Read Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection Online

Authors: Honey Palomino

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection (148 page)

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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Colt and I couldn’t resist laughing, and once again, I was happy that Jesse was there to lighten the mood.  

“See, Colt? Now, how can you deny a titty connoisseur his right to enjoy titties?”  I asked.

Colt laughed, leaned back, and shook his head.

“Well, I guess when you put it that way.  I could probably use a good look myself,” he replied.  

“Aha! See!  That’s the spirit!  Me, too, boys, I love a good pair myself.  Sometimes, it’s hard to leave my bunk, because I can’t stop touching my own.”

Their raucous laughter echoed through the small dressing room, and I felt the stress of the last few days melt away.  As long as I had these two, and Colt’s friendship, I could handle life on the road.  I felt a little less lonely, and it made all the difference in the world.


Sweat poured down my back as I bowed to the audience, my bandmates on either side of me.  When I came off the stage, I was high.  Filled with gratitude that I hadn’t felt in a long time, I felt blessed to lead this life, to not be stuck in a cubicle all day, to be able to travel the world, play the music I wanted to play, do the thing that I loved and be able to make money at it, to move people.  

All the anxiety I had felt about my security was lessened, now that I had Colt and Jesse to watch over me.  It eased my mind every time I looked over at them during the show, and it made me perform better.  I wasn’t distracted.  At least not by fear.  Colt was a whole different distraction, but it was my body that was having a hard time with that.  I couldn’t be within three feet of him without my nipples hardening, and my panties dampening.  I was determined to have him in my bed, and soon.

“Are you boys ready to hit the town?” I asked, as we walked back to the dressing rooms.  “It’s titty time!”

“I’m always ready for titties,” Jesse said.  I looked over at Colt and he seemed uncomfortable, disturbed even.  When I nudged him and asked him what was wrong, he just grunted and shook his head.

“You’re not still pissed about going out, are you?” I asked.

“No, there’s nothing wrong,” he replied.  “Go ahead and shower and get dressed, we’ll wait out here.”

“Okay, sure, cool…” I said, shrugging and closing the door of the dressing room behind me.  I was happy to see the fully stocked bar waiting for me, and I poured myself a drink.  I looked through my huge crate of costumes, wishing once again that I had my leather jacket.  I had others, sure.  I had lots of them that I wore onstage, but I rarely wore those on the street.  I picked out the least flashy of them all, and a pair of jeans and motorcycle boots.  I wanted to dress down tonight, and create as little attention to myself as possible. By the time I had showered and dressed, I had a good buzz going, and I was ready to party.

Tonight was going to be a blast.  And if things went as planned, I would have Colt in my bed before the night was over.


The Kit Kat Club was situated on a busy alleyway in the Old Town district of Portland.  Rain was streaming out of the dark sky, soaking everything in sight, and making the cars and streets at once shiny and darker.  Even still, it was Friday night, and the crowd trailing around us didn’t seem to be fazed by it.  

This was what I remembered loving about this town.  People were casual, easy-going and friendly.  In spite of the torrential rainfall, they went about their business, only half of them even bothering to pull up the hood on their hooded sweatshirts that seemed to be a city-wide uniform.  

The strip club was right next to a trendy donut shop that stayed open all night long, with several other clubs and restaurants sprinkled along the alley.  

The driver Harvey had hired for us whisked us into the club and past the heavy black curtains that blocked the entrance.  Darkness fell over us, the dim lights creating an instant lounge-like ambiance.  

It was exactly as I remembered it.  The club itself was classy, it reminded me of a French boudoir, actually.  But the women were the best part.  Slinking around like a bunch of house cats, the women working there were exquisitely unique.  Covered in tattoos to varying degrees, the women were not only breathtakingly beautiful, but they were incredible athletes.  The strength and endurance required of the amazing moves they performed on the pole made the fact that they were naked a bonus to the show, but not the most impressive thing.  I loved watching their bodies move, watching their tattooed muscles dance and ripple in the flashing lights.  A cross of cabaret and burlesque, these ladies were the epitome of classy.  And strong.  And raw.  And yet, still playfully raunchy. 

And they were everywhere.  Two different stages with racks circling them had women on them, and to the left of the door was a long catwalk, with lights flashing behind three more very flexible, naked dancers.

I heard a low groan come from Colt, who was standing beside me, the three of us taking in the scene before sinking into a plush, red velvet booth below the catwalk.  With just a slight tilt of our heads, we had full view of the three gorgeous women dancing above us.

“You didn’t mention this was a nude club,” Colt said.  I looked at him, and saw that he was still in work mode.  His eyes scanned the crowd suspiciously, instead of meeting mine.

“Do you have a problem with vagina?” I asked, laughing a my own joke, as Jesse joined in.

Colt shook his head, ignoring me.  Suddenly, he turned to me, grabbed my arm and pulled me over to him as he leaned down to whisper in my ear.

“You just make sure you stay next to me.  I don’t trust anyone in here.  People are already starting to look your way.”

“I don’t care,” I said, pulling my arm away from him.  “I came here to have a good time.”

“Yeah, and I’m here to make sure you’re safe,” he growled.

“Oh, yeah? Well, then fucking do it and stop talking about it. Like I said, I intend to enjoy myself tonight, and you can join in, or you can watch.  Excuse me, Jesse, I need out.”  Colt was pissed but I didn’t give a shit.  I was tired.  I needed to forget who I was, just for a little while.  I slid out of the booth after Jesse moved, and I went to the ladies room. 

It was empty, and I was thankful for a moment alone.  I washed my hands, reapplied my lipstick, and looked in the mirror.  

“I’m Jett, dammit.” I said to my reflection.

I should be able to go out and party without worrying about some freak.  I knew Colt was trying to protect me, hell that is what I hired him to do, and I felt bad for him, but he was just going to have to get used to it.  

First things first.  I needed a drink. Or two. Or three.  Then I wouldn’t feel guilty for requiring some time for myself.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I wasn’t surprised to see Colt standing there, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes darting around like a fucking secret service agent in a patched vest.  An incredibly sexy, barrel-chested, deliciously tantalizing secret service agent.

“Don’t you think you’re over doing it a little, Colt? For fuck’s sake, relax a little.  Maybe try to blend in?”

“I have to be prepared for anything at any time,” he replied, his lips set in a stern grimace.  I sighed and turned away.

“I need a drink,” I said, walking back to our booth.  He followed along, as close as he could get without stepping on me.  His breath was hot on the back of my neck.  I smiled when I saw a waitress standing by our table when I returned.

She looked at me curiously.

“Aren’t you…” she trailed off, cocking her head to the side questioningly.

“Yes, darlin’, I am,” I said, winking at her.  “What’s your name?”

“Oh! Awesome, I love your music! I’m Nikki, it’s nice to meet you!”

“You too, sweetheart. Nikki, love, I’m parched.  Could I get a whiskey on the rocks, a double? Please? And keep ‘em coming, sweetheart. Get these fine gentleman whatever they want.  Oh,” I said, reaching into my purse and pulling out a few hundred dollar bills. “Can I get some change? For the girls,” I said, nodding to the stage.  

I felt Colt tense beside me again.  Did he think I was going to stay locked away in the corner with him and Jesse all night?  

“Of course!” Nikki listened while Jesse ordered a drink.  When she looked at Colt, he just grunted, and then asked for water.  

I felt a little sorry for him, I really did. But not because he wasn’t drinking.  I felt sorry for him that he had to put up with me while being sober. He was stronger than me.  To be able to get through life without a little help? I couldn’t do it.  There was just too much pressure, too many expectations.  Facing all that without something to numb it a little required a level of fortitude that I didn’t possess.  

I looked over at Jesse who was hungrily looking at all the girls circling around the club.  Some were dancing, some were sitting at tables and booths talking to patrons, some were leading men by the hand into the private rooms in the back.  I smiled, knowing that would be me later.

First, I had to choose which woman it would be. 

I loved women, I always had.  Having sex with women had always been as easy to me as having sex with a man.  Neither was greater than the other, they were equal in the same way they were different.  Like apples and oranges, I could never pick just one.  I’d always have chosen both over choosing at all.

That was why I loved this club, and Portland in general.  A woman in a club was no different than a man.  It was all accepted easily and openly.  It wasn’t like that in other cities.

That’s why I was dying to get to the rack.  It was fun, exciting, and sensual.  

Nikki returned with our drinks, and my change, and after tipping her heavily, I slid out of the booth without a word and made my way to one of the only two seats left around the circular stage.  When I saw Colt had decided to follow me, I smiled.  I sat down, but when he stood behind me with his arms crossed again, I just couldn’t handle it anymore. 

“For fuck’s sake, Colt, sit the fuck down.  Here,” I said, pushing away the chair next to me so he could sit down.

“No, I’m fine,” he grunted.

“No, you aren’t.  You’re fucking embarrassing me, sit the fuck down, please.”

He growled, but he sat down.  

“That’s better.  Here!” I said, handing him a fistful of dollar bills.  He took them, and smiled at me, shaking his head.

“Goddamn, Jett, you aren’t making my job easy,” he said.

“Well, I’m sorry.  I don’t mean to make it hard.  Let’s just have fun for a little while, and then we’ll leave.”

I turned away from him, his handsomeness threatening to make me give in and leave just to make him happy.  But I couldn’t.  How could I when I had a gorgeous woman making her way over to me, my lap full of money to give to her, and a full glass of whiskey to drink?

I threw a bunch of money on the stage in front of us, and she slithered over to us, wearing nothing at all but a bounty of colorful tattoos, blue hair and the prettiest smile I had seen in a long time.  She moved my drink as I smiled up at her.  Sinking to her knees she put one hand on my shoulder, one hand on Colt’s shoulder, and arching her back, she pressed her small, perky breasts into first my face and then Colt’s. I laughed and moaned in pleasure, deeply inhaling her flowery scent, her cheek brushing against mine seductively.

Slowly, and with her sweet smile still on her face, she moved away and danced over to another customer.  I turned to look at Colt, and my heart stopped when I saw the way he was looking at me.

What was it? Passion? Anger? It was hard to tell, and if I hadn’t been drinking, it might have scared me.  Instead, it intrigued me.  I wanted to delve into it and see what I could find there.  I knew Colt had a dark side, I knew he didn’t want me to see it, he didn’t think I could handle it.  If only he’d give me a chance to show him exactly how well I could handle him, then maybe I could unleash that darkness a little.  It was obvious he needed me just as much as I needed him.

The question was how to get there.  


Two hours and four whiskeys later, I was having the time of my life.  I had chosen three different women for private dances, one of which was the blue-haired girl that I had quickly become fond of.  Her name was Austin, and she was currently sitting in the booth with Colt and me.  Jesse was sitting at a nearby table with another dancer he had been talking to for a while.  

Austin was smart, sexy, and as I found out in one of the private booths about an hour ago, an excellent kisser.  Her hands were all over me, as we snuggled up against each other and flirted as the night wore on.  Colt didn’t say much, but I could tell he was at least attempting to appear less uptight.  And as much as he tried to be discreet about it, I caught his gaze lingering several times on a few of the girls.  Instead of making me jealous, it turned me on even more.  At least I knew he was human.  I wondered if his cock was hard.  I would have loved to have reached over to find out for myself, but I knew he would have been less than pleased about that.

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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