Radiant Surrender (CSA Case Files Book 6) (28 page)

Read Radiant Surrender (CSA Case Files Book 6) Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Radiant Surrender (CSA Case Files Book 6)
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Gavin placed some sort of vial over her clit and within seconds, it was being sucked and pulled out of its hood. It wasn’t that it had been hiding, but this exposed her nub in a way she’d never known. She moaned when she saw it extend far past what she thought was normal. It was close to torture and yet she could feel her cream slide down around the plug that was in her ass. He didn’t stop there and he had her begging by the time he was done.

“Jessica, that open-mouthed gag also allows for a ball that would fit rather nicely between your lips. Do I need to go and retrieve it?”

Jessie shook her head emphatically, not wanting anything else in her mouth after this morning. She tried rocking her body to alleviate the pressure, but she stopped the moment he sent her a look. She was pushing his patience and she felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness. She was at his mercy and he had to know that there wasn’t a place on her body that didn’t feel enflamed and raw.

“I want your eyes on your clit, Jessica. I want you to see what I’m seeing.” Gavin lifted the seal gently, allowing air to finally seep in and cover her clit. Jessie moaned and tried to move around, but it was useless. She watched in horror as Gavin licked his finger and then brought it down to her exposed nub. She screamed when he touched it. He didn’t just touch it. He stroked it, rubbed it, caressed it, and by the time she was crying heavily, he smacked it with his wet fingers. “Stop it. Now. This is not your clitoris, Jessica. This now belongs to me. It is mine to do with as I wish. If I wish to touch it, pleasure it, and admire it…it is my right to do so. I enjoy feeling the silkiness of your womanhood, just as I enjoy taking you beyond any pleasure you’ve ever known. This exploration and discovery is just as much for me as it is for you. I don’t want to witness these hysterics and if you continue, I’ll be forced to start over. Is that what you want?”

“Nooo,” Jessica moaned, her chest rising and falling with the sobs that were wracking her body. She felt like one big instrument that was being played and the high note had yet to come. She would break just like the strings on a violin. “Please, no.”

“Then let’s continue.” Gavin appeared unaffected by Jessie’s responses and she knew he would keep his word of starting over if she didn’t get herself under control. She took the time that he wasn’t touching her to catch her breath, but it was hopeless when he flipped open a tube of something and smeared a dab on his finger. “Do you react to creams of any kind? Stimulation creams?”

“Don’t,” Jessie whispered, noticing that her voice was becoming raspy from screaming. “I can’t.”

“You can and you will.” Gavin didn’t hesitate and with a firm finger applied the white cream to her extended red clit. Once it was covered, he pulled away and observed her for her reaction. The tingling started small and after a good minute, she felt like she was on fire. “I see you react well to it. That’s both good and bad for you. It could be a wonderful enhancer when you’ve been good and a horrible punishment if you’ve been bad. Imagine having me put that on you and then securing a chastity belt around your waist. That thought alone should have you behaving well for some time to come.”

Jessie felt some sense of floating that she’d experienced last night, but it wasn’t enough to sweep her under. She could feel too much of what was being done to her body to turn within herself. She stared in dismay at her enflamed clit, knowing there wasn’t a thing to do to gain relief. Tremors were now traveling through her lower region.

“Your pussy is very nice and tight,” Gavin said, slowly inserting his finger and taking his time by feeling every inch of her that he could reach. When he finally crooked his finger and he grazed that sweet spot, she heard a horrible sound and realized that it had come from her. “I think I’ll have you practice with ben-wa balls to keep yourself in shape. It sort of enhances the skirts sans panties with a garter belt and stockings fetish. It would be bad form to drop a ball while we were out in public, Jessica.”

Jessie felt him slip a second finger inside of her, but her eyes were still focused on her clit. It seemed to have its own heating source and now that he wasn’t touching it, it burned hotter. She struggled against her bonds, getting nowhere while he continued to slowly and methodically finger her pussy. It finally occurred to her that he’d taken the sensations she was feeling beyond her ability to come easily. He could do whatever he wanted to her now and she wouldn’t be able to achieve the release she craved unless he gave it to her. Once again, he’d made her body his in every way. He owned her completely.

“Do you like slow vibrations? Or do you like the vibrators that are fast and intense?” Gavin withdrew his fingers, leaving her pussy empty and her clit still an inferno. Jessie groaned her displeasure and then shook her head vigorously when she saw him hold up a rather large vibrator. “Shall we see what you respond to?”

Gavin place the tip of the vibrator against her entrance and even she knew that he wouldn’t need lubricant. Her pussy was as wet as a river because she responded to everything he was doing to her. It was as if he’d cast a magical spell and she was under his enchantment. Her eyes flew to his when he started to push the large black and white silicone vibrator inside of her. As promised, he took his time exploring and discovering eight different programmed vibration patterns at five different levels of intensity until she thought she’d black out due to the intense hedonism he was putting her through. The fear that he said he would make her feel took hold and seemed to give him allowance to push her further. She begged, pleaded, and tried negotiating, but he adamantly stayed true to course in his learning her likes and dislikes.

“Do you like your ass to be played with?” Gavin asked before she realized that his fingers were on the base of the anal plug. He slowly pulled on it until her sphincter widened, allowing the toy to be removed. He coated his fingers with lubricant with the intent of finding out the answer to his question. “I’m very pleased that you were able to take both plugs. By the time we come back here to visit, you’ll be wearing the larger ones daily to keep yourself prepared for when I want to fuck you in your ass.”

Gavin deliberately and leisurely slid two fingers inside her anus, watching her face intently. For some reason the slowness of his penetration rubbed against nerves that the plug hadn’t and triggered a wave of pleasure that connected to her clitoris. She watched as the already engorged tissue swelled even more. He didn’t miss the reactions either.

“Discovery is a wonderful thing, Jessica,” Gavin said softly, fucking her ass with his fingers. “Would you like to come now?”

Jessie wasn’t sure if this was a trick question, but she didn’t care. She nodded her head, afraid of what her release might do to her but needing it more than she needed the air to breathe. He removed his fingers and she felt herself give a sob of relief when he picked back up the vibrator. All he had to do was lay it against her clit and she’d break into a thousand pieces. Her mind tried to put together the reason he was lubricating it when he placed the large tip against her anus.

“I think we should discover if you can have an orgasm just from having your ass played with.” Gavin didn’t give her time to adjust like she did on her own with the plug. Instead, once he broke through her sphincter, he kept pushing the large toy inside of her until she thought she’d burst. The burning and pain mixed with the pleasure and tingles that her clit was still experiencing from the cream. She felt like she was losing her sanity and when he triggered the vibrator to turn on, she screamed with a hoarse voice. “You may come at any time, Jessica. Eyes on me though.”

Slowly, ever so slowly, Gavin pumped the vibrator in and out of her ass. It was the gentlest yet harshest orgasm build-up she’d ever experienced. Higher and higher he took her, past any realm of existence that she was aware of. She could only imagine what she looked like to him as the orgasm engulfed her. She grunted through the contractions and waves of pleasure, the blood pounding in her clit to the point of pain. There was an excitement in his eyes that he’d pushed her this far, as if he’d never been this alive. By the time he removed the vibrator Jessie had collapsed against the pillow in exhaustion.

There were no tears during Gavin’s aftercare this time. Jessie simply didn’t have the strength. He’d taken his time and explored her body just as he’d vowed. He now knew things about her that she wished he hadn’t, yet was tantalized by the fact that he would be able to either use it for her pleasure or her displeasure—whichever he chose. He’d summed it up well. Her body belonged to him. Isn’t that what she’d wanted all along?

Chapter Twenty-Six

find it very hard to believe you like those kind of shows,” Crest said, drying his hands on the dishtowel. They’d spent the afternoon lying together in bed, talking about everything and nothing. He’d made them dinner and then he’d cleaned up the kitchen by himself while he insisted Jessie relax on the couch with a glass of wine. He’d put her through a lot today, mentally and physically, and he’d wanted her to have time to process everything. He found that he really enjoyed spending time with her outside of their roles and much to his amazement, he found out there were things he
know about her. “They’re slapstick comedies.”

“Yes, but you have to admit that the actors I named can do it perfectly,” Jessie said with a bright smile. She was naked and didn’t seem to mind as she stretched her legs out. He’d rubbed them down after he’d unfastened her bindings, but he would keep in mind that he’d pushed her hard this morning. He might even order her to soak in another bubble bath. “Come on. You have to admit that Abbott and Costello were the best.”

“You’re not even old enough to remember them.” Crest laughed as he made his way into the living room to join her on the couch. He picked up his wine and then waited for her to make room so that he could take a seat. Jessie gracefully lifted her legs and wiggled her eyebrows and he found he smiled more today than he had in years. He shook his head when she laid her delicate feet in his lap, taking the extra time to rub his cock. “Watch it, young lady. You’ll find yourself tied to my bed, blindfolded, and sucking on a penis gag before you can blink.”

“You…maybe I should say
surprised myself this morning,” Jessie said with a bit of hesitation. Crest wouldn’t apologize for the scene he’d staged earlier and he could sense that she’d wanted to bring it up a few times during the afternoon. He told her time and again the kind of man he was and the things he enjoyed. Pushing her past her fears of what she thought her body could take and enjoy under his hands was a part of him that he wouldn’t deny himself. He’d warned her that she would see herself differently. The question was could she handle the woman she was becoming and that he was the one responsible? “I don’t
pain. I don’t
being put in those situations, being forced to see what I could easily become. And yet, I still responded.”

Crest remained silent, allowing Jessie time to sort through her thoughts and feelings. He’d known that the reality of whom and what he was would finally penetrate through the fantasy she’d created. In all honesty, she really wasn’t even at that point yet. She was hesitant, but not enough to walk away. She was still curious about where he could take her and how far he would push her. It was almost painful to watch the transformation, but he always kept his word. He would see this through regardless of the outcome. He was in the process of taking another drink of wine to fortify himself against her introspections when he heard his phone.

“I need to get that.” Crest stood when Jessie pulled her legs up and it pained him to see that she’d wrapped her arms around her knees in a protective stance. The situation with her parents weighed heavily on her mind, so it was understandable. There was an avenue of hope that Lou was pursuing, but Crest hadn’t mentioned it to Jessie. He didn’t want to get her hopes up, but maybe this was the call that would give her that. The number on the screen told him differently. “Lach, aren’t you supposed to be in Florida?”

“How long before you can get back?”

Lach McKinnon wasn’t known for his conversational skills, not that the trait bothered Crest. If anything it simplified matters. He set his wine glass on the counter and then looked at the time on his watch. Quickly calculating the time, he gave his answer.

“I can be there in under two hours.” Crest turned in time to see Jessie sit up and wrap her arms around herself, careful not to spill her wine. This wasn’t how either of them wanted this weekend to end, but he learned long ago that things never went as planned. “Does this have to do with our subject?”

“Taryn is calling everyone in as we speak.”

Lach didn’t need to give a yes or no answer. If Taryn was calling everyone into the office, she’d come across some information that was time sensitive and there wasn’t time to waste. She would wait until she had all of her T’s crossed and her I’s dotted before giving anyone a full report. By the time that happened, Crest and Jessie would be halfway to the office.

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