Raw Passion (MMA Sports Romance) (15 page)

BOOK: Raw Passion (MMA Sports Romance)
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Colin came fast, but his orgasm was no less satisfying.  It was just what Colin needed.  And as Colin laid beside Julie in bed basking, his mood had completely shifted. 

"Are you still nervous about the fight?" Julie asked. 

"Are you kidding?  After that, I feel like I can do anything," Colin admitted. 

Julie smiled. 


"Alright kid.  You know I'm not one for big speeches, so I'm just going to wish you luck," Jimmy said. 

"Thanks Jimmy," Colin replied. 

"And I just want you to know that no matter what happens out there, I'm proud of you," Jimmy said. 

"That means a lot to me," Colin admitted.  "You know, I couldn't have done any of this without you."

"Let's not get all sentimental.  You've got the fight of your life on your hands.  You have to focus," Jimmy insisted. 

Jimmy may have had a craggily exterior, but deep down Colin knew that he liked the acknowledgement.  Jimmy had always been a father figure to Colin.  And it was true--Colin would have a completely different career were it not for Jimmy.  But Jimmy was right.  Colin had to focus.  He had a monumental task at hand.  And things didn't look promising. 

As the fight grew more near, it was tense in the locker room.  But unlike with the Trent Cutler fight, Colin was completely focused.  He wasn't about to let himself get distracted.  Not when he knew what was on the line.  Not when he was so close to a title.  Colin had waited too long for this moment to come to let it slip away.  He was going to do everything in his power to come out on top.  To end his fighting career with a victory.  To go out a champion.  The rest was up to fate.        


There was a lot fanfare associated with an MMA fight.  A lot of hype that could distract a fighter.  It was up to Colin to block that all out.  The minute Colin came out of the tunnel, he was assaulted by the bombastic roar of the crowd.  It was so loud in the arena that Colin almost couldn't hear himself think.  While Roderick jumped around hooting and hollering on his way to the change, Colin just kept his head looking forward.  He didn't notice the cheers nor the jeers from various crowd members.  He didn't notice the scantily clad ring girls.  He didn't get fazed by the music blaring.  He just made his way into the cage and got ready for the moment he'd been waiting for his whole life. 

As the announced introduced the fighters to the crowd, Colin went over the game plan in his head.  He didn't let his focus down for one second.  He knew that he only had one shot at beating Roderick.  Just one slim chance.  And he had to be ready. 

Roderick meanwhile seemed as confident as ever.  And why wouldn't he be?   The man was undefeated.  He saw Colin as nothing more than a patsy--a fly that needed swatting. 

Roderick was in peak form.  It looked like he had zero percent body fat.  Like he was all muscle.  As if he was made of twisted steel.  He had an imposing presence.  Even when Colin was five years younger, he never looked like that. 

It was right then that a moment of doubt started to creep into Colin's mind.  What had he gotten himself into?   But it was too late to turn back.  Colin had trained too hard, he'd gone through too much to throw in the towel not to give it his all.  But that didn't mean his all was good enough to beat Roderick. 

Colin could see why Roderick was known as the knockout king.  Colin knew that he only had the slightest window to even keep the fight competitive.  And when or even if Colin got his opening, he had to pounce on it.  There could be no hesitation.  The execution would have to be flawless. 

While the referee explained the rules of the fight to Colin and Roderick, they stared each other down.  It was the calm right before the storm.  Colin knew that holy hell would be unleashed in a minute.  Roderick had a take no prisoners look in his eyes.  He looked like a rabid pit bull.  Then the bell went off to start the fight and Colin realized that no matter what happened, his life would never be the same. 

Most fighters started a fight circling each other.  They wanted to get a feel for things before launching an all out blitz.  They'd throw a couple of jabs here or there, looking for a seam to exploit.  Then, if the initial jabs or roundhouses landed, they'd pounce. 

Roderick wasn't like that.  There was no feeling out.  There was no easing into anything.  There was just an onslaught.  Roderick came out swinging.  He had the quickest fists Colin had ever seen.  Before Colin knew it, he was backing his way into the cage trying to dodge Roderick's punches.  But Colin could only dodge so many.  Finally Roderick landed a shot to Colin's chest. 

It was like Colin had gotten hit by a ton of bricks.  Colin could tell he was going to be in a world of hurt in the morning.  But if Colin wasn't careful, things could get out of hand in a hurry.  If Roderick was able to land a direct shot to Colin's face, it would be lights out.  And after backing Colin up to the cage, that's just what Roderick was aiming for. 

Even though the fight had just started, Roderick was looking to end it in a hurry.  It was like Roderick was trying to break the record for the quickest knockout in history.  And if Colin wasn't careful, Roderick would do it. 

But Roderick was in such a hurry to make it a quick fight that he was almost too zealous.  Colin knew that if he could just fend off this initial push that he'd have his opening to strike.  Then again, that was a big if. 

That being said, Roderick had Colin just the way he wanted him.  Or so it seemed.  Colin may not have been as young and agile as he used to be, but he still had the speed left in him for one surprise move.  So as Roderick went to deliver a crushing right cross to Colin's face, Colin was able to roll away from the punch at the last minute.  With Roderick whiffing on the punch, that left him off balance for a second. 

That left a slim opening for Colin.  It was possibly the only opening he would get.  So Colin realized he had to take advantage of it.  It was now or never.  So Colin decided to go all in.  He managed all the leverage he could, then sprung forward, tackling Roderick like a linebacker trying to sack a quarterback.  And amazingly, it worked. 

It was just like Colin's trainer had predicted.  Colin was known as a stand up fighter.  So no one, the least Roderick, ever expected Colin to bust out a wrestling move.  Roderick looked completely taken by surprise.  And that element of surprise cost him. 

Colin was able to tackle Roderick and wrestle him to the ground.  It was a dubious first for Roderick.  No pro fighter had ever been able to get Roderick off of his feet.  But Colin wasn't done.  He was able to get Roderick down on the mat, but that didn't mean Roderick was going to stay there.  Colin knew he had to keep Roderick on the mat.  That he had to take advantage of the opportunity in front of him. 

Colin had to get Roderick in a choke hold, and fast.  But Roderick tried to get up as quickly as possible.  Colin threw a quick punch to Roderick's face to slow him down.  That gave Colin just enough time to try and put on choke hold on Roderick.  But it wasn't easy.  Roderick was as strong a fighter as Colin had ever fought.  And he was a slippery guy.  As Colin tried to get to get the choke hold on, Roderick kept managing to slip out of it.  At the same time though, Colin was able to wrap his legs around Roderick and keep him from getting to his feet. 

Despite Roderick's best efforts to slip away, Colin was finally able to get him in a choke hold.  All of a sudden it was a whole new fight.  It was a position that Roderick had never been in before.  The crowd reacted with stunned silence.  They couldn't believe it.  This was just unprecedented. 

Colin had no time to revel though.  He had to try to finish the job.  He'd defied the odds and gotten Roderick to the mat, but it wouldn't mean anything if Roderick was able to free himself.  So Colin applied as much pressure as he could.  He tightened his grip, trying to force Roderick into submission. 

Roderick kept squirming though.  He kept swinging his fists back trying to land a punch to Colin's face that would free him from the choke hold.  Roderick was damn strong.  Colin didn't know how much longer he could hold his grip.  How much longer he could keep Roderick down.  Colin could feel his grip slipping.  He could sense Roderick getting close to breaking free.  And if Roderick was able to slip out of the choke hold, Colin would be in deep shit. 

Colin knew he had to dig deep.  That he had to use all he had left in his tank to try to finish Roderick off.  Colin mustered all the might he could to choke Roderick out.  And that last push made all the difference.

Colin was able to tighten his choke hold.  Suddenly he could feel Roderick weakening.  He knew it was working.  He knew he just needed to hold out a little longer.  That if he held his grip a few seconds more, he'd be able to taste the most unprecedented victory in MMA history. 

Then, it finally happened.  Against all odds, Roderick tapped out.  He'd had enough.  The fight was over.  Colin won. 

It was amazing.  Colin almost couldn't believe it.  As Colin rose to his feet, he felt like he was walking on air.  He did it.  He actually did it.  Roderick was undefeated no more.  What seemed so impossible just a few minutes before was all too real suddenly.  Colin didn't just get his title shot, he actually won. 

It was the perfect ending.  The perfect way to go out.  And Colin was completely on top of the world.  



Julie and Colin laid in bed after the fight, with a post coital glow to them.  Julie looked at Colin's new MMA championship title belt still in awe, then saw Colin gazing at her. 

"So what do you want to do now, champ?" Julie asked, playfully. 

"You mean other than stay in bed with you?  Because I can do that forever," Colin said, kissing her neck. 

"You're pretty frisky for a guy that just had a title fight," Julie mentioned. 

"What can I say?  When I'm around you, I'm never short of energy," Colin said, now running his hands down her body. 

"You know, I knew you could do it," Julie replied. 

"Thanks to you," Colin said. 

"That's sweet, but I wasn't the one in that cage taking on that beast," Julie explained. 

"True.  But you're the one that made me believe in myself again when I needed it the most.  You gave me the strength to overcome the odds.  And for that you deserve all the credit in the world," Colin said. 

"Just when I think you can't get any sweeter, you find a way," Julie replied. 

"Hey, if the fight tonight proved anything, it's that anything is possible," Colin said. 

"It's still amazing to think what you just did.  Do you realize you just shocked the world?" Julie replied. 

"I guess it hasn't sunk in yet.  I'm still kind of in shock myself," Colin said. 

"So is the world.  What a way to go out," Julie replied. 

"My parents always said there's no better way to go out than on top," Colin remarked. 

Julie then gazed into Colin's eyes. 

"That's funny.  Because whenever we're in bed, you always like to be on the bottom," Julie replied. 

Colin then gave Julie a deep kiss. 

"Who's the frisky one now?" Colin asked. 

"What can I say?  I just can't help myself around you," Julie admitted. 

"You know, a man can never hear that enough," Colin said. 

"Will you just kiss me already?" Julie replied, playfully. 

Colin then gave Julie a deep kiss. 

"Any other requests?" Colin asked. 

Julie smiled.  "Well, if you're not going to put up a fight, then I can think of a couple."

"Are you kidding? My fighting days are over," Colin said. 

"By the way, now that you've conquered mixed martial arts, what are you going to do now?" Julie asked. 

Colin was at a crossroads in his life.  He was done fighting.  He'd reached the pinnacle of the sport.  He'd gone out on top.  And with his professional dream finally coming true, he was ready to move on to his personal dreams.  To live a happy, fulfilling life with the woman that he loved. 

At the same time, Julie had finally found the love she'd been waiting for.  Her life was as happy as can be.  It seemed like things were only going to get better and better.  And she didn't ever want that to change

Colin then gazed into Julie's eyes.  "I'm not sure.  But I know everything will be fine as long as I'm with you."

The End. 

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Texan University had only won two college football national championships in its entire hundred and fifty year history.  Brett Stanton was a part of the team both times--the first time as the team captain and star quarterback, and the second time thirty-one years later as the head coach.  There wasn't anyone in the town of Juniper Flats that didn't know Brett's name.  He was an absolute legend.  Everywhere he went, he was greeted with fanfare.  Restaurants named menu items after him.  Fans bought him drinks at every bar he went to.  And it wouldn't be long before the school built a statue in his honor. 

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