Quiet Country (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 2) (17 page)

Read Quiet Country (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 2) Online

Authors: Colbie Kay

Tags: #Satan's Sinners M.C.

BOOK: Quiet Country (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 2)
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"I fuckin' love you. Never thought I'd have an Ol' Lady."

"I fuckin' love you too. Don't back out on me now."

"Not a goddamn chance." We smile at each other. "I gotta get somethin' to clean you up." He pulls out of me and brings back a warm wash cloth, cleaning me up. I realize he didn't use a condom. Smacking his arm I ask, "You trying to get me pregnant again?"

"Maybe." He laughs. “Really, I just got caught up in the moment and forgot."

"Well, it's a good thing I started back on the pills."

"Fuck me. No more condoms? That felt pretty amazing ridin' bareback."

"No more condoms. You going to stay with me tonight?" Bear kisses me again before he walking off. He tells me he will, and I hang around until he gets my car running normal again, then I go back home.

When I get inside, I see Zoey on the couch, bouncing in her seat. “How was Kellen, and what the hell are you doing?" I ask her, laughing..

"Oh, he was so good. I'm waiting for you to tell me what happened."

"Looks like I'm an Ol' Lady now." I smile.

"Ahhhhhh!” she screams out, loud enough that I have to cover my ears.

"Zoey, it's a good thing Kellen's awake or you would’ve just woken him up."

"I'm just so happy! This is so exciting!” she declares while clapping her hands. "So what happened? I want details."

"I made him ask me again and he didn't want to, but he did. I said yes and then we had amazing sex on the hood of my car. You’re not getting any more detail than that."

"Oh my God, that's so hot! I'm gonna have to do that with Hanger. We fucked on his bike and the back of his truck, oh, we need a car!” She zones out, like she's trying to figure out how to make it happen, and I can't help but to laugh. This is why I love her so much.


I went to Hanger not long after Jacey had Kellen. I needed to know if he kept the pregnancy from me, and it turns out, he did know that she was carrying a child, he just didn't know who’s. Hanger knew that we had fucked, but thought since she quit coming around, there wasn't anything there. He assured me that if he would’ve known, he wouldn't have kept something like that from me. Crazy Girl apologized and that's good enough for me. She was in a hard spot, and I can't hold it against her for being true to her friend.

I got my woman, finally after all this time, and I'm not letting go. Chatty used to be the one to do the cuts and patches, but since she's gone, I had to go to Ever. Now, I have Jacey's cut ready to go. It has “Property of Bear” on the back, which is something I never thought I would see, and on the front it reads “Lil Mama”. She’s the best fucking mother to my child I could ask for. I'll be getting her pregnant again, and when I do, I'll be there every step of the way this time. Jacey’s been alone her entire life, so I understand it was natural instinct to hide within herself, but now she has me, Zoey, and my brothers. Hopefully soon, she’ll have her father back too. She doesn't know that I called him.

I open the front door, walking in to seeing her feeding Kellen. She bottle feeds, which is fine with me because that allows me to feed him too. I'll never forget the first time she tried to breastfeed him. She put him up to her tit and he latched on just fine, but then she yelled out, “Son of a bitch! It hurts!” From that day forward, it was the bottle for our sweet Kellen. I walk over and lean down to give her a kiss. "I got somethin' for you."

"What is it?" she asks, looking at me. Jacey stands up, putting Kellen in his bouncy seat. I pull the cut from behind my back and show it to her. She goes to grab it, but I pull it back. "Bear, give it to me!”

"Not yet. Before I give it to you, I want you to know that there’s no turnin' back once you put it on."

"I know that Bear, shit, there was no turning back when I said yes. I love you. I'm not going anywhere." I give her a smile. Leaning in, kissing her one more time, I hand it over. She puts it on and looks sexy as fuck. "How's it look?"

"Looks fuckin' sexy, Lil Mama. I'd actually like to see you in nothin' but this and some fuck-me-heels." She’s got the biggest smile plastered on her pretty face as I grab her, pulling her to me. "Let's do it then."

"We can't, not yet. I have somethin' to tell you and you're not gonna like it."

"What? What did you fucking do?"

"I called Snake and he's comin' over here."

"YOU DID WHAT?" she screams at me.

"I called Snake, he's comin’ over.” I grab her hands and hold them in mine. "You gotta get it done. You’re officially a part of the club now, Jacey. It’s time."

She's shaking her head. "I'm not ready! I can't believe you did this!” I see her eyes tearing up.

“You would never have done it. You’re strong, you can do this. Get your answers, Lil Mama. I'll be right here with you." I hear a knock at the door. "I'll get it." I walk to the door and open it, stepping outside.

"Snake,” I greet him.

"Bear." He nods.

"Remember what I told you. I can't have her hurt any more than she already has been. If you think that's going to happen, I want you to leave now."

"She's my daughter. I've been waitin' for this day for twenty years, man. I'm not gonna hurt her. It's time we had this talk."

"Alright, but if she gets gets too upset, this meeting is over. Got me?"

"I got you. I know you love her and are looking out for her, but this’ll be the only time you talk to me like this. You got me?"

"Yeah. Lets go in, and keep in mind, she's really fuckin' nervous.” I open the door and we step inside. Entering the living room, I see that she's sitting on the couch, knees bouncing with her hands in her lap, looking nervous as fuck. "Lil Mama," I say, walking up to her. I bend in front of her, getting eye level. "You okay?"

"No I'm not okay, you fucking dick."

I suppress a laugh. "It's gonna be fine. I'll give you some time to talk and if you need me, I'll be..."

She interrupts me. "Kellen fucking Rhodes, you are not going anywhere! You did this, you are staying with me, goddammit." I do laugh then, and she gives me a go-to-hell look.

"C'mon Snake, have a seat." He sits in the chair across from the couch, and I take a seat next to Jacey, holding her hand the whole time. It's quiet for some time, nobody saying anything, and they just stare at each other. I keep looking back and forth between them. "Alright, someone needs to say something, get this shit started." They both look at me, then gazes return to each other again. Jacey speaks first. "I found you awhile back on the internet. I saw pictures of you with other kids, you looked happy."

"My brother's kids. You grew up."

"Well yeah, I haven't seen you in twenty years. Do you have any other kids?"

“No, never wanted anymore."

"Did you even want me?"

"You forgot, didn't you Jacey?"

"Forgot what?"

"What I told you the day your momma took you from me. I told you to never forget that I would always love you and that you were my princess. Of course I wanted you, I always did. You’re my little girl."

"So why did you let her take me? Why didn't you ever try to come get me?"

"Your momma threatened to turn the club in to the police if I came after you. I couldn't do that to them, and if I would’ve come and got you, what kind of life would you have had at the club? I thought you would have a better life with her."

"So you gave me up for the club?"

"No, Jacey. Never. I let you go because I thought you would've had a better life away from the club. I've missed you every day since you were six, when she took you from me."

“Did you really tuck me in at night and tell me stories?" she asks, fidgeting with her hands.

"Every night. Do you remember the story I used to tell you about the king and his princess?"

"Yeah, you would tell me the only boy the princess could marry would be the one able to stand up to the king, so he would know she’d be taken care of and safe." She has tears running down her cheeks and taking her face in my hands, I turn her to look at me. Wiping away the tears I ask if she's okay, and she gives me a nod. "It wasn't all a dream. It was real,” Jacey speaks softly, in disbelief.

Snake replies, “Yeah, baby girl. I love you so much, I always have. I thought about you every day that you were gone."

“Mom would never talk to me about you." Hesitating, she asks the question she’s been contemplating for a long time. "Will you tell me what happened with you guys?"

"Marie came into the club as a whore. I’d been with her a few times until I met someone else and fell in love, hard and fast. One night, we got into a bad fight. I thought she was done with me, so I got fucked up ‘til I didn't know what the fuck I was doin'. Marie came to me and I ended up fuckin’ her that night. Well, the woman I loved came back, and we were together for a little while ‘til your momma came and told me she was pregnant. I wanted to do the right thing, so I went to my Vixen, told her what happened, and she left me. Later on, I found out Marie messed with the condom so it wouldn't work. She was tryin’ to get me to settle down with her."

"Did you do the things she says you did? Did you abuse her and cheat?"

"Yeah, I never claimed to be a nice guy. I did put hands on your momma one time and that's when I found out what she did. I'm not proud of it. I was young, I could of handled it better, but at the time I felt like she had ruined my life. Once you came along, you were my life, other than the club. I took one look at you and fell in love, thought I could be happy for you. Marie made it hard though, always fightin' with me. I cheated because I never loved her. There was only one woman I would’ve settled for."

Jacey sympathizes. “It doesn't surprise me she did that. She's always looking out for herself, she doesn't care about anybody else."

"What are you talkin' about?” Snake asks angrily. "Did you have a good life?"

I can tell she doesn't wanna tell him the next part, so I squeeze her hand, encouraging her. “She married a man I hate. I never had friends, and my whole life, she’s pushed me to become a doctor. She would slap me around and yell all the time, and she made me forget you, told me all these bad things about you. She said you never wanted me."

Anger flashes in his eyes, then his face drops in regret. "Fuck, I'm sorry. If I knew it would've been like that, I would have taken you back. I didn't know where she took you, but I would've found out. Why don't you like the guy she married?"

She looks at me and I give her a nod. "As I got older, he started looking at me differently, not in a way that a father should look at his daughter. When I was sixteen, on the night of my graduation, he tried to rape me, but I fought back and got away. The next day, I came back to Kansas." I look over to Snake. All the color has drained from his face, and his knuckles are white from gripping the chair so tight.

"Get on the phone, Bear. Call Hanger, tell him to get here now and to bring his Ol' Lady." He orders, taking control just like he would at his club. He's not fucking around.

"Zoey’s getting close to havin' the baby,” I tell him, and with a cold stare, he replies that he doesn't give a fuck, ordering me again to get Hanger on the phone. I do as he asks, and when I hang up, I turn to him, saying, “He said they'll be here in twenty." Snake gives me a nod.

"Can I hold my grandbaby?" he turns to his daughter and asks.

She goes and retrieves Kellen, handing him over to his granddad.

"I guess you're more like me after all, Jacey. You’ve got a good man there, I approve,” he tells her, smiling.

“Yeah, it took us awhile to get here, but we made it."

He takes her hand, pulling her in, hugging her with one arm while holding Kellen in the other. I get my phone out and take a picture. When Hanger and Crazy Girl get here, Snake puts Kellen down and we all go to the dining room, us guys taking seats around the table, while the girls sit on our laps.

Hanger asks, "What the fuck’s goin' on? Snake, why’re you here?"

Crazy Girl has a confused look on her face, but she keeps quiet, looking around the table. I ask Jacey if she wants to clue them in.

She agrees, "Yeah okay. So, Snake is my father."

"What!?" they both exclaim at the same time, looking at each other, then back to us.

"He's my father. My mom took me away from him when I was six years old. She raised me to believe that bikers were trash, that’s why it was so hard for me to give you guys in the club a chance and why I did everything I did to Bear."

Crazy Girl smiles and Hanger says, "That makes sense, sounds like your mom's a cunt. We're good now, all the guys are really. My brother here loves you, so treat him well and we'll treat you the same. You’re his Ol' Lady now, which makes you family."

"I never had family before, I was always on my own,” she says as she hanging her head.

"Not anymore, you’re not. You never really were, since my Ol' Lady thinks of you as family. You always had her back, you were just too lost inside yourself. Hope all that's changed now though."

She looks up at him and I can see the tears trying to break free. "Yeah, it has. Thanks Hanger."

Snakes pipes up. "Alright you girls, go in the other room. We’ve got business to discuss."

When they get up and go to the living room, Hanger asks about what's going on. Snake fills him in. "So I let her go because I thought her momma would give her a better life, but I guess I was wrong. She tells me that son of a bitch Marie married tried to rape her, so we’re goin' to California and gonna handle this fucker."

I respond. “Yeah, I'm good with that, would have already if it wasn't for her tellin’ me not to."

“I can't leave Crazy Girl,” Hanger interjects.

"You’re not gonna leave her because she's comin' to keep Jacey company." Snake informs him.

"Okay, let me go get our shit. What about her mom? What's she gonna think about this?"

"Her momma was a whore for my club. She knows the rules."

"Alright I'll be back." Hanger gets up and heads to the living room. He gets Crazy Girl and says goodbye to Jacey, then they leave. Jacey comes up to me and questions me about what's going on.

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