Ravaged By The Pack (The Alpha's Mate) (4 page)

BOOK: Ravaged By The Pack (The Alpha's Mate)
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Confusion washed over her as she looked out at him. “W-who is it?” she called out, uncertain of why he was visiting her motel room after dark. She had some guesses, though none of them were appropriate.
Something tells me he isn't here for some action...

“It's me, Todd Blackston. If it isn't too much trouble, please let me in. We need to talk. It's important,” he said through the door. He was standing firm in the hall, showing no signs of leaving. His expression was gravely serious, his bushy eyebrows in a tight knit and his stubbled jaw tensed.

“Uh, sure... just a second.” Jenna sought out a pair of pajamas and threw them on. She looked herself over in the bathroom mirror for an instant to make sure she didn't look too disheveled and then opened the door. She smiled at him as she caught sight of him in the hall. “It's nice to see you. What brings you out here at, uh... this hour? And, if you don't mind me asking... how did you know where to find me?”

With a quick push, he shoved the door away and marched past her into the room, uninvited. He closed the door behind him and surveyed the space, holding a finger to his lips.

What's gotten into him?
She thought.
How rude. Hasn't anyone ever told him that he can't just barge into someone's room like this?

When he was evidently finished surveying the room, he turned to her. “We need to talk,” he said, his deep voice marked with gravitas.



Jenna motioned towards the bed. “Sure, go ahead and have a seat.”

He ignored her however, folding his arms and pacing across the room towards the window. “Tell me, was there anyone here with you?”

“What?” she asked, baffled. “What do you mean?”

He sighed, his annoyance becoming apparent. “I mean have you been alone all night? Have you had anyone else in this room?”

She was more than a little off-put by his questions. Just what business of his was it, anyway? He was her new boss, not her master. “Uh, no,” she replied. “I've been here by myself. Just got back from dinner, actually. Why?”

Todd grumbled, turning towards her. He took a few paces, his face fixed into a scowl. “You aren't lying to me, are you? Because it wouldn't be a good thing if you were.” He took a few more steps, till he was within a foot of her. As she retreated towards the wall, he closed the gap further.

She was cornered now, within mere inches of him, and feeling frightened. “W-what are you doing here?” Jenna managed. She'd been caught completely off guard by his anger and wasn't prepared to fend him off.

He was dressed in casual clothes now; a form-fitting pair of jeans and a black T-shirt. The shirt was held taut over his muscled chest and shoulders, and its sleeves strained to contain the curve of his bicep as he reached up and placed a hand against the wall, blocking her only route of escape. He brought his face within inches of hers, his hot breath striking her skin as he continued. “Are you

Gulping, Jenna nodded. “And I don't see what business it is of yours, anyway.” She attempted to push him away, throwing her hands into his chest, but quickly shriveled back when she found she couldn't make him budge. Not in the slightest. It was as though he were made of stone. Even his muscles were rock-hard, inhuman in their firmness. Watching the scowl on his face intensify, the rest of her courage evaporated.

He grasped her wrists and forced her against the wall, his solid body pressing into hers. She sighed against him, her heart galloping in terror.
What the hell is he going to do?
was the only coherent thought she could muster as he mashed his body against hers. She could feel a particular bulge against her thigh, likely his erection, though her terror was so great that she couldn't even think of it as sexy. She wanted to scream.

His eyes were intense, boring into hers as though they were drills. They were searching for something, for a trace of a lie. Finally, he let her go and took a step back, clearing his throat. It took him a few moments before he spoke again. “I'm sorry,” he finally said, running a hand through his hair and shaking his head. “I... I don't know what came over me. I was just, well...”

She looked at him, her eyes still teeming with horror. Though he was acting calm now, he'd given her a fright she wouldn't soon forget. And besides, his pant leg was still throbbing with a massive erection. Whatever had gotten into him evidently hadn't passed just yet.

“I couldn't control myself. I had to come over here because I thought you might be in trouble,” he continued, looking up at her with no little guilt in his gaze. “I'm sorry about this.”

She couldn't bring herself to respond. She nodded slowly, easing her way towards the bed, away from him. When she'd built a bit of distance between them, she finally spoke. “What are you doing here? What did you think was happening?”

Todd pursed his lips and buried his hands in his pockets. “It's hard to explain,” he said, shooting her a strange glance.

“I've got time,” she replied. Her cell phone was in reach now. She was prepared to call the police if she didn't get a satisfactory answer.

He sighed. “There are people here in Twinbrook...
people, Jenna. And they're looking for you.”

Jenna forced a short laugh. “Looking for
?” It sounded ridiculous. “No one knows me here. Who could possibly be looking for me? Certainly no one has burst into my room with demands... except for you, that is.”

“It's not like that,” he replied, annoyance stealing into his expression once more. “They're not normal people, but...”

“Well, what do you mean? Who's looking for me?”

Todd cleared his throat and changed the subject. “I take it you haven't found a place to live yet?”

“Not yet,” she admitted.

“Good. You'll be living close to me, then. So that I can keep an eye on you.”

She was outraged. “Uh, excuse me? Who do you think you are, barging in here and talking to me like this? Why would I want to live close to you, or even work for you, at this point? So that you can keep me safe from some
bad people
you won't tell me anything about? Just... just leave, please.”

He grimaced, gritting his teeth. “If you want the job, you'll live close to me. You'll live wherever I tell you, because I'll be keeping you safe. Got that?”

Jenna leaned over and picked up her cell phone. “Listen, I'm not interested in your job. And I'm not interested in your living arrangements. Get out of my room now or I'm calling the cops.”

Todd began to protest, but finally relented. “Have it your way,” he said before storming out of the room. He slammed the door behind him.

After a few moments, Jenna took a seat on the bed and palmed her cell phone.
What the hell just happened?
She sighed, the terror in her heart still very real. What had possessed him to visit and make such demands of her was a mystery. All she knew was that she no longer felt comfortable around him, and that she wasn't going to be showing up at his office for work. It occurred to her that she might look for a job elsewhere, though the prospect of staying in such a small town, where she was likely to run into him again, didn't sit well.
Did you make the right decision in coming here after all?
She couldn't help but wonder.

She wasn't going to get to sleep anytime soon. That much was certain. After a dozen looks through the peephole and a good bit of pacing, Jenna finally began to relax. She double-checked the deadbolt and sat up in bed, cradling her knees. It was going to be a long night.
Should I call the cops or something? Just because he's gone now doesn't mean he won't come back...

As she weighed the idea of making a call to the police, she heard something outside. She held her breath as the sound registered in her ears.
No, no, no! Damn it! Can't this night just end already? What the hell is it now?
There was a ruckus outside her window. Something had bumped up against the building, and she'd heard a low growl. Was Todd being attacked by the wolf she'd seen earlier? Though she couldn't find it in herself to be concerned for him, her curiosity got the better of her. She started for the window and pulled back the curtain to have a look.

What she saw sent a fresh shock through her.

Todd was indeed locked in battle with a wolf. He was pinned to the ground; a massive, snarling wolf with golden fur had its fangs at his throat.

Jenna cried out, her mind blanking at the terrible scene. To her horror, the wolf peered up at her with its yellowish eyes, which glimmered in the moonlight. And then she watched in greater horror as Todd's body squirmed beneath the beast.
He's done for!

Todd, his arm only barely forcing back the wolf's mouth, loosed a great howl, animalistic and raw. And then Jenna saw it. His skin seemed to darken. What she thought at first might have been dark, red blood washing over his skin, was actually thick, black hair upon further inspection. His muscles bulged in his clothes and, within an instant, were torn to shreds around his form. The wolf backed away a few paces as something dreadful happened to Todd. And Jenna, too, fell a few steps back from the window. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Rolling onto all fours, Todd's hands and feet blossomed into great, black paws. His face lengthened to feature a snout and a mouth full of white teeth. When it was done, he'd become a massive wolf, his black fur bristling in the moonlight, his throat teeming with terrible howls. He shook off bits of the clothing that yet clung to him and took to circling around the wolf with the golden fur. A battle was about to take place.

Jenna grasped the window, steadying herself. There was no explaining what she'd just seen. It'd been like something out of a movie, unreal and unbelievable. And yet, it'd just transpired outside her window. She tried pinching herself, hoping to find she was dreaming, but the pain provided her with all the dreadful reassurance she needed. Trying not to scream, her breathing quickened and her lungs began to burn. Jenna's head felt strange, as though it were suddenly filled with bricks.
No... don't faint,
she thought, slowing her breathing and leaning harder against the wall.
You need to run. You need to keep your wits about you so that you don't get attacked by some fucking werwolves or whatever the fuck this is...
Her mind struggled with even the most basic of thoughts. Controlling her body, coming up with a plan; none of it seemed possible right then as she watched the two wolves dive at one another.

From within the woods, Jenna glimpsed something so horrific it nearly overpowered her and sent her into unconsciousness, despite her best efforts. The forest was lit up with yellowish eyes. There were wolves all around the motel, and they were rapidly emerging from the woods.
What the...! How many are there? What are they doing here?
Still, answers were elusive, and it was all she could do to keep from crying. She watched as wolves of different sizes and colors either joined in the brawl or investigated the outside of the motel, growling loudly.

What were the wolves there for? Would she be safe inside the room? Would they eventually leave? She had a million questions, but found in the shining yellow eyes only the promise of unrivaled terror.
I've got to get out of here... but how? And where will I go?
She pulled away from the window and staggered towards her door as the baying of the dogs outside reached a crescendo. Perhaps someone else in the motel, or the management, had a gun. She fumbled with the doorknob, fighting back tears of disbelief, until a new sound saw her back up against the wall and slump down to the floor.

A powerful paw struck the window; a set of claws clattered against the glass. The pane shook as though it were about to give way.
Oh shit, oh shit...
There was no doubt. As she watched the glass shake and the listened to the barking outside, she was sure that they were after her. More than that, she was positive that another swipe at the window would see the glass break. They would soon be upon her. Bawling, she thought to hide, but before she could scamper under the bed, one of the massive wolves burst through the window and landed with a thud against the floor. Broken glass showered the room as it struck the wall and fell to the floor on its side. The grey-colored beast staggered to its feet, and after a moment, settled its gaze on the sobbing Jenna. It bared its teeth, a trail of saliva running from its lips and its tail in an upward position.

Just then, a second wolf burst through the window and dove into the grey one. This one, rust-colored, sank its fangs into one of the other's hind-limb's, eliciting a yelp. They struggled against each other as Jenna jumped up and began once more for the door. She did her best to disengage the various locks, ignoring the sounds of yet more wolves entering through the window.

Turning the doorknob, she felt a tug at her pant leg. Her pajama pants gave way with a loud tear, the lower half of the leg tearing away in the teeth of a snarling wolf. She screamed, falling against the door and spinning round to find half a dozen wolves now in her room. Those that weren't brawling were coming towards her.

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