Real Vampires Get Lucky (38 page)

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Authors: Gerry Bartlett

Tags: #Horror & Ghost Stories

BOOK: Real Vampires Get Lucky
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"Well, thank you." Now my cheeks were really hot. Maybe Damian's minions had put too many logs on that fire. "But I guess I've always been something of an independent woman. And when you're going to live forever, tying yourself to one man seems fairly shortsighted, don't you think?"

Ray grinned. "Now that sounds like a rock star talking. Live for the day. You don't strike me as a love 'em and leave 'em type."

"You never know, Ray. You never know." I bent to collect my cloak, flashing a fair amount of cleavage Ray's way before I said anything really dumb or burst into tears. What was Ray doing questioning my life choices? And why was I suddenly doing the same?

"By the way. You ever find out about were-kittens?" I flung the cloak over my shoulders. Ray grinned. "Oh, yeah. Your neighbor, Lacy, is here. With her mother, brothers, sisters, they're all from the same . . ." He wrinkled his brow. "Seems derogatory to say

I smiled, very glad to have changed subjects. "No, I wouldn't go there. So Sheila Lyons is here too. I'm sure this cause is close to her heart."

"Definitely. She decided to give me a private demonstration of how a woman becomes a were-cat." I couldn't believe it. The very experienced Israel Caine actually flushed. "I guess cats
get naked to shape-shift." Ray laughed. "Well, I didn't know that when I went out to Damian's side terrace with her." Ray reached out to straighten the standup collar on my cloak. "It's really a fascinating world I've landed in, Glory. Wouldn't have believed it, if I hadn't seen it for myself." He ran a fingertip down my cheek. "Thanks for not turning your back on me that night. I owe you my new life."

"Mr. Caine, we've got the piano ready. You want to check the setup?"

Ray smiled and nodded to the man who'd appeared just inside the door leading out to the terrace. "Be right there. See you later, Glory. Hope you like the song."

The song. I'd meant to ask about it. But somehow actually being in Ray's presence turned me into part blithering fan-girl every time. I watched Ray bend over the piano in his Han Solo pants, then remembered to look for Blade. He was obviously enjoying a discussion with a group of wealthy vampires. Business, no doubt. Had he even noticed me with Ray? If he had, he was
where I was concerned. That was a good thing. Right?

I snagged another glass of synthetic brew and gulped it down. Surely I had better things to do than watch hunky men go about their business. Right. I'd brave the gang in the library. I wanted to meet the prince, damn it, and I wasn't letting Mag scare me away from it.


"Glory, come sit here. Prince Igor was just about to tell us about his home in Transylvania." Nathan jumped up and hurried to my side. He was a to-die-for gladiator in skimpy body armor that showed off his buff bod.

"Glory. Is this then Jeremiah Campbell's friend Gloriana?" A handsome man apparently in his early thirties stood and came to greet me. He'd been sitting on a yellow damask sofa between Mag and Diana. He'd probably been glad for an excuse to escape from Mag's Elizabethan beads and Diana's
Gone With the Wind
lace hoop skirt.

I managed a credible curtsy (stage training, you know). "Your Excellency, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so much about your wonderful charitable work." I smiled up at him. Tall, dark and obviously aristocratic down to his toes. By all accounts he was almost a thousand years old. He'd worn a traditional tux and reminded me of George Clooney about to rob a casino as he scanned my gold top. I was glad I'd hiked it up before I'd entered the room.

"Gloriana, aren't you chilled in that costume? Close your cape." Mag issued that order.

"Now, Magdalena, you know that would be a shame." Igor sat beside her again and made a point to notice her own décolleté. "I enjoy seeing a beautiful woman showing her figure to advantage."

Mag laughed. "Don't be naughty, Igor." She glanced at me. "Or exaggerate." I deposited my cloak in a far corner of the room and decided I'd flash nipple at the world before I put it on again. I glanced around the crowd, hoping to spot the ermine muff.

"Glory, you should have left your wrap with one of the maids. We've turned a closet and a powder room by the front door into a cloak room. I plan to collect my cape when it's time for the concert." Diana rose and patted the seat beside the prince. "Come sit beside Igor. He's been telling some great stories. I have hostess duties." She winked at me. "We'll all bundle up and go outside when it's time for the show. Damian as Elvis and Israel Caine! I can't wait."

"It's a wonderful party, Diana." I clasped her hand and meant every word. Diana's had a hard life, and she was glowing with this success. I was still a little surprised that she and Damian were trying to make it as a couple again. But he did have his charm, just no inclination to be monogamous.

"It's the kind of thing I always dreamed of hosting. I put the squeeze on Damian to provide the house, but the rest is all on me." Diana pulled me toward the door. "You know my dear gentleman friend Kenneth Collins was quite wealthy when he came to an, ahem, unfortunate end not long ago. Not everyone may have approved of how Kenny got his money, but it was his to dispose of as he wished. And he wished to leave his entire fortune to me."

"Diana, I'm glad for you." Kenny had inherited his money and just passed it on. Vampire to vampire.

"Now I finally have enough money to do some of the things I always wanted. I grew up poor in the South before the war, you know the one." Diana looked down at her Scarlett O'Hara dress. "I know this is silly, but back then I would have killed to have a plantation. Now I just put a deposit on a penthouse apartment not far from here." She grabbed my arm. "Just wait till you see it. I can shape-shift and fly right off the balcony!"

"Cool!" I patted her hand. Not so sure I wanted to hear this. Sudden windfall. Diana Marchand. Could she be . . . ? Well, this was her big night. Without more proof, I wasn't about to start asking ugly questions and spoil it. But starting tomorrow night, she was going to have to tell me if she knew anything about the Carvarellis.

"Okay, I know, you don't shift. There's an elevator, of course." Diana grinned. "Go talk to Prince Igor. It will drive Lady Campbell insane. Oh, and Mara is here somewhere. I saw her not five minutes ago." Diana looked around the large room filled with about two dozen people. "Don't worry. If I see her anywhere near Jerry, I'll put her to work counting donations."

"Thanks, Diana." Oh, God, I hoped Diana didn't have a dark side that would actually make her order a hit on someone. I was blocking my thoughts like crazy and had the headache to prove it.

"Nathan, why don't you come with me? You know how Israel likes things set up, don't you? It's almost time for the entertainment." Diana winked at me and leaned close. "I think Nathan would like to be a vampire. Not that I'll do that. No way. But a little vampire lovemaking? The man will never know what hit him."

Okay, so Diana definitely had an edginess to her. I watched Nathan charge after her.


"Yes, Glory? Hurry, Diana needs me." He looked after her longingly, already hooked and eager to be reeled in.

"Be careful around Diana. She's a vampire. If things, well, she'll want to bite you, drink from you. It's, uh . . . " I shut up. Crap. I'd almost told him how erotic it was. That would have really sent him flying to her bed. "Just be careful. Remember what happened to Ray."

"Thanks, Glory." Nathan kissed my cheek. "I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself." Then he took off, his fake sword bumping against his knees. At least Diana should be too busy to try her tricks on him until after the performance. Maybe I could get to Ray and we could kidnap Nathan and chain him somewhere until the urge to get with Diana passed. And maybe I could mind my own business.

I smiled and sat beside Igor, fended off a few discreet passes and tolerated Mag's not so subtle digs for the next half hour. Somehow this party had lost its zip.

"So you see, Gloriana, something simply must be done about these vampires who are refusing to be discreet. There's a real movement in Eastern Europe that's attracting young radicals."

"There are always a few like that in America too, Igor." He had given me permission to call him that. "But it sounds like your part of the world is in crisis." I stifled a yawn. Yes, even vampire politics can turn into a bore. And I could hear the music from the terrace calling me.

"In crisis. Very well put, my dear." Igor picked up my hand, ignoring Mag's sound of disapproval. "These renegades endanger us all, of course. Vampires such as you, working hard to make a living with your little shop and trying to stay undetected." Igor smiled.

"I shudder to remember the days of vampire hunters with their torches and stakes."

"Igor, really, this is a party, is it not?" Mag rose and shook out her skirts. "I want to dance."

"Of course, my dear. I'm being a dead bore. You're right to chastise me." Igor held on to my hand and helped me to my feet. "Shall we all go out to where the band is playing? I wouldn't mind dancing myself."

I couldn't believe Mag had come to my rescue. I'd be damned if I'd smile at her though. I looked longingly to where I'd tossed my cloak. It was gone. A maid had silently collected it a half hour before. I guess I was going to have to keep an eye on my sliding and slithering top. Certainly Igor was.

We all trooped down the hall just as a maid began hitting a little gold xylophone to chime a warning that the entertainment was going to begin in ten minutes. We could hear the band before we got there. Someone had requested a Glenn Miller medley. World War II jitterbug. Obviously those immortals who'd been around back then were out on the floor working it. Including . . . Jerry and Mara.

I stood next to Mag and felt her claws sink into my arm when I started to step forward.

"Aren't they a handsome couple?" Mag turned to Igor. "Mara's been giving Jeremiah dance lessons. He's just a natural, isn't he?"

"Do you know this dance, Gloriana?" Igor smiled down at me. "I learned from the American nurses in England during the war. I had an interesting time then."

"I'll just bet you did." I took his arm, wrenching my other arm free from Mag. "I'd love to dance." Thank God for my part in a fifties revue in Vegas. Of course Mara's dress was perfect for the jitterbug, while I looked like
I Dream of Jeannie
on speed. That wasn't about to stop me though.

Igor could have taken the trophy on
Dancing With the Stars
. We soon left Blade, who, sorry, was
a natural on the dance floor, and Mara, who'd worn one too many petticoats, in our dust. The fact that every man in the audience was waiting to see if my top could contain my bouncing boobs obviously helped our popularity. Igor threw me over his shoulders, through his legs and finally we shimmied off into the night when I was afraid I'd tested my bra straps to the max. I hurriedly jerked up my top. Yep, the girls were showing but hopefully I'd moved fast enough to make them a blur.

We laughed and collapsed into each others arms as the band segued into a slower big band number.

"That was fun!" I took the handkerchief Igor handed me and carefully blotted my makeup. "I hope I didn't embarrass you. You're a terrific dancer! You could have given Fred Astaire lessons!"

"I did!" Igor was grinning while he led us around the back of the crowd to the silver drinks fountain in the living room. He handed me a cup of synthetic. "Drink. You look like you could use it. You were great. But if you want a few private lessons . . ."

"Thanks. You know, for a while I was hooked on your Bloodthirsty." I sipped the B negative, then sat on a chair nearby. I looked around for Jerry and saw him in deep discussion with his mother and Mara. "I hate to tell you this, but there was something wrong with it. It just didn't do it for me. Energywise." I took another sip. "This is much better. I'll have to ask Damian the brand. Sorry, Igor, but I'm switching again."

Jerry strolled up. "She's right, Igor. What's wrong with your quality control? After a week or so of your stuff, she was so weak she almost fell off a cliff." He took a cup and filled it. "This is more like it."

"This is Bloodthirsty too, Gloriana, Jeremiah." Igor ran a hand through his dark hair, looked around and gestured toward the front door. "Please. Will you come with me for a moment? Both of you?"

"What?" I looked at Jerry, but we followed Igor, who shooed a startled maid out of the small powder room that had been turned into an auxiliary cloak room and shut us inside.

I leaned against a sable stole and wished I had it in my shop to sell. It was worth big bucks.

"Okay, Igor, what's the big mystery?" Jerry didn't appreciate being wedged between a toilet and a black marble pedestal sink. Igor shook his head. "I have done a terrible thing, a terrible thing."

"What have you done, Igor?" Jerry tried to adjust his sword and the toilet flushed.

"Obviously you know that I own the company that makes Bloodthirsty, Jeremiah." Igor was almost chest to chest with me, his hand planted in sable next to my head. "I own many companies, I support many charities. This is what I do. I'm always looking for ways to help the helpless. And I hate those who take advantage . . ." He looked away.

"The point, Igor?" Jerry wasn't bothering to be tactful. Maybe it was the fact that Igor's chest had just brushed mine that made him testy. I was okay with that.

"A man came to me. He wanted to give me a lot of money to have access to my computer records in one of my companies. And I'd just found out about those poor were-kittens! They needed so much!" Igor made eye contact with me. "So I listened to him. He wanted to know when you, Gloriana, ordered a blood substitute from me. You never had, so he sent you a coupon and made sure a friend of yours got one too." Igor sighed. "I'm sorry, Gloriana, but I had no reason to care what happened to you. Magdalena has complained about you for years. She says you are a, excuse me, slut, who wants Jeremiah's money and his status. Claims you are lower class-"

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