Razer's Ride (24 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

Tags: #The Last Riders#1

BOOK: Razer's Ride
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“It’s a fucking set-up.”


Razer hung up on Mick, going back down the steps. The members in the room watched curiously as he went to the closet and pulled on the club’s leather jacket.

“Going somewhere?” Shade asked

“Going to The Pink Slipper.“

“What the fuck for?”

“To get something that belongs to me.” He answered grimly, putting on his leather gloves.

Razer took the lead, there were thirty club members at his back when he turned into the pussy bar to find just as many bikes already parked.

Razer and his brothers walked into the bar. It didn’t take long for Razer to locate Beth. She was sitting at a large table with four biker chicks sitting close to her while the rest of the table and chairs were filled with bikers, others stood blocking the table.

Beth couldn’t hide her frightened expression and the other women were arguing with the men.

Razer with Viper, Shade, Cash, Knox, and Rider at his side moved to the table. The rest of The Last Riders followed behind. The patrons of the bar started motioning the waitress for their bills, the other half were raking cash out of purses and wallets throwing it down on the table not waiting for their tickets. The menace coming from both groups of the bikers were giving lethal warnings to each other.

Beth’s eyes widened when she saw the approaching menace filled Razer.



“Let’s go.”

“Bitch isn’t going no where with you or your men.” Her eyes snapped to the man sitting beside her at the table. “You both need to get back on your machines and leave us to our fun.” A bitch with her hair teased and crazy eyes answered for Beth.

“Beth let’s go, not telling you again.” Beth’s eyes narrowed in anger.

“You don’t have the right to tell me shit. Crazy Bitch is right, you guys need to leave us alone.  We were minding our own business until everyone interfered.”

“Minding what was in the pants of those pussy’s you bitches were dancing with when we showed up.” Razer didn’t recognize him from the gas station, but figured from the way he talked and acted that he was the leader.

“Don’t care what you think Ace. We came to celebrate my shop opening Monday. The same one you, and none of you assholes wanted to help paint or do shit to help with. Don’t want you guys here tonight, you don’t deserve to be part of our party.”

“Didn’t see that douche bag you had your tongue down his throat doing any hammering there either.”

“Yeah well, he was going to do plenty later tonight,” Sex Piston taunted “Was he, or were they?” He jerked his head towards Razer’s club. “Did you plan on hitting their clubhouse next?” Ace asked in a menace-laden voice.

“You kidding me? We were going to fuck around, not betray the club. If we were going to do that, we would have picked one worth the punishment of breaking a rule.”

“Did she just put us down?” Knox asked.

“Yes she did, dumbass.” Sex Piston mocked.

Evie, Dawn, Jewell, and Natasha pushed to the front of the men, standing by their club members.

“What the fuck are you
doing here?” Viper questioned.

“Loker James?” Beth questioned, not sure the man standing in
front beside Razer was indeed Ton’s son.  He bore no resemblance, even his facial features, which were the same, had changed. His already hardened features were an expressionless mask. He wasn’t wearing a suit, but tight leather pants, boots, and a t-shirt with a leather vest.

A gasp from a nearby table had everyone turning to Winter Simmons’ table where she was sitting with
the PTA, avidly listening to every word being spoken.

“He’s Viper,” Evie explained, now that Vincent Bedford was arrested, there was no longer any need to hide his identity.

Beth sat not knowing what to think. Completely oblivious to the menace radiating back and forth between the two motorcycle groups.

“Well that’s none of my business, is it?” Beth said picking up her drink with a trembling hand.

“To answer your question, if Beth was in trouble we were going to be here to help,” Evie answered Viper’s question and ignored Beth’s.

“Who the fuck are you?” Killyama asked.

“Evie,” she answered in her toughest voice.

“You the bitch who left Beth high and dry?  Damn girl, you got balls to stand there after you fucked her man, then watched her man fuck these other bitches.”

The other club was beginning to look at The Last Rider’s members with dawning respect.

“How you manage that man, my bitch would cut my balls off in my sleep, if I touched another bitch.”

“We did it to protect her. We had a brother who was a crazy fuck, the only way we could protect her was to put space between us,” Razer answered.

“Yeah, was the hand that was playing with her titty imaginary? Anyone of these fucks do that to one of my bitches, I’m gonna cut his hand off.” Killyama believed in giving fair warning. She leaned back in her seat when the Destructors lost their admiring expressions.

Evie tried to make up some lost ground. She was losing to these biker bitches and she was getting more and more pissed off.

“No it wasn’t imaginary, Razer had to prove she meant nothing to him. Memphis had already tried to kill her twice.  We had to make him believe he was in the clear after Bedford was arrested or he would never have made a clear move against us. We had to have proof he betrayed the club. We couldn’t take someone outside the club’s word as proof without evidence,” Evie explained in front of everyone. Talking club business in front of others was breaking a rule, but they owed Beth an explanation, but she wouldn’t give them the opportunity and truthfully, Evie didn’t blame her.

“So instead you betrayed Beth. She’s not club so she didn’t matter.” Killyama threw the explanation back in Evie’s face.

“She matters.” This time it was Razer who spoke.

“Not enough,” Crazy Bitch answered. “But I have a question I need answered.” Turning to Beth she asked. “The one with all the tats, he do anything to hurt you because my fingers are dying to see how far down those tatts go.”

Shade just stood there ignoring the woman, keeping his expression bland.  Beth could have sworn she saw a trace of worry fleetingly in his eyes.

Beth was unable to stop herself. “No he is the best of the bunch. Never saw him laying a hand on the women. Never drunk, didn’t see him at the parties. I have no problem with Shade.” Beth gave him a saccharine smile. She had told him she would pay him back for stopping her from leaving the house that day. It had taken a while, but she had gotten her revenge.

The Last Riders mouth dropped open to a man and woman. Even though they knew she was throwing Shade under the bus, they could tell she believed what she said.

Natasha couldn’t prevent the laughter bubbling from her throat, the other women from the club started laughing also. “Are you serious? He’s the wor…” Her voice was cut of immediately.

“Shut-up.” Shade said, promising retribution if one woman spoke another word.

“Damn, you had to go and blow it telling her to shut-up. Don’t let him talk to you that way bitch. Still, if you fuck as good as you look, I could always tape your mouth shut.”

“You aren’t going to be touching nothing of his bitch. Get on the back of my bike, we are leaving,” a biker behind Ace yelled.

“I am not going anywhere with you Joker. We are going to Beth’s house after we get done here. Sex Piston is going to cut her hair.”

“No she is not.” Razer and Beth spoke at the same time.

Throwing a dirty look at Razer, she reminded her friends. “I was going to make an appointment next week remember?”

“I am going to save you the trip.” Sex Piston said. Slamming her drink down on the table, sloshing what little was left over the side of the glass.

“She’s going home with me. You’re not touching her hair,” Razer warned.

“I am not going home with you.” Beth argued.

“Yes you are,” Razer said between gritted teeth.

“No, I am not.”

“Beth is not going anywhere with you.” Crazy Bitch put her arm across the back of Beth’s chair. The rest of the biker bitches also scooted their chairs closer to Beth.

“Back off,” Evie cautioned.

“Listen to the bitch.” Crazy Bitch taunted the men.

“I was talking to you,” Evie said, stepping closer to the woman, practically sitting on Beth’s lap.

“Evie.” Natasha tried to pull Evie back.

“Who are you?” Sex Piston asked


“What kind of name is that?”

“I haven’t really been given a nickname yet.”

“You the new member Viper fucked a couple of weeks ago and you let Beth think it was Razer?”

Natasha flushed, letting Evie’s arm go.

“Viper didn’t want anyone to know he was in town.”

“Instead, it was easier to stick a knife in Beth’s back. I can think of several names for you. But first there is something I wanna know, been wondering ever since they walked in the door. He fuck as good as he looks?” She pointed to Viper.

Natasha laughed. “Better.”


“Don’t matter how he fucks, none of you bitches are going to find out. Hell, he is keeping his own clubhouse of pussy warm, he’s not getting mine. Now get on the fucking bikes!” Ace’s face turned a mottled red.

It was The Last Riders looking at the other club in sympathy as the women just sat at the table ignoring the men.

“That’ s it.” Ace moved forward to grab Sex Piston, who threw her drink glass at him. When he dodged it, he accidently shoved Knox who shoved back. Taking it as an aggressive move, one of Ace’s men punched Knox. From there, complete and utter pandemonium ensued. Beth sat at the table in astonishment as the two clubs began fighting, taking their frustration with the women out on each other. Beth was almost thrown out of her chair as Evie ripped Crazy Bitch’s arm off of her; the two women began fighting. Beth jumped up from the table when Sex Piston grabbed Natasha by the hair and slammed her face on the table.

“Which of these bitches is Bliss, I am going to take care of her tonight too.” Sex Piston asked.

“Uh. I don’t think she’s here,” Beth answered, searching through the crowd.

“Lucky bitch. I will have to deal with her later then.” Beth watched helplessly as she lifted Natasha by her hair and face slammed her again.

“Sex Piston, I think you’re hurting her.” Beth finally made an attempt to stop her.

“Leave her alone Beth. Let us deal with this.” T.A. said with Jewell in a stranglehold.

“Stop. I don’t want them hurt.” The bar was now engulfed in fighting between both sexes. Bodies were flying; furniture being broken and the screams were as loud as the blaring music.

“Shit, we ain’t going to hurt them much, just teach them not to mess with you or they are to deal with us.” T.A.  replied, shaking a stunned Jewel. “What did she do?”

“Uh…nothing?” Beth couldn’t think with all the bodies flying around the bar.

Before Beth could say another word, Razer had Beth by the waist and was throwing her over his shoulder. The Last Riders made a path for him to the door by simply throwing the Destructors out of the way.

“Put me down.”

“Bring her back” Killyama screamed over the loud brawling.

Beth was barely able to lift herself up, the last thing she saw was the bar completely destroyed. Evie had gained the upper hand over Sex Piston and had her down on the floor on her stomach and was sitting on her back with her arms pulling her arm backward. Natasha also was lifting a vase that was on the table and used it to bash Sex Piston into releasing her.

Outside, Razer saw the car where Evie must have parked it in a hurry.  It was blocking the bikes. She knew never to do that, but knew she must have been worried about Beth to make such a stupid mistake.

Beth’s small hands beating on his back brought him the understanding that he wasn’t going to ride with her struggling on his bike. Opening the driver’s door, he shoved her across the seat and got in behind the driver’s wheel. Seeing that Evie had been smart enough to leave the keys in the ignition, he started the car and started to pull out of the lot when the sheriffs and two deputies cars were pulling in.

“Let me out!” Beth yelled.

“Sit back. I am taking you home.”

Beth sat back in a huff.  Crossing her arms over her chest she sat there in disdainful silence right up to the point Razer passed her turnoff and was obviously headed to his house.

“Obviously you passed my house. Stop and let me out. I can walk home.”

“You are not going to your house. That crazy bitch is not going near your hair.”

“Crazy Bitch wasn’t going to cut my hair. Sex Piston was, she is a hair stylist.”

“One of those bitch’s is actually named Crazy Bitch?”


“Which one was she?”

“The one sitting next to me with her arm around my shoulders.”


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