Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit: That Which Destroys Me with The Alternate Ending (16 page)

BOOK: Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit: That Which Destroys Me with The Alternate Ending
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I laugh realizing how tipsy she truly is. Note the mixture of Spanish and English. One more glass and
Myrta will be lashing her Latino tongue at a rate that I have no chance at understanding. “Thank you. However, I’m uncertain if that was a compliment or an insult.” I kiss the top of her salt and pepper head. “I’ll tell the driver to make sure you make it home. No more cellar juice, sí? I want you at least to  remember the ride home…” I narrow my eyes on her clouded ones “and make it to bed, safely. Understood?”

“Sí, sí. You have pasarlo bien, buenas noches, señor Wesley.” She pats my shoulder and pinches both cheeks before walking err…wobbling away.

By the time the limo pulls up to
Stell’s, I need another damn drink I’m so nervous. “Stan? You picked up the long stems from the florist, right?”

He hands me a long gold rectangle box through the divider. I open the box and scoop all twenty-four purple and lavender colored long stem roses wrapped in silver satin. After I look over them and shake them around, slapping a few crinkled leaves and get
thorned for it, I shove the stupid box at Stan. “The hell did they come in a box for? That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen, Stan.”

“Sir, you asked for the most expensive purple roses. Expensive roses come in a box. If you prefer, I can just swing by Kroger and grab a ten dollar bouquet wrapped in cellophane.”

I shake my head in disgust and climb out of the limo with my… Stell’s… now unboxed purple roses.

Chapter 22



“I don’t look like a whore?” I ask scooping my tits into place before sliding my hands across the fine black delicate lace covering the nude silk of the dress visible beneath.

“Nope. You look like that hooker… What’s that movie all you damn white girls loved in the 90’s?
Pretty Slut, no… that’s not it. OH! Cinder-fucking-ella!” Trina tips a little too far in her chair before her equilibrium can catch up with her erratic hand motions that are commonly associated with… Well, Trina’s drunk off her ass.

I smooth ‘Barely Nude’ by L’Oreal on my lips and tell Trina through the mirrors reflection. “It’s called ‘Pretty Woman’ and don’t act like you didn’t cry when Vivian told Kit she was going to San Fran at the end.”

I pucker my lips and quickly assess myself from head to toe in the mirror. Trina pinned all my dark tresses up, leaving strategically placed wisps and curls framing my face.

My dress?
Fan-fucking-tastic! I don’t even want to know what T had to do to acquire it. And the nude designer stiletto peep toes on my feet are another question I won’t ask for fear she’ll tell me she either sold a kidney, robbed a bank or both.

“So what, it was a movie I related to,
Stell. Sue me.” She’s in the middle of rolling her eyes when the apartment buzzer goes off, her rolling eyes become wide as her smile lights up her adorably inebriated face. She scurries from the bed calling out over her shoulder . “Time, sis? How much time you need?”

Staring at my reflection I inhale deeply. As I exhale, I mutter, “There is no time left. Lord knows I can’t fight this shit any longer.”


As soon as I see Wes standing in my living room, with a bushel of purple roses wrapped in silk, butterflies take flight in my stomach, my pulse quickens, and I can hardly catch my breath. I realize  how beautiful Wesley Jacobs is as my eyes drink him in, standing before me in a classic black on black suit and tie.

Once we are in the limo whisking our way to a charity ball Wes cornered me into, I whisper, “Wes, what exactly is my roll tonight? Am I your intern or your date?”

His expression is nothing short of salacious cockiness covered in hot sex. His husky voice carries through the darkened limo’s interior. “My thoughts precisely. You, in either way, shape, or form, are mine. My intern. My date. My pussy. My ass. My smile. My laugh. Any and everything that is you, Ms. Reese, is mine.”

He leans forward.
bracing his elbows on his knees, and drains the drink in his hand before setting it off to the side. Wes’ eyes stay locked on her mine, watching… I feel my heart jolt as I begin fidgeting from the intensity of his glare. I feel as if my nerves are going to leap from my skin.

During our silent ride to the charity function I sit looking out the window at New Yorks skyline.  The limo glides in front
of  Rockefeller Hall, I catch sight of celebrities lining a red carpet as they move inside and I glance  at Wes nervously realizing he’s sliding  beside me. His capable arm circles my waist as he pulls me close tucking me into his side. “We don’t have to do the red. If you prefer, I can have Stan drive us around the back, angel.”

My gaze doesn’t leave the topic of conversation, “What will happen if we go in the back? I thought being seen was the important part of these things.”

“Yes, it is however, it is the number of zero’s on the check I write which is the most important.” He nuzzles my neck and jawline before whispering into my ear, “Stell, you look absolutely beautiful tonight. Let me show the world how lucky a man I am. Would you do me the honor of walking the red carpet with you by my side?. Do it for me, angel.”


“Shit!” I roll my eyes just as Stan the limo driver pulls us up to the circus of flashing lights and chaos.

The door of the limo swings open and I freeze, I sit in the car and look out at
the  extended hand in front of me and simply blink at it.

“Ms. Reese, take the man
’s hand..” Wes, so close to my ear his lips brush my skin, finishes his command and nips the skin on the back of my neck spurring me to action.

I grasp the gloved hand and smile the brightest smile I have as I step from the car. As soon as Wes is out of the limo, he tucks me back into his side. I love it when he holds me like this. I feel sheltered, protected, and loved. Even though I’m a billion percent sure my smile looks like it belongs to a crazed person, I refuse to let it slide from my expression. I smile dammit, and even when my cheeks hurt, I still don’t stop smiling.

Once we’re in the party hall, our coats are taken and our drinks are served. Wes leads me around the circle of guests introducing me to everyone as his ‘angel’. I’m on the verge of either kneeing him in the balls to shut him up, or playing like I’m a narcoleptic…mostly for entertainment reasons, but also to get out of smiling and shaking hands with everyone. Wes seems to sense my rising tension.

“I know,
Stell. I’m over this shit too. Come on, we’ll go find our seats.” Wesley’s hand settles on the small of my back and we begin heading in the direction of the tables when we are quite literally tag teamed. Wesley takes an older couple to his left, I take a young hot author to my right. Absolutely! Between the two of us, I definitely came out ahead in the situation.

“Jude!” I smile as he rushes towards me with a dazzling smile. I can’t help giggling when he lifts me and spins around. But before setting me back down to the earth, his arms lock around my waist keeping me less than an inch from his face.

I blush trying to turn my head away from his direct and blatant flirting but his words have my eyes seeking his again. “You look utterly breathtaking, babe. Wow. I mean, WOW. That asshole forget to tell you I’ve been calling you all week again?”

“Jude, put me down. This is probably the most scandalous I’ve ever felt. People are staring, please put me down.” I whisper-scream.

Wesley’s booming loud voice has every head turning our way. “Motherfucker, she already asked you once. I won’t wait for her to ask again. I’ll just mow your ass down right here in front of everyone. Understood?”

I’m dropped to my feet and a whoosh of air leaves my lungs before Wesley turns towards the couple he was talking to. “Josephine.” He nods at the thin somewhat older woman dripping in diamonds and fur before turning his attention to the older gentleman. “Father.”

Wait. Hold the phone! I’m meeting the folks? Son of a bitch!

“I’d like for you to meet my angel, Ms. Stella Reese. She and I have been dating for several months.” He grins looking down at me. “And if I were you, I wouldn’t piss her off or get in her way. I would, however, get used to her, because she isn’t going anywhere - not if I have anything to do with it.”

I tap the arm mine is looped around. “Oh my, Wes! Would you shush?” I turn to Josephine with my hand out, “Josephine, it’s lovely to meet you.” I smile and watch as she shakes my hand (if you can call it shaking) only touching it with the forefinger and thumb of her right hand with a look of disgust on her face.

I quickly yank my hand away and maintain my composure, extending my hand again only towards Wes’ father. “Mr. Jacobs, it’s nice to meet you as well.” He shakes my hand – correctly - and smiles.  I pause briefly as I notice how much Wes looks like his father.

But, not too much to deny the bitch that lies within me who wants off her feet.

“I do hope you two have a lovely evening, please excuse me, standing in six inches is quite unnatural as I am
sure  you would  agree, Josephine.” I smile my friendly viper smile and wink. Looking up at Wesley I ask, “Wesley, are you finished  mingling, dear?”

past .” His hand never leaves the small of my back as he leads me to our table. Once we are seated he bursts out laughing waving a waiter over for water. His eyes smile at mine over the rim of the glass and after he sets it on the table he picks up my hand to rest it in both of his. “If you don’t stop being so  adorable, I’m going to fall in love with you, Ms. Reese and if that happens, so help us God, we’re all in trouble.”

“Don’t threaten me. It’s your fault for dragging me through the throng of paparazzi and stuck up heifers. I’m surprised I didn’t chew someone’s Gucci covered arm off. I’m starving to death!” I mutter.

When I glance across the table at Wesley,
he’s looking over my shoulder with a scowl so menacing, it causes me to shiver.

“Wes, are you okay? What is it?” I ask.

Before he can answer, Jude’s voice floats over my shoulders at the exact moment his hands slide and settle on top of them. “You two wouldn’t mind if I intruded would you?” I look up at him over my shoulder and smile patting the table at my side.

I kick Wes under the table as I notice his hands fist and knuckles blanch. “Absolutely not, Jude. There’s plenty of room.”

Wesley clears his throat and leans forward, but before he can speak, I dive into conversation with Jude about his work in progress and the recent overnight hit ‘Twisted Obsession’ has become.

A little more than an hour goes by when I finally see my two best friends, Eve and Bo, arrive. Eve is from ridiculous old money. When T and I first inducted her into our little family circle, every chance we got the three of us would get girly-excited and dress up to go with her to these fancy parties. It didn’t take long for them to lose their luster though.
Me and T stopped going, but poor little Evey still had to go. Especially with her modeling career taking off.

I squeal clapping my hands like a
school girl when she gets close enough to the table.

I’ve kept Wesley to myself for the most part. Besides talking to Trina about our relationship, I don’t. So, needless to say I’m a tad bit nervous yet excited to finally introduce Wes to Eve and Bo.

After the introductions are made, we all sit at Wesley’s table chatting while the dinner courses are served. Everyone seems to be getting along great – well, almost everyone. If Jude would stop with the innuendos and straight out blatant flirting with both me and Eve. I swear to Christ. This guy has the biggest damn ego.

He bounces between flirting with me and Eve, oblivious to the fact that every time he flirts with me, his life is in the balance and Wes holds the cord. And when he flirts with Eve, his life is also in the balance, except Wes hands Bo the cord.

We’re eating dessert when the music starts and I begin feeling sick. I blame the stress and anxiety over dinner  for the sudden nausea. My nerves feel as if they’ve been  hooked up to electroshock, suddenly Jude’s hand grabs mine and he stands saying, “Have the first dance with me, babe.” Every nerve ending fires with a jolt of electricity sending my dinner back up.

I leap from my chair and mutter, “Excuse me.”
Before covering my mouth and quickly making my way to the ladies room.

After having lost my dinner in a cacophony of ralphs, I make my way from the bathroom stall to the sink without looking up.

I wet my face and am patting it dry when I hear a sinister cackle behind me, “Just like his whore mother. I can’t say that I’m surprised. The Jacobs boys seem to have an affinity for impregnating the female dredges of society.”

My eyes snap up to meet hers in the mirror. A smile dances across my lips as I quietly respond, “Josephine. Cynicism does not
become you, love. And you can cool your rumor jets, I went through enough abuse as a child and teenager to guarantee that I will never conceive. So unfurrow your brow, witch.” I spin on my heel and slam from the restroom.

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