Reading Six Feet Under: TV to Die For (39 page)

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Authors: Kim Akass,Janet McCabe

Tags: #Non-Fiction

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(Jonathan Demme, 1993).

Player, The
(Robert Altman, 1992).

(Alfred Hitchcock, 1960).

Rapture, The
(Michael, Tolkin, 1991).

Road to Perdition
(Sam Mendes, 2002).

Robe, The
(Henry Koster, 1953).

Shawshank Redemption, The
(Frank Darabont, 1994).

Shining, The
(Stanley Kubrick, 1980).

South Pacific
(Joshua Logan, 1958).

To Kill a Mockingbird
(Robert Mulligan, 1962).

2001: A Space Odyssey
(Stanley Kubrick, 1968).

Virus Knows No Morals, A
(Rosa von Praunheim, 1985).


Ally McBeal
(David E. Kelley Productions/Fox Television, 1979–2002).

And the Band Played On
(Roger Spottiswoode. Odyssey Entertainment/HBO, 1993).

Andy Griffith Show, The
(Mayberry Enterprises/CBS, 1960–1968).

Angels In America
(Mike Nichols. Avenue Pictures Production/HBO, 2003).

Beverley Hillbillies, The
(Filmways TV/CBS, 1962–1971).

(NBC, 1959–1973).

Boston Public
(David E. Kelley Productions/Twentieth-Century Fox Television/Fox Network, 2000–2004).

Boys from the Blackstuff
(Philip Saville. BBC, 1982).

(BBC, 1983).

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(Mutant Enemy Inc./Twentieth-Century Fox Television, 1997–2003).

(HBO, 2003).

(BBC, 1986– ).

(Spelling Television/WB Television Network, 1998– ).

Chicago Hope
(David E. Kelley Productions/Twentieth-Century Fox Television/CBS, 1994–2000).

(A&E TV Network Inc./Granada/ITV, 1993–1995).

(Carsey-Werner Company/River Siren Productions Inc./CBS, 1995–1998).



Dawson’s Creek
(Columbia TriStar Television/Sony Pictures Television/WB Television Network, 1998–2003).

(Roscoe Productions/HBO, 2004– ).

Diagnosis Murder
(Viacom Productions Inc., 1992).

Dream On
(MTE/HBO, 1990–1996).

. (Constant Productions/Amblin Entertainment/WB Television Network/NBC, 1994– ).

Everybody Loves Raymond
(Talk Productions/HBO, 1996–2005).

(Paramount/NBC, 1993–2004).

Grace Under Fire
(Carsey-Werner Company/NBC, 1993–1998).

Inspector Morse
(Carlton UK Productions, 1987–2000).

Joan of Arcadia
(Sony Pictures Television/Barbara Hall Productions, CBS, 2003– ).

Knots Landing
(Lorimar Television/CBS Television, 1979–1993).

Laramie Project, The
(Moisés Kaufman Cane/Gabay Productions/Good Machine/HBO, 2002).

Larry Sanders Show, The
(Columbia Pictures Television/HBO, 1992–1998).

(Jack Gold. TAFT Entertainment Pictures/HBO, 1986).

My So-called Life
(ABC Productions/Bedford Falls Production, 1994).

Nearly Departed
(NBC, 1989).

(Shephard/Robin Productions, 2003– ).

Northern Exposure
(Universal TV/CBS, 1990–1995).

Office, The
(Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. BBC, 2001–2003).

Oh Grow Up
(Greenblatt Janollari/ABC, 1999).

One Foot in the Grave
(BBC, 1990–2000).

(Rysher Entertainment/The Levinson/Fontana Company/HBO, 1997–2003).

Partridge Family, The
(Screen Gems TV/ABC, 1970–1974).

Queer as Folk
(Cowslip Productions/Showtime Networks Inc., 2000– ).

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
(Scout Productions, 2003– ).

Real Sex
(HBO Documentaries, 2000– ).

Sex and the City
(Sex and the City Productions/HBO, 1998–2004).

Silent Witness
(BBC, 1996– ).

Singing Detective, The
(Jon Amiel. Australian Broadcasting Corp./BBC, 1986).

Sopranos, The
(Brad Grey Television/Chase Films/HBO, 1999– ).

(Ivan Passer. HBO, 1992).

(Castaway Television Productions/CBS, 2000– ).



Talking Heads
(BBC, 1987).

Taxicab Confessions
(Harry and Joe Gantz. HBO, 1995).

(Bedford Falls Productions/ABC, 1987–1991).

(Charles S. Dubin. Cosmo Productions/ABC, 1979).

(Imagine Entertainment/Twentieth-Century Fox TV, 2001– ).

Twin Peaks
(Lynch/Frost Productions/ABC, 1990–1991).

Will and Grace
(KoMut Entertainment/NBC Studios, 1998– ).

Wire, The
(Blown Deadline Productions/HBO, 2002– ).

You Are There
(CBS, 1953–1957).



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