, my editor, my spiritual advisor, and my student. Thank you for living and breathing and birthing this book and my other books, along with me.

To Anna, who gave me her love, her time, and her space.

To my son, Brian, whose patience has been overextended since he was eight, and whose heart has been infinitely generous. I apologize for the weekends we didn't get to enjoy, the vacations we were never able to take. As you grew older, you became my toughest critic and my best cheerleader. I thank you a million, trillion times. May your intelligence and talent serve you well as you complete your own life adventure.

Finally, I would like to thank the ONE whose blessings allowed me to persevere, layer by layer, year after year, spurring me on, to go beyond my limitations and my ignorance; whose voice still moves through me (when I listen) and guides me (when I see); who paved the way (when I removed my ego) for this incredible journey to come to its final destination. Thank you, Gurumayi. Thank you, from the depths of my heart.

about the author

Andrea Adler
is the founder of
, a consulting firm specializing in a holistic/spiritual approach to marketing and publicity. Recognized as the “metaphysical marketer,” Andrea is an international speaker, workshop presenter, and the author of three books on Holistic Marketing:
PR for The Holistic Healer, Creating an Abundant Practice,
The Science of Spiritual Marketing: Initiation into Magnetism. Pushing Upward
is her breakout novel.

A recipient of the Axiom Business Book Award in 2008, and winner of the 2011–12 Los Angeles Book Festival Award for
Pushing Upward,
Andrea has been a speaker at several international conferences including Natural Awakenings Annual Conference, Mountain Biz, the American Holistic Medical Association, INATS (International New Age Trade Show), and Expo Ser in Mexico City with Deepak Chopra.

Andrea has written over 50 articles on holistic/spiritual marketing, translated in five languages, and has appeared on numerous radio and TV shows throughout the world. For 30 years she has supported small businesses, the holistic/therapeutic community, cultural creatives, and entrepreneurs in Europe, the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Venezuela. Andrea has been a contributing writer for
Body, Mind, Spirit; Massage; Living Natural; Massage Today; Akkadian Magazine; Spirituality & Health; Tathaastu; New Connexion; Sentient Times; Kripalu; Reiki International; Marketing Holístico
(Mexico City);
(Buenos Aires); and
Vida Alternativa

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