razorsedge (74 page)

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Authors: Lisanne Norman

BOOK: razorsedge
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"Shuttle's just landed beside the
Captain," said Giyesh from her post monitoring the outside vid screen.
Tirak was there in seconds. "What the hell? The Human, and the Sholan? They've been outside the Port?" He could hardly believe his eyes. "Jalnian soldiers coming off her, too? What the hell are they up to?"
The sound of the Port siren, relayed automatically through all ship comms, wailed throughout the
? Pan the camera along the town, Giyesh," he ordered. "I want to know where that fire is." He watched in silence till the
was in view. On the rooftop of the next building he could see, amid the swirling smoke, three tiny figures. "It's them! It's got to be them," he snarled. "Arm yourselves. I want everyone outside in sixty seconds. We're going to the
Hkariyash. I want to know what the hell's going on!
Manesh, seal the ship behind us!" He turned and ran for the arms locker.
"Captain, the fire!" wailed Giyesh.
"Move it! That fire's been rigged, there's no real danger!"


* * *


Bradogan was in the entrance hall of the Keep as the siren went off. He stood to one side, out of the way of the guard as they streamed out for the town. Fire drills had been drummed into them; there was no need for him to concern himself yet.
Accompanied by his personal guard, he made his way outside to the perimeter fence to watch the proceedings. The fire appeared to be at the far end. One of the taverns, doubtless. People were abandoning vehicles and wagons, beginning to stream out of the town and back into the Port, returning to their ships. Then something caught his eye. A shuttle, outside the Sumaan ship? He'd requested no shuttles, and certainly none should have landed anywhere but on the pad! He narrowed his eyes. The design was unfamiliar, not one belonging to the Port. Then he saw them, the U'Churian with the Solnian female. They, in the company of another two U'Churians, were heading toward one of the warehouses at a run. But the night watch had told him they'd left at dawn on the caravan for Galrayin!
He turned to the nearest guard. "Take half a dozen men over to that shuttle," he said, pointing to it. "Place the crew under arrest until I join you. The rest of you, follow me."
Pulling his gun, he began to run toward the gate. So they thought they'd played him for a fool, did they? They were about to find out just how wrong they were!


* * *


Tirak and his crew arrived just as Bradogan's guards decided the only way to implement their orders was to open fire on the shuttle. Caught in the open with Zashou in his arms, Rezac was an easy target. He was not prepared for the arrival of three burly people looking so like Sholans that it defied belief.
They placed themselves between him and the attacking Jalnians, and hauled him behind the shuttle to safety. Face to face with Tirak, there was little he could do.
"Sholan?" asked Tirak.
He nodded.
"Is she injured?" The question was a bit redundant Tirak realized even as he asked it. The female was obviously far from well.
Rezac looked at him blankly. He couldn't understand a word.
"Take them to the
" Tirak ordered Mrowbay and turned his attention back to what was happening on the other side of the shuttle.
As he did, the air lock on the port side opened. A phrase in what they recognized as the Human language was yelled at them. The words they couldn't understand.
"Lower your weapons," Tirak said quietly to Mrowbay, Nayash, and Giyesh.
Tirak turned around as, guns trained on them, the three Humans dropped to the ground.
Again they spoke and this time Tirak spread his hands in a gesture he hoped would convey his inability to understand them. Suddenly a blinding pain hit him between the eyes, almost making him black out. It lasted perhaps a minute then was gone.
"Not again," he moaned, putting his hands to his head and massaging his temples. "You damned telepaths are a pain in the ass!"
"He's met both our kinds," said Jo to Rezac.
Tirak lifted his head. "Thank the Gods someone understands us!"
Jo looked at him. "We understand each other," she said coldly, pointing her gun at Mrowbay. "Let him go. What do you want with us?"
"We've come to help," said Tirak. "You're cut off from your ship. Take her to ours. We've med facilities onboard."
A shriek rang out as someone was hit. Jo looked at the others, then back to Rezac. "Your choice," she said. "It's not safe here and we can't get on the ship."
The siren continued to shriek its warning as Rezac hesitated.
Tirak searched his mind for something he could say that would break the deadlock. "His partner. You're his Human partner," he said. "Linked mentally, aren't you? We'll not keep him from you, you have my word. I know you'll die if separated. If we stand here like this any longer, we'll
die!" he added.
Rezac nodded. "We'll go," he said. "Are you coming, Jo?"
She shook her head. "I'll stay and fight. You go on, I'll see you when it's over."
Mrowbay took Rezac by the arm again. "Come," he said, urging him gently. "We know something of the Sholan system. I am a medic, I can treat her."
"Jo!" Rezac called out as she turned away.
For the Gods sake, take care, Jo! I don't want to lose you either.
She nodded, turning her back on him as she faced the others.


* * *


As they ran across the spaceport to the warehouses, Carrie looked briefly over her shoulder. "Gods, there's a fight over at the ship!"
Forget it!
sent Kaid.
Remember your training. Focus on what we have to do.
Dodging round the abandoned wagons, they came to the warehouse where Jeran was kept.
Skidding to a halt, Kaid hammered on the wooden doors. "Jeran! You there?"
"Yes! What's happening?"
"Diversion, that's all. Stand back. Going to shoot the door open," Kaid yelled over the sound of the siren. Checking to see that the others were behind him, he aimed at the lock and fired. Splinters of wood flew everywhere and the door slowly creaked open.
Kusac ran forward, pulling it wide enough for Jeran to push through.
From the rear, Carrie glanced around, realizing that the figures she'd assumed were running for the Port gates were getting closer— far too close.
she sent.
Heading for us with a half dozen guards!
Kaid spun round, looking for cover for them. "The wagon! Head for it!"
T'Chebbi grabbed Jeran by the arm and pushing him in front of her, ran for the wagon.
Shots rang out, ricocheting off the ground and the partially open warehouse door.
Flattening himself against the wall, Kaid returned fire, his weapon sending bursts of energy toward the leading figures. One stopped, falling back slightly as the others scattered and passed him.
Carrie lifted her gun and aimed. As she pressed the trigger, she felt a sudden warmth at her side. Surprise made her shot go wide but she kept her attention to the men in front of her.
Carrie, run for the wagon,
sent Kaid.
We'll cover you!
The fire increased, sending Bradogan and his men scattering for cover. Pushing herself away from the wall, she began to run, aware of the two males close on her heels. A sudden pain in her ribs made her stumble and she pressed her hand to her side, surprised to find that it came away damp.
Behind the wagon, she had time to catch her breath. Now her side was starting to hurt. She looked down, seeing blood beginning to stain her coveralls. "Oh, hell," she said quietly.
Bullets zinged around them as she crouched there, wondering what to do. Seeing her so still, T'Chebbi glanced round, seeing the blood.
"How bad?" she asked.
"Dunno," said Carrie. "Doesn't hurt."
"Stay down with Jeran," she said, moving over to cover her.


* * *


"Ashay!" yelled Jo. "What can you see?"
"Bradogan's men still shooting at us!" he yelled down.
Jo tapped her foot on the ground, thinking furiously. Fighting was breaking out all over the Port now. They couldn't go on like this. One of Tirak's crew was down already. If she remembered right, when they'd come in there had been an empty bay beside them. There was a clear line of sight straight to the huge stone Keep between the two perimeter fences.
"Your friends are in trouble, too," said Tirak, grasping her arm and pointing down toward the far end.
She looked. A group of Bradogan's men had them pinned down behind a wagon. Suddenly her mind was made up. "Boost me up," she said to Davies, pointing back to the shuttle air lock above them.
"Boost me up, dammit!"
He did and as she scrambled back into the cockpit of the shuttle, she turned. "Pull all our people back," she ordered. "I'm settling this one now."
Davis grabbed at Tirak. "Better do as she says. She's going to start up the shuttle."
Then a grin lit his face. "I like this female," he said, swinging round to yell to his crew.
"Ashay," she said, throwing herself into the seat beside him. "How'd you like to end this fight?" She scanned the area ahead carefully. None of their people were in the line of fire.
Ashay looked expectantly at her. "Start her up, move her round, and open fire on Bradogan's men," she said.
Ashay's mouth opened slowly, lips curling back in a grin. "We fire on enemy?" His tone was hopeful.
"I'm afraid so," she said. "Try to only take them out, don't use anything too heavy. No missiles, okay? And for God's sake, don't hit the
"Definitely no hitting
" Ashay agreed with a shudder as he lifted the shuttle into the air and swung her about.


* * *


Seeing that Jo had matters well under control, Tirak regrouped his crew. Davies and Kris joined them as the sound of the shuttle's bursts of rapid fire almost deafened them. Pointing to the far end, they headed off at a run, ducking behind the landing bays and out of sight. From the corner of his eye, Tirak saw a shape, like a shadow, pacing them. He risked a glance sideways and blinked. Nothing. Dismissing it from his mind, he focused on the threat to the small group of Sholans ahead of them.
They stopped at the
easing their way down between it and the adjacent craft. Ahead of them they could see Bradogan and his men, hiding behind an abandoned grav sled.
"We'll pick a few off first," Tirak said, "then see if Bradogan will surrender."


* * *


"We've got friendly cross fire," said Kusac, looking to his right as the second volley of shots came in.
"I noticed," said Kaid. "Hold fire. Let's see what they can do. We're running low on power. Better save it just in case."
A yell of pain rang out from Bradogan's direction.
"Sounds like they got one."
T'Chebbi bent down to Carrie, taking her knife out. "I check that wound now," she said.
"Wound?" said Kusac, swinging round to look at her. "You're wounded?"
"Doesn't hurt," she said, pushing T'Chebbi away even as she continued to block the pain off behind her mental shield. "It's nothing, honestly. Just winged me."
Firmly, T'Chebbi pushed her hands aside and began cutting the bloodstained entry hole to her coveralls to get a better look at her wound.
Shots were still being fired, but they were sporadic and none were coming in their direction.
Torn between concern for his Leska and the knowledge of the danger they still faced, Kusac forced himself to turn away.
Why didn't I know? I should have felt it!
Kusac, it doesn't hurt now, and didn't when it happened. It was Bradogan. Bastard aimed at me on purpose.
Then she yelped as T'Chebbi touched the hole in her side.
"Kaid, is small entry wound, no exit. Bullet still inside," said T'Chebbi.
"Take over," he said. He waited till she'd relieved him then bent down to check for himself.
"What is it, Kaid?" demanded Kusac, glancing down.
"Bullet's still inside her," Kaid said, gently probing the wound as Carrie tried not to moan.
Voices could be heard shouting to each other.
"Is over, now," said T'Chebbi. "Tirak was one helping us! With Davies and Kris." She bent down to hand something to him. "Is what Bradogan used."
Kusac joined them, the fight, Bradogan, all forgotten in his concern for Carrie. "Show me," he said, holding out his hand.
Kaid nodded and T'Chebbi leaned over to place a deformed bullet in his hand. "Soft tipped bullets," she said. "Not good."
Kusac's hand closed around the projectile.
"She'll be fine, with the right treatment," said Kaid, looking him straight in the eye.
Need to know exactly where it is before it can be removed by surgery. We don't have those facilities. The nearest ones will be at our rendezvous.
They heard footsteps and looked up to find Tirak standing there.
"Got this habit of following us," said T'Chebbi, getting to her feet.
"Be glad I do," said Tirak with a grin. It faded swiftly as he saw Carrie. "Injured?" he asked.
Kusac held out his hand, opening it to show him the bullet.
"I got a medic on my ship, good facilities," he said. "Your injured Sholan female is already there."
"Bullet's still inside her," said Kaid, bending to pick Carrie up.
She pushed him away and began to struggle to her feet before he could stop her. "I'm fine. You're all making a fuss about nothing," she said. Then the blood drained from her face and she began to crumple.
Kaid caught her, sweeping her up in his arms as he looked at Kusac, who had collapsed against the wagon. "
hasn't the facilities," he said. "I don't know what Tirak has, but without surgery soon, she'll die."
"Cryo," said Tirak, grasping Kaid by the arm. "I have cryo units. Can put her— him, too, if necessary— in cryo till we reach your ship."
"Cryo units are free, Captain," said Mrowbay. "I started bringing the young pair out when I took the Sholan female to sick bay."
"Take her there," said Kusac, pushing himself upright with an effort of willpower. "I want to see Bradogan."
He pushed T'Chebbi aside as she tried to stop him, rounding the wagon till he faced the captive Lord.
"You I will kill with my bare hands," he snarled, advancing slowly on him.
Out from between the ships, a dark shape came running, uttering an unearthly howl that stopped even Kusac in his tracks. Straight as an arrow it headed for Bradogan. Launching itself, it sprang, landing full on the Jalnian's chest, its weight wrenching him from the guards and bearing him to the ground.
The two U'Churians sprang back, watching in horror as the screaming man was savagely attacked.
A shot rang out and the creature stiffened, then fell limply across Bradogan's equally still form.
Jeran moved forward. "Miroshi?" he said. "Oh, Gods, it's Miroshi!"
"Miroshi?" demanded T'Chebbi. "Why she do this to Bradogan?"
"Because of what he did to her," said Jeran, bending down to touch the dead female. "She was ill," he said, looking up at Kaid. "I told you that. He gave her to his men one night because he was angry with her. There was nothing we could have done to help."
The sound of an approaching shuttle drowned out any hope of further conversation. It stopped to let Jo descend, then turned and headed back down to the other end of the spaceport.
She rushed over to Kaid. "Not Carrie," she said, touching her face. "Oh, God, not Carrie!"
"Bradogan's dead." said Jeran, standing up. "She got her revenge."
Tirak decided enough time had been wasted. "We need to get Carrie to sick bay," he said, taking hold of Kusac's arm. "Are you done here? Have you got all your people?"
Kusac looked at Jo.
"Yes, all accounted for," she said, looking over to him. "Rezac and Zashou are on the
the rest of us are here or on the
"Including Tallis?"
"Yes, he made his break while Bradogan was after you, and managed to reach the
"You said you need to reach a rendezvous. Where?" asked Tirak.
"Chemerian home world," said Kaid.
"We can get you there in two weeks. Is that fast enough? Let's go, now, before any more fighting starts. You can talk to your ship from mine while we see to the injured."
"We're coming," said Kusac, leaning on Davies for support.
"I'll go on the
" said Kris. "We don't need to get back quickly."
"Same with me," said Davies as he helped Kusac toward the
"We'll keep you posted on what happens. Next few days could be quite interesting as Railin takes over from Bradogan."

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