Rayven's Keep (23 page)

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Authors: Kylie Wolfe

BOOK: Rayven's Keep
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Nodding to Tru and offering a quick salute to Nick, he turned and left the room, making sure the door panel slid shut behind him.

“I don’t think Geir will be able to frighten you again,” Nick said once they were alone. His shoulder throbbed unmercifully, overshadowing the aches from his earlier beating. Too weary to keep his eyes open any longer he closed them and tried to ignore it. He must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing he knew, a female medic leaned over him with a MedScan.

“I see you are awake. Good. How are you feeling?”

“I’ve been better.”

Her smile was sympathetic, if a little distracted. She turned her attention to the MedScan readout. Nodding her satisfaction, she put it aside long enough to shoot another dose of pain medicine against the side of his neck.

“You are healing much better than expected, Captain Rayven. You are making excellent progress.”

“When will I be able to leave? I’m eager to get back to my home and business,” he said, his words slurring from the medication. Blinking bleary eyes, he didn’t protest when the medic lowered the head of his bed so he was prone. She fluffed his pillow to make him more comfortable and pulled his rumpled blankets straight with impersonal swiftness.

“I’ve spoken to your partner and she’s very aware of the care you will need while you travel home. If you continue as well as you have been, you may be able to leave tomorrow.”

“Where’s Tru?” His tongue felt thick and he fought to keep his eyes open. It worried him she was not in the room.

“I sent her to get some food. She’ll return once she has had an opportunity to clean up and eat. It is important she take care of herself as well. I don’t want two patients on my hands, now do I?”

He grunted and wished the medic would leave. He wanted Tru. He knew he wouldn’t be able to rest until she was back with him and he knew she was safe.

“I’ll arrange for a meal to be brought to you later. I’m sure you are starting to get hungry. Get some rest. I’ll check in on you before I go off shift.”

As quickly as she’d entered the room, she left, leaving a faint trail of antiseptic and perfume behind her.

Nick drifted on the pleasant cushion of the pain medication and allowed his mind to wander at will. Distantly, he realized he couldn’t hang on to a single thought long enough to reach any conclusions, but he didn’t mind. He did know he was still thirsty and once he acknowledged his thirst, it seemed to increase with every passing second.

A container of water stood on a table beside his bed, but the effort to shift enough to reach for it left him panting and irritable. Propped on one elbow Nick barely had his fingers on the container when Tru walked into the room.

“Nick! What are you doing?” she demanded and hurried to his side. “Let me get that for you.”

“Damn it, Tru, I’m not helpless,” he snarled in frustration. The water was just out of his reach, and no matter how it irked him, he did need her help. He flopped onto his back and bit back a groan from the sudden, unwise movement. Tight-lipped, pale and sweating, he avoided looking at her.

“Of course not,” she snapped. “Anyone can see you are perfectly able to care for yourself. You don’t need anyone, do you?” Grabbing the water, she shoved it at him. He could tell she was angry. She propped her hands on her hips and glared at him. “Far be it for me to interfere. I’m only a client, remember?”

* * * *

Tru’s breath hitched, and she covered her mouth with her hands. She looked at Nick, appalled she would lose her temper with him after everything he’d been through for her. Until the words had left her mouth she had not realized how much being just a client truly bothered her. Her growing feelings for Nick and the kiss they’d shared earlier had made the niggling doubts resurface.

She was afraid Nick might decide the kiss they’d shared was a mistake and the reason he was in such a hurry to get back in space was to return her home now his duty was done. It was irrational, disconcerting and wholly inappropriate, given the circumstances, and she regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth.

Nick struggled to take a few swallows of water, never taking his gaze off her. His eyes looked slightly unfocused from the pain medication and twin frown lines drew his brows together. She could see he was having trouble grasping what she was upset about.

“You aren’t just a client,” he said, his tone weary.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” Her fingers plucked at the bedding. “I don’t know what came over me.” She moved closer, removed the water cylinder from his lax fingers and placed it on the table, close enough he could reach it in future.

“S’no problem,” Nick said, his words running together. “Need sleep.” His eyes drifted closed only to blink back open as she moved away. “No, don’t leave.”

She turned back and returned to the side of his bed, unsure what to do. He barely had the energy to pat the bed to indicate he wanted her to lie down with him.

“You want me to climb into bed with you?” He scooted slowly to the opposite side, leaving enough room for her to lie down. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, Nick. What if I hurt you?”


“But–” she didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence before he frowned, reached for her hand and tugged her down.

Giving in, she stretched out beside him, making sure she didn’t touch any of his injuries. She laid her head on the pillow, and once she settled, he sighed.

“Better,” he mumbled, looking on the edge of sleep.

Tru watched him as his breathing evened out and deepened. His dark lashes made crescent shadows against his pale cheeks, but the swelling on his eye was almost gone. Bruises had rapidly changed color from deep purple to acid yellow. All vied with the shadow of his beard and almost hid the healing cuts. Deep lines fanned out from his eyes and added to his battered look.

Her heart twisted. She was in love with him, deeply and irrevocably. Careful not to wake him, she touched a fingertip to his mouth and brushed his lips before dropping away.

“I love you, Nick Rayven,” she whispered, certain he was asleep and wouldn’t hear her.



Chapter 19


The wind howled outside, its eerie shriek waking Nick from his uneasy dreams. Icy snow particles rapped against the viewscreen, competing with the quiet hum of the heater keeping the cold at bay. Listening, he heard quiet footfalls outside his door as medical personnel went about their business, quiet conversations echoing in their wake.

He lay still, allowing his sleep-dulled mind to catch up and take inventory of the aches and pains gnawing at him. He felt good, considering everything that had happened and had never been more grateful for the rapid healing abilities of his people as he was now. At this rate, he would be able to leave Killjoy and head into space without too much delay.

Tru shifted in her sleep beside him, her soft sigh brushing against the side of his neck making him very aware of her warm presence. She was nestled close to his body, but even in sleep, was mindful of his injuries and careful to keep a small space between them. Disliking the distance separating them, he slipped his good arm around her shoulders and nestled her closer. She settled easily against his length, murmuring in her sleep. He rested his chin on the top of her head, taking pleasure in the softness of her hair and the tantalizing scent of her skin. Deeply content, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the peaceful moment.

I love you, Nick Rayven.
The words surfaced from out of nowhere and his eyes popped open, his heartbeat thundering in his ears.

The whispered confession tantalized, making him wonder if he’d dreamed those words. Drawing brows together, he stared at the shadowed ceiling trying to remember, feeling unsettled and uncertain.

He recalled insisting Tru sleep on his bed, needing the reassurance of her presence before he’d allowed himself to give in to the medication and his body’s demands. His eyelids had been too heavy to keep open, but he’d known when she’d acquiesced by the slight dip of the mattress and the instant relaxation in his battered frame.

Nick moved his head on the pillow to see Tru’s sleeping face. She looked peaceful, dark lashes fanning her sleep-flushed cheeks, lips slightly parted. He turned his gaze back to the ceiling while his thoughts swirled in fruitless circles and his tension mounted.

The swoosh of the door sliding open drew him out of his mired thoughts. A medic bustled in, MedScan at the ready to record his healing progress. Tru stiffened beside him. Reluctantly, he let her slip out of his arms and sit up. She looked everywhere but at him, and his unease increased. The medic smiled at her and stood aside long enough for Tru to leave the bed and disappear into the cleanser.

Nick scowled at her retreating back, then at the door closed behind her.

“How are you feeling this morning?”

“How do you think I feel?” He was more concerned about Tru’s hasty exit than talking to the man standing over him recording his vitals. Out of the corner of his eye, Nick noticed the medic’s quick frown and closer look at the MedScan readout, and he sighed.

“You have astonishing recuperative abilities. Amazing, in fact,” the medic murmured. “Those ribs of yours are nearly healed, the blaster wound is already knitting together and the contusions are fading.” He ran another scan and whistled softly through his teeth. Raising his eyes he shifted his focus from the readout to Nick and added, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like this before. Do you always heal this quickly?”

“Yes,” Nick replied, not interested in elaborating on the almost legendary healing abilities of his people. It just raised questions about his home world and he preferred not to discuss it. He scooted into a sitting position and shifted his pillows behind his back. “So, when can I get out of here?”

The medic regarded him with open curiosity. He waited a beat as if expecting Nick to say more then shrugged. “I’d say you should be able to leave today, if you wish. I can’t see any reason to keep you longer.”


“I expect you to take it easy until you are fully healed. Once you are back on your own world, I recommend following up with your personal medical provider to make sure there’re no problems.”

Nick nodded, knowing he wouldn’t do anything suggested to him. What he thought must have showed on his face because the medic furrowed his brow and pinned him with a stern look.

“Fine. I’ll check in with my own medic. I promise,” Nick conceded with ill humor.

He could see the doubt on the other man’s face and was relieved when he didn’t push the issue. The medic tapped in a quick update and release documentation, before he said, “I’ve scheduled you for release after breakfast, but there is no rush.” A quick flash of a smile, and he left Nick to brood and wonder why Tru had not returned.

Bits and pieces of his conversation with her the previous night came back, but they were fragmented and he wasn’t sure what was real and what was imagined. He thought he remembered her complaining about being a client, but it just wouldn’t jell. He rubbed his jaw, feeling the rasp of whiskers and tried to dredge up the events of the day before. He dropped his hand from his face to knead the ache in his injured shoulder before he rotated it, testing his range of motion. He felt a twinge and winced.

“Are you trying to re-injure yourself?” Tru asked. She stood in the doorway to the cleanser, frowning at him.

“What? No, of course not,” he replied, startled out of his abstraction.

“Odd. I can’t help but think what you are doing wouldn’t be good for your shoulder. But, then what do I know.” She shrugged and strolled to the viewscreen. She opened the curtains with an irritated snap to gaze outside at the snow-covered landscape. She did not look at Nick as she spoke. “I’m not the one who was shot by a blaster and is lying in a hospital bed, am I?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, his voice sharper than he’d intended.

“Nothing.” Tru traced random patterns with a fingertip on the cool surface in front of her. “Your assignment is almost over, Nick. I’m sure you will be glad to get back to your own life.”

“What?” Nick frowned fiercely at her, still struggling to put the jagged pieces of memory together and listen to what she said now. He didn’t like the aloof smile on her face or the fact she deliberately put distance between them. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“It’s time for me to go home. Your job is done and we both need to get back to our lives.”

The words were curt, but he could hear the slight wobble in her voice. He didn’t understand. Of all the things she could have said, this was the last thing he expected.

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