Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (115 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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Whitt audibly swallows as he watches me rub along Marcus like a giant cat. My breasts caress the side of Marc’s face and I press my nipple near his mouth. He growls at me because he’s angry, but he can’t help
himself from touching.

“Yesssss…” I gasp when his warm, wet mouth encloses my entire areola.

“Oh my God,” Whitt whimpers with a shudder.

hat’d ya do, husband,” I purr.

“Fuck,” hisses out my clenched teeth when Marc’s fingers impale me.

“I… I went to Devlin to set up a time to meet with Dalton,” he swallows again.

“Meet for what?” I tease, and grin when I hear the tell-tale sound of metal on metal as a zipper is lowered.

Whitt swallows again… “Sex,” he whimpers.

“And what made you do this?” I taunt him.

“Aaaahhhh….” I shout. My back arches, spine bending from the pleasure of Marcus slamming deep inside me. My head falls back and my eyes roll. My lips part on a moan as I roll my hips in his lap.

“Lover,” Marcus purrs in shock.

My body beads with gooseflesh and every hair stands on end. My nerves fire pure pleasure as I have sex with my partner while my speechless husband looks on. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever done. If I wasn’t insanely jealous and high from fucking Dalton, I’d never have had the balls to do it.

“Are you mad at me now, Whitt? Do you see why I did it?” I groan as I ride Marcus in an uneven rhythm.

“No… I’m not mad. It was different seeing you with him- awkward. I understand why you did it. It made me go after what I wanted,” he says huskily. 

“Do you find this awkward?” I ask with surprising sobriety, and pin him with a lust-filled green stare.

“No… This… this is how you should always look. He’s who you should do that with,” his voice is dry from hunger. I watch in fascination as his pink tongue dabs his lips with saliva so that he can keep speaking.

Marcus is in his own world as he presses my breasts against his face and sighs in pleasure. His teeth nip, marking me as his. His lips suck and kiss the tender spots better. His groans of ecstasy echo around the
room. He’s close and so am I.

“Why else did you do it?” Whitt asks, and his fingertips brush the wispy hairs off my forehead in an intimate and affectionate gesture.

“Marcus,” I breathe and it gets the man’s attention. “I loathe Olivia so much that I want to kill her. I’ve never been so jealous or territorial, because I hate knowing she created a child with him. Whitt, I hate knowing that your future lover is her son. I know how much I’d want to kill someone if they touched my child, so I fucked hers- in front of her,” I grin evilly, and Marc snickers beneath me.

Whitt openly stares at me in awe.

“Kiss me,” I purr to Whitt. “Kiss me while he makes me cum. It’s all you’re getting from me until you fuck Dalton’s gorgeous ass. Husband and wife tag-team,” I mischievously giggle. “Let’s show that vampire who owns her children.”

Warm, soft and supple, pouty lips connect with mine. The kiss is soft, just a brush of lips. It surprises me and I stop rolling my hips. Marcus will have none of that, though.
“Ugh,” I grunt against Whitt’s lips when Marc brutally bites the underside of my breast and violently thrusts upwards into me.

Whitt’s kiss instantly goes from sweet to passionate. Teeth punishingly nip my bottom lip, and on my gasp a tongue dives between my parted teeth. He licks the roof of my mouth, even under my tongue. I whimper from the possession of the act of his tongue fucking me
while Marcus’ cock impales me.

My husband eats the orgasm that my lover gives me. I scream into his mouth as his fingernails bite into the back of my neck and scalp. The sweet pain adds to the pleasure.
Marc’s grunts of pleasure add to the symphony of sounds emanating from Whitt’s mouth and mine. Fiery hot essence shoots deep inside my eager womb. Marc starts chanting mine… mine… mine… as he possesses me in the way only a man can.

“Am I f
orgiven,” I breathe to my men.

“Hold up,” Marcus pulls me from his body and thrusts me towards Whitt. “It’s his turn. I have some shovels to fetch. Whitt, I’ll meet you in the park,” he s
ays seriously and we all laugh…


Chapter Forty-Eight


“Adelaide,” Daniel begs and I roll my eyes.

It’s the same shit every Tuesday afternoon for the past three years. She never speaks as she stares out the huge window. Daniel begs and pleads, and Diane sits quietly at Adelaide’s side holding her fragile hand.

I’m more proactive than that- I brush her hair and give her a mani-pedi. I’m not sure what kind of attention she gets here at WinterCrest Asylum, but I don’t want to suffocate her as Daniel does, so I go with grooming.

“Your mom misses you, darling. She just can’t bear to see you this way,” Daniel keeps spewing words that make me cringe. “The kids miss you, too. I wish you could see how they’ve grown. I brought photographs if you’d like to look.” The desperation in his voice draws tears to my eyes.

Adelaide doesn’t flinch, doesn’t even bat an eyelash as her father lays his heart on his sleeve. I think he’d stab himself with a spoon to the eye if it’d make her happy. He’s a sadistic bastard, but he’s that way to benefit his family. His only child that is normal is Katherine, and she left her kids in his care. The grandkids are his only solace at this point in his life.

Adelaide’s situation is entirely his fault.

I dig the face cream from my bag as I listen to Daniel blubber. I meet Diane’s eyes. Even she isn’t unaffected by the agony in his tone. You’d think that after two hundred sessions of this shit that we’d get used to it- not happening.

Diane rolls her eyes at me and I give her a small smirk. We’re here for Ade. Once we leave the threshold of WinterCrest’s Asylum the gloves come off. Incidentally, Diane leaves me alone while she goes after everyone else like a pissed off honey badger. The only reason I have a target on my back is because of her pet demon.

“Your nephew is a total asshat,” I murmur to Ade to distract me from the scar that bisects her face. I pay special attention to it by generously applying the scar reduction cream I got from her physician. “He’s playing with fire. He allows your girlfriend’s granddaughter to cock-gobble him,” I say snidely to get a reaction.

The corner of Ade’s mouth twitches as Diane chokes and Daniel sputters.

This is how you talk to Ade as only a best friend or sister can. She doesn’t want tears and apologies. She want to dish the dirty shit, the raw reality of our lives. She’s here and she’s not leaving. She needs something to clutch that isn’t about her. Diane understands this, that’s why she never speaks; she just offers a warm and soft, comforting hand to her lover.

“I met Olivia,” I tell Ade knowing that Daniel and Diane’s ears perked up. “Vampire… She’s a bloodsucker- Total psycho-bitch. I get why Diane and her are bestest buddies,” I snicker.

“You better wake up, sister. Your girl has another one waiting in the wings, and she makes me see green. Knowing she created Itsy Bitsy with Marcus makes me want to rip her throat out.”

Ade’s blue eyes clear from their drug-induced haze. I’m used to the cloudy, cataract-like quality to her eyes. I smile when I see them return to their beautiful Caribbean blue seas.
She silently begs me to go on.

“I was so jealous that I retaliated. Whitt was dragging his feet, but the boy has it bad for Dalton. He’s all googly-eyed and crushing on the kid. Dalton is hot as fuck so… yeah… I totally fucked him while Olivia watched. Take that, bitch,” I snicker.

Daniel stares at me in shock. My admission took him by surprise. Diane looks at me with grudging respect and a little pride.

“So… Whitt got off his ass and finally did the deed. Pretty Boy has officially grasped his inner-gay.” Ade raises a blonde brow in question and silently pleads with her eyes for me to go on.

“He did it last night. He was walking on cloud nine all morning. I’m curious to see how he behaves tonight.”

“How can you talk about t
his,” Daniel gulps in outrage.

“Why not?
She wants to know,” I innocently defend.

Leave… Daniel, leave...
I haven’t had a private moment with Ade since our fight in my home office, long before she went off the deep end. I know she’ll speak if he’s not here.

“He’s your husband, and you’re encouraging him to behave in that sick manner,” he says with disgust, and the lesbian lovers flinch. Hell, I flinch for them.

“I thought you healed him from his malfunction. It’s unnatural,” he bitterly spits.

“Daniel,” Diane
hisses venomously. “Let’s go!”

She abruptly stands and brushes a kiss to Ade’s pursed lips. She presses for longer than necessary as she waits for her lover to respond. A heavy sigh echoes throughout the
space when no response comes.

“Ready, Regina?
” Daniel orders as a question.

“I’ll get a cab home. I’m not done with our ritual yet.” I crouch down and dig through my cosmetics bag.

“Nice try, Regina,” Diane tinkling voice tickles my ear. “I’ll give you this once because I see her reacting to you, but never again. She’s mine, and you won’t be alone with her,” she possessively warns.

you, Diane,” I say sincerely.

“I’ll see you Sunday, Darling,” Di
ane says with real emotion.

I watch as her diminutive form walks down the stone hallway with the click-clack of her h
eels quieting with every step.

“I’ve pestered Whitt to visit you until he gets mad at me and we have a fight. I’ve been waiting for him to slap me, but he’s too controlled. I started on Dalton to champion your cause. The boy has it bad, and Whitt will do anything to make him happy. You’ll see our Pretty Boy sooner rather than later. I’d drag Niel here to see you, but the no minor policy is a pain in the ass. Soon… he’ll be eighteen before ya know it. You may be out of here by then. The clock is winding down. I’ll get you out of here, just as I’ve always promised.” My voice is cheerful, the opposite of the life or death reality of the topic o
f conversation. 

“Regina,” her voice is thin. The raspy tone breaks my heart. “Tell me a secret, an
d I’ll tell you why I’m here.”

“James Atwater, the author of the numeral BDSM books, is Jamie- Marc’s submissive.” It flows from my tongue before I can stop it.

“Thank you,” she says weakly. “I’m here because I know Whitt is Grant’s child, and as the heir he can take over.”

“I know. We know. The kids know. He’s my husband,” I confess.

“Father wondered, but it wasn’t confirmed before I lost it,” she says in shame. “The allegations I leveled against you the last time we fought- I was just guessing, and you never denied or confirmed them. Later, I didn’t know up from down, so it didn’t matter.”

She uncomfortably shifts in her chair and I don’t help her. I refuse to see her as I did my mother. She looks just like my mom did as she wilted away in that shit-hole, rat infested apartment. Ade looks just like her, with thin hair, emaciated flesh over bones, and dead eyes. I refuse to see it. I plaster a healthy vision of Ade over the reality of Ade. I did this for a year with my mother, and I’ve been doing it for three years as my best friend, my sister, has rotted away in this mental prison.

“I know you didn’t write those books, and I know who did. I don’t blame you for anything you do, Ade. I really don’t. Right now it’s just you and me. It’s how Daniel, Diane, and I have been able to co-exist without slitting each other’s wrists.”

“Grant is still alive,” she wheezes and I freeze. “There was a body to bury, but it never felt right. I’ve always known in here,” she clutches her boney hand to her flesh-over-r
ibs chest. “He’s still alive.”

“Do you speak to them,” I look over my shoulde
r to see if we’re still alone.

“My father only comes with you, but Diane comes three times a week, and we do talk. Well, she talks and I listen. Once in a while when I don’t feel hateful I will respond. She tells me t
hings my father doesn’t know.”

“Jamie’s Grant,” I blu
rt out because it feels right.

“Thank you, Regina,” Ade says reverently and sighs. “Thank you for trusting me.”
Her blue eyes scream the truth. She’s always known and thought I didn’t trust her. This is the wedge that shoved us a part.

“I didn’t know until after Whitt and I married,” I confess. “How long have you known?”
“Long enough,” she wheezes. “I’ve wondered if you’d tell me. Thank you.” She closes her eyes and a tear rolls down her cheek. My fingertip clears it away without thought.

“I’m here to keep his secret safe so that Niel can take the throne that my father has built, and I’m here to
keep Olivia from killing me.”

“Does Diane know that Olivia offed Celeste?”
A choking gasp draws me to her side in a heartbeat. I rub her boney shoulder and murmur words of comfort.

“I didn’t know that… Are you positive?” She gasps for control of her lungs.

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