Race For Love (14 page)

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Authors: Nana Malone

BOOK: Race For Love
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iss called out
, "In here."

Derek snatched up her panties and shoved them into his pocket as he winked at her. She had to fight a smile. "These are mine now," he whispered.

"That's cheating."

"So sue me."

Christian bounded into the room with a jovial smile but halted when he saw them both on the floor with the scattered cards. His narrowed gaze ping ponged between them and the cards. "I didn't realize you had company."

The way he said company conveyed a sentiment more like vermin. She recovered quickly considering Derek had stolen her undies. "Derek was just showing me how to cheat at poker."

Christian frowned. "I've offered to teach you a million times, but you always say no."

She flushed even as Derek wore a shit-eating grin on his face. He was not helping the situation. "What can I say, he's a good teacher."

She stood fluidly and gave Christian a hug. But his arms only loosely held her before he pushed back slightly. "You're out of your chair."

Derek handed her the two pair that she'd been bluffing with and pursed his lips. To Christian he said, "Yeah well, she's a quick study and a hard worker. She had no business being in that chair."

It was hard not to feel like she was in a tug of war. But she ignored the pang of guilt about Christian. He'd asked her to give it some thought. They weren't together. She did owe him an answer and explanation though. And she would have given him one...when he came home next week. He was the one who'd surprised her. Still, it didn't feel good to know that he was hurt because of her.

"But she could hurt herself. Fall, break something. That hip could give out and she's not strong enough."

Derek opened his mouth to tell the fucker to shut up, but Kisima beat him to it.

"Good to see you too, Christian. And I appreciate the concern. But I'm not an invalid. I'm perfectly healthy. Thanks to the sadistic trainer from hell, I have full range of motion of my shoulder again. My collarbone is healing, leg is good as new and I've got ninety-five percent of the rotation in my hip back. I'm pretty much back to normal. I feel strong."

"That's great," Christian said, but again, his expression said anything but. He wasn't pleased about it. But why? He should be happy for her.

"Never a good idea to underestimate a woman like Kisima. She's tougher than anyone gives her credit for."

She couldn't help the grin that tugged at her lips and Derek winked at her. "Christian, I thought you weren't coming back for another week? How come you didn't call? I would have picked you up at the airport. We could have had dinner or something." And she could have let him down gently. "I could have even cooked. Derek's been teaching me. Though I prefer things with flavor."

Christian's lips pressed thin. "Tell me, Derek, just what are you teaching Kisima? Certainly not what I'm paying you to teach her?"

Kisima's mouth fell open. It was like he'd seen the line not to cross, then gone ahead and pole vaulted right over it. "Christian, what is the matter with you?"

"Oh come on, Kiss. It smells like sex in here. And your cheeks are flushed and I'm pretty sure that scrap of red peeking out of his pocket is a set of panties. How could you?"

He took a step toward Kiss and Derek inserted himself between them. "Ease up. Watch your tone with her."

Christian glowered. "My tone? My fucking tone? Don't forget, you're the help. I pay you."

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
. This had spiraled way out of control. Kisima shoved Derek aside, though he didn't budge but all of two inches, and placed a hand on his chest and the other one on Christian's. "That is enough, Christian. And for your information, Daniels Racing pays for Derek's time. You left Daniels Racing. You chose to go work for the other side. And as long as TJ is around he runs Daniels, not you. What's more, I will not have you fighting over me like I'm some shiny toy."

"Derek, do you mind giving us a minute?"


She gave him her best, I mean business glare. "A minute, please."

"Fine." He shook his head, his anger and disappointment evident. "I guess I'll go do some laps."

When she was alone with Christian, she crossed her arms. "What are you doing, Christian?"

His eyes grew wide. "What am I doing? You were supposed to be giving the idea of us more thought. Not shacking up with the fucking trainer, I mean how cliché is that? You could have had the fucking millionaire. But you choose him?"

Kiss lost the hold on her temper then. "You might want to stop acting like we were some foregone conclusion. You are my closest friend, so I really hope neither one of us says some stuff we can't take back tonight."

"Your friend?" He ran a hand through his sandy blond hair. "I'm fucking in love with you."

. She placed a hand on her belly. "Christian—"

He shook his head. "Is this the part where you say you didn't know?"

"Kind of. This is a hell of a bomb to drop on me."

"Imagine how I feel walking in on you with him."

The migraine snuck on her quick and her head started to throb. "I'm sorry you were hurt. But let's be really clear. You are not my boyfriend. You asked me to think about it and I was hesitant. But for you, I thought about it, and it's not going to work. I love you like family. Just not the way you need me to."

"So that's it, just like with Antonio? You're picking the wrong guy."

"Maybe I am. But it's my life to live. I've spent the last two years hiding myself emotionally because of what happened. It's time for that to stop. I can make mistakes. It's not the end of the world. Derek will leave eventually and then I'll maybe make another mistake or several. It's my prerogative."

He blinked rapidly. "I won't be around to pick up the pieces when he's done with you, Kiss."

She tipped her chin up to meet his gaze. "I never asked you to be. I can take care of myself." She knew that there was some truth to what he said. But she didn't care. She was going to enjoy Derek for as long as he was here. And then when he was gone, she'd pick up her own pieces and get on with it. But she wasn't sitting on the sidelines of her life anymore because she was afraid of judgment. She was done. "If you choose not to be my family anymore, that's on you. I'm always here for you. I just can't be what you want." She inhaled deep. "You know the way out."


isima stood
barefoot in the chilly garage, wearing only her T-shirt and Derek's borrowed sweatpants. She'd tossed and turned half the night, replaying her conversation with Christian. Why couldn't he just be happy for her? Why did he think he was in love with her? Were they done? Would he think she'd abandoned him too? The idea of losing him from her life pained her, but he was making his choice.

Usually when she couldn't sleep, she went for a drive. But that didn't seem possible anymore. She stared at the key in her palm, willing herself to put on her shoes and get in the car.

Where are you going?
The track. She was going to drive over there to do a few laps and clear her head. Driving always helped her relax, helped her calm her mind when she felt like she was spinning out, and after last night, she was clearly spinning out.

Unfortunately, she couldn't seem to slide her feet into her Uggs and climb into the gleaming, black Audi that sat in front of her, taunting her, daring her to climb into the driver seat.

She certainly wasn't going back to bed. Last night, after the showdown with Christian, she hadn't really been able to look at Derek. They'd cleaned up in tense silence and adjourned to their separate bedrooms. It wasn't what she wanted, but she had no idea how to navigate the terrain here.

She knew that in the light of the morning, he'd want some answers or explanation about what the hell had happened with Christian. Other than her feeling like a shiny toy they'd just played tug of war over.

She wasn't really ready to face him, nor was she ready to actually face the whole Christian situation itself. They'd always been family. But last night, Christian had acted like a jealous prick.

Maybe she'd give him some time, then the two of them would talk. He'd never spoken to her like that before, like he hated her. She ignored the spear of pain in her heart. She'd deal with him. But right now, her main priority was getting in the car before she had to have a showdown with Derek.

The door to the garage opened and she released a long sigh.
Too late for that
. She heard his footsteps behind her before she felt his heat against her back. "Going somewhere?"

His voice tripped and skipped along her spine and Kisima shivered. "Well, the idea was to get into this car and drive to the track since it's still a little too far for me to walk."

She could almost feel his sardonic smile behind her. "So how's that working for you?"

"Oh, you know, still standing here, barefoot, keys in hand and not in the ignition, so how do you think?"

"What I think is you scurried out of the house pretty quickly this morning."

She'd been hoping to be out before he even noticed her gone. "Sorry I woke you."

"For you to wake me, I'd have to have slept first. You know what I think?"

She turned to look at him. "What's that?"

"That you were trying to avoid me after last night's fight."

. "Maybe a little. Usually no one sees the family dysfunction. And I was embarrassed by the things Christian said."

He gave a brief, humorless laugh. "I recognize blinding jealously when I see it. You don’t have to apologize for him."

"Yeah, but he's still family so I'm guilty by association. And I feel guilty like I did something wrong. So suckage all around."

"I have a huge family so I understand the concept, but still, when one of us fucks up, it's up to that person to absorb the blame alone and make it right. It's not your job to apologize for him. And let's be real clear, he owes you the apology. Angst or not he had no right."

His voice held a trace of menace and she worried for Christian's safety a bit. But she understood what he was saying. "Thank you. I also wanted to get out of my head this morning. I thought since I've been in a car already, I could just drive there, but here I am...
of the car."

Several seconds ticked by before he rubbed his hands up and down her bare arms, warming her from the contact. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She held her breath, anticipating something she didn't want to hear.

"Do you think it's possible that he was jealous enough to tamper with your tires?"

She whirled on him. "What? That is insane. We might be fighting now, but he would never hurt me."

"Well, never say never. He was pretty angry last night. And am I the only one who noticed he was none too pleased about you being mobile? Maybe he stood to benefit from you having to depend on him."

She put up a hand. "Please stop. I get it. You don’t trust anybody. And people have fucked you over. But as mad as he is at me, he would never hurt me. Never. He might not talk to me for a while. But he's not capable of what you're suggesting. You might not trust him, but trust me. Okay?"

His tongue worked inside of his cheek, but he nodded. "Fine. Sorry I mentioned it." With a sigh, he added, "Look, I get it, last night was intense. And maybe I am pushing too hard and I don't understand your relationship with him. But you can't shut down on me and run, especially not at five in the morning when we're supposed to go work out. We have a deal you and I. Besides, I was a little worried about you."

He was worried about her? Usually he was verbally harassing her. She had to admit, she liked the feeling. His scent enveloped her and she inhaled deeply.

The smell of sandalwood and spice wrapped around her like a cocoon and intoxicated her mind, lulling her body into a pliant, needy state. And his body heat had long since chased the chill away.

When his hands moved to her shoulders and massaged away the ache, her eyes fluttered shut and she moaned. Derek leaned in and whispered against the shell of her ear. "Why are you so afraid to get in and drive?"

"You mean, besides that little accident...fire, brimstone? That whole thing wasn't that fun."

His chuckle was low, making his chest rumble against her back. "You got into a car the other night."

"I don't know, it's different. This is something I used to love. Now I'm scared of it."

He nuzzled her neck with his nose and inhaled deeply. "What if there was some way I could help with that, take away some of the fear."

"You got a magic wand I don't know about?"

His chuckle was low. "Will a magic stick do?"

Kiss rolled her eyes. "Okay, 50 Cent. Just how do you propose to take away the fear?" Despite herself, she laughed. Even when she was irritated with him, he made her laugh. This guy was everything she said she didn't want. Except, in this case, she did want. She wanted it bad. She wanted it now. And she wanted it hard.

Her nipples ached under the threadbare T-shirt, the soft fabric abrading them. Pebbling them. Derek moaned low as he slid his hands up the front of her T-shirt smoothing his large hands over her belly and up over her ribs. When they cupped her breasts, he teased her nipples with his thumbs and she cried out.

His voice was low, gravelly, against her ear. "Well, for starters, I'm going to give you some positive car associations by making you feel good." He spoke to her in low, hushed tones as his fingers pinched and twisted her nipples, gently pulling at them, dragging a response from her body.

The wetness between her thighs only intensified as she throbbed for him, her body instantly remembering where they left off last night. With promises gone unfulfilled. A promise she needed fulfilled now.

By now she knew the truth, there was no walking away from a guy like Derek Donovan. There was only enjoying the ride while it lasted. When he slid a hand down the waistband of her sweatpants, she dropped her head back onto his shoulder and surrendered, letting her knees buckle slightly.

"Baby, widen your legs a little bit," he muttered. His fingers slid down over her lower belly to the top of her sex, then slipping over the wet, silky flesh and gently resting on her clit.

He tapped softly, before rubbing slow circles and she held her breath, trembling from toes to fingertips. He added not too much pressure, but just enough to make her want more, teasing her, foreshadowing the coming possession.

When he slid further to her opening her knees were ready to give out. She called out his name on a ragged breath. Hell, she didn't even sound like herself right now, he had her so twisted with need.

Derek was good. He knew what he was doing to her. Knew just how to play her body until it sang.

Against her back, she could feel the thick length of his erection as he pressed into her. Her hips canted backwards and he let out this almost feral groan.

He abruptly stopped tormenting her and led her down the short steps to the Audi.

The movement was so surprising and abrupt she dropped her car keys. He gently took her hands between his and planted them both on the hood of the car. "Don't move.”

Derek kissed her neck and her shoulders, whatever flesh was bared and available. Sliding his hands over her skin from her tight nipples to her belly, he drove her slowly mad.

He slid his free hand up the back of her neck into her hair, and that got her undivided attention. When he fisted the curls she gasped and a low, keening moan escaped out of her mouth.

All he did was gently tease her with his finger over and over again, never quite entering her, just enough to tease, to make her roll her hips back, begging with her body and pleading with her softness.

When he finally drove into her hard, with his fingers, she moaned low as he penetrated her with one finger. Shallow, steady penetrations of his finger into her sex, testing, teasing, tormenting her as his tongue delved deep. As he kissed her, he tasted every inch of her, leaving no corner of her mouth unexplored.

Kisima whimpered into his mouth and he swallowed every sound she made. When he broke the kiss he panted and whispered against her lips, "Jesus, what are you doing to me?"

Another searing kiss and two fingers stroked deep into her, curling his fingers slightly as he searched for her G-spot with the tip of the middle finger. He hit his target, and her body gave out.

Wobbly legs refused to stand solid and she pressed her body unto the hood of the car. Behind her he whispered, "Fuck. Why do I want you this bad?"

She didn't have any answers for him because he was doing the same thing to her. He was everything she said she didn't want, but she wanted him,
. She wanted him,
. And she wanted him,

Derek dragged her T-shirt up over her back, the soft fabric bunching at her shoulders before he lifted her up so she could work it over her head. When she was free, he tossed aside the fabric.

Kisima's arms gave out and she pressed her breasts unto the hood. But the heat of his body diminished any hint of the cold.

All she heard behind her was the rustling of clothes reverberating in the silence of the garage. The soft sounds of cotton hitting the floor had her shaking with anticipation. Derek didn't say a word, but she sure as shit felt it when he rubbed the tip of his cock against her center.

His erection pressed against her ass and she tried to get them to speed up the process by canting her hips slightly up and down, caressing the thick length of him. "Kisima. You're killing me."

She groaned. "I'm the one who's dying."

"Every time I think about what you said. About me sliding into you bare. I can't think about anything else. Just the idea makes me hard."

"I want that. With you. I—I'm on birth control."

"Kiss..." Her name sounded like a plea. The words were harsh as they tore out of him. “I’ve never…without a condom. Tested…”

She knew she should be paying closer attention to what he was saying. Tested, clean, never had sex without a condom…but all she could focus on was how he felt. "I want this, Derek."

He dragged down her sweatpants, and she exhaled on a shuddering breath when he kicked her feet apart, nudging her cleft with his cock. But he didn't enter her right away.

Instead, he teased. Sliding his thick shaft against her lips, up and down, never quite entering her.

Only daring to with the tip. Just enough to drive her crazy, to make her beg with her body. She rolled her hips back so he would enter her, but he still didn't give her what she wanted. "Jesus Christ, Derek. Just—"

He cut her off by sliding deep into her in one stroke. And they both hissed low. "God, I'm so fucking deep." His tone was reverent.

As he sank into her, he told her about all the dirty, filthy things that he wanted to do to her on this car.

His strong hands gripped her tight, holding her in position. She was reduced to a begging pile of hormones. Soon the only sound in the garage were moans and begs for more and “That's so good.”

Derek leaned over and placed a kiss on her neck as far down as her position would allow. The tingling low in her back spread from her core as a wave she couldn't control took over her body. All she could do was hold on tight as it tried to overtake her.

When the wave crashed into her, she screamed out his name. He didn't relent on his pace, his cock hitting that bundle of nerves deep inside. With thrust after thrust and his harsh, muttered whispers, he came hard, his whole body shaking as his cock pulsed deep inside of her.

There was no way Kiss was ever looking at a car the same way again.

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