Rapture's Etesian (24 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Tags: #romance, #Erotic

BOOK: Rapture's Etesian
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“Tease,” he named her as he kicked the britches aside and dropped down beside her once more, hard and naked to her view.

With infinite care he put his hands on those ripe orbs and worshipped them with loving grips that went from her chest to the straining peaks and back again, fingers closing over the nipples to lightly pull and work the coral flesh.

Closing her eyes to the pleasure, Kynthia felt his fingers trailing along her sides, spanning her waist then moving upward to stroke her rib cage. He brushed the backs of his fingers along her armpit then spiraled them down to her hip.

“So beautiful,” he whispered. He shifted his body until his long legs were stretched out, his toes digging into the warm sand.

Releasing her hold on his hair as Leksi moved further down her body, Kynthia lifted her arms above her head and crooked one over her eyes to blot out the blazing sun overhead.

Pressing his palm against the flat indention of her belly, he just grazed the deep indention of her belly button, his middle finger tapping at that sensitive abyss.

Kynthia raised her knees and hooked them over his shoulders, giving him permission to delve into the hot, moist area that ached for his touch.

The warrior slid his hand over her pubic mound until the heel of his palm was pressed hard against her opening. He dropped light kisses upon her abdomen, flicking his tongue out like a serpent to taste her flesh. Laying his head against her thigh, he reached up to stroke the heat of her vagina.

“Umm,” Kynthia agreed with a deep sigh. Her ankles were crossed over his back, the heel of her right foot resting against his spine. She smiled as he found the swollen bud of her clit and gently rolled it between his fingers.

Leksi could smell her heat and the moistness that was beginning to ooze from her core. The scent drove him mad with desire, and it was all he could do not to fling himself upon her and ram his hard cock into her as far as it would go. The sensations rippling through his body were ten times stronger than they had been before being given the parasite and he suspected when his climax came, the experience would be mind-altering. As much as he ached to know that moment, he forced himself to go slow, to pleasure his lady first for he feared the lust gathering in his loins would overpower them both when he unleashed it.

It was an exquisite torment Leksi Helios practiced upon his lady. His fingers were warm and strong and his nails just long enough to elicit powerful sensations along her nerve endings. Her clit was straining, hard as a man’s rod, and it throbbed with a fiery awareness that made her heart thud against her rib cage. When he pulled back the hood to tease that straining nubbin, Kynthia groaned, forcing herself not to push the warrior away.

“Will your taste be ten times as sweet, my love?” Leksi asked in a throaty tone as he lowered his mouth to her clit.

Kynthia had no way of knowing if her taste was any different to her lover now than it had been before but from the slurping sounds he made as he suckled her flesh, she thought perhaps she was giving him a treat he found irresistible for he was drawing upon her flesh as though he were starving. Squirming under his manipulations, she could barely keep from crying out. She had to bite her lower lip to keep from doing so.

Leksi found her taste far more intoxicating than before. Every nerve ending, every sensation was magnified many times over. He would later swear to Kratos that his cock was ten times harder than he could ever remember it being and that the smell of his lady was so overpowering, he wanted to cry with the sheer joy of it. His fingers were trembling as he gently slid them into her cunt.

Sucking in a breath as those strong digits thrust slowly into her warm cavern, Kynthia felt a ripple of passion grip her belly. Her lover’s touch was so sure, so steady, so deep as he impaled her upon his fingers, then turned them so he could search for that wondrous spot that made her groan when he found it.

“Here?” he asked as he pressed upward against that precious spot. “Is it here, my lady?”

“Aye,” she breathed, and lifted her hips so he could have better access to that delicate indention deep within her vagina.

Leksi stroked her with the tip of his middle finger then lowered his mouth to her clit. The dual assault brought a hard shudder to Kynthia’s captive body.

In and out he then slid his fingers, going a bit deeper with each passage. She was hot and slick around him, oozing with love juices that teased his nostrils and drove straight to the core of his manhood.

“Leksi!” she yelled suddenly. “I am going to Transition!”

He pulled his hand free of her flesh and scrambled to his knees as his lady began to morph before his eyes. The wiry strands of her lovely silvery pelt glistened as it sprang from her long limbs. He watched her twist over from the pain until she was lying on her side in a fetal position. There was nothing he could do to help her but tears filled his eyes as she began her transformation for he now knew the hatefulness of the pain, himself.

Kynthia kicked out as the muscles of her body contracted and expanded then grouped together again. Her bones popped, her sinews hummed and the tremendous heat being generated from her changing flesh sent her into a wriggling, twisting mass of tortured limbs.

Leksi got to his feet, trembling all over as he watched the woman he loved going through such agony. He put out a hand—wanting to touch her, wanting to help—but knew there was nothing to be done. Tears fell down his cheeks and as the salt of one crystal drop touched his lip, he felt the changing beginning in his own body.

Kynthia threw back her head and howled as the Transition settled completely upon her convulsing body. She scrambled to her feet and stood there in her wolf persona, shaking her thick mane from head to tail. She looked to her left and found her lover on all fours, his own transformation in the beginning stages.

, Leksi thought as his muscles elongated and contracted and his bones shifted beneath the skin.
Painful but exhilarating
, he thought, for the power was coursing through his veins and the strength enveloping his limbs. His nostrils flared, catching scent of his female, and he swung his shaggy head—half-man, half-wolf—toward her. His crimson eyes flared with lust and his leathery lips pulled back over wickedly sharp teeth.

Kynthia was pacing back and forth before her mate as he passed deeper into Transition. His scent was like nectar to a bee and she moved a bit closer to him with every pass. When he snaked out a paw toward her, she sidestepped away, tossing her head, teasing the male, not allowing him to scratch her. She padded a few feet away and sat down on her haunches, lifting a delicate paw to lick at the silvery fur.

Leksi growled deep in his throat, her scent embedding itself in his nostrils. The heat of her sex was a lure than drove him mad with wanting her. His Transition was almost complete and when the last wiry hair had sprang from his leathery skin and the last claw pushed from the end of his paw, he sprang after her, grinning from pointed ear to pointed ear.

Kynthia yelped and took off running, her long strides eating up the sand beneath her paws. Across the beach they sped and into the grove of trees beyond the shoreline. She knew he was fast gaining on her for he was—after all—male and much stronger than she. But she led him a merry chase through the forest beyond, putting trees between them, a large rock.

She toyed with him for a good long while, keeping him at a distance. Her tail wagged playfully, enticing him, but when he sprang at her, her hindquarters dug into the sand and she raced away, her mate nipping at her heels.

When at last she was winded and the joy of the chase had began to wane, she stopped atop a sand dune, her sides heaving and watched him sidling closer, his tail down, his jaws open, dripping saliva. Though she feigned leaping away, she stayed where she was, her eyes locked on his intent gaze.

Leksi sidestepped toward her, gathering himself in case she decided to run away again. He knew he could easily overpower her and he was tired of playing and wanted to get down to the business of fucking her. Warily, he approached her, jumping when she jumped. His head was down, his tail between his legs as he neared her. He growled, she answered.

Kynthia sniffed at his muzzle as he rubbed his nose against hers and she licked that black leathery skin. She whined as his taste rocketed through her. He was sidling around her and when he stopped, craning his neck to sniff at her pubes, she lifted her tail out of his way, offering herself to him.

Leksi sniffed at the moistness under her thick tail and licked at the swollen flesh there. The taste rocked him and he growled, moving behind her with a speed that brooked no resistance. He reared up, locked his front paws around her waist and thrust his slick wolf cock into her waiting opening.

Kynthia lowered her head as his teeth nipped her neck. He was holding her in the position their animal kind had known for millions of years. She was totally his and subservient to the male domination of him. Her entire body trembled as he rammed into her and withdrew, rammed and withdrew again.

He was panting as he pistoned into his mate. Her smell was so strong, so powerful he was salivating, his teeth snagged into her thick coat and just breaking the skin. His hips moved back and forth, back and forth ramming his cock into her slickness, going deeper with each thrust.

Kynthia whimpered for the pleasure that was claiming her was so intense her legs threatened to buckle beneath her. Had he not been holding onto her hips to keep her erect, she would have lain down and curled up in a heap. As it was, her legs were trembling beneath his wild assault and every push into her sent waves of delicious warmth through her belly.

Leksi knew she was but a few moments from achieving the pleasure he wanted to make sure she received. His animal kin might not have cared if their mate was satisfied but that was not so with Leksi. There was enough human male left within him to care for his lady’s pleasure.

The first ripple of release hit Kynthia with such force she whined. Her rear end was tight in Leksi’s grip, his teeth snagged into her neck so there was no way for her to stretch out on her belly as her climax began. The sensation burst upon her in gripping waves that squeezed around her lover’s cock in ever tightening clutches.

Leksi grunted as his cock felt those first hard squeezes along it. Her heat was tight around him, slick on his hard length, and when it rippled over him, he thrust harder, spraying his own seed deep within her wolf cunt.

Kynthia knew the exact moment he impregnated her. She could feel the seed wriggling up her body and searching out her womb. Great elation filled her heart and she whined. The hard squeezes of her climax slowly diminished so she could feel the last of his jerking deep within her.

Leksi held onto his mate’s flanks as the last shudder of lust passed from him to her. His teeth were still in her fur but loosely now for they were both exhausted, spent, their panting loud. His back legs were trembling almost as hard as hers were and when she collapsed beneath him, he fell atop her, his great head lying close to hers.

She flicked out her tongue and lapped at his fur, enjoying the taste of him. She groomed him as they lay there, his muzzle on her left paw. When the last of her energy was spent, she laid her head on the sand and closed her eyes, his light snores making her smile.

When they awoke, the moon was out though the sun still lit the western sky. She was spooned behind him, an arm over his shoulder, a leg thrown possessively over his. Their naked bodies were glistening with a fine sheen of sweat as Leksi turned over to his back and gathered her into his arms, pulling her head to his shoulder.

“That,” he said, “was an experience of a lifetime, wench.”

“One we will repeat often, I think,” she responded.

“Not every time,” he denied.

“No,” she agreed. “Not every time.”

Leksi frowned. “You don’t think that
happen every time, do you?”

She was silent for a moment then quietly asked if he’d like to see whether it would or not.

He did.

It didn’t.

Nor did it happen the third time.

Or the fourth.

When they awoke again, the moon was fully out and the night air was washing sweetly over their naked flesh.

They stood, looked down at the place where they had claimed one another and smiled.

Hand-in-hand they headed inland as a soft breeze came in from the sea and the thunder rumbled closer to their little hidden island. As they walked, they spied the field of wheat from which they would be obliged to brew the tenerse that would keep their Transitioning on schedule. Around them were myriad animals from which they could draw the sanity-saving blood without harming the little creatures. And true to her word, Morrigunia had provided a patch of vegetables and more fruit trees than either of the lovers could name.

“It may be a prison but it is a silk-lined one,” Leksi commented as they came into a clearing and found the hut that would be their home from now on.

“Books!” Kynthia called out. “We will need something to keep our minds occupied!”

“Quills and paper so we can start a journal!”

“Carving tools and fine wood so I can whittle!” Kynthia demanded.

“And a lyre so I can sing love songs to my lady!”

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