Rafael (2 page)

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Authors: Faith Gibson

BOOK: Rafael
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The previous
night had been a long one with the Clan fighting and capturing Unholy until
three in the morning. Rafael was still uneasy and the ringing phone didn’t
help. His brother Dante, the city’s medical examiner, rarely called just to


“I wish I had
good news, Brother, but I do not. Twelve delegates were abducted from the World
Council, and one is still missing. The bodies were dumped at one of our
warehouses, the one out on Oakley. All eleven were poisoned. There are no
visible puncture wounds, but I can smell the offensive odor seeping through
their skin. I am on my way back to the morgue to conduct the examination.  I
overheard the Chief’s conversation with one of her detectives. You know she’s a
tenacious one. Miss Kane is not going to stop until you call her back.”

Rafael sighed.
“She’s already threatened me through Willow, so yes; I will give her a call. Do
they have any clues to who is behind the killings?”

“Magnus Flanagan
is the missing twelfth delegate, so speculation is his brother at this point.”

“Fucking Gordon
Flanagan. It’s been a while since he surfaced. I guess Magnus would bring him
out of hiding though. Okay, go do your job little brother, and I will see you
tonight at the family meeting.”


Rafe picked up
his office phone and asked Willow for the phone number to the police chief.
Over a hundred years had passed since Rafe allowed himself to become openly
involved with a police investigation. It was risky to the family, but Gordon
Flanagan was not going to stop killing until he found what he was looking for:
his child. If he indeed kidnapped his brother, he could be one step closer to
finding his daughter.

Rafe dialed Kaya
Kane’s number. Miss Kane might be a woman, but she was more than capable of
doing the job of chief of police. Rafe kept tabs on whoever was in office,
assuring his city was kept as safe as possible where humans were concerned. He
and his brothers stepped in when the non-humans were involved. The prison they
built was filling up with the dregs of society, mostly those cloned experiments
gone wrong.

“Kane.” That one
word coming through the airwaves sent a wake-up message straight to his cock.
the hell?

“Miss Kane, this
is Rafael Stone.” No niceties, no pleasantness.

“Ah, Mr. Stone,
thank you for returning my call. We have a situation at one of your properties,
and I’d like to ask you a few questions.”

Another twitch in
the groin area. “Proceed.”

“I would rather
do this in person, if you don’t mind.”

A full blown
hard-on. “I do mind, Miss Kane. I am a very busy man. If you have questions,
ask. If a face to face is necessary, one of my associates should suffice.” What
in the name of the gods was happening? His dick was straining against the
zipper in his jeans as if he were in the presence of his mate. Since this woman
was a human, that wasn’t possible.

“Mr. Stone, do
you have something to hide?”

At the moment,
he did: a throbbing erection. “Miss Kane, I assure you I am an open book. If
you insist on speaking directly to me, come to my office within the hour. I
will postpone my other meetings until I have satisfied you.”

“I look forward
to it. I will see you soon.” The phone disconnected.

His body was
willing to satisfy her any way she pleased
. “Are you out of your fucking
head? The woman causes this type of reaction over the phone, and you invite her
to your office?” Rafe didn’t understand how only a voice could cause his body
to betray him. Goyles were not easily affected. It took the nearness of their
mate to produce that type of sexual arousal, and she could not be his mate.
Could she?

The Stone
Society was a family of Gargoyle shifters dating back hundreds of thousands of
years. Rafael’s family, the Di Pietros, migrated from Europe over four hundred
years ago, right before the civil war broke out. When his father was slain in a
coup to take over the throne, Rafael became King since he was the oldest son.
Once King, he took on the less formal name of Stone. Their Clan was the largest
in the Americas with Rafe having several brothers and cousins living in New
Atlanta with him. He regarded those closest to him as his inner circle and
called them all

The females of his
kind were almost extinct. It had been years since a new shifter was born;
fifteen to be exact. Mason, a distant cousin, was a teenager in human years,
but Gargoyles aged at an accelerated rate causing Mason to appear to be in his
twenties. Once the shifters reached maturity, the aging process all but
stopped. This was the main reason Rafael remained hidden. You could only
explain your youthful good looks with plastic surgery for so long.

Julian and
Nikolas were the faces of Stone, Incorporated. They could pull off being thirty
something for several more years, then they would have to change cities and
take on new identities. Rafael, being King, stayed out of the public eye so he
could remain in New Atlanta indefinitely.

There were no
appointments to cancel since he did not actually attend meetings. What he did
have was time on his hands until Miss Kane arrived. If he couldn’t handle
talking to her on the phone, how did he think he could manage being in her
presence? However, he needed to know if that had been a fluke. Rafe hadn’t been
with a woman in a very long time. The near apocalypse thirty years earlier
caused so much destruction that he spent those years helping to rebuild their

high-rises were replaced with ornate stone structures. Sure, it might take the
city back to a time of long ago as far as architecture was concerned, but it
was the style of his people, and the buildings were easier to secure. To keep
up the façade of having canceled meetings, Rafe changed from casual jeans and an
untucked button-down to a pair of slacks and a dress shirt. Just as he exited
his private apartment, the desk phone rang. He didn’t have to answer it to know
Willow was calling to announce Kaya Kane. He could feel her heart beating in
his own chest.



Kaya called Dane
to tell him she would be meeting Rafael Stone before she came to the hotel. She
didn’t waste any time heading to the tall, gothic building. Stone, Incorporated
was the largest architecture firm in the South. Ironically, the brothers
specialized in stone structures. Kaya was always amazed whenever she saw one of
their buildings. She hadn’t traveled much in her thirty-six years, but she had
visited Europe just after college. Knowing she wouldn’t be able to take time
off once she began her career, Kaya spent a couple of weeks abroad. The
buildings in New Atlanta would rival any of those she saw on her trip.

Rafael Stone was
a genius when it came to design, assuming he actually was the designer in the
family. He could just be the face behind the name. One of his brothers could be
the true talent. The directory in the lobby showed the office to be on the top

The elevator
doors silently opened, and she stepped into a plush outer office. The
furnishings were as opulent as she expected. A very pretty younger lady was
sitting behind the desk. She stood as Kaya approached, offering a warm smile
along with her hand. “You must be the chief; we spoke earlier. I’m Willow.”

“It’s a pleasure
to meet you, Willow.” She shook the younger woman’s hand noticing a genuine
face. Kaya met all kinds in her line of work and was pleasantly surprised that
Mr. Stone employed a nice looking young lady, not a bleached blonde bimbo.
do you care who he hires?

“I will let Mr.
Stone know you’re here, if you would like to have a seat.” Willow gestured to
the plush chairs in the waiting area. Kaya chose to stand. Hopefully, he
wouldn’t make her wait long. She strolled along the office, taking in the
paintings and photos on the walls. She recognized some of the local buildings
in the photos as those constructed by the brothers. Some appeared to be really
old but just as spectacular.

Willow spoke
directly behind her, “Mr. Stone will see you now. If you will, please follow

Kaya walked
behind the assistant until they reached the first office on the right. Willow
waited for her to step through and then silently closed the door, leaving her
alone with the man of the hour.

Kaya often
imagined Rafael Stone would look similar to his brother Gregor. Her imagination
was nowhere close to the man standing before her. Where Gregor was closer to
her height of five nine, Rafael was well over six feet. Longish black hair was
styled away from his face. Dark eyes stared at her. From this distance, she
couldn’t tell if they were brown or blue. A short beard covered his jaw.

The sleeves of
his dress shirt were rolled up to his elbows, showing off well-defined
forearms. His shoulders were broad. This man was thick. Dress slacks were
straining across the muscles in his thighs. He stood unmoving, hands in his
pockets, head slightly cocked to one side. As she was taking in his features,
he was doing the same to her.

Why hadn’t she
changed out of her uniform?
Wait, why would you? You’re here on official
business. Get your head out of your ass, Kane.
“Mr. Stone, I appreciate you
taking the time to speak with me.” She walked forward holding her hand out. At
first she didn’t think he was going to take it. He lowered his gaze from her eyes
to her hand then took it in his own, shaking firmly. The current she felt
radiating through his skin into hers took her by surprise, reminding her of the
time she was stunned by a taser.

“Can I offer you
something to drink, Miss Kane?” Kaya preferred to be addressed by her title of
Chief. After all, it was a title she had earned, but she was not going to press
the matter with this man. “No thank you. If you don’t mind, I’ll get right to
the questions so I don’t waste either of our time.”

“Spending leisurely
time with a beautiful woman is never a waste, Miss Kane.” He motioned to an
empty chair then proceeded to his own behind the desk.

“Flattery is not
necessary, Mr. Stone, but I do appreciate the sentiment all the same. Now, can
you please tell me your whereabouts the last twenty-four hours?” Instead of
taking notes in her notepad, she took advantage of the closeness to study his
face. She would probably never have the opportunity again. He was not Hollywood
good-looking. His face, while handsome in a rugged way, appeared weathered like
he spent a lot of time outdoors. An olive complexion hinted at an Italian or
Greek heritage. He had thick eyebrows, the left having a deep scar traveling
down to the corner of his eye. Nostrils were flaring in a slightly wide nose as
she waited for an answer.

“I drove
straight here from my home. I remained here until five-thirty at which time I
returned home, not stopping until I arrived. It’s a rare occasion I go anywhere
else, Miss Kane, unless my presence is required on a jobsite. I have witnesses
that can attest to my whereabouts, if you need to verify what I’m saying is the
truth.” His nostrils flared again. Was he smelling her? She’d used a spritz of
vanilla lavender body spray after her shower, but surely it had worn off by
now. His intense scrutiny was causing her to become uncomfortable. She
uncrossed her legs then crossed them to the other side.

Kaya was pretty
good at reading people. It was a requirement in her line of work. The vibe
coming from Rafael Stone was that he was not someone to be messed with. No,
this Mr. Stone was as intense as his brother. Powerful. Why would an architect
be built like a Mack truck?

“I will need to
verify that. While I am certain you wouldn’t lie to me, I hope you won’t take
offense that I prefer to do my job properly. I need to ask you about the
abandoned property on Oakley Industrial Boulevard. When was the last time you
were there?” He didn’t blink, didn’t flinch. That was a good sign.

“I’ve never been
there, Miss Kane. Do you mind telling me what this is about?”

“You own the
property yet you’ve never been there? Do you buy a lot of property sight
unseen, Mr. Stone?” There was a slight twitch to the right side of his mouth.
He was not enjoying this.

“As a matter of
fact, I do. Unseen by me anyway. My cousin Julian handles all property
purchases in our family, Miss Kane. As I previously stated, I rarely go
anywhere other than my office or home. I am a very private person.”

Private people
usually have something to hide. What was he hiding?

“Do you have any
type of security on your properties? We didn’t find cameras when we searched
the premises.”

“Under what
circumstances did you find yourself searching my property? Did you have a
search warrant?” She was losing ground instead of getting any useful answers.

“Are you familiar
with the World Council Delegation?” How could he sit so still? Other than an
occasional blink of the eye, Kaya could detect absolutely no movement at all.

“Of course I am.
The Delegation is being held at one of my properties. What does my warehouse
have to do with the Delegation?” He was cool. No, cold. Stone cold. Just like
his brother.

delegates were kidnapped. Eleven of them were found on the dock of your
warehouse, Mr. Stone. Dead.”



Rafael had
perfected his stony facade over the years. He could pass any polygraph test
given. Gargoyles were capable of slowing their heart rate at will, allowing
them to maintain a level head in any situation. “Dead? Miss Kane, I assure you
I know nothing of these deaths nor did I have anything to do with them. I’m not
sure how you think I can help you. There are no security cameras at any of the
abandoned warehouses we have purchased. Our intent with these properties is to
raze them and put beautiful buildings or parks in their place.”

Rafe rose from
his seat and walked around the desk to settle directly in front of Kaya. So
far, he was able to keep his dick in check. Now that he was closer, he may have
made a mistake. Her delicious scent was enticing him like a raw steak would a
ravenous lion. He was a starving man, and this delicious meal sitting in front
of him was going to cause him to totally blow his celibacy diet.

Her face flushed
as his legs brushed hers. He could smell her arousal mixed with her shampoo,
her soap, and her perfume. Miss Kaya Kane was no more immune to him than he was
her. Most women were easily turned on by a strong male, but he should not be
having these stirrings. She was a human. A feisty, beautiful, strong human, but
a human none the less. Rafe may just have to break his own rule and bed this

“Who knows you
own these properties, Mr. Stone? Is it possible someone is trying to set you
up?” Kaya shifted in her seat causing her leg to brush his. Once again, his
cock stirred to life. Crossing his hands in front of his groin, he told her,
“Property purchases are public record, Miss Kane. I am an architect. I have no
enemies. I strive to provide New Atlanta with beautiful buildings to replace
those that have been lost over the years. The economy has not recovered such
that the warehouses will be used for their former purposes. Also, I am a
philanthropist. The only reason someone would want to pin this on me is to
direct attention away from themselves. Now tell me, Chief, who would do that?”

Rafe pushed away
from the desk and braced his hands on either side of her chair. Leaning in to
her, close enough that he could smell her minty breath, he whispered against
her ear, “Tell me, Kaya. Do you think I am a killer?”

Her heartbeat
was speeding, her breathing getting shallower. His proximity to her was causing
chaos. “I, no… I don’t know you well enough to make that assumption, Mr.

Calming his own
racing heart, Rafe leaned away from her. Of course, she wouldn’t know whether
he was a killer or not. He hid from society, a mystery man.  “Then, Miss Kane,
if you have no more questions, I have business to attend.”

Kaya stood from
her seat. With him still standing in front of her chair, she was close to him.
Too close. If he didn’t get her out of his office, he would be doing more than
answering questions. Looking up at him, she replied, “Yes, Mr. Stone, I do have
more questions, though they are for your alibis. If you would be so kind as to
provide the names of the people who can verify your whereabouts for the last
twenty-four hours, I would greatly appreciate it.”

Rafe was getting
light-headed at the nearness of this woman. He had to get away from her and get
to the archives. Surely there was something written about human bonding. There was
no other explanation for the effect she was having on him, unless she herself
was a shifter. There was no way a female could have slipped into New Atlanta
undetected. Both Gregor and Dante spent time with Kaya and neither suspected
that she was anything other than human. Female Goyles put off a pheromone of
sorts that was detectable only by males of their species.

Speaking of his
brothers, they should have already arrived, and he needed her gone, for more
reasons than one. Even though she was standing, she was not making her way to
the door. Oh yes, she wanted a list of alibis. “If you stop by Miss Bridges’
desk, she can provide a list of names for you.”

There was a look
in Kaya’s eyes that hinted of jealousy. Her scent morphed from one of arousal
to annoyance. The good chief definitely felt something for him, but then the
few human women he encountered reacted the same way. Why did it puff up his
pride that this particular human felt it?

“Thank you, Mr.
Stone. I will do that. You have my phone number should you think of anything
that could help us find Magnus Flanagan.”

“Wait, did you

“Yes, why?”

“It just seems
odd that a man who has stayed hidden for over thirty years should surface now.
I would think his brother Gordon would be your number one suspect, not me.”

“He is a suspect
but then again, so are you, Mr. Stone. Now, if you have nothing further for

Oh, I have
something for you all right.
“No, but I do have your number, Miss Kane, and
I won’t hesitate to use it.”

Kaya once again
held out her hand for him. Instead of shaking, he turned her smaller hand over
and kissed her knuckles, inhaling her scent as he did so. Her gasp was audible
as his lips touched her skin. He lingered a moment longer than was appropriate,
but he wanted her scent tattooed on his brain.

He released her
and stepped away from the desk, dismissing her. She folded her unused notepad
and slid it into her jacket pocket. Getting in the last word as she reached the
door, she looked back over her shoulder, “It was a pleasure.”

When she was
down the hall, Rafe muttered, “That was not pleasure. That was pain, pure and
simple.” He was in trouble. Her scent was imbedded in his nostrils and would
remain in his subconscious for a long time to come. Noticing the lateness of
the day, he made his way to the conference room where his brothers should
already be waiting.

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