Rayven's Keep (29 page)

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Authors: Kylie Wolfe

BOOK: Rayven's Keep
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She rose up on one elbow to study his face. “I can’t begin to understand all you went through, Nick. I know I couldn’t have survived it and come out whole. But, you did. Against all odds, you did. I’m amazed and awed by your resilience, your strength. It grieves me you lost everything in such a way, but I’m glad you are here with me. So glad.”

With her free hand, she traced the scar bisecting his eyebrow, skimmed down his cheekbone to cup his jaw. Her thumb brushed over his lower lip before she leaned forward to softly kiss his waiting mouth. His lips softened against hers, inviting her to explore, to taste, demanding nothing in return. Her hand drifted down the column of his neck in a light caress, across his shoulders and down the muscles in his arm. He loved the feel of her hands moving over his skin, warm and strong and leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

He curved his arm across her back and urged her down so she rested comfortably on his chest once again. He moved his head, giving her greater access as she trailed kisses along his jaw and down his throat before she moved back up to capture his waiting mouth.

He let her explore, enjoying her touch, allowing it to wash away the bitter memories. Desire built between them until there was nothing else but the next touch, the next scorching kiss and the slide of skin against skin. The past slipped away along with the pain of its memory, the only thing that mattered was this one moment and the woman in his arms. It was enough for now.

* * * *

Their time onboard
passed quickly and the closer they got to Bretonne, the more Nick dreaded their parting. Tru didn’t bring the subject up again, but he could see the strain in her smile. Not for the first time, he wondered if he was being foolish by insisting she go home. Already an ache was starting around his heart and it confused and frustrated him. He’d never felt it before, never needed as much as he did now. He wasn’t sure what to do about all the emotions tangling him up inside. All he knew for sure was she’d gotten under his skin and it left him vulnerable in ways he hadn’t been before.

On edge, he found nothing gave him peace. His moods were uncertain and he snapped at her with little provocation, only to find himself tied in knots with regret the minute the words left his mouth. She was wary and even Siren was in a snit because of something he’d said. Instead of spending their time enjoying each other, he pushed Tru away. He didn’t understand himself. He knew he was doing the right thing by taking her home, so why was he driving a wedge between them?

“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” He ran a hand through his hair and sank into his seat at the bridge console. “I’m an idiot. What can I say?”

Her snort was inelegant and she rolled her eyes at him. “Of course you are an idiot,” she agreed in a disgusted tone, her voice only wobbling a little. “I didn’t mean to leave my locker where you could trip over it. I was just trying to make sure everything was packed before I get home. How was I to know you would be walking there with your nose buried in a tablet and not paying attention to where you were going? There was no need to yell.”

“I know, I know.”

He ground his teeth as temper and an overwhelming feeling of impending loss warred inside him. The sight of her pink travel locker loaded and ready to go had jarred him. Logically he knew she needed to make sure everything was stored away before they touched down in the morning, but emotionally it had been a blow. He felt hollowed out and he didn’t like what he was feeling, nor could he explain it to her.

Tru looked at him out of the corner of her eye. He could tell she was miserable and wished he knew what to say to give her comfort. No matter how he tried, he couldn’t stay mad at her for long. He was being a grouch, but honesty impelled him to admit, if only to himself, he sometimes got a perverse sense of pleasure when tempers flared and sparks flashed between them. They invariably ended up in bed, all control gone. The heat generated between them was enough to melt his bones.

The more he studied her, the more desire pooled in his belly and he licked lips suddenly gone dry. Without giving it much thought, he unbuttoned her tunic top, revealing the creamy skin underneath an inch at a time. His hands were shaking too much to allow him to hurry. He wanted her, needed to feel the slide of their bodies moving together. They would be parting ways tomorrow because he believed she didn’t know her own mind, but he desperately needed to reaffirm their bond, wanted the memories to cling to until he could return to claim her.

Nick sucked in a breath as Tru slid her tunic off her shoulders and let it drop to the ground. He couldn’t look away to save his soul. Hungry to touch, he clasped her around her ribs, his thumbs brushing the undersides of her breasts. One gentle tug and he had her straddling his hips, while his seeking mouth nuzzled a rosy nipple now positioned at just the right level. From somewhere far off he heard her moan of pleasure. Her hands in his hair, urged him closer; her back arched, giving him greater access.

Nearly mindless with lust, eager to please and be pleasured, he surged to his feet, bringing her with him. One hand under her bottom, the other circling her back, he shifted her enough her legs could wrap around his waist. The few steps to his bunk seemed to take forever.

He gently placed her on the bed, and followed her down. He stretched his length against her pliant body. Her fingers tugged at his t-shirt, and he lifted enough to allow her to pull it up and over his head. He growled low in his throat as he settled down, most of his weight held on his forearms. He looked at her, getting lost in the darkening color of her eyes and the flush staining her cheeks. Lifting a hand, he brushed it through the curls clinging to her face.

“If you only knew what you did to me,” he murmured as he lowered his head and took her mouth in a devouring kiss. His blood heated and his pulse pounded in his temple. Desire, molten and raw, loosened his control until it held by a thread. Tired of fighting what he was feeling, he surrendered completely. Nothing else mattered.

* * * *

Tru had convinced herself Nick was the biggest fool in the solar system by the time Bretonne’s cloud covered surface came into view. Buckled into her seat beside him, she stared glumly through the viewscreen as they skimmed through the atmosphere and headed toward her home. Their conversation had been stilted since they’d awakened and she wasn’t sure what to do about it.

“Captain, landing coordinates have been transmitted. A land transport will be waiting for you.” Siren’s voice slid over them in dulcet tones.

“Take us in, Siren,” Nick responded, while he scanned readouts and secured his portable tablet in preparation. He turned his head to glance at her. “You’re almost home, sweetheart. I know your family is excited to have you back safely.”

She didn’t bother to answer. Her only outward reaction was she tightened her hands on the chair’s armrests until her knuckles were white.

Too soon,
settled smoothly on the landing pad. Nick shut down the engines and gave final instructions to Siren. The engines hissed and popped as they cooled, sounding loud in the silence inside the ship. Neither made a move to leave their seats.

“I don’t like this, Nick,” Tru stated. Her heart in her throat, she felt as if there was a tight band across her chest constricting her breathing. She turned her head to look at him, her eyes huge and shadowed. “I know it is important to see my parents, but I don’t want you to leave me here.”

“I promise I will be back before you know it.” He reassured her. “This is the right thing to do. You need to be sure what I have to offer will be enough without my presence to sway you one way or the other.”

“I know my own mind, but if you are set on this, then let’s get it over with.” She unbuckled the shoulder harness, pushed out of her chair then moved swiftly past the crew quarters and slapped her hand against the control panel to open the outer door. The seals released and the door slid open while a ramp lowered to the ground.

Fresh air flowed over her, teasing the curls around her face and flattening her light clothing against her body. She breathed in the familiar scent of her home world and started down the ramp. Fresh air was wonderful after the time spent onboard ship with its recycled air. She stiffened at the sound of Nick’s heavy footfall behind her, but didn’t look back. She couldn’t. If she did, she would end up in a puddle of tears at his feet begging him to take her with him. Pride and determination kept her from doing that.

Tru spotted the family land transport right away and headed toward it. Her grandfather liked to make a statement, and the vivid blue and sleek lines of the vehicle would never pass unnoticed. She nodded briskly to the driver standing beside the open door then ducked inside and slid across the leather seat.

She heard Nick and the driver speak, felt the transport dip slightly when her trunk was stowed and waited while the two men seated themselves.

They rode in silence through the busy streets, Nick’s shoulder bumping hers on occasion when the transport made a turn. It wasn’t until they left the city behind and found themselves in the quieter area of her home that Nick reached out and took her hand. He held it loosely, brushing his thumb back and forth against her fingers. Giving in, tired of being mad, she leaned her head on his shoulder. She felt him relax and she smiled to herself. He wasn’t unaffected by this, just better at hiding it. It gave her comfort.

* * * *

Nick was awed in spite of himself when he got his first glimpse of her home. It was huge, glittering like a jewel in the evening light. Solid iron gates swung open as they approached revealing a wide graveled road bisecting landscaped gardens leading to the heavy doors of the house. He knew Tru came from a wealthy, influential family, but it hadn’t dawned on him how rich and influential until they arrived and he got a good look at the house and gardens.

The transport doors opened without much sound and he exited. He squared his shoulders, standing tall and strong and held out his hand to help Tru out of the vehicle. She tucked her small hand in the crook of his arm and his free hand came up to cover hers. He matched his steps to hers as he escorted her up the front stairs to the door, which flung open, spilling golden light over them. Feminine squeals greeted them and he took an involuntary step back as several lavishly dressed women descended on them like exotic birds.

Laughter and tears surrounded him, along with disjointed questions and hugs. Tru got her smile from her mother and she and her sister looked a good deal alike.

“It is about time you got home,” Maddox Creighton greeted her gruffly. “Give her room to breathe everyone.”

Just like that, the clamor ceased and Nick was able to draw breath.

“Nick, my boy, glad to finally meet you in person,” Maddox said. He shook Nick’s hand.

“Good to see you, sir,” Nick replied, impressed with the firm grip and strong presence of the man in front of him.

Maddox turned bright blue eyes to Tru and held open his arms. She wasted no time launching herself at him, her face buried against his barrel chest. “There’s my girl,” he crooned. “Safe and sound at last.”

Nick looked away, uncomfortable with the naked relief and joy on the older man’s face, only to meet the paler blue eyes of a tall, neat man coming swiftly toward them. He was a younger, thinner version of his father, Maddox. His dark hair was going gray at the temples, giving him a distinguished air. His jaw clenched tightly, the muscles bunching with emotions held tightly in check. Without a word, Maddox released Tru and stepped back. Reid cupped his hands around her shoulders, looking her over before he pulled her into his arms and rocked her gently.

“Don’t ever do this to me again. I don’t think my heart can stand it,” he murmured into her hair, his voice breaking.

She nodded and clung to her father. Emotions running unbearably high, she reached out a shaking hand to Nick and closed her fingers over his with bruising force. Reid noticed and pulled back slightly, a questioning look on his worry-lined face. He narrowed his eyes and looked Nick over as only a father could. The easy familiarity between his daughter and Nick spoke volumes and it was obvious he didn’t like it. Not one bit.

“You and I are going to talk,” he informed Nick. “Tru, why don’t you go with your mother and sister and get settled in. I know they’re eager to spend some time with you. We’ll catch up later. Nick, why don’t you follow me into the office.” It wasn’t a request.

Nick almost groaned out loud. Maddox must have picked up on the unspoken undercurrents surrounding him because he looked from Nick to his son and then grinned. Speculation and unbridled interest were plain to see on his face as he trailed behind them into the office.

The door closed behind Nick with a forceful thud.



Chapter 24


Tru watched her father and grandfather escort Nick into the office and shut the door behind them. She glanced at the closed door and then at her mother, Katri, whose expression remained tranquil, as usual.

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