Read Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection Online

Authors: Honey Palomino

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection (113 page)

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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The deadbolt clicked loudly as I locked us in, and I turned around to offer Crow a beer.

Before I could utter a sound, he had pushed me back against the front door, his lips eagerly descending on mine. I kissed him back just as feverishly, throwing my free arm around him, and cradling the daisies in my other hand. I pulled him into me, meeting his passion with my own. Undulating against me, his hips ground into me and I felt him harden against my thigh as his mouth longingly devoured mine.

I moaned into his kiss, surprised by the immediate intensity, but completely welcoming of it. I had missed him, craved him, yearned for him the last few days. In spite of the intensity of everything going on around us, the chemistry between us was explosive and undeniable. Judging by the heat coming from his throbbing cock, he felt exactly the same way.

His lips trailed down my chin and he began nibbling at my neck as he pushed his body against me impatiently.

“I missed you...” he murmured, “the taste of you...” I sighed and buried my fingers in his soft, damp hair. The minty, soapy, leathery musk of him invaded my senses as my breasts swelled under his assault when his lips reached the edge of my shirt.

“Crow,” I whispered, watching him nibble at my soft flesh, “let me put these flowers down.”

“Screw the flowers.” He ripped them from my hand and tossed them on the floor as his mouth captured mine again before beginning his trail down to my breasts once more. With both hands free, I wrapped my arms around his muscular frame and pulled him into me. His lips and teeth dug into my flesh, his hot tongue licking my hardened nipples as he pulled my heaving breasts from the top of my shirt and devoured them, roughly kneading my tender skin. His hands pulled my shirt off, my breasts spilling out into his warm hands.

He sank to his knees and began deftly unbuttoning my jeans. Awkwardly, I stepped out of my boots and he pulled my pants down over my thighs swiftly. After stepping out of them, I stood in front of him shaking with emotion and yearning, wearing nothing but my new pair of panties and complete bliss as I watched him look up at me, softly caressing my thighs with his rough fingertips, as his eyes raked across my exposed body.

“I made dinner...” I stumbled over my words, and as they escaped my mouth, they sounded as if they came from someone else.

Mesmerized, I gazed into his eyes, lost, alone and yet completely familiar and at home there. He smiled gently at my words, his eyes lighting up with desire.

“I want dessert first,” he whispered softly. His warm breath caressed my center, warming the transparent lace stretched across my moistening sex. His mouth engulfed me, his tongue working against the cloth, scraping across it with his teeth, capturing my throbbing clit through the lacy fabric and biting it gently and then harder, until I was crying out, my moans echoing through the hallway as I buried my fingers in his soft curls and pressed his mouth into me, my hips pushing against him, begging for more.

He rose suddenly and before I knew what was happening, he had lifted me over his shoulder and was carrying me past the kitchen, down the hallway and into the bedroom. When I landed on the bed, he was on top of me. Fully clothed, his cut rubbed roughly against my bare breasts and the promise of heavenly pleasure rubbed hard against my thigh.

His mouth smashed against mine as he kissed me deeply, roughly, deliciously. His breath quickened, and so did his pace. He stood up and began quickly removing his clothes.

He was a god in front of me - his thick, ropey muscles were covered in perfect, tan skin. Dark hair flowed down to his tight tattooed chest covered by coarse hair that trailed down to the most magnificent cock I had ever seen. I couldn't help but be spellbound every time I saw this man naked. He demanded undivided attention. And I was almost ready to give it to him.

“Wait.” I stopped him, as he started to come towards me, his hard cock at rapt attention between his legs. “Wait?” He looked at me, confused and curious.

“Your cut.” I said, trying not to crack a smile. “Put it back on.”

His laughter roared through the apartment, but after looking at me for a moment, he shook his head and retrieved it from the floor.

“Alright, alright...” he smiled down at me, descending on me with the tight black leather vest framing his perfectly sculpted abs, “the lady gets whatever she wants.”

His brought his lips to mine, but stopped short of meeting them. Playfully, he looked down at me, his charm melting every cell in my body.

“The lady gets what she wants AFTER I get dessert!” His lips brushed against mine lightly and he leaned back, gripping my panties with both hands, as my pussy quivered in anticipation. The cloth pressed against my hips hard before it ripped from my body, leaving a thin, red line on my ass.

My eyes fluttered and my head fell back at the first touch of his mouth. His tongue slid inside my lips and into my center, licking, tasting and fucking my welcoming sex. My legs widened and snaked around his shoulders as he moaned into me, ravishing my flesh with his hungry mouth. I pulled him into me as waves of pleasure poured over me. All thoughts fell from my mind, as I relaxed into his gorgeous assault and lost myself in blissful abandon.

His soft mouth worked against my tender clit, pushing me to the edge, and then pulling me back before I could find my release. He teased me, back and forth, harder and lighter and then faster and slower, over and over until I was thrashing on the bed before him, my naked body open and splayed out before him, begging him not to stop. His fingers slid into my slippery center, fucking into me harder and harder as his strong, full lips sucked on my engorged clit. I came against him in convulsing waves of blissful release, my voice crying out into the night as he held onto my hips, his strong fingers fucking into me until my hips softened against him.

He crawled up to me, kissing me gently as I lay below him, melting under his spell.

Quivering beneath him, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he entered me smoothly. Rocking into him, our bodies began moving together, urgently reaching for a shared pleasure, searching for that primal, savage connection that can only be found in such raw moments. Sliding into my clenching pussy, his cock swelled and his thrusts grew stronger and harder as I softened below him, submitting to his hungry need by opening to his sweet assault.

I looked up at him, his hard face turned soft and beautiful in the throes of his passion. Faster, harder, he fucked into me with skillful precision. The determination and strength he possessed only added to my need for this man. The raw masculinity that poured off of him made him the most irresistible thing I had ever come across. Tightening my legs around him and grabbing onto his leather, I held on for what seemed like hours as he continued burying his hard cock into me, fucking me in every direction and from every angle he wanted to. Moaning and pressing up into him, blissfully opening up to him, I begged him to fuck me harder and deeper. Slamming into me, he grew still and his engorged cock twitched inside of me.

The sun had set, and rising outside of my window, the light of the full moon spilled into my room, shadows dancing across Crow's cut and tattooed skin as the wet warmth of his passion poured into me. I sighed below him, my body melting into the bed, completely spent and blissful, the smell of leather, sweat and sensual musk filling the air.


The sound of the shower woke me up. It was still dark out, so we couldn't have slept more than an hour or so. I had never fallen asleep so peacefully in my life. Crow was solid and real. And he reminded me so much of my past. I felt so completely at home in his presence. I felt protected when he was around, and that was what was the oddest thing of it all. I didn't need protecting, I could protect myself very well. It was some vague sense of safety that was missing when I was alone, and when Crow was around, it wasn't missing anymore.

I heard the shower stopping, and smiled to myself at the thought of a very naked Crow standing wet and dripping in my bathroom. Stretching under the covers of my bed, I sighed, hoping he would let me lick the drops of water from his skin when he returned. I knew at some point we would have to get up and actually eat the dinner I had prepared, but none of that seemed important now that we were already in bed.

Softly and quietly, he returned to the bedroom. I felt his presence before I opened my eyes to drink his deadly sexiness. The glint of silver caught my eye and I tried to focus in the dark. Crow was standing at the side of the bed, deliciously naked, with his hair wet and dripping around his shoulders. My eyes blinked as I took in the medallion around his neck.

It was large, silver and very familiar. My police badge.

I jumped up off of the bed and our eyes locked. For the faintest second before his rage set in, his blue eyes flashed with pain. He looked at me questioningly, and as I stood there as naked as he was, I found myself unable to form any words at all.

My heart sank when I realized my fairy tale ending had come and gone.

My shoulders slumped in defeat, and I looked at him sadly.

“I'm so sorry.”

“You're sorry?!” He stormed over to me, and the anger in his eyes shook me to my core.

“You're a cop? Why are you fucking me and cooking me dinner, if you are a mother fucking cop? What the fuck is going on?”

“Crow, wait – just listen. I can help you.” What the hell was I talking about?

“I don't need your help! Cops don't help, they just fuck you over. And lie.” The look of disdain on his face was like a slap to mine. I started to come to my senses a little. How did he find my badge, anyway? I had it tucked away in a suitcase under my bed.

“And trick you into thinking they want other things too, apparently. If you're supposed to be undercover, you've done a really awful job. Sleeping with the suspect? Is that allowed? Are you going to put that in your report, Krys? Oh, wait, I bet Krys isn't even your name, is it? Stupid me. I can't believe I fell for your act.”

The words hurled into my face like a hail storm, and I took each blow like an arrow to the heart. He threw on his clothes quickly, as I stood there watching him helplessly.

“I'm so sorry. Please listen.” I begged, watching him put on his boots and slide his cut back over his shoulders.

“I didn't want to lie to you, Crow. I love -” I stopped abruptly, realizing I was just about to profess my love to a man who was looking at me like he could murder me at any second.

“You what?” His voice was eerily quiet as he leaned into me. “Did you say love? What a joke. This has all been a complete lie. I told you things I wouldn't say to anyone, and you made me believe you actually cared. Fuck you.” He looked deep into my eyes, his rage boiling off of him. “That's definitely not love.”

He threw the badge on my bed and stormed out of my bedroom. As I followed him down the hall, visions of him throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me to the bedroom flashed in my head, and my heart broke into pieces.

When he reached the door, he turned to me and pinned me against the wall.

“There's three reasons I'm not killing you. One, because I know my MC hasn't done anything illegal. I know you didn't find a fucking thing, whatever it was you were looking for. Next, because you are obviously really awful at your job and I feel bad for you. You almost had me there for a bit, but what kind of undercover cop leaves her badge on top of her towels in the bathroom cabinet? You might want to find another line of work.” He pulled back, looking at my naked body that he had just been tangled up in ecstasy with. “And last, because you were a really good fuck. With a pussy like that, I should have known you were too good to be true.”

He turned on his heel, his footsteps echoing as he walked out of my life.

I locked the door and fell onto the floor into a sobbing puddle of confusion, disappointment, and fear.


“Tommy, listen something isn't right. Someone was in my apartment, and I'm pretty sure it was Pete. I saw him by my door, and he told me he had come to tell me Crow was going to be late. I'm certain he broke into my apartment and moved my badge so Crow would find it.”

I sat in Tommy's rundown office once again, trying to come to some solution to this entire situation. After the horrible scene with Crow, I cried as I threw away the cold steaks, packed up and left the next morning, reluctantly returning to my old apartment and my old life. Whatever that was. I felt so lost and I wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed with Crow and pretend none of this had happened. But since I couldn't do that, and Tommy was determined not to let me fall into some deep depression and hide under the covers for the next few months, I wanted to find a way to help Crow, even if I wasn't on the case anymore.

“Liv, I know you got close to this guy. Too close. I really didn't mean for that to happen. I knew it was a risk, but I was hoping for the best. I'm sorry you got hurt in the process. It all happened very quickly, so hopefully you will get over it just as fast. But we have to be real careful here about who we are accusing of what. The DA isn't going to let any of this go, and whatever we report to him he is going to use against Crow in the worst way possible.”

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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