Raines, Elizabeth - Wanted [Wicked Missions 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: Raines, Elizabeth - Wanted [Wicked Missions 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I want you too. But I want something that includes all three of us this time.”

Hammond grinned. “Fine! I’ll take back door! Spence, you get up on the bed and—”

Callie’s chuckle stopped him. “That’s not a
. We do that all the time. No, I want you two to make love to each other this time.”

“What about you?” Spencer asked, still not understanding what she wanted.

“Oh, trust me. I’ll be in the mix too.”

Hammond grabbed her shoulders and pulled her hard against him. He dropped his mouth to hers, his tongue pushing between her lips. Then he put his hands on her hips and lifted her off her feet. Callie wrapped her legs around his waist.

Not wanting to be left out, Spencer strode over to run a hand down her ass, sliding his fingers to move deeper, stroking her pussy. Her juices coated his fingertips as he found her warm welcome. Damn, but she was already wet for them. His cock swelled even more, and he ached to thrust inside her. He almost asked if they should take her right there—all Hammond had to do was slip inside her tight cunt, and Spencer could lube up and join them. Before he could ask, she kissed Hammond one more time then put her feet back on the floor.

She turned to wrap her fingers around Spencer’s cock as she stroked him from crown to root and back again, brushing her fingertips over the fluid leaking from the slit. Leaning down, she licked the pre-cum, humming as if she enjoyed tasting him. He groaned and closed his eyes when she took him in her mouth and sucked.

All too quickly, Callie released him. With an enigmatic smile, she took his hand and led him to the bed. Patting the mattress, she said, “Bend over for me, Spencer. Let me show you guys something.”

Since she’d always been the one to lead the way in their sexual liaisons, he obeyed without question. Bending at the waist, he rested his arms on the mattress. “Now what?”

Popping open the small compartment on the side of the bed, Callie grabbed the lube they always left there. Flipping open the top, she squeezed some of the clear liquid on her fingers before tossing the bottle to Hammond. “Get ready.”

“Ready?” Hammond sounded confused until he suddenly seemed to figure it out. “Oh,
…” He popped the top with his thumb, squirted a liberal amount on his hand, and then started smearing it on his erect dick.

When Spencer realized that Callie meant to play with his ass and that Hammond was probably going to fuck him, his blood turned to liquid fire. His balls pulled up tight against his body as a spurt of pre-cum hit the sheets. He let out a ragged moan at the images flashing through his mind. Although he still didn’t know exactly how Callie would fit into their coupling, he trusted her. Completely.

Her slick fingers slid between the cheeks of his ass until she found his anus. She circled it, making him suck in his breath, partly in anticipation but mostly because he hadn’t realized how sensitive he would be to her touch there. Her finger slowly pushed past the tight ring of muscles, and he tried hard not to clench in response.

“I won’t hurt you, honey,” she cooed, rubbing his back with her other hand and sending shivers racing the length of his spine. “Relax.”

“I’m trying…but…” Her finger slipped inside him. “Oh, fuck, baby.”

When he glanced over his shoulder, he saw her tender smile. He also saw Hammond behind her, his hand stroking her breasts, tweaking her pink nipples into tight buds as he licked and kissed her neck and ear.

Then Callie eased her finger deeper into his ass. Her smile turned knowing when she slid her finger all the way inside him and started stroking, that clever digit of hers quickly finding a sweet spot.

He almost came then and there. Whatever she was rubbing felt so fucking good, he was afraid he’d shoot his wad all over the bed. Clenching his hands into the sheet, he tried thinking of anything else, like calibrating the deflector dish or replacing the stabilizing coil,
to keep from climaxing. He took deep breaths.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?” she asked as she added a second finger and continued to rub whatever it was that made him finally rise on tiptoe.

“Callie! Stop! I’m gonna come if you don’t…”

She pulled her fingers away. “Come here, Hammond.” Her voice was low and husky.

Spencer was ready to take this important step, but he glanced over his shoulder, his gaze locked with the man he loved every bit as much as he loved Callie. Hammond had drawn his lips tight, but the passion was in his eyes. Was he as excited about them finally making love to each other as Spencer was?

When Callie took Hammond’s hand to drag him closer, Spencer worried that his partner wasn’t ready. He decided to let the man know that his attention would be well received. “C’mon, Hammond. I’m ready.” He wiggled his ass, pleased when Hammond grinned in response.

“Okay…” Big, slippery hands settled on his butt cheeks, gently separating them.

Callie led one of those hands to Spencer’s anus. “Let me show you the best place to touch.” She took his long index finger and pushed it against the opening.

Spencer was having a hard time not squirming in need. He wanted a connection between him and Hammond, and he wanted it right fucking now. “C’mon, buddy. Just do it!” The finger slid inside, all the way to the knuckle.

“Feel that little knot under your fingertip,” Callie said. Hammond nodded. “Rub it. Hard.”

The bliss that hit Spencer made more fluid pump from his cock. “Oh, my God…”

Callie’s beautiful laughter filled the air. “I think you’ve found it.” She crawled up on the bed. “Now, let’s make this a threesome.”

She wiggled under Spencer as he moved his arms to allow her beneath him. Then she wrapped her legs around his hips. “I want you inside me, Spencer. Now.”

Two seconds in her tight, wet pussy, and he’d probably explode into nothing but atoms. But, damn, he’d die happy. “Anything the lady—” Spencer choked on his words as Hammond pushed a second finger into his rectum.

Callie’s hand reached between their bodies to grasp his cock and guide Spencer to her pussy. He plunged inside her, amazed that she was so hot and wet just from helping the men learn to love each other. Easing out, he thrust back into her just as Hammond pulled his fingers out. As Spencer rested with his erection deep inside the woman he loved, he felt the blunt head of a cock between his ass cheeks.

“Ready, Spence?”

“Fuck, yeah. Do it!”

“I don’t wanna hurt you…”

“Damn it, Hammond. Fuck me!”

In slow strokes, he entered Spencer’s body until he was buried balls deep. Judging from Hammond’s ragged breath and how tightly he gripped Spencer’s hips, he loved it every bit as much as Spencer.

The three began to move. Hammond pulled back, so Spencer followed suit until his cock was almost free of Callie’s body. She retaliated by whimpering in need and squeezing her thighs to draw him back. Just as he slammed back into her, Hammond drove into Spencer. Soon, they found a rhythm that worked until three sweaty bodies were desperately reaching for release.

Spencer knew he’d reached the end of his rope. Lights were flashing behind his closed eyes, and his heartbeat thundered in his ears. “Shit, I’m gonna…” Everything inside of him seemed to burst, pouring from him into Callie. At the same time, the warmth of Hammond’s semen filled Spencer’s body. Callie’s fingernails scored his shoulders as she shouted in release, her internal muscles milking his cock.

* * * *

Hammond crawled back into bed with his lovers as soon as he’d had a chance to clean up. Callie patted the mattress beside her, so he stretched out on her right while Spencer cuddled up to her left side.

There weren’t words adequate enough to describe everything he was feeling, so he went with the simple approach. “I love you, Callie.” Finding his bravery, he added, “I love you, too, Spence.” A small sob broke from Callie, and he gently turned her to face him. Tears were spilling over her lashes. “That makes you cry?”

She sniffled and nodded.

Spencer pushed up on an elbow to stare at her. “I love you too, Callie.”

She choked out another sob.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Spencer asked, rubbing his hand up and down her bare stomach.

“I never thought…” She shook her head.

“Tell us,” Hammond insisted, a little afraid that he and Spencer had been wrong, that they’d believed she loved them when she only wanted to romp in the sack.

. That made no sense. Callie had lovingly given herself to them, but she’d also cared enough about both of them to teach him and Spencer how to love each other. “We both love you, Callie. Please tell us why you’re crying.”

She sniffed back a few more tears and then smiled. “I never thought you two could love me the way I love you both.”

His heart swelled with love as he leaned in to kiss her. Unfortunately, Spencer must have had the same thought because they bumped heads. With a laugh, Hammond rubbed his abused forehead and said, “You kiss her first.”

“Fine,” Spencer replied before doing just that.

Hammond was chuckling when he took his turn, pressing his lips to hers.

Callie smiled up at them, her hands cupping each man’s face. “So where do we go from here?”

Hammond didn’t even hesitate when he gave her the answer. “We find a way to get a happily ever after for three.”

Chapter 9

Callie followed her guys up the ramp into Izzie’s ship. So much needed to be decided about the future, and Hammond and Spencer told her Izzie should be included in all their plans. This was confusing, but Callie didn’t question that choice. After Achchim had double-crossed Izzie, she probably needed the support of her friends. After all, the Dracorian had been her partner. These black market smugglers obviously had loyalty.

“Izzie?” Hammond shouted when they reached the central part of the ship. “Where are you?”

A shout came from below them. “I’m in the cargo hold! C’mon down here!”

Spencer pulled open the trap door and helped Callie climb down into the cavernous cargo area. With the exception of a few boxes piled against one wall, the place was empty. Achchim was sitting in the middle of the room, tied to a chair. His red eyes tossed daggers at Callie, but she wouldn’t let the Dracorian intimidate her.

Izzie stood next to Achchim and slapped him hard on the back, making him turn to glare at her. “Aren’t you gonna say hello to our friends, Achchim?”

“You fuck!” he replied with a snarl.

Izzie burst out laughing. “Not nearly as often as I’d like to.”

“Hey, Izzie!” a feminine voice called from above the cargo hold. “Where in the hell are you?”

“Down here, Alayna!” she shouted back.

“Who’s that?” Callie asked, her eyes finding Hammond’s. “No one should know I’m here. There’s a bounty—”

“It’s okay, wildcat,” he replied. “That’s Izzie’s partner—her

Real partner?
What the hell was
supposed to mean?

A tall brunette came walking up to them. She towered over Callie, but was only a few centimeters shorter than Izzie. Damn, but they made Callie feel as short as a child. This Alayna was every bit as beautiful as Izzie, even though their coloring was nearly opposite. Alayna’s short, spiky hair was a rich, deep brown, and her skin was as darkly tanned as Izzie’s was alabaster white.
The opposites ended with her amber eyes, which showed the same intelligence and curiosity as Izzie’s green ones did.

“Is that her?” Alayna asked Izzie, nodding at Callie.

“Yep,” Izzie replied. “The one and only Callinda Seebré.”

Callie kept blinking, trying to make sense of everything she was hearing. There were so many questions flying through her mind she couldn’t seem to settle on which one to ask first. Since Alayna obviously knew her, someone—probably Izzie—had shared that she was close. But why? To capture her for the reward?
. Hammond and Spencer would never allow that.

How in the hell did Izzie even know her full name? Callie had never told her. And what reason would the guys have to even mention something so trivial to Izzie? Even weirder—why would Izzie tell Alayna?

Alayna nodded at Achchim. “Did you call for transport for our prisoner yet?”

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