Raunchy 2 (13 page)

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Authors: T Styles

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #Urban, #African American, #General

BOOK: Raunchy 2
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Pimp Fast Tony

Madjesty and Jayden were looking out of the window of their room at Pimp Fast Tony and his three young whores. He was a fascinating handsome man who always wore a suit no matter how hot it was outside. One of his whores wearing a pair of short-shorts wiped down his car with a white cloth exposing her vagina with every move she made. Men would constantly honk their horns as they drove by and Pimp would proudly wave. The other whore stood next to him, fanning him with a pink fan to keep him cool. Pimp Fast was counting money in his hand while Crissa spoke to a man in a car a few feet over from where Pimp stood. The man seemed to be smitten with her and Jayden was entranced. What was going on? What was Crissa saying to the man in the car?

When the conversation was over, Crissa swaggered out of the car and the man handed Crissa some money, which she quickly gave to Pimp Fast. Afterwards the car drove out of sight.

“Why you think she did that?”
“Did what?” Madjesty asked.
Unlike his brother he was waiting for Tisa to come outside and

wasn’t paying Pimp or his bitches much attention. Madjesty wondered would Tisa hate him after hearing about the pissy sandwich story at school, too?

“Why she give him that money?”
“I don’t know.” Madjesty shrugged.
“You think that’s his girlfriend or something?”
“I don’t know.” He responded. “I guess.”
“But he got like three of them.”
“Maybe he likes lots of girls.”
“I think Crissa pretty.” Jayden offered. “She prettier than the other

“So finally you like girls.” Madjesty laughed pointing at his brother. “No I don’t!” He said disgusted with the whole idea. “I like money!” “Don’t lie! You said she was pretty.”
Jayden wasn’t lying. He really didn’t like her in that way. He was

more interested in what looked like power. In Jayden’s mind Pimp Fast got cash because he had the baddest bitches around him at all times. Jayden didn’t know what they sold or how they sold it. He just knew the girls made the money and gave it to him and because of it, he had a shiny pretty car and money in his hands. Suddenly, he wanted to be just like him.

“There she go!” Madjesty yelled.

When Tisa came out of the house she kissed her father and then her mother Crissa. She looked so pretty wearing her pretty red short set with her long hair out. For her, life seemed great and that was the only thing that secretly Madjesty was envious of. He wanted Tisa to be happy, truly he did, but he didn’t understand why life at his house couldn’t be good too.

As he watched her talk to her parents he thought about them together. There was something he wanted to ask but could never muster the strength to do. He wanted to ask Tisa if she’d agree to be his girlfriend. But every time she got in his space, he could never pop the question.

After speaking to her parents Tisa approached Madjesty’s window. Jayden frowned not liking the girl one bit. He didn’t want anybody to take his brother away from him especially the fast girl across the street. Madjesty waited on her to give him what he lived for and his anticipation seemed like forever. When she was within a few feet of his window finally, she gave him what he lived for, a smile. A smile as wide as outstretched arms wanting to be hugged. A smile so large that it showed both rows of her perfectly white teeth and a few missing teeth. A smile that was made especially for him.

“Hey, Madjesty.” Tisa waved. She always spoke to him through the window because Harmony rarely let the kids hang outside. She was too embarrassed by their clothes and too lazy to do anything about it. “What you doing?”

“Nothing.” He smiled.
“Why you worried? Go back ‘cross the street!” Jayden yelled. Tisa frowned and for the first time ever, Madjesty wanted to drop

kick his brother. “Jay, go lock the door before mama come in here.” “She ain’t gonna come. Mr. Bad Guy in the living room with her.” “Go lock it anyway.”
Knowing he wanted his privacy, Jayden frowned and locked the

door. Then he stayed on his top bunk knowing his brother wanted to be left alone. But it didn’t stop him from rolling his eyes at Tisa every chance he got.

“I heard about what happened at school. Is it true?”

Madjesty looked at her glossy lips and wondered how they tasted.

“No. They lying on me and stuff.”
“If it ain’t true how you know what I’m talking about?” He got caught in his lies. “Cause I heard about it too.”
“Good…I’m glad it’s not true.” She smiled. Then she handed him a

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