Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros #2) (13 page)

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Authors: MT Stone

Tags: #The Pleasure Pros

BOOK: Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros #2)
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Chapter 12



All I heard was
the clanking of metal, as I stood there blindfolded.
There must have been some sort of cage
that Gunner had to open manually.
When he said, “step forward into the elevator,” I could just picture the
type of old elevator that I had seen in movies.
I had a sudden image of myself being
taken hostage.


“Relax,” Gunner
whispered in my ear as he ran his hands up the front of my dress, squeezing my
breasts firmly.
“Remember what I
told you about humiliation?”


“No!” I searched
my mind trying to recall what he had said about it that first night.
He hadn’t mentioned anything about it
“What kind of humiliation?”


“You’re about to
find out.”
He unzipped my dress and
pushed it off my shoulders.
Then he
unclasped my bra and slid that off my arms as well.


This feels familiar
, I thought as the cool night teased my
hardening nipples.
We must be going outside again
I thought back to how it had felt that first
weekend when he had forced me to undress in the car.
I felt him move in front of me before
another series of metallic sounds let me know that we had reached our


“Walk forward,” he
instructed as he held my hands behind my back.


“Yes, Sir,” I
replied, knowing that it was time to use sub language.


Stepping from the
elevator a cringing shiver surged through my nearly naked body.



“I’ll warm you up
in a second,” Gunner hissed.
“Spread your legs.”


I could tell by
his change in demeanor, that Carter must have been giving him non-verbal
Gunner was always darkest
when he was prodding him.
encircled my left ankle with a fur-lined cuff and secured it.


“It’s a beautiful
night for sex under the stars,” he whispered, slipping his hand inside my
panties to caress my startled clit.


“That feels good,
I felt a rush of excitement
between my legs against his light, teasing touch.
He nibbled my earlobe, while continuing
to stroke me gently.
The thought of
being on the rooftop was instantly pushed to the back of my mind.
I love his cologne.


“Tell me who’s my
dirty little whore?”


“I am, Sir!”
Being called a dirty little whore no
longer caused the slightest reaction inside of me.


“You have gotten
to be a good little sub,” he complimented before placing a cuff on my other
ankle and securing it.


“Raise your arms,”
he demanded.


“Yes, Sir.”


He clipped each of
the leather mittens to something above me and pulled them tight.
“How does that feel?”


“I feel like
Gumby, Sir,” I replied, thinking back to an old SNL skit that I had seen as a


“You sure don’t
look like Gumby.” He laughed, running his hand along the curve of my ass.


A sudden slap of
his flogger replaced the warm touch of his hand.
Then a second one followed
by a third, fourth, and fifth.
“What do you say?”


I said nothing.


“What do you say?”
he demanded, giving me two more strokes on each ass cheek.


“Please stop,
Sir,” I said, knowing it was the wrong answer.


“What did you just
say?” he snarled in my ear.


“Please stop,
Sir,” I whimpered.


“That’s what I
thought you said.
You are going to
get the cane for that one.”




Raven had no idea
where we were, and she had no prior knowledge of my plans, but once again, she
played her part perfectly.
She knew
exactly what would anger me and rile up the audience.
I grabbed my cane and tapped several
times on the top of her ass to get her warmed up.


“You are going to
get ten strokes and I want you to count them for me.”


“Yes, Sir,” she


I tapped her left
ass cheek with a little more intensity, but once again, she didn’t say a word.


“Why aren’t you
counting?” I yelled, striking her sharply on the other cheek.


“Two!” she
screamed out.


We are starting over and you better do it
right this time or I’ll up it to twenty!”


I tapped lightly
down the length of her back before striking her just beneath her left ass


“ONE!” she


The cane had made
a loud slapping sound, but hadn’t even left a mark, so she was over reacting to
the pain level.
I began to alternate back and forth
between her two cheeks maintaining the level of intensity until I reached
She continued to scream out
the number count.


“Only two left, so
these have to be good,” I teased her, running the cane along the back of her
I could see her legs were
shaking as the cane ran along her tender skin.


… fuck!
Nine,” she screamed as I struck her firmly in the middle of the left


“I’m going to let
that one pass,” I growled in her ear.
“But this one better be perfect.”


She moaned and
twitched as I ran the cane slowly down her right leg.
I looked up at the big screen TV and the
cameraman was focused in on her shaking legs.


“Ten, Sir!” she
screamed as I gave her a hard stroke on the back of her right leg.


That was beautiful,




God that hurt!
The backs of my legs were on fire and my only hope
was that the discipline portion of the show had been fulfilled.
Even though the caning hurt like hell, I
could tell that my body was already sending chemicals to my rescue.
The intense burning began to subside and
comforting warmth moved in to take its place.
Then a cool breeze floated across my
naked body causing instant Goosebumps.
Where the hell did he go?


“Did you miss me?”
he asked as he reappeared behind me.


“Yes, Sir.”
was feeling a bit overexposed


“Don’t worry.
I’m going to give you plenty of
His musky cologne and
spearmint-scented breath teased my nostrils as he nibbled my earlobe and rolled
my nipples between his fingers.


… that’s nice, Sir,” I moaned softly against his touch.


His hands traveled
down the front of my body until they reached my thong, which remained in
“Why are you still wearing


“I don’t know,
You were the one who left them on me.


“They do look
sexy.” He got down and positioned himself between my legs.


“Thank you,
I felt his finger pushing
them off to the side.


His hot tongue teased
at my lips, providing an incredible contrast with the crisp night air.
To intensify the effect, he would softly
blow on my clit after each tongue stroke.
I felt the sexual tension building with each pass.
“That feels incredible, Sir.”
I hoped that a compliment would
encourage him to continue.


“You like that,
huh?” he asked, standing up to confront me face to face.


“Yes, Sir.
I really do.”
why I’m dripping wet, Sir.


“I’m glad you
enjoyed it,” he whispered before grabbing hold of my panties and literally
ripping them off me.
“There, that’s


“Thank you,
I said, not knowing what else
to say.


“I need you to
hang onto these.”
There was a
sudden pinching in my left nipple, followed by an equally harsh one in the


“Ouch, Sir.
That really hurts.”
of a bitch!


“This will make it
feel better,” he replied while apparently tightening each one. “Does that
help?” he asked while I released a rather loud whimper.


“No, Sir.
Those really hurt.”


“Maybe this will help,”
he said before going back to teasing my pussy with his tongue and breath.


As he became more
aggressive, I could see exactly what his intentions were.
An equally intense pain emanating from
my nipples was offsetting the intense pleasure that he was generating
My attention kept shifting
back and forth, going to the spot that was most intense at the moment.
He became more aggressive, grabbing hold
of my hips and forcing his tongue deep within my folds.


“Oh… thank you,
Sir,” I said, feeling a flutter of warm sensations traveling up my midsection.


Without a word, he
began to wiggle my hips causing immediate pain to course through both
Way to ruin that sensation, buddy


He continued the
same pattern over and over.
time that I began to feel an orgasm build, he would tear my attention away from
it with another surge of pain.
first several times, I found it very frustrating, until I made the decision to
welcome both sensations.


“Thank you, Sir,”
I yelled out the next time he shook my hips.


Apparently liking
my answer, he slipped two fingers inside of me while continuing to work my
tender flesh with his tongue.
Ok, now an orgasm is within reach.




Raven didn’t
realize it at the time, but she had a mother lode of endorphins building up in
her system.
Each time I intensified
the sensations, her body would react by adapting to the new level of
I reached up with my free
hand and tapped my fingers against the heavy nipple clamps that were dangling
from her tits.


“Thank you, Sir!”
she screamed in sheer anguish.


That’s enough pain for now
, I thought as my fingers re-entered
My fingers found the nook in
the center of her G-spot and began to massage it while my lips and tongue
grabbed hold of her clit.
out any cries from above, I focused on generating every ounce of pleasure I
could possibly muster.
Her hips
began to gyrate wildly, so I steadied them with my free hand and continued to
ravish her with reckless abandon.


“Oh god, Sir… oh
,” I
as her moans had become screams.


I knew something
big had been brewing, and it was about to come to fruition.
I pulled out my fingers and stepped

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