Authors: Faith Gibson
Rafe’s nose
picked up the delicious aroma of lavender and vanilla. Today it was mixed with
something else: metal? Willow escorted Kaya into his office, and he noted she
was wearing her pistol. For some reason, he found her even sexier when she was
“Please, come in
Chief Kane. Willow, we will require the security footage from the day of the
murders. We will view it in the conference room. Thank you.”
“Won’t you have
a seat?” Rafe gestured to the same chair she sat in last time she was here.
Again she wore the obligatory uniform that did nothing to showcase her figure.
Rafe wanted to see her in something more casual, more flattering.
“No, thank you,
Mr. Stone. I have things to do, so I’d prefer to get on with viewing the
footage.” Her demeanor was all business. This was very disappointing.
“Very well,
follow me then.” He led her to the room just down the hall where he had earlier
set up an elaborate meal. “I was hoping you would join me for lunch. I am
starving and cannot eat all of this by myself.” He gestured to the spread of
pastas, salad and French bread.
“Mr. Stone, this
isn’t a social visit. I am a busy woman.” A busy woman who was taking inventory
of the food in front of her.
“A busy woman
who needs to eat. Miss Kane, when is the last time you enjoyed a home cooked
“Are you
insinuating I can’t cook?” She had her hands on her hips and a scowl on her
Ah hell. “Not at
all, but if you are as busy as I believe you to be, you probably do not take
the time to cook for yourself. You either eat out or grab something quick on
the way out the door. Am I correct?” Her eyes flashed with annoyance. Yes, he
was correct.
“I would hate
for you to throw this out after you went to the trouble of cooking it.” Was she
goading him or just being curious?
“Oh, Miss Kane,
I assure you I didn’t cook this. My housekeeper did. My cooking skills are
lacking at best. Grilled cheese sandwich is about the extent of my expertise in
the kitchen.” Her smile at his honesty lit up the room as well as his libido.
Before she could see the evidence rising behind his zipper, he rounded the
table and stood behind a tall chair. “Please, have a seat.”
Kaya took the
chair directly across from his, and they dished food onto their plates in
silence. Willow came into the room, pushed a button on the wall causing the
projector screen to descend from the ceiling. She laid the remote beside Rafe.
A few minutes later she returned carrying a tray of drinks. She set them down
and left the room without a word.
“Now, Miss
Kane, would you like to watch the footage while we eat or would you rather
wait?” Of course, he asked her just as she put a bite of food in her mouth. He
watched as she chewed, her tongue sneaking out to lick red sauce off her lips.
It was a good thing there was a table between them. Rafe wasn’t sure he had the
strength to resist kissing those lips.
“Now is good.
I’m sure it’s going to show exactly what you said. Otherwise we wouldn’t be
sitting here.” Of course, she was correct.
Rafe pressed
play on the remote and observed Kaya’s face as she watched the screen. He
didn’t have to watch to know what it showed. Were he guilty, Julian could have
doctored the feed so well that not even the best forensic lab would be able to
tell. As it were, he had nothing to hide. Except the ever present erection in
his pants.
Her face showed
nothing other than the acceptance that he told her the truth. He didn’t bother
turning the feed off. It continued on throughout the day showing her coming
into the office. He knew this part by heart. He had played and rewound this
scene until he could see it in his mind without error. He found it most
interesting when she stopped and studied the various pictures. “Have you
traveled much, Miss Kane?”
Startled, she
jerked her head to look at him. “What?”
“Travel, have
you done much of it? I noticed you looking at the photographs on the wall as if
you were reminiscing.” He hoped she said no. He wanted to be the one who showed
her the world.
“Oh, yes. I mean
no. I traveled to Europe right after college, but it was a short trip. I wanted
to see the world before I got pinned down in a job.”
Kaya’s mouth
held him mesmerized. Her bottom lip was slightly fuller than the top; the kind
women paid money to get. Her teeth were white, but the bottom front were
slightly crooked. Her eyes lit up when she mentioned Europe, but just as
quickly dulled when she spoke of her career. Rafe had inquired into her
background and already knew she had followed in her father’s footsteps as one
often did when a parent’s life was cut down too early.
“How do you feel
about your career now, Chief? Still living to fight the good fight or are you ready
to pass the white hat to someone else?”
Her face shifted
back to that look she got when she was thinking how best to answer as she
pushed the empty plate away from her. Rafe wanted to see more looks on her
beautiful face, namely those when she was lying underneath him in the throes of
passion. He wanted to be closer to her, damn his body’s reaction. He stood and
circled the table. He leaned his backside against it, leaving his legs spread
to give his twitching cock room to expand. He looked down at her, waiting on a
“Most days, I
still feel like I’m making a difference, doing what I am meant to do. Others, I
feel like I’m losing traction and the bad guys are winning. What about you, Mr.
“What about me?”
“You’ve been an
architect your whole adult life, correct? Is it still as satisfying as it was
the first time you designed a building?”
Rafe rewarded
her with a rare smile. If she only knew the first building he designed was one
of those in a painting she gazed upon in the lobby, she would probably run
screaming. “Yes, it is. Designing a building that stands hundreds of years is
almost indescribable. When you stop to think of all the people who come and go,
whose lives leave a footprint in that building and then multiply it by hundreds
of buildings; it is really astounding. I feel like I design more than just the
building, Miss Kane. I create the backdrop to the plays that are life.”
“Wow, that
was…beautiful. Can I ask you something personal?”
“You can ask,
doesn’t mean I’ll answer.”
“Why the
anonymity? Why hide out instead of showing the world who you are?”
“Is it that
important that the people see my face? I am not a Hollywood star who wishes to
have his personal life exploited in the tabloids for the world to pick apart.
I’m a private person, Miss Kane; I do not crave the limelight. What’s mine is
for me to enjoy. Should I ever find someone to share my life with, that will
also be done in private.”
Kaya leaned
forward in her chair as if to better hear him. Maybe she just wanted to be
closer to him, he wasn’t sure. He took a chance and softly stroked his
forefinger along the top of her hand. Instinctively, her hand turned over and
clasped his fingers with hers. The look in her eyes was a mixture of lust and
uncertainty. Keeping their hands locked, he pulled her to her feet and angled
her between his open legs.
She didn’t
hesitate; Kaya moved her body closer to his. In this position, they were almost
eye to eye. She reached up with her fingers and touched the scar running
through his eyebrow. She would probably wonder what happened there. Hopefully
one day he could tell her. Then she traced her fingers down his cheek to run
her hand along his jaw. She seemed mesmerized by his whiskers.
Rafael placed
one hand behind her neck, under her ponytail. Wanting to see her blonde hair
down, he removed the rubber band, allowing her locks to fall along her back.
She seemed to be holding her breath. He threaded his fingers through her hair
and pulled her face to his. He rested his forehead against hers, not wanting to
move too fast.
Kaya exhaled and
touched her lips to his. Rafe stood from the table and pulled her head back so
that she was looking up at him. He grazed his lips over hers, barely on a
whisper. When she closed her eyes, he pressed their mouths together. The hum
flowing through their bodies was heady. He pulled her hips to his knowing she
would feel his erection against her stomach. He wanted her to know how she
affected him. When he felt the gasp escape her throat, he lost his control.
He licked the
seam of her lips, asking to be let in. Once she granted permission, he let his
lust for her flow through his mouth, rolling off his tongue onto hers. Kaya’s
hands moved from his shoulders up into his hair. With every twirl of their
tongues, her grip became more frantic; pulling him closer, but at the same time
pushing him away. She was as conflicted as he. His hand on her hip moved down
to her ass, squeezing. She moaned into his mouth and moved her hips so that she
rubbed against his cock.
The blood was
coursing through Rafael’s body, pounding loudly in his ears. If he were smart,
he would use his shifter instincts to calm himself, but this out-of-control
feeling was new to him. If this was what being mated felt like, he wanted to
lock Kaya in his bedroom and never leave.
When the kiss
broke, she pulled away, placing her fingers on her swollen lips. The look she
gave him was tormented. “I have to go. I’m….” She didn’t finish her thought.
She just rushed out the conference room.
was probably a good thing she left. Rafe was about 2.5 seconds away from coming
in his pants like a teenage boy watching porn for the first time. He raised the
rubber band to his nose and inhaled the scent of her shampoo. If he wasn’t sure
she was his mate before, he was now.
“This is
Katherine Fox reporting live from Lion Hart Gym where New Atlanta resident, Timothy
St. Claire, has just been arrested for the assault on several members of the
facility. Owner, Geoffrey Hartley, would not give us an interview but
eyewitnesses have confirmed that Mr. St. Claire apparently went berserk and
attacked not only Mr. Hartley but two of his gym members. We will have a
follow-up story tonight at six. Reporting live, this is Katherine Fox.”
The camera
panned out showing the front of the gym.
St. Claire was in
handcuffs being put into a patrol car. Bystanders were gaping at the scene, and
police were speaking with Mr. Hartley.
Tessa Blackmore
muted the sound on the television when her burner phone rang. “Hello.”
“Are you
watching the news?”
“Yes, that’s
bullshit and we both know it. Tamian is the calmest person alive, well next to
you. I didn’t realize he was going by Timothy now. Don’t worry, I’ll get to the
bottom of it. Anyway, I’m glad you called. Isabelle left me a voice message.
She wants my help with some blood samples. I think she’s stumbled on another
“You know what
to do.”
“Yep, I’m on
it.” She thumbed her phone off and turned the volume back up on the TV.
Katherine Fox was a hot little redhead. “Reminds me of myself,” she mused
aloud. Once the news report switched back to regularly scheduled programming,
Tessa turned the television off and dialed Isabelle’s number.
“Tessa, I am so
glad you returned my call. Please tell me you are in the states and can help
me.” Isabelle was always serious and most of the time a little dramatic. She
was the polar opposite to her cousin. Even though they were close in age, they
didn’t socialize together. Tessa just couldn’t see Belle hanging out at a biker
Laughing, Tessa
replied, “Slow down, Belle. You sound like you’re about to find the cure for
“If I didn’t
need your help so bad I would hang up on you. You know I hate Belle.”
“No, you hate
the cartoon. Just remember, Belle’s beast ended up being a handsome prince.
Besides, coming from me it’s cute.”
“You think
everything coming from you is cute. Anyway, where are you?”
“Well, Cuz,
you’re in luck. I’m in New Atlanta.”
“Wait, how long
have you been here, and why haven’t you called before now? You know I always
want to see you.” Since when? Isabelle never once asked her to visit unless she
needed her help. Obviously she needed her now or she wouldn’t be calling.
“Jesus H, I just
got here. Now, give me a few hours to throw my shit together, and I’ll come to
you. Are you still at the clinic?”
“How do you know
I’m at the clinic?” Isabelle sounded irritated.
“Where else
would you be? You’re like a dog with a bone when you get your nose to something
new or obscure.” Tessa didn’t bother to tell her she had eyes on her cousin.
Being the daughter of one of the most infamous doctors in history could lead to
danger. Now that Belle had discovered another anomaly in a blood sample, Tessa
was afraid shit was fixing to get real.
“Whatever. And
yes, meet me at the clinic.”
Tessa looked at
the phone when she heard the dial tone. Isabelle must be stressing for her just
to hang up, but like her cousin said, whatever. She looked at the monitor that
was feeding from Isabelle’s office. Her cousin was sitting at her desk, head in
her hands. Yep, definitely stressing.
Isabelle needed
a break. She’d been at it all night with no answers. Combing through her
father’s journals proved more frustrating than helpful. Her cell phone rang,
and she looked at the caller I.D. Not recognizing the number, she almost let it
go to voicemail, but she was a doctor. If someone needed her, she should
“Dr. Sarantos
Sarantos, it’s Dane. Dane Abbott. Listen, I know I said I didn’t want any pain
pills, but it’s getting worse. Doc, I think I’m dying.”
“Dane, let me
send an ambulance to get you, bring you back in.”
“No, I don’t
want to be a burden. Just please call in the pain medicine to the pharmacy at
the hospital. My neighbor’s gonna pick up the scrip for me.”
“Mr. Abbott, are
you sure? I don’t like this. If you won’t come to me, at least let me bring the
medicine to you now so you don’t have to wait.”
“Yeah, okay. You
have my address right?”
“Yes, it’s in
your file. I’m leaving now.”
Isabelle called
Tessa. “Listen, I have to run out and see a patient. He’s the one whose blood I
want you to test. Can you meet me at his apartment? Ok, I’ll text you the
address. See you in a few.”
Tessa wasn’t a doctor,
far from it, but she had an amazing ability to puzzle through mysteries and
come up with a viable solution. If Isabelle didn’t know better, she would think
Tessa’s father was the famous doctor turned scientist instead of the crazed
tyrant hell-bent on destroying mankind with his army of hybrids.
Isabelle grabbed
a supply of pain medicine that was currently waiting on FDA approval. It was on
the last test before getting the go-ahead, and she was sure it was going to go
through. It was stronger than ibuprofen but not as addicting as Oxy. When she
developed the drug, she’d taken it herself so she felt no qualms about giving
it to Dane.
Her GPS led her
to the apartment complex. Tessa was leaning against her black Harley, already
waiting on her cousin. Her auburn hair was streaked with bright red and was longer
than the last time Isabelle had seen her. Her green eyes were bright, and her
one dimple was deep from the grin on her face. Isabelle often felt plain in her
“How did you get
here so fast?” Isabelle asked as she walked past her toward the entrance.
“I was already
in the neighborhood. So what’s up?”
explained her findings to Tessa as they rode the elevator to the third floor. “He
called asking for pain medication and he sounded really bad.”
They found
apartment 314 and knocked. When there was no answer, Isabelle knocked louder,
“Mr. Abbott, it’s Dr. Sarantos.”
Tessa reached
for the doorknob and turned. Unlocked. She pushed the door open a few inches
and peered inside. “Shit.” She opened it all the way to show Dane’s unconscious
body on the floor.
Isabelle knelt
down and felt for a pulse. “He’s alive; pulse is strong. Actually, it’s too
strong for him to be unconscious. It’s beating like he just ran a marathon.
Here, help me get him to the sofa.”
They swapped
places so Tessa could grab under his arms, and Isabelle took his feet. Tessa
was surprisingly strong for a woman her size. Isabelle pulled out her
stethoscope and listened to his chest. She then took his blood pressure. “One
eighty over one hundred.”
Isabelle pulled
a syringe and vial out of her bag and stuck the needle in the rubber covering.
She pulled the plunger back filling the tube halfway. Pressing the plunger
slightly, a small amount of the clear liquid shot forth, pushing any air out.
She stabbed the needle in the bend of Dane’s arm and pushed the plunger all the
way in.
“What is that?”
Tessa asked, watching the process with curious attention.
“A pain medicine
that isn’t on the market yet. It should help him to rest easier.”
“I really don’t
think he needs that Belle. And since when do you administer something not yet
“Since I found
my father’s journals and started studying his formulas. I knew he was smart,
but my God, the man was a genius. You’ve been gone a long time. Things change,
dear cousin. People change.”
“Yes, I know he
was brilliant. I mean he did make another one of me after all.”
“Dammit Tessa,
quiet.” Isabelle was amazed at Tessa’s nonchalance around strangers, even
passed out ones, about being the famous ‘Montague baby’.
Dane began
stirring, moaning, and crying out. “Dane, can you hear me?” His response was
more moaning. Isabelle brought out another vial and injected him again.
“What was that
“Something to
lower his heart rate. Until I find out what is causing his symptoms, I’m afraid
the best I can do for him is to make him comfortable.”
Isabelle watched
his face as the medicine made its way through his bloodstream. His thrashing
about calmed as did his moaning. She felt his pulse once again, and it slowed
to normal.
They both sat
quietly and waited for him to come to. Twenty minutes later, Dane opened his
eyes. “What the…” He sat up and looked at the women. “Dr. Sarantos, what
“I’d say you
passed out, Mr. Abbott. I gave you something for pain, so you should be
feeling a little better.” She picked up the bottle of pills she had brought
with her. “I’m going to leave these with you in case you need them later.
Take one for pain every eight hours, but no sooner. They’re pretty strong.”
Dane frowned at
Tessa. “Who are you?”
assistant.” Isabelle noticed Tessa didn’t offer her name.
“Mr. Abbott, how
do you feel?”
Thanks, Doc. I’m sorry you had to drive all the way out here.”
“Think nothing
of it. I’m just glad you’re better than you were. I will get back to the
lab. Tessa and I need to continue testing your blood, but don’t hesitate to
call again if you get worse.” Isabelle stood and headed to the door. Tessa
follow her outside.
“I will meet you
at the clinic.” Isabelle watched her cousin make a phone call before straddling
her bike.