Raines, Elizabeth - Wanted [Wicked Missions 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Raines, Elizabeth - Wanted [Wicked Missions 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Spencer came walking up to stand at his side, cuffing him hard on the shoulder. “She’ll be done soon, Hammond.”

“I know that,” he snapped.

The knowing smile on Spencer’s face only bristled him more. “She loves us, you know. No need to be jealous.”

“Who said I was jealous?”

Spencer chuckled. “No one. I just figured it out from the fact your face is bright red and you’ve got your hands clenched into fists.”

Hammond immediately relaxed his hands and realized his stance was every bit as rigid. Just as he sighed in resignation, he could only gape at his partner when Spencer turned Hammond to face him and kissed him. A little shocked at first to be a part of a public display of affection, he almost resisted. Then he decided he didn’t give a flying fuck who saw them. He loved Spencer just as much as he loved Callie. If people wanted to give them shit because they were two guys kissing in public, he and Spencer could easily set them straight or simply bloody their noses. So he grabbed the front of Spencer’s shirt, pulled him forward, and thrust his tongue past his lips.

The growl Spencer gave him in response hit Hammond hard—key word being
as his cock rose in response. In the aftermath of the scene back at the marketplace, Hammond’s blood was running hot. That intensity coupled with Spencer’s uninhibited response to the kiss was so overwhelming, all Hammond could think about was dragging Spencer and Callie back to the ship and making love to them until none of them could lift a finger.

Spencer’s hands settled on Hammond’s ass as he pressed him up against his groin, and the erection rubbing against his hardened cock made Hammond give Spencer a needy groan. He wrenched his mouth away and said, “God, I want you. Let’s get Callie and go fuck our brains out.”

“A perfect idea,” Callie said. Both men turned to stare at her. “Mikel’s gone. With good riddance. Let’s go back on your ship and make love.” Her words were a purr that made Hammond’s dick twitch in desire.

Spencer pulled out of Hammond’s embrace, grabbed Callie’s arm, and tugged her closer. Then with a sexy grin, he quickly lifted her up, tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of grain, and started striding toward the
. Callie’s giggles brought a smile to Hammond’s face, and he followed the two people he loved with all his heart like a happy puppy trailed its owner.

Since Spencer went right for the bedroom with his precious cargo, Hammond made sure the hatch was closed and hurried to join them. When he opened the bedroom door, Callie was on her knees, taking Spencer’s dick into her sweet mouth. His pants were puddled around his ankles, and he had such a look of sheer ecstasy on his face, Hammond had to choke back a rush of envy. He jerked his shirt over his head, kicked off his shoes, and dropped his khaki shorts to the floor. “You started without me.”

Callie didn’t stop what she was doing, but as Hammond came to stand next to the couple, her hand reached out to stroke his cock, making him close his eyes to savor her touch. Fisting his hands against his sides, he tried to hold on to some control so they could make this interlude last. For some reason, this coming together seemed more important to him than any of the other times they’d made love—it was as if this somehow…sealed the deal. The three of them would be together the rest of their lives.

When a warm tongue stroked his erection, Hammond’s eyes flew open. He looked down, surprised to see it was Spencer who was now taking him into his mouth rather than Callie. “Oh, my God…” A groan slipped out as he tangled his fingers through Spencer’s hair while Callie stripped, tossing her clothes haphazardly aside.

Spencer’s tongue and mouth were driving Hammond past the point of no return. But he wanted this to last, so he was relieved when Callie interrupted. “I want you boys. Now.” She crawled onto the bed, knelt in the middle, and crooked her finger at them.

The men scrambled up to join her, Hammond ending up on his back, and Callie forced his shoulders to the mattress and straddled his hips. “Fuck me, baby,” she said as she leaned down to press hot kisses against his neck.

He threaded his fingers through her beautiful hair and dragged her up until he could look her in the eye. “I love you, Callie.”

“I love you too, Hammond.” And then she kissed him, heightening the exchange by tickling his lips with her tongue before sliding it in his mouth. He grasped her tongue between his teeth and then gently sucked, savoring her purr in response.

Spencer had retrieved the lube and was now settling behind Callie. “You know, I could just watch you two fuck. Damn, but it’s hot to see you together.”

Callie broke away from the kiss and glanced over her shoulder. “No way, honey. It’s all of us. I need you both. I love you, Spencer.”

“I love you, Callie.” His gaze caught Hammond’s. “And you, partner—I love you, too.”

“You know I love you both,” Hammond replied. He couldn’t wait another moment to claim Callie’s sweet pussy. Forcing her thighs further apart with his own, he slipped his hands over her blonde curls and between her folds, letting her excited juices coat his fingers. “Damn, wildcat. Your pussy is so sweet.”

She wrapped her fingers around his cock, gave him a sultry smile, and then lowered herself onto him, letting her hot, wet cunt encase him. He moaned in sheer pleasure. She whimpered, the sound hitting his gut, making him thrust hard inside her.

Cupping his hand behind her neck, he pulled her forward when he saw Spencer smearing lube over his rock-hard dick. “You ready for Spence, Callie?” he whispered.

She smiled. “Oh, yes.” She tensed for a moment and then whimpered again. Spencer’s cock was suddenly there inside her, rubbing against Hammond’s.

The feeling of being with both of the people he loved was so incredible, Hammond couldn’t even form the proper words in his thoughts to express the moment’s significance. Instead, he gave himself over to the bond between the three of them, savoring how Spencer’s hardness stroked his own as the two men matched a rhythm that had Callie writhing and moaning until her body began to tighten around Hammond’s cock. He thrust into her once. Twice. And on the third push, he felt everything inside him spill into her with a rush of ecstasy. Spencer gave a ragged moan and closed his eyes, clearly reaching his own orgasm.

All Hammond could think was that if the universe ended at that moment, he’d die happier than he’d ever been in his whole life.

* * * *

“Remiza?” Callie asked, turning to stare at Hammond as he lay to her left, snuggled up against her. His heavy thigh covered hers, and his hand rested on her belly, fingers tickling her from time to time. “Why do you two want to go to Remiza? Don’t you have to stay on this job for I.D.E.A.?”

“We’re out,” Spencer said, making her turn to her right to find his grinning face. He was on his side, facing her, his big palm still covering her breast.

“Out?” she asked. “What does that mean?”

“We’re coming out from working undercover,” he replied. “Since we’ve taken down Pontierri, we have our choice of assignments.”

“It’s true,” Hammond added. “And we get some time off, so we figured Remiza sounded like fun. White sand beaches. Clear water. And…maybe…um…while we’re there…um…”

For the first time since she’d met him, Hammond was showing her his vulnerability. His green eyes were so tender. “What, baby? What do you want to do when we go to Remiza?”

“Maybe…get married… Maybe we can get married.”

“The three of us,” Spencer added. “Remiza allows multiple partner marriages.”

“Are you serious?” Callie blurted out before she realized how much those words could sound hurtful to her guys. She hurried to repair the damage. “I’d love that!”

“Really?” Spencer asked. “You’d like to be married to a couple of former undercovers? We were thinking about taking an assignment working on Earth’s moon to help Atmospheric Administration with stopping drug smuggling. They need some experienced officers, and they’ve got two openings. Wanna live on Earth?”

. The three of them would get married. While her heart swelled with joy, a part of her ached for what she’d leave behind. “What about my girls?”

“You know,” Hammond said, “there are lots of couples on Earth who are looking for healthy babies…Maybe…I don’t know…maybe we could help. Maybe buy a big house to keep some of the girls there ’til we can help them find good homes?”

“You’d do that? For me?”

Spencer was the one to reply. “Don’t you realize, Callie? We love you. We’d do anything to make you happy.”


Eight months later…

Callie waved at Izzie when she stepped off the transport. “Hi!”

Izzie smiled and hurried across the way to give Callie a hug. When Callie’s growing belly got in the way, Izzie set her palm against the baby bump and grinned. “You’re big as a whale!”

Now that she was accustomed to Izzie’s blunt sense of humor, Callie laughed. “You’d be huge too if you were going to have a baby in less than a month.” Since Izzie had been so enigmatic in their conversations, insisting she wanted to discuss her news in person, Callie decided she’d waited long enough. As they walked toward the hover car, she asked, “So will you finally tell me what you found out about my sister?”

Izzie crawled in the passenger side, tossing her bag into the backseat. “We know where she is. In fact…” She fished a communicator out of her pocket before her fingers worked fast and furious on the touch screen. “I have something to show you.” She held the communicator up for Callie to see.

Izzie had pulled up a picture of Lyrianna standing on a beautiful beach. Two very handsome men flanked her—both grinning. Lyrianna’s smile told Callie everything she needed to know. Her sister was happy. What it didn’t tell her was why Lyri was with
men. It seemed highly unlikely her sister had been as fortunate as Callie was to have found two perfect men to make a part of her life.

“Those are her husbands,” Izzie said as if reading her mind. “She married both of them not too long ago.”

of them?”

“They allow multiple marriages on Pagonna.”

“Pagonna? I have no idea where that even is.”

“A long way away. It’s not even in this sector and takes four months to get to on a government ship. And why do you sound so shocked she married both of ’em? Didn’t you do the same thing when you fell in love with two guys?”

All Callie could do was shrug.

As she drove back to her home, she peppered Izzie with questions about her sister, wishing there was some way they could speak. But with Lyrianna living so far away—practically on the other side of the universe—they’d have to be content with sending messages a couple of times a year. I.D.E.A. offered assistance in getting those messages, just as they still supplied the hospital back on Bromond with medications as promised. At least for now, Callie would be content. Technology always seemed to have a way of catching up, so who knew what the future held?

Pulling up next to the home, she wasn’t surprised when six of the girls jumped up from where they were playing on the porch and came running to the hover car, shouting her name. Spencer followed right behind, diligently watching the children.
As usual
. Her husbands would make fantastic fathers. Both treated the girls in their care as if those children were their own.

Callie gave each child a hug and introduced them to Izzie before the girls happily skipped off to get into more mischief.

“Geez, Callie. How many kids do you have here?”

She smiled. “Only ten right now. Our number is down considerably. The adoptions are getting easier and easier, so most of the girls only stay a few weeks. Some of the infants are only here a couple of days.”

Spencer reached them, brushed a quick kiss on her lips, and then turned to Izzie. “How’s it going?”

“Good. Got a couple weeks off before Alayna and I go back to Bromond. We’re cleaning up Carlos Pontierri’s mess and rounding up what’s left of his underlings. Callie was telling me about you being foster parents to all the Bromondi girls.”

“Not just Bromondi,” Callie corrected. “Human girls, too. Some boys from time to time as well. But all the babies leave so quickly, I barely get to know them.”

“There are that many people wanting babies?” Izzie asked.

“Oh, yes. Healthy babies go to permanent homes quickly. There are more than enough families here on Earth and on a couple of other planets the agency is helping us work with.”

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