Race For Love (13 page)

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Authors: Nana Malone

BOOK: Race For Love
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drenaline flowed
through Kisima's veins as she rounded the corner. The car's back end swung a little, but she had the car under control. With the wind roaring past her and the thunder of the engine, it was completely exhilarating. She loved this. The sudden loud bang made her frown. In that instant, time slowed to a crawl. And as if she were outside of her body, she could see everything. The stands holding the crowds to the left. The grim set of determination on her face as she bore down. She could also see Antonio. He clipped her, forcing her into the wall if she wanted to avoid a crash. And then she saw it. The flash of red. First on one tire, then the next. Her memory filled in the details like scent, sound, and the feeling of sawdust in her mouth. And the fear pumping through her body was more than real.

She'd almost died that day. And it had been no accident.

Kisima woke with a start, gasping for air and choking as the nightmare clung to the edges of her reality. As her heart hammered and panic rose, something else happened. Strong arms wrapped around her and the scent of ocean musk enveloped her. "Shh, Kiss, you're okay. I'm here."

. She could do what she always did. Say she was fine and pretend to deal with this shit on her own, or she could actually ask for help. Because even if she remembered what happened, it still didn't help her. "No, not really."

He reached over and turned on the bedside lamp, bathing her bedroom in light. "What's up? Are you in any pain?"

She shook her head. "No. Had a nightmare."

He nodded understanding. "The crash again?"

"Yeah, but this time I saw something."

He frowned. "What?"

"It wasn't my fault. It wasn't the car. It was my tires."

He tucked some of her stray curls behind her ear. "What are you talking about, Kiss?"

"The dream. The nightmare. I could see it. Everything was slowed down so I could see. Those tires blew on purpose. One right after the other. One blowout I could buy. Tire blew and I lost control. I couldn't handle the car and I crashed. It's tidy. But one right after the other? No."

Derek scrubbed a hand down his face and scratched at the stubble on his jaw. I don't know enough about racing to know what's probable. Are you sure?"

She sat up and tried to yank the covers off, but he stopped her. "Kiss, you need your sleep. We can talk about this in the morning, when you've had some rest."

She ignored him and swung her legs down out of the bed and turned on the light. It took her several seconds before she remembered that she was naked. He could see her scars.
. She whirled around, only to find him watching her intently.

"I've seen every inch of you, Kisima. Licked every inch, too. Twice. Please don’t hide your scars from me."

"I'm not. I just. It's different when you see them in the light as opposed to the lust-crazed darkness of night."

Derek nodded. "Clearly you need a lesson that lust-crazed can happen in the morning too. And I've seen you in the pool and in sunlight. Please don’t hide from me."

It was a little silly that she was more worried about him seeing the skin grafts on her back, than seeing her full frontal nudity. "I'm sorry. I just—"

Derek crawled up, the sheets slipping even lower, exposing his hipbone.
. That body of his was unreal. "You're beautiful to me. Every inch of you." He kissed her softly. "Now, come back to bed and I can show you exactly how beautiful you are...again."

So tempting. "I wish, but I can't come back to bed.
my tires exploded, that means it was deliberate. Someone tried to if not kill me, then hurt me."

He sighed. "Kiss, do you think you're going to find the person who did this tonight?"

"No, but I can tell TJ. He has to know."

He dropped his head. "Okay. Hold up. If you're going up for a midnight visit, then I'm coming with you."

One trek across the lawn later and TJ shuffled down the stairs, worry etched over his craggy features. "Kiss, Derek, what's wrong? Kiss, are you hurt?"

Her body flushed warm with love that his main concern was for her. "No, I'm fine."

Derek begged to differ. "If you call fine a series of nightmares she's been having."

She rolled her eyes and strode into the great room while TJ turned on the lights. "Derek thinks it's a dream, but I'm remembering something so specific." The man she'd thought of as her father for so long, poured the three of them some brandy out of the ornate oak liquor cabinet.

She took hers gratefully as he studied her closely. "What do you think you're remembering, Kiss?"

"It started off the same as the others. Race day. I was feeling good. Antonio and I were passing each other. Maybe it was triggered by going to the benefit tonight. I remembered it so clearly and vividly, like everything was in slow motion. TJ, I didn't just have a blowout. They exploded. One right after the other."

He frowned as he studied her. "What do you mean?"

She slid her glance to Derek, and while he looked skeptical, his expression was open. He was willing to believe her. TJ looked the same way. "I know it sounds crazy, but I saw something before the crash. I wish I could explain it, but something made me look back in my mirror. I saw a flash of red, just before the first one. Then I saw another one. I thought I was just losing control but I had a simultaneous blowout. When was the last time you ever heard of that happening, TJ?"

He frowned. "Kiss, are you sure? You could be misremembering."

She shook her head vehemently. "I'm not. I'm sure of it. It's the first time I've been sure of anything."

He rubbed his jaw. "This changes everything if you're sure. I want to believe you, but maybe..."

His voice trailed and she clamped her jaw shut to keep from screaming. "Look, I've worked my ass off to get to this point. You said you wanted me back in a car. You begged me to try and I listened to you. I know my cars. Always have. That wasn't just a blowout. Like somebody blew them out or tampered with the wheels so I'd lose. There was no way I would have had that kind of crash. I know they ruled the crash an accident, but you have to look at the car again."

TJ eased himself into the enormous recliner. "Sweetheart, you think I haven't been over that car a million times? I'm not sure—"

She knew how crazy this must look, how desperate, but she was not giving up, she knew what happened. Felt it in her bones. "I'm sure. And it wasn't the car. I need you to look at the tires. I know there was fire, but we have to try to see. I would never have crashed, not like that. I remember now what happened. You asked me to have faith in you then. I'm asking you to have faith in me now." She slid her gaze to Derek. He nodded. He believed her. Believed that she knew what she was talking about.

There was a long, pregnant pause where she was afraid TJ would tell her she was imagining things, or getting all hysterical on him. But after several moments, TJ sat forward. "I know you. You've never been one to lie. And until today you haven't been able to remember anything that happened that day. If you've had a breakthrough, then I believe you. The only trick will be proving it."

"I don't understand. We can look at the tires."

"You said yourself, the fire probably took care of any evidence. And there are other things to consider."

She had considered the fire, but there had to be another way to prove that she didn't screw up. "Like what?"

TJ and Derek exchanged a glance. Derek's voice was soft, low, soothing, when he said, "Kisima, I think what TJ means is that, if someone tampered with them, sabotaged your ride, then you might be in danger now."

"I—" Why would anyone want to hurt her? Sure, someone wanted her to lose, but trying to kill her was a whole new step she hadn't considered yet. "But who would want to hurt me now? The race was an exhibition. We weren't racing for points. It was for charity, for the love of God."

TJ drained his glass and poured another. "There's more at stake than that. Gifford has been taking a hit when it comes to sponsors. I've diversified Daniels' income stream. I've got deals with some of our sponsors to collaborate on other sporting events. And that way they support our team and drivers. I've got sponsors that Gifford has been after for years. Your loss that day made a lot of investors nervous. And guess who was right there to soothe their concerns."

"Gifford. But Christian would never be part of anything that could hurt me, and Antonio, while a huge asshole, isn't capable of something like this."

"Problem is we have lots of suspects and lots of motives. Besides just Christian and Antonio. This might have nothing to do with you and more to do with me. And it might not even be Gifford at all."

It could be other racing teams, it could be anyone who didn't want to see her succeed on the circuit. It could be any of the male drivers who she'd rebuffed. It could be any of the female drivers who hated her. Worse, it could be someone close to her. Pit crew, engineers. Anyone. Not going there. "Who would want to see me dead? I've never done anything to anyone."

Derek took her hand and squeezed and she was grateful for the support. In some ways it felt like he was holding her completely together with just the power of his hands. "We'll find out, Kisima. Don't freak out. You keep on with your plan and we'll figure this out."

She ran a hand through her hair. "Where do we even start?"

TJ's gaze slid to where Derek held her hand, but he didn't say anything about it. "Okay. First thing I'm going to do is request the footage from the race again, the
footage. Not just the ones from ESPN that we got copies of. Then I'm going to see about a discrete review of the crash."

"Do you really think we can keep it quiet? I don't want this to become a huge deal before we know anything for sure," she said.

"I don't know. But I'll do my best. In the meantime, I want you to be careful. I know we talked about you doing the Abu Dhabi race, but maybe, we don't—"

Derek shook his head. "All due respect, TJ, I don't think this is the right time to stop her from doing something she's prepared for. I want her safe, but Kiss has worked too hard physically and emotionally to get back in shape to race. And this might be what they want. Her sidelined. We have to figure out how to catch them."

"I agree," she said. “I don't want to be afraid anymore. Driving is what I love to do. I need to get back to that."

TJ sighed. "Why do I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to talk you out of this?"

"Probably because you won't be able to. I'm racing. If someone did try to hurt me during the exhibition, they probably aren't going to stop trying if I get back on the track. We have until Abu Dhabi to catch them, right?"

"I'm not sure I like this," Derek muttered.

"Aren't you the one who told me that I have to do the scary thing?"

"That was before I thought someone was trying to kill you."

"Then we just have to find out who's behind this before the race. I've got four weeks. How hard can that be? Process of elimination."

TJ shook his head. "You were always too stubborn for your own good."

Derek nodded. "Now
we can agree on."


their midnight run up to the main house, Derek had let them sleep in, even though he was wide awake at four-thirty as usual. He could have gone for a run to clear his head, but he couldn't bring himself to slide out of the bed. Not with Kisima in it.

He'd done his best to keep his hands to himself once they'd come back from TJ's.

But the idea that she was about to make herself a moving target made him want to hold on to her even tighter.
She's not yours. This is only temporary

Hell, it didn't feel temporary. The gnawing anger and fire in his gut at the thought of someone hurting her was very real. When they found the guy, he had better pray for an arrest before Derek got to him. Granted Kiss would be a very fast moving target, but still. Someone had gotten to her before and she'd almost died.

She wiggled in her sleep and he groaned as her bare ass slid over his dick.

Why couldn't he get enough of her? Rare was the moment he didn't want to kick a bed partner out of bed in the morning. Instead, he wanted to hold her. He wanted to fuck her too...
. And again, but he liked just holding her. Watching the play of early morning sunlight on her hair. He listened to her breathing.
. How in the world was her breathing sexy? Easy. Everything about her was sexy.

She rotated her hips again and he slid his hands down the flat of her belly to the juncture of her thighs. Even sleepy, she slid them open for him, welcoming his touch. She was so responsive. When he slid his fingers through her smooth lips, they both gasped. His at how soft she was, her at his penetration. He whispered against her nape, her soft curls tickling his nose. "Touching you is an addiction now."


He nipped her neck as he slid another finger into her, penetrating deeper, his fingers growing slicker. She hooked her leg over his and slid her hands behind her to wind into his hair. Fuck, he loved it when she tugged a little. She was so hot. So ready.

He removed his fingers and she whimpered, but then slid his fingers over her lips, and she tentatively licked them and he almost came. Staring at her pink tongue, he slid his cock along her slit, fighting the urge to sink into her deep. He'd never had sex without a condom. And he wasn't starting now. But her words from yesterday rang in his skull and he just had to feel her.

When she sucked his fingers into her mouth, he cursed. "Shit, Kisima. I could explode just from watching you."

She released him and turned slightly, meeting his gaze directly. "I want you to."

His smile spread slowly and he kissed her lightly. Her taste on her lips was enough to have the base of his spine tingling. He really was going to come if he wasn't careful. He rolled away to grab a condom, and had himself sheathed in seconds.

His cock twitched against her folds. She scooted her hips back, sliding her slick pussy over the length of him. His already tenuous control snapped then, and he firmly hooked her leg over his, sliding in to the hilt. God, that was good. "Kisima..." Her name tripped reverently off his tongue. She was so tight and so warm around him that he lost another piece of himself. And as he took them both slowly over the edge of ecstasy, he knew leaving her was going to hurt. But he wasn't willing to let her go yet.

An hour later, his phone rang as he jumped out of the shower. Towel wrapped around his waist and still dripping wet, he snatched his phone off the bed. "Hello?"

"Hey, man. It's Deyshawn."

This was about Miami. Were his plans finally coming together? His heart rate kicked into high gear. "What's up, bro?"

"You know, the usual, tryna stay healthy, and trying to stay away from the sports press."

"Your shoulder still good?" A part of Derek wanted to move the conversation along already. While Deyshawn was a friend, all Derek wanted to know right now was the verdict. They could do small talk after. He really did care how his former trainee was doing.

"Yeah, it's good. Some days I get a little tight, but I stretch like you taught me and I feel like new."

"That's good to hear."

"Yo, I know that you’re probably antsy to hear about the team, so I won't waste your time. Look, I talked to Jeremiah. He loves you. Thinks you'd be a great addition to the team."

Relief washed through him. It was quickly followed by joy, then resistance. He didn't want to leave Kiss. "That's fantasti—"

Deyshawn cut him off. "But." He sighed. "And I don't really know how to tell you this, so I'm just gonna say it—Kallie has got you blackballed."

Derek's stomach pitched. He'd thought that maybe that was what was happening, but it had seemed so far-fetched. "You're shitting me."

"Nah, man. Jeremiah Holstrum told me himself."

"Shit." Now what? Kallie was in tight with most of the major players in the league. Or rather her father was.

"I'm sorry, man. I tried to get more out of him. But he wouldn't give it up. All he said was that the Edelsteins were close friends and out of respect he couldn't hire you as much as he wanted to."

Fuck. Fuckity fuck
. "Yeah okay. Thanks, Deyshawn. I appreciate you going out on a limb for me."

"I wish the news were different. I was looking forward to working with you again."

"Yeah, me too."

After he hung up with Deyshawn, he tossed the phone back on the bed. The claustrophobia wrapped another tentacle around him and squeezed as another nail drilled shut the coffin on his dream. Despite his shower, he yanked out some basketball shorts from his drawer. He needed to blow off some steam.


It had been three days since his conversation with Deyshawn, and Derek was getting more than a little antsy. He'd been waking up an hour earlier every day to make east coast calls. And he spent a good deal of time willing a job offer to come through. And waiting for news on his appeal.

Apparently, Kisima was starting to notice because after dinner she'd suggested he finally show her how to play poker.

The good news was she was helping take his mind off of everything. When he was with her, it was a little too easy to forget that he had this life he had to get back to. He watched her over the rim of his cards and she chewed her lip thoughtfully before lifting her gaze to meet his.

He grinned at her surprise. "You realize you wear everything you're thinking right on your face?"

"What? I can't help it. I'm trying to remember what all the possible ways to kick your ass are."

He chuffed. "Not fucking likely. Put your bet down."

She bet him two sunflower seeds right before she stuck her tongue out at him.

His cock, the traitor, twitched. The two of them could get up to all kinds of no good with that tongue of hers. The instant pull of desire had him stifling a groan. They'd made love three times today. What was wrong with him? Hell, he should be lying prostrate, immobilized by all the pleasure, but oh no, he was ready. And could probably be good for at least two goes. This girl was way too sexy. And the hardest part was she had no idea. "Next time, I'm going to make this a game of strip poker."

She narrowed her gaze at him, before sliding her perusal lower. "I could be down for that."

"Sweetheart, you realize that I'd have you naked in seconds."

She smirked and one of her dimples popped. How the hell was a dimple so sexy? "Isn't that the point of strip poker?"

He licked his lips. Her naked was sounding like a better and better idea. "You want to start now, princess? I could toss my jeans into the pile."

Her lips parted, her pupils dilated. If he was lucky, she was remembering their session this afternoon, right after their workout. She'd been all worked up, sweaty and slick. And again, he'd fallen completely under her spell. He'd taken her standing up against the wall of the gym, with her legs wound around him and his jeans barely off. Coming with her was like Christmas morning every time. It could become a very addictive habit.

"I think I could be in for that." She placed her elbows on the coffee table and leaned forward. "Now, if I wanted to see you, and raise? What would I have to take off? My shirt and bra? My panties?"

. She was good at this. She had him by the balls and she knew it. "If the bra goes, you can raise by playing with your nipples for me." He licked his bottom lip. "If the panties go, you have to let me have a taste."

Her laugh was bright. "Oh no you don't. No tasting unless you win."

"But I need to taste, to see if it's an adequate raise." He winked at her.

She flushed and he knew he was getting to her. Was she wet? Had he done that to her with just his words? Or was she anticipating him inside her again. Kiss scooted back from the table a little and lifted the folds of her long cotton skirt.
Oh, holy fuck
. She kept her eyes on him as her hands tugged on something. After a couple of wiggles, she tugged down her panties, sliding them down over her long, lean legs. "Oh I think it's an adequate raise."

Sweat beaded on his forehead and the roar of the blood rushing between his ears made it difficult to concentrate on anything other than the panties she dropped on the table. His gaze ping ponged between the tiny red bikini briefs and where she sat on the cushions.

Fuck the game, he was on her in seconds, his sudden movements jarring the table and sending cards everywhere. He kissed her hard and deep, stroking into her mouth, taking what he could, desperate for so much more. When he finally managed to tear his lips form hers, he whispered against her lips, "I'm going to make you come as you scream my name. Only thing I need to know is how you want it. Mouth? Fingers? My cock."

She shuddered in his arms, her gaze pinned on his lips. "Your mouth. Like you promised."

He was keeping her. He didn't give a shit. He was going to find a way to keep her. There was no way he could let her go. Not when she said things like that to him. A slow smile spread across his face as he said, "I'm going to enjoy keeping my promises. Now, do you want me to lap at you, teasing your clit before I fuck you with my tongue? Do you want me to do other things with my tongue? Lick you...other places?"

Her breath came as a surprised gasp. "A-all of it."

"Lie back, sweetheart. I'm going to enjoy this feast."

He kissed down her body, stopping only to kiss the peak of each breast. When he reached her belly button, he yanked up the fabric of her skirt and settled himself between her legs. Her soft lips beckoned to him and he had to work to snap the control over his need. His first teasing taste had her back bowing up off the cushions.


"This is just the start, sweetheart. I want—"


The voice from the front foyer startled them both and Derek muttered, "What the fuck?"

She sprang up and yanked down her skirt. "Christian," she muttered.

"Why does he have a key?"

"Yeah well technically this is his house."

Derek clamped his jaw together as he tried to stifle his annoyance. "Remind me again why you're living here?"

"Because TJ wanted to take care of me. My condo is in Downtown L.A. I have a renter in it now."

"This...is to be continued." Christian might be back, but Derek had no intention of giving the guy even an inch when it came to Kiss. He'd staked his claim, even if it was temporary.

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